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So the UVG kickstarter is going well. It's incredible—it's exceeding every one of my expectations—and I can't thank everyone of you heroes enough. We're heading into the last ten-day, and it looks like we'll get the digital screen and everything. The feeling is good, but most of all I feel satisfied.

I have a detailed project outline, I have enough work to keep me busy for weeks, I have enough ideas to keep me short on time ... and I'll have a few polls for the heroes and metaheroes soon to figure out the next steps in Longwinter and the rest.

But just a bit of news first.

Friends and Family

Next ten days are going to be mad. Besides wrapping up the kickstarter, some good friends are visiting Korea for the first time. That'll be ... interesting times.

Kickstarter Add Ons

So, kickstarter makes it possible to create some additional things with backerkit. We've come up with a few bonus things, that I'll design after the book is done. But you've seen the postcards (look, up there!). We're also thinking of making an option to choose dice colors, some t-shirts ... basic things like that, nothing bank-or-project busting.

That said: more dice colors!

I can't quite express how cool it feels: my UVG dice making it into the physical world. Wow.

Now, back to Longwinter.

It's been a while

And a real lesson in not splitting myself between projects, like I tried to do with Red Sky and Longwinter. Guess my brain just doesn't work that way. That said ... now is the time to get started.

My outline for the next chapter of Longwinter is to detail ways and challenges facing people escaping from the valley. Essentially, like the movie Alive? Things like that. So, may I invite you, gentle heroes, to now suggest.

What would you really like to see in Chapter 2: Escape From Winterwhite?

Thank you again for your support, everyone!




Any chance of dice colors that are black light sensitive? That'd be f'in metal.


For Long Winter: natural hazards, maybe with a twist?


Uhm ... there _is_ a chance. Yes. <a href="https://q-workshop.com/en/content/7-custom-dice" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://q-workshop.com/en/content/7-custom-dice</a> ... A few folks have asked about that, so might as well check with Q-workshop!


Yep, going to do a bunch of those. Planning a series of mini-challenges for mountains and winter, things like encountering avalanches, crossing cliffs, fording frozen rivers, dropping through the ice ... crossed with the equipment / heat rules. But that's a good point, I might make that a bit of a focus.