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You've waited. And waited. Then waited some more.

Finally I've written the chapter on the Near Moon of the Ultraviolet Grasslands. In the end, this became it's own little playground and semi-procedural low-gravity crawling environment, going through the dusty crust, past the meaty mantel, to the crystal core itself.

And it comes with the potential for utter and absolute devastation.

Now, quite a few people suggested I should just publish this as a paid post, but in the end ... I couldn't. I promised this a ways ago, so here it is now. Free, for you - the heroes of the stratometaship.

The next time anybody sees this work is when they hold the completed .pdf of the UVG in their hands—or the physical book for that matter.

That said, if you really like it, you can freely contribute a ko-fi, two, or three to the WTF ko-fi page. I honestly won't mind.

These strange weeks

These weeks of the kickstarter have been utterly astonishing, draining, perplexing, exhilarating, and humbling all at once. It's both a continuous rush and a continuous drain. I really have to thank all of you for your support and encouragement throughout.

Thank you.

Ok, no more words. Enjoy the Heart of the Moon, and be careful how you pilot the Highway Star!


P.S. - this text hasn't been edited and proof-read yet in its entirety, so that's going to fall on the shoulders of the Moonrats, Fiona and Jarrett, soon, soon, soon!




Gotta say - just comparing the layout and writing of this to the rest of the UVG - you've improved man!


Ahhh, thank you Wombat! :) Partly it's a different workflow - I'm writing in scrivener and numbers, then combining in indesign - but yeah, partly I've also improved a tad ;)