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Well ... you might have heard by now, but we've blown through all our funding goals and now the UVG art that was black and white because I'd run out of time to color it? It's all getting colored. 

And I might sneak in some extra art, too, since that seems to fit too.

Over the weekend I also made some concepts for UVG dice ... with super old school roman numerals (though poor Q Workshop is going to have to adjust them for their machines! Let's see what results).

and realized, might have to replace the X on the d10 with an (o)!

This is all just ... a little mind blowing, so, yeah.

This is just a simple update saying thank you to everyone at this patreon, to all of you heroes. You all made this possible. You all said the UVG rocked ... well, now it's rocking out there in the big world too.

Just over a month ago, when we were launching the kickstarter, I rationally expected it to work, but emotionally I was ready to crash and burn. I even made backup contracts with the editors to pay them out of royalties if we didn't meet the target.

Well, target met.



So, for relaxation, I'm doing a small project on the side. I teased it on the discord, but it deserves to be teased here, too. This is its own standalone thing and has no timeline or anything. Once it's finished, I'll post it as a bonus update on patreon.

Folk of Bronze and Thunder

"The roleplaying game of bronze age settlement in the Well-chosen Land."


This roleplaying game has no referee. Each player controls a tribe belonging to the Folk of Bronze and Thunder.

The game uses:

  • ten (d10) and six-sided (d6) dice, 
  • a deck of ordinary playing cards, 
  • a printed copy of the circle of life (the action wheel),
  • a token to represent each player’s tribe, 
  • a large piece of paper to map the Well-chosen Land, 
  • and an idol, a special token that represents the god of the Folk of Bronze and Thunder, Váal Kamin. It doesn’t do much, but it should be big and impressive.

Each player also needs a writing implement and surface (though tablet-reeds and clay tablets would be very appropriate, I don’t recommend them. They’re heavy).

Play proceeds in seven chapters, telling the stories of the tribes.

The most colourful player starts play.


Chapter 1: The Dividing of the Land and the Sea - making the land

Chapter 2: The Naming of the Tribes - making the tribes

Chapter 3: The Gift of Vaal Kamin - conquering the land

Chapter 4: The Springtime of the Folk - the growth of the tribes


This is just an outline of what I'm working on now, but there's already a short 2600 word story to provide a counterpoint to one of the stories and this funky mockup:

Yes! An initative tracker for a game of tribes! O_O

Umm ... ... now I'll have to go to the bunker soon to start coloring. O_O




Footnote: did you come here from somewhere else? Just browsing? It's not April 17th yet? Go support the UVG kickstarter while you can! ^_^ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/exaltedfuneral/the-ultraviolet-grasslands




Very cool!