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It is with glad heart that announce that we are basically done with the UVG Kickstarter. From an initial goal of $15,000 we're about to cross the ultimate stretch goal of a video of me doing yoga to heavy metal music in a forest. This was initially a joke, but then I decided to make it a 'serious' 'for-real' stretch goal—something to do once the whole book is sealed and delivered, as a way to say thank you.

It was also a pretty simple way to keep the "game" of stretch goals going without overloading the kickstarter with doo-dads that would be hard to deliver (the dice are going to be brutal enough ;)).

Reminder for the Heroes' Feast

Whether or not you're backing the kickstarter, there are a few bennies in it for you as a Stratometaship member (I'm reposting this from the February announcement post):

  • ONE: every minihero, hero, and metahero will get a $5 shipping discount, so effectively a 10% discount on the printed book. I'll send them out shortly, after arranging it with Exalted.
  • TWO: every active minihero, hero, and metahero who has supported the patreon for a total of $15, will get the digital .pdf edition of the final UVG for free, whether or not they contribute to the kickstarter. I'm going to trawl through the records at some point next week, to make a list of everyone who's elligible—bear with me, it'll take a bit of time.
  • THREE: all active metaheroes (the $9 tier) will, as part of their book collector perk, get the digital .pdf edition.
  • BONUS FOUR: even if you're not a backer of the kickstarter, I'm going to pester Exalted Funeral to figure out a way for you to order some of the kickstarter swag. No promises, but I think it's 95% likely we'll figure something out. And anyway, whoever heard of rolling a 1 on a d20, amirite?

A Terrible Game of Dice

Hero KYA suggested I make some kind of special game to play with the artsy roman numeral dice, and I stored it away in the back of my mind. Then, yesterday, while on the subway, it came to me. Possibly the most arcane and horrible mechanic ever, but useful for simulating a strange gambling game. Feel free to expand on it and make it sillier.

Shockingly, this "game" actually works quite ok. I'll write it up as a .pdf for you, too. Here are the dice for it:

I know they're not super legible, but that's where the sand timer comes in ^_^.

UVG T-shirts

Now, another thing—with Exalted Funeral we've also decided to make a small run of UVG T-shirts to celebrate the success of the kickstarter.

This is quite possibly the daftest mockup ever, but there you go. The T-shirts are getting screen printed in a cool little T-shirt shoppee somewhere in Idaho. I hear it's a place with mountains, so that's nice, right?

Finally, So Many Thank Yous

Ok, phew. Announcements done. Now I can only repeat myself, that I cannot thank you enough for your support and encouragement and, yes, money throughout the long months of writing and preparing the UVG, and then the other books.

Without you, I wouldn't have found the confidence to write these books. I wouldn't have been able to afford the time to illustrate them. I wouldn't have had any possibility of reaching out to publishers and making them a reality.

Thank you from the depths of my heart. Truly, you are my heroes, all of you.

I hope we'll make many more books and games and stories together.

Most sincerely,


A kuna pharrit and its rider symbiont.




Just backed in the last 5 minutes before you posted.


I got the Backerkit notification to do the survey but I didn't see a coupon code I could use for shipping?


I _think_ Exalted Funeral is still testing and setting everything up? Hold off a bit till next week, we'll get the code sorted :)