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Readers, heroes, patrons.<br><br>This last week, and the next two weeks, things are very busy in the run up to my vacation. I’ll be posting some pictures here and there, but I can’t promise I’ll make much headway on either UVG or Skeleton. That’s just how it goes.<br><br>Meanwhile, here is Peak Bird - last redoubt of the feather merchants Yug and Nam, who supplied the ageless serpent of the Memory Makers with its rainbow plumage. Pursued by the betrayed Makers, Yug and Nam sheared their bonds with Mother Earth and floated free of the land. The bondshear laid waste to the counties of Stripecreek and Wormhorn, and forevermore the dirt herders of those lands have referred to Yug and Nam as the destroyers. Today, small shrines to appease the destroyers dot the rustic shell-towns. Peak Bird itself continues to float serenely, gently crumbling in the sun and wind of the Peach Land.

Meanwhile, the Neoclassical Geek Revival is close to its last stretch goal over on kickstarter: with my drawings as the goal. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1594988817/neoclassical-geek-revival check it out if it might tickle your fancy!



Dyson Logos

Peak Bird, huh? It's all downhill bird from here. Also, WE NEED TO HIT THAT STRETCH GOAL! I don't want, I NEED, I HUNGER FOR, I DESIRE FROM THE DEPTHS OF MY SOUL a copy of NGR illustrated by you.