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The old ways of the troglodytes weep still with their chemical signals, staining the waters that pool in their deeps, scum-skinned and gelatinous, with the darkness that eventually ate those pitiful creatures' souls.


A small thing to tide everyone over, while I prepare to head out on my well-earned vacation on Saturday. It's been an incredibly busy seven weeks teaching a summer school on creative writing, and I plan to return with the final update sometime in mid August.

If anybody happens to be at Brutal Assault in Czechia this August, let me know. We can talk some heavy metal.


Also, a welcome to all the new patrons since the last post! It is good to have you here, an honour and a pleasure, and I shall greet you personally as soon as the heatwave and the workwave abates.


Finally, as the finale approaches, if you are a supporter at the hero tier, let me know what kind of NPC or minor location you would like to see illustrated and added to the UVG. If you're supporting at the metahero tier and would like to see an expedition or small quest or additional feature tailored to your game, let me know as well, and I shall figure out how to include them in the UVG.

You can just share ideas and requests in the comments of this post—it's the easiest place for me to keep track of them!




Ugh. Well spotted! Another artifact of the edit when I removed the lazy toilet humor!


For my illustration request - Ban Blab Blub, the gunslinger/grave robber/would-be-scholar my party is seeking in the UVG for various reasons of their own. He wears a wide-brimmed (maybe conical) hat and has a third arm - a petromantical one attached just below his right arm and secured with leather straps across his torso.