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This thing can't really fly, can it?

It's back to the LIMINARC today, everybody! This right here is Good Gorbus, the relativistic caravan's flagship. This behemoth of a ship is the sole focus of our fourth LIMINARC release. This is a unique bundle of content for a number of reasons. Let's explore why!

Borough Guide

The entirety of this borough guide is dedicated to explaining the ship, its captain, and its multitude of modules and functions. Learn about the hangar and the ships that fly within. Explore the psyche of Captain Archlogician Kay Bolli Tolli. Consider the ramifications of a "temporal stasis chamber." In all likelihood, you'll be running sessiona abord Good Gorbus as either a home base or as a big ol' dungeon, and you'll want a thorough grasp on the ship's amenities either way!


The primary map for this release is one big ship. Of course! We've got day and night variants, plus a png for those of you with cool enough rigs to to use this massive ship as a token. 

In lieu of a bunch of backgrounds for this map, we're trying something a little different. This release includes 18 interior room assets and 11 corridor and door assets. Patrons at the Chief Courier tier get access to the whole bunch, while those at the General Messenger tier get all of the corridors and doors, plus the 9 most important interiors. 

We've also provided two sample decks that you can slot in perfectly with the layout of the ship. We suspect most of you will want to mix and match these interior assets to build your own modular ship layouts, but feel free to use our sample decks if you'd rather!


Good Gorbus is a magical and technological marvel, exceptional both in terms of its arcane magnificence and complex machinery. Accordingly, we've provided a crunchy and complex theme song for the ship. "Flagship" is part Star Trek, part Final Fantasy. Throw it on during roleplaying scenes abord the airship, or just while you're exploring high-tech dungeons. For chiller, aquatic vibes, throw on the "Aquarium" variant, perfect for the aquarium module we're including with this bundle!


Get this week's files below!

Delivery Kid

The LIMINARC 04 - Economies of Scale - Delivery Kid Rewards 

General Messenger

The LIMINARC 04 - Economies of Scale - General Messenger Rewards 

Chief Courier

The LIMINARC 04 - Economies of Scale - Chief Courier Rewards 


This week's map variations:
