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In today's episode, we look for the fun in Charles Stross' rainbow space frogs and admire some very large gastropods.

Get your US copies of the Pamphlet here and the Magonium Mine Murders here. In the UK? Get your physical copies of the Pamphlet of Pantheons, the Magonium Mine Murders, or both direct from me. Looking for digital copies? Find them on Itch or on Drivethru.

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


James Baillie

So I've just been catching up and this made me really realise how little I understand slaads... because in my brain up until now I had them down, not sure really where from as "they're from a chaotic plane and they're weird frog colourful guys" so I'd always assumed that they were in fact quintessentially chaotic and if I'd dumped them into a game it would likely have been as that, a sort of raw-chaotic creature, perhaps a foil/antithesis to the Modrons. I didn't really realise they had all this heirarchy and evilness going on I guess.


Yeah, and the chaotic theme is reinforced by Ssendam being one of their lords, too. I think they were intended to fill a space between demons and devils, the way the other similar beings from MM2 eventually did.