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Let's resume this one, shall we?

Also, a big thanks to you guys for understanding. I'll try to improve everything around here in preparations for next month :)




So I know the solution to this problem. It's very logical. Get the flamer... the heavy flamer. Or I mean the more boring method of just buy up all the Lime slime Ice Cream so she can't eat any and hope that the cravings will burn themselves out without supply. OR OR Buy a shrinking potion on Amazon sneak into her stomach and then use the heavy flamer. Perfect


Alright, They tried the nice way. Now it's time for the Hard Way. Gather every last bit of that Lime Slime Ice Cream and Burn it all with a Flamethrower. That girl is absolutely out of control and if she won't listen to reason. Well then, It's time to cut her off that Ice Cream for good. Besides, No more of that Ice Cream and It should stop her or make things 10 times worse. Well, In all fairness she should have read the label or learned some self control


Oh hey someone who agrees get the flamer… the heavy flamer


Let the Ice Cream Burn... Or in this case... Melt... But even if melted to a Liquid she would probably try to lick it. If she does... Gross... But that seems likely due to her being highly out of control.


She's actually the only one raising the sales of that company. Nobody else seems to like that ice cream for some reason... Also I love flamers 😏


I wonder why that is. Hmmm I guess questions to be answered later. Also I'm sure you do~