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Hey there!

Wanted to let you know that I'll be pausing the billing for the month of March.

It's been 4 straight months in which I've been updating both my Patreon and Deviantart, and I became a little stressed by the end of February trying to meet the deadline. I also realized that I haven't been as active as I would like and I've failed to provide enough content to the highest tiers as I have planned; mostly because of the lack of time.

So, I want to take this month to get some rest from content creation and then reorganize the tiers and goals I have here on Patreon.

I'll keep uploading some things here (I think that's still possible? First time using this feature though), like the Read the Label comic that I made in advance, and the collab comic with G-Soda which is still on its way 😉.

Once again, thanks for all your support so far, and apologies if this causes any inconvenience. Hope you understand 

Patreon will become active again by the end of March 🙂


The Lone Wolf

Astraea take a break we’ll still be here supporting you you’ve put out a lot of content this year so far. Don’t feel pressured to for you to come back as soon as possible. If you keep forcing yourself,you yourself will get burnt out of the content you put out I don’t want that for you I love your content you have been very supportive when I needed a comic through gumroad. We’re here for you through thick and thin. Glad you came to Patreon take a long deserved break. You’ve earned it! With the fantastic content you’ve been putting out this year!❤️

Coco l’asticot

Yes please do, don't push yourself too hard.