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"Mirio! Mirio!" there was genuine fright in his voice as he rushed towards his fallen student.

Nighteye let loose a genuine sigh of relief when he gathered the boy into his arms and his eyes flickered open weakly, "S-sir." he muttered out, his nose broken, covering his face in blood and a massive bruise forming across near the entirety of his face.

Who could have done this.

"It's alright Mirio," he assured the boy, before his attention flickered to Bubble Girl and Centipeder who were looking over Midoriya, "How is he?"

"It's pretty bad sir," Bubble Girl answered him grimly, looking away from the boy to him, "His knee cap is broken and so his arm and nose, and he might have a concussion as well. He needs medical treatment right now."

Nighteye grimaced, those were quite serious injuries. He stood up, lifting Mirio in his arms, "Let's go." he ordered. They could find over did this later, Mirio and Midoriya came first here.

Their mission was clearly a failure, how he did not know and could figure out later-

"S-sir," Mirio tugged at his arm drawing his attention down to him, "It…it was a boy. Fourteen or maybe Fifteen years old, not any older than Deku…he had…two swords on his back."

Two swords?

Like the hero killer? Another copycat? A fanboy?

"He killed…Chisaki with his bare hands, cut his head off with a swipe of his arm out of nowhere and he took a girl that Chisaki had," Mirio grimaced out, before sudden tears appeared in his eyes, startling Nighteye, "His daughter I think? He abused her terrible, that…was why the boy killed him. He took her away, and then when we tried to get her back and apprehend him for killing Chisaki…he defeated us easily, he said he could read our minds and he could project images, I think his quirk is in his eyes I saw the way his pupils moved when he claimed he read our minds and projected that image."

Startling. A boy so young, skilled enough to defeat both Mirio and Midoriya easily, at once? With an eye based quirk like his own. And with the strength needed to behead a man with his bare arm?

…If he could read minds though, then had he done the same to Chisaki, saw what he done and acted as he did? A vigalante?

"Sir…it was horrible, what Chisaki did to that girl Eri," Mirio outright wailed, "And I followed your orders, I was going to leave her there even though Deku wanted to take her, for the mission and and…"

"Enough Miriro I understand," Nighteye told him gently, he wouldn't allow Mirio to doubt himself, "It's not your fault, you did everything right, the blame lies instead with me and I-"

This time it was Nighteye that was cut off.

By the sound of rumbling thunder above. All of their eyes were drawn instinctively to the form of an absolutely gargantuan dark cloud forming in the sky above them.

And then a monstrously massive serpentine dragon of lightning shot down from above, and struck somewhere far off with such force and power Nighteye felt the very city itself shake from the after shocks, as a massive explosion of electrical energy lit up the horizon.

He fell straight onto his backside, such was the force. He cradled Mirio as he did, while gaping at where he saw the attack strike.

"It's…it's him sir!" Mirio tried to struggle up and out of his grip, "He said he was going to go kill all of the Shie Hassakai, I know it and…" he trailed off, his mouth hanging low and staring off into the distance.

Nighteye followed his gaze.

And his own jaw dropped as he beheld a massive man in a dark eagle beaked mask grow and grow, becoming titanic in size and growing even more, towering even over sky scrapers and still continuing to grow.

'A giant quirk user who used trigger?!' he wondered.

But no…even that could never reach a size like this.

Wait, Nighteyen recognised him from the profiles they'd made on the Shie Hassakai. That was Rikiya, the one with the energy drain quirk that allowed him to grow and become stronger by draining the vitality of others.

'How many people has he sucked to their death to gain such size and strength!?' Nighteye thought in absolutely disgusted horror.

The titanic man starting shouting and boasting, his voice so loud and grand it echoed for miles upon miles. No doubt everyone in the city had heard it!

Only to pause abruptly as his body began to bulge all over. His head, his shoulders, his limbs, his stomach.

Until he was nothing more than a titanic ball of bulging flesh.

And then he exploded in a shower of gore and blood. Titanic organs raining down from the sky, intestines longer than sky scrapers were tall, kidneys bigger than buses.

And a wave of red blood splashed over the city, and gargantuan splotches of feces splattered all over the buildings.

And people.

Nighteye coughed and spluttered as it rained down over him, bending over to protect Mirio from the wave of nauseating gore.

As the wave died down, he heard the screams of terror, horror and disgust erupting throughout the city around down below.

Mass panic was erupting due to what just happened.

"Sir, sir what to we do?" Bubble Girl asked in a panic herself, eyes wide with fear.

And he could not blame her in this instance.

For he was no different.

But he was a hero, and he had a job to do, "Get Deku to hospital, and take Mirio with you," he said, standing back up and walking over to hand the boy to Centipeder, grimacing as he saw his side kicks covered from head to toe alongside young Deku, in shit and blood, "I'll deal with things here. We're definitely dealing with an S-class villain right now."

It could be no doubt with that kind of power he saw. This boy, despite his age, had the power of a natural disaster just like the likes of Gigantomachia.

"Wait sir, I can help, I-" Mirio tried to protest.

"No, go to the hospital." Nighteye was having none of it, and cut him off instantly.

They hesitated.

"Go!" he demanded.

And they jumped to attention, Bubble Girl and Centipeder rushing off with Mirio and Midoriya in their arms.

He watched them go, before taking a deep shuddering breath and reaching for his phone. He wasted no time in logging in to the Hero Network and creating a national notification that would alert all heroes to what was going on here and just what they were dealing with.

At least as much as he knew.


Nana felt her knees grow weak under her as she stared at the outside world, and what had been wrought.

Such…ruthless brutality.

The boy, Daiki was amused by what happened to that quirk user who literally exploded into a shower of gore. In all her life as a hero, Nana had never seen something as disgusting and horrible as what she just witneseed.

…So much blood.

"Is it sinking in yet?" the massive chimera beast, or rather Tailed Beast, Isobu asked her, laying down with his massive head resting atop his hands, "Accidental it may have been, but you've gotten involved with a whole different beast from what you're used to."

Yes…it was.

A child soldier. From an entirely different world. A world built on the backs of child soldiers. A child soldier that, by Isobu's own words, had killed over a hundred people.

A mass murderer.

Who felt no hesitation or remorse for what he had done. A child that could laugh at a towering titan of a man exploded into gore and rained down upon an innocent city of people.

It was not even that he had no empathy. The actions he was taking for the girl, Eri showed that.

It was that…the morals of his own world were so drastically different compared to her own, so violently opposed that were was very little common ground.

In fact, forget just a mere child solider of that world He was 'thee' child soldier. Who had already been chosen to take over and lead the most powerful military force in his own world, filled with ridiculously powerful people that could easily defeat even Toshinori at his strongest. Who could easily tear apart All For One.

…Which the boy was going to, planned to do as if it were some casual check list on a shopping list.

Their morals did not apply to him. There laws did not apply to them. Even their common sense as people was completely different.

Hell the boy was already sexually active. Very sexually active if some of the memories Isobu had shown her in this land were anything to go by.

"I….I don't even know what to think…or what to do." Nana admitted, looking up at the giant beast.

Who was surprisingly kind and gentle tempered she'd noticed.

"I'm afraid there really is no going back for you," Isobu shook his head apologetically, "But, this does present an opportunity."

Nana blinked, giving a lost look towards him, "What do you mean?" she asked. What exactly could she even do here.

"Despite what Daiki thinks, and despite the fact children from our world grow much quicker mentally, he is in fact still a child," Isobu replied, "He's never known the affection of a mother, or a father. And he's never had any figure like that he can rely on to protect him. Not truly. Not even I can claim as such. I am his partner, his closest ally and confidante, but I am neither his parent, nor his protector. And I am not human. He has taken it upon himself to become the protector, but never the protected."

"You…want me to become a mother to him?" Nana tilted her head to the side. She hadn't exactly done a good job of that before. Just look at where he grandson ended up.

She was a colossal failure there.

"No, he'd violently rebel at the mere thought of such a thing, and completely block you out if you tried," Isobu snorted, "But you are human. Much different from a six thousand year old sword spirit, a dragon made of hellfire that once used to eat humans and a shard of a primordial godlike entity."

Her head whipped around to stare at the large flaming dragon known as Atlas Flame, who shrugged his wings from where he lay, "What about it? Food is food."

…Okay, she wish she didn't know that.

Nana shook her head, "What are you getting at?" she asked, "Sure I'm human, but we're two completely different species of human."

"Yet closer than us," Isobu smiled down at her, "It will be much easier for you to understand the human side of his emotions like attraction and such that we do not. If I have it my way, we will never return to our world. As such, the only girl he truly considered a romantic option and planned to date as he called it and get into a relationship with, is thus lost to him."

Nana scowled at him, "No," she denied flatly, "I am not getting into a relationship, nor fucking a 13 year old."

Even if it was a way for her to perhaps temper him and make him kinder, redeem him, lead him away from the dark side, whatever.

Just no.

"I never said you needed to, though him thinking you attractive would make him more likely to relent with you a bit more," Isobu shrugged, "What I mean is I would like you to aim for something like that. Become someone he can emotionally look to unlike us using your position here."

"…And just how would I even do that? Assuming I wanted to even bother?" Nana asked, arching an eyebrow.

Even if she was stuck here, she had far too much to think about right now too put any real thought into doing such a thing. It was all too fast.

"I don't know, why do you think I'm bringing it up with you, you silly human?" Isobu rolled his eyes, "If I knew how to deal with such a thing I wouldn't be bringing this up, now would I?"

Damn snarky giant turtle thing.


Nuka Man

So many chapters in such a short amount of time, many thanks friend!! Hail to the Grind!


Isobu is such a good friend. Everyone deserves a buddy like Isobro.