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Nana winced as the…space? Shook thunderously and ominously around as the boy she'd just somehow…ended up inside the mind of roared angrily.

In her defence, she hadn't expected this to happen at all. The boys will power…was absurd. The space within One For All, was walled off to intruders by the combined will power of every wielder of the quirk. And the boy had forced himself into as easily as breathing, brushing them aside like gnats.

…But he was so powerful, absurdly so. He presented an opportunity, to kill All For One, once and for all, so she'd only tried to grab him to ask him to stay a little longer.

But his will was literally so strong he dragged her along with him when he left, not even noticing as he crushed their combined will power with his own.

And now here she was…inside the boy himself. His mind? Her eyes flickered to the other residents.

Three of them.

One a towering skeletal dragon that could dwarf a bus in size, its body clad in shimmering blazing flames.

And it was the smallest of the three.

The next was another dragon. This one even bigger, gargantuan in size and like a small mountain. With a body of pitch black ebony rocky surface curled atop an oddly watery substance just like her and the others and…sleeping? Thankfully.

The last though, and the most disconcerting was the absolutely gargantuan chimera like creature. It was mind boggling big, bigger than a mountain. With the body and shell of a tortoise, an almost human face, with spiky rock like hair kind of? Massively shelled and muscular arms like that of a human, and three absurdly and horrendously large armoured shrimp like tails.

And was peering down at her with a single eye that was an amalgamations of yellow, red, purple and black with concentrated rings all throughout it.

She shook her head, ignoring the terror the massive being invoked in her, "It's not like I meant to come, you dragged me off!" she shouted back.

Unlike little Izuku, this boy seemed well capable of conversing and communicating with these…inner beasts, if the way the giant turtle chimera thing spoke to him and got a reply was anything to go by.

Just what manner of quirk did this boy have? To have manifestations like this inside him?

He could read minds, had absurd will power. His strength and speed were beyond insane, he easily dealt with one hundred percent of their power launched at him.

Multiple quirks?

…This could be a problem though, without her there the combined will power of One For All was now weaker. And with her and her quirk factor gone, it would surely reach singularity quicker!

Izuku wasn't ready for that yet!

But…but this could be an opportunity, if this boy was as strong as she thought, then-

"Go back already to that loser Deku!" the boy, Daiki the giant turtle chimera thing had called him shouted again.

"I would if I could you brat!" Nana couldn't help it, and snapped, "I don't exactly control this sort of thing. And it's your fault you know for forcing your way in."

"Is it fuck!" he shot back, and Nana blinked as the boy suddenly appeared within his mind scape? His quirk factor? A growl on his face as he turned to her and pointed a finger at her, "That lame ass Deku got in my way first, and since you're part of him, that means it's your fault. So tell me, how the hell do I get you out of here lady?"

"I can't go back myself, and my name is Nana!" she fired back, "You'd need to bring Izuku in here somehow and get him to take me back!"

"As if I'd let that loser in my mind," Daiki bit out, before scoffing, "What kind of name is Nana anyway? Your name is literally grandma. What an old lady name."

"Why you disrespectful little brat!" Nana's eye twitched, "For your information I am a grandmother!"

Daiki blinked, the fire fizzling out of him and he just…stared at her for a moment, "You're…a grandma?" he asked, mouth hanging low.

And then his eyes went low, taking in her breasts, her hips, and then her thighs.

"Hey, hey! Eyes up here!" Nana snapped her fingers at him, "Didn't your mother ever teach you to respect women."

"That'd be hard, never met the women, she died right after giving birth to me, and my dad not long later," the kid snorted and gave a shrug, "And I'll do what I want lady, Nana or whatever."

Nana winced, "Ah, I'm sorry," she apologised. That honestly should have been more apparent considering how he'd acted so far. Still, this was her chance, "So anyway…moving on. I guess I'm kind of stuck here? But it's not so bad I promise, I mean my quirk factor came with me so you'll be able to use it as well at some point."

The real problem was that she contained a shard of One For All. Empty as it may be now since all the power was in the original, but it would begin to fill up over time.

In response, the boy rolled his startling red eyes, "Whatever, could be worse. At least you're hot and have thighs that could crush a watermelon," he snorted, shaking his head, "Either way, I've got better things to do. Like some assholes to kill brutally."

And Nana just remembered at his words, exactly what he'd done as soon as Izuku saw him. He'd decapitated a man, criminal child abusing scum or not with his bare hand.

"Deal with her for me, will you?" The boy looked at the giant chimera turtle beast, who nodded in reply.

Before he disappeared out of sight before she could say anything else.

She looked up and met the eyes of the giant beast, who smiled at her, "Well now, you've got yourself caught up in a right pickle haven't you?" it mused aloud.

"That's for sure!" the flaming dragon started laughing, "Poor little human has no idea what she's got herself involved in now."

Nana did not like the sound of that.

And when the beast spoke, and filled her in.

She especially did not like what she learned.

She had made a horrible mistake.


His curiosity had once again punished him.


Shaking his head, Daiki took the time to give Deku's unconscious body a little petty kick in the ribs, before walking to the edge of the roof and preparing to leap off.

…Before a thought occurred.

"Status." he said aloud, bringing his status screen up in front of his vision and took a look over it.

Name: Daiki Yurei
Age: 13
Chakra Capacity: 200,628/201,035 (Low-Tier Kage)
Ethernano Capacity: 3566/3566 (A)
Aura: 294,222/294,222
WillPower: -/-
Strength: 254/?
Endurance: 327/?
Durability: 250/?
Agility: 251/?
Taijutsu: 267/500
Ninjutsu: 396/500
Genjutsu: 109/500
Bukijutsu: 300/500
Chakra Control: 334/500

Chakra Affinities:
Lightning - (Expert): The Heavens Spark
Water - (Master): The Sea Parts Before You
Wind - (Master): The Gale Bows
Earth - (Adept): The Earth Shakes
Fire - (Adept): Burning Soul

Fuinjutsu - (Expert): The World Awaits You.

Ethernano Magic Style:
Hellfire Dragon Slayer Magic

All Out Offensive

Void Magic:
Explosion - Gandalfr
Haste - Mjoovitnir
Scrying - Vindalfir

Quirk Factor:
One For All

…Just like she said.

There it was. Nana's quirk. And another that he hadn't expected. One For All. He clenched his ass cheeks and curled his hand into a fist.

And drew upon the power the same way he felt Deku did within his memories. And he felt a click.

And there was a flicker.

Before it fizzled out.

"Empty, huh?" Daiki hummed, before shrugging. Well, whatever. He supposed it would come in useful a bit.

In a few hundred years maybe.

And that Float quirk, assuming it did what it said in the same, was absolutely useless to him as well. He could already fly with the Mysterious Peacock Method.

Lovely, absolutely useless abilities to him.

All for the price of some wannabe hero lady. She really better not try to moral police him. Otherwise, he was going to go in there and seal her fucking conscious asleep and leave here like that for however long he felt like.

And with that thought, he leaped off the building and made a quick dash over towards his destination.

As he left the building behind, Daiki caught sight of a tall thin man with spectacles and green haired, dressed in a business suit rushing towards the area, alongside a cute blue skinned girl…and a dude with a centipede for a head.

Sir Nighteye, Bubble Girl and Centipeder Daiki recognised them from reading Lemillion's memories.

'Bubble Girl sure is cute.' he thought idly.

Too bad, he wasn't in any position to admire her cute exotic looks. He was on a mission of retribution right now.

"So….you were kinda harsh there partner." Derflinger spoke up for the first time since they'd arrived in this world.

He'd been quiet ever since.

Then again, they hadn't even been here for twenty five minutes yet. Honestly, it stunned him sometimes how fast he could move and accomplish things.

"I was." Daiki agreed. He could admit that freely at least. It was incredibly petty of him.

But he needed to vent a bit.

Luckily, his rage had bled off a bit.

Just a bit.

He was still going to kill all of the Shie Hassaikai though, that yakuza wannabe scum.

"Well, just as long as you know." Derflinger hummed, making no other comment on his actions.

And Daiki was grateful.

Good guy that Derflinger.

He landed outside the mansion base of the yakuza gang and unsheathed Derflingers twin blades from his back, "So it probably won't be the big intense fight you want," Daiki started as he twirled the blades, feeding his chakra into them and causing a crackling aura of lightning to burst into existence around them, "But the crappy heroes of this place will be totally out en masse for us after this, so we'll get to fight a ton." he said, thrusting the blades up and unleashing a massive beam of crackling lightning into the sky.

Which quickly began to form a humongous dark cloud above that grew and grew until it eclipsed multiple hundred feet and covered well over the range of the yakuza base.

"Eh…but if that All Might guy is the strongest here, I'd cut through em' now like a hot knife through butter, that's no fun," Derflinger sighed, "And I kinda don't wanna be used to do that to a bunch of generally good people."

"Fair enough," Daiki nodded, "We'll leave this world behind then after after I do one more thing after killing this trash."

While he was here, he may as well take care of the root issue of this world. And go kill that pathetic big bad locked up in prison.

"Hopefully the next world will be full of nasty strong bastards we can kill to our hearts content partner!" Derflinger mused.

And then Daiki dragged the twin kiba blades down, "Lightning Style: Thunder Dragon Tornado!" he shouted.

And from the clouds above, a massive serpentine dragon made up of swirling, churning bolts of lightning descended from above in a flash of roaring power.

And struck the base of the Shie Hassaiki.

And erupted into a massive explosion of force and crackling electrical power, utterly obliterating the building and the land within its walls.

Daiki admired his handy work and the sheer destruction he'd casually wrought in satisfaction. "Pieces of trash." he spat.

With his eyes, he could see them all. The dozens of smoking, charred bodies laying in the wreck of the once mansion base.

He was about to turn to leave and get on with things, but he paused. One of them twitched.

The biggest of them all.

A huge behemoth of a man wearing a version of the plague doctor beak mask that covered his entire face.

Shakily the massive figure rose up, burned and bloodied massively his beak like mask mouth was open and trials of orange light were congregating around him, getting sucked up inside his maw.

And his body grew and grew.

"Hmm?" Daiki looked down and noticed a similar one coming off of him. An aura of glowing orange energy and felt a slight weakness take hold of his body.

Akin to exhaustion, but with his recovery abilities it was fixed right away.

Rikiya was this fools name, if Daiki wasn't wrong. At least according to Overhaul's memories. And his quirk, was Energy Drain or something like that, which allowed him to drain vitality from those around him and convert it into pure size and strength.

He watched as the man draining energy so grow and become stronger ballooned in size, rising up like a sky scraper.

A hundred feet tall.

Two hundred.

Three hundred.

Higher and higher he went until he became a sky scraper as he continued to drain energy from Daiki, who watched blankly, "This power, I can't believe it! I've never felt this powerful before! Such vitality!" the man roared, "This…this is unreal! I can do it! Master Overhaul, with this power I could even defeat All Might in his pr-"

The titanic form of Rikiya suddenly paused as his body bulged grotesquely. First his shoulders, then his full arms. Then his legs. Then his stomach and head. It all swelled up until he was a massive titanic blob of bulging flab.

And then he exploded in a massive gushing ocean of blood and guts that erupted over the city like a wave of red gore.

"Somebody shoulda told him to watch his eyes aren't bigger than his belly." Daiki snorted, rolling his eyes.

…That was actually kind of hilarious.

In a fucked up way.

"Partner….that was nasty as hell." Derflinger practically shivered in his hands, before Daiki sheathed him back on his back.

"Not like I planned it." he shrugged. He did point and laugh more or less though. Still, that quirk.

That could be useful in the right hands and used correctly. And by the right hands, he meant himself.

Ignoring the gore and bodies all around him, he walked over to the spot where the man was standing before he began bulging in size. All that was left of him was hollowed out skin and tissue.

Like a water balloon that had exploded already. It was a big saggy carpet of skin. Which Daiki wasted no time in sucking up into his dimension force seal.

As he did though, he noticed two specific bodies curled up around each other. Well, one more curled up over another as if shielding the one below.

To no avail.

It was a girl, a blonde girl? Maybe? It was hard to tell with how charred she was. Though she seemed to be wearing the remains of a ruined school uniform and her hair was done in some odd meatball like ponytails

And the one above her, shielding her was clad in a full black and maybe grey? Body suit.

"Have I seen these people somewhere before?" Daiki wondered, before shrugging and turning on his heel.

He had a big bad to go kill and then it was time to move on.


Brian Rodriguez Perez

Sucks that Himiko and Jin died but we'll they've kind of went past the point of no return at this point.


Toga and Twice died? Kinda sad about that