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Before taking his leave from the ruined headquarters of Shie Hassaikai, Daiki took a cursory glance around with his eyes to see if there was anything of worth taking for himself.

But there pretty much wasn't.

There was a tunnel system below the mansion base though. With some thugs cowering within it still.

And a massive safe.

Daiki took a stroll down there and killed the rest of them before they even realised what was happening, before prying the titanium safe door out of the wall with his bare hands.

To find an absolutely massive stack of cash, yen to be precise.

Roughly four billion or so yen to be even more precise. At least according to the memories he yoinked from Overhaul.

Quite a lot really, but it made quite a bit of sense. Shie Hassaikai were selling trigger and the quirk erasing bullets on the black market, and they were a decently big operation.

Emphasis on the were.

"Yoink." Daiki snorted, placing his hand within the safe and sucking up every little ounce of currency within the safe, into his dimension force seal.

It wasn't exactly all that useful to him since he wasn't planning on being here for long. But, he'd already been collecting currency from other worlds so he may as well grab this as well.

"…Speaking of Overhaul though." Daiki hummed in thought as he turned and left the safe, tapping his chin all the while.

His quirk would be very useful to him.

He was originally going to wait until he completed his bloodline usurpation seal. But, now that he thought about it.

Overhaul himself could let him skip that middle man entirely and let him accomplish what he wanted to do without using his seal.

…Granted, even if it did he was still going to complete the seal, because in doing so it would boost his understanding of seals much further than it already was.

He was still only a fuinjutsu expert after all.

Lifting his hand up, Daiki summoned Overhaul's headless corpse from his seal and let it drop to the ground like a piece of trash.

Now of course, the problem was presented. Overhaul was dead. How could he thus have him use his quirk to transfer his quirk factor to Daiki himself?

The answer was two fold.

One, Daiki had read Overhaul's memories and thus experienced him activating and using his quirk many, many times.

The second, was Daiki didn't need Overhaul to be alive. He could control the body himself.

Through chakra strings.

Daiki lifted both hands into the air, and from each finger shimmering green strings of chakra ejected from the tenketsu on his finger tips and wrapped around Overhaul's body.

He twitched his fingers.

And the headless corpse, lifted its hands to press them against the ground and push itself up onto its feet and turn towards him.

With another twitch of his fingers, Overhaul's body made its way over to him and lifted its hands, wrapping them around Daiki's wrists.

And then it activated its quirk.

And Daiki felt as the quirk factor left Overhaul's body, and entered into his own. He could feel it now, recognise the feeling of it within him like he had from peering into Overhaul's memories.

Though, just to be sure, "Status." he said aloud.

Name: Daiki Yurei
Age: 13
Chakra Capacity: 200,929/201,035 (Low-Tier Kage)
Ethernano Capacity: 3566/3566 (A)
Aura: 294,222/294,222
WillPower: -/-
Strength: 254/?
Endurance: 327/?
Durability: 250/?
Agility: 251/?
Taijutsu: 267/500
Ninjutsu: 396/500
Genjutsu: 109/500
Bukijutsu: 300/500
Chakra Control: 334/500

Chakra Affinities:
Lightning - (Expert): The Heavens Spark
Water - (Master): The Sea Parts Before You
Wind - (Master): The Gale Bows
Earth - (Adept): The Earth Shakes
Fire - (Adept): Burning Soul

Fuinjutsu - (Expert): The World Awaits You.

Ethernano Magic Style:
Hellfire Dragon Slayer Magic

All Out Offensive

Void Magic:
Explosion - Gandalfr
Haste - Mjoovitnir
Scrying - Vindalfir

Quirk Factor:
One For All

There it was. Just as he thought.

"Guess I don't need you anymore." Daiki smirked at the corpse and opened his palms wide. Draconic hellfire blazed into existence and erupted in a roaring wave of flame that washed over the corpse of Overhaul, and burned it from existence.

Fucking piece of trash.

Daiki outright spat on the place the corpse had stood, specifically on the ashes of it that remained. He'd never disliked anyone as much as he had Overhaul.

'Now then.' he mused, waving his arm against and summoning forth from his dimension seal.

A big honking sheet of skin. From that moron who had tried to drain his vitality just a little bit ago. And gorged on a little too much. And exploded into chunks.

This was just a test though, to get a feel for using the quirk himself.

He picked up the massive sheet of bloody disgusting skin tissue and drew upon Overhaul's memories to activate his quirk.

Daiki's eye twitched a little bit in pain as the massive sheet of skin was compressed down with the quirk, rolling around in the air like clothes within a washing mashing, before layering over his arms and melding with them.

Combining and being absorbed into his body, becoming one with him.

And once again he felt it, as another quirk factor took up residence within his body.

Energy Drain was his now.

A much more useful power in his hands. But also, it was a sign of his experiments complete success.

His arms didn't look any different at all despite him taking that massive curtain of skin into him. And not a single sign of rejection.

'I suppose you can finally do it then?' Isobu hummed, 'Prepare yourself.'

Daiki blinked, "What do you mean?" he asked. Sure, he could finally do it, and he could feel excitement and satisfaction twisting in his core.

But why prepare himself?

'Remember Anko? The state she was in when you gave her merely that chakra from Orochimaru's shade? And how you felt the first few times you went through big power jumps?' Isobu reminded him, 'What you're going to do now, is going beyond just taking a bloodline into yourself and making it yours. You're going to take everything and combine it with yourself.'


That did make sense.

After all. Shisui was a lot stronger than Daiki was, at least in his base form. Shisui after all, was approaching that of a kage level ninja when he was killed.

"Alright, I hear you loud and clear." Daiki nodded in understanding. He'd need to brace himself a little bit so he didn't go through a massive power high.

He lifted his hand once more, and summoned the corpse of-

Shisui Uchiha.

For a moment, Daiki took in the corpse of his comrade and fellow leaf shinobi. With all the chakra and life force he'd spent to repair his corpse after finding it with the help of his chameleon summons.

It was utterly pristine. Shisui Uchiha looked like he was merely sleeping peacefully. And not a sixteen or seventeen year old boy who had been dead for over five years.

Kneeling down, Daiki touched his hand to the corpse, gently placing his palm on his forehead and closed his eyes, bowing his head, "As a fellow leaf ninja and the future Hokage, let me thank you once again for your loyalty to the village Shisui," he murmured in real praise, "Thanks to your sacrifice Danzo wasn't able to get things his way, and the Uchiha and their coup was stopped before it could do real damage to the village. And thanks to your bloodline and hard earned training to build this body of yours up, I'll become even stronger from now on and hit an all new level of strength. Rest easy comrade knowing that Konoha is safe in my hands and that your sacrifice and loyalty will see towards that."

And as he finished, Daiki opened his eyes and he activate Overhaul's quirk. Dissembling Shisui's body.

And his own.

Pain assaulted Daiki's very being. Being disassembled and then reassembled by the Overhaul quirk, was not painless. In fact, in some ways, it was beyond just painful.

Despite being broke apart into mere cells, every nerve still worked. And though it lasted only a mere second or two, it felt like an eternity of pain.

But pain was an old friend to Daiki, and it reminded him very much of the time he gained the Cursed Seal of Heaven, before making it his own.

In just a moment, a few blinks of an eye.

Daiki reassembled kneeling where he was, the corpse of his comrade Shisui Uchiha, missing without a trace. As if it never existed at all.

Strength suffused Daiki's very being. Even with the full power of the Heavenly Star Seal flowing through him before, even with the power of the dragon force enhancing that even further he didn't feel this strong.

It was incredible, but-

One thought allowed him to focus and ignore the euphoric feeling of strength pulsing through his veins.

'So that was the kind of pain Eri had to go through every single time, huh?' Daiki grimaced as he stood up.

…He might have killed Overhaul too quickly. He should have tortured him before killing him.

The bastard had truly gotten too lucky to die so easily.

It was then though, that Daiki noticed something.

His vision, while amazingly clear. Was shockingly lacking compared to what it was like before. Daiki almost felt blind actually.

'Chakra isn't flowing to my eyes automatically.' he noticed a moment later. It was so odd.

He was so used to chakra constantly running through the tenketsu of his eyes that he felt almost alien.

He quickly made a few hand seals, "Water Style: Water Mirror." he said, spitting out a gout of water that quickly formed into a reflective mirror. Usually, such a technique would be used to create a doppleganger of a target.

But instead Daiki peered into his reflection.

Blue eyes stared back at him from the mirror. The same blue eyes he'd had before giving up his original eyes for the Shinkugan.

It had been a long time since he'd seen himself with blue eyes. It was almost nostalgic.

"Beyond that I don't look any different." Daiki mused with a grin, taking in his reflection. He was a little bit taller, maybe an inch or two. And a little bit broader.

But otherwise, the same old Daiki.

He manually flowed chakra into his eyes once more.

Blue bled into a very familiar shade of scarlet red. Yes, almost entirely the same as just a minute ago.

Except for the trio of tomoe now within each eye.

"It worked." Daiki's grin turned massive in proportions, the tomoe in his eyes spinning rapidly and reflecting his excitement.

The scarlet shade of the Shinkugan.

And the tomoe of the Sharingan.

His vision was beyond even the Shinkugan now. Somehow clearer than even it! He didn't know his vision could go even further beyond like this.

This wasn't just a pair of eyes that had all the power of the Shinkugan and the Sharingan. It was a pair of eyes that combined both and enhanced them to the furthest heights they could go, empowering each other to greater strength.

This was no longer merely the Shinkugan. Nor the Sharingan.

"Shinku Sharingan." Daiki tasted the name on his lips, and he liked it.

The All Seeing Scarlet Copy Wheel Eye

….Or maybe the All Seeing Copy Wheel Eye Of Scarlet?

"It sure is a mouthful." Daiki grimaced.

And that wasn't even taking into account the whole, Mangekyou aspect. Mangekyou Shinku Sharingan?

The All Seeing Scarlet Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye?

Or….The All Seeing Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye Of Scarlet?

'Who the hell am I? Minato Namikaze?' Daiki snorted, those names were horrible!

But they'd do for now.

"I'll come back to it," Daiki shook his head, he had something else he wanted to check right now, "Status." he called upon his status screen.

Name: Daiki Yurei
Age: 13
Chakra Capacity: 200,683/424,035 (Mid-Tier Kage)
Ethernano Capacity: 3566/3566 (A)
Aura: 294,222/294,222
WillPower: -/-
Strength: 375/?
Endurance: 400/?
Durability: 380/?
Agility: 425/?
Taijutsu: 267/500
Ninjutsu: 396/500
Genjutsu: 109/500
Bukijutsu: 300/500
Chakra Control: 334/500

Chakra Affinities:
Lightning - (Expert): The Heavens Spark
Water - (Master): The Sea Parts Before You
Wind - (Master): The Gale Bows
Earth - (Adept): The Earth Shakes
Fire - (Adept): Burning Soul

Fuinjutsu - (Expert): The World Awaits You.

Ethernano Magic Style:
Hellfire Dragon Slayer Magic

All Out Offensive

Void Magic:
Explosion - Gandalfr
Haste - Mjoovitnir
Scrying - Vindalfir

Quirk Factor:
One For All
Energy Drain

Daiki blinked.

Before he erupted into loud, joyful, uproarious laughter that echoed through the tunnels below the mansion of the Shie Hassaikai base.


Dragon Cross

To bad he didn’t have Hashirama body or some of cell he could fuse with them as well


oh boy, madara is in for a world of hurt if you actually choose to have daiki fight him, i mean he has been in this body for what, less than a year? and he went from genin to low kage level