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Once more, Daiki's world was consumed by a the kind of lights only the most blazed out mushroom poppers would see in their most psychedelic episodes.

Yet as he hurtled ass over head through the prismatic world between dimensions, something odd happened.

A sphere of green hummed into existence beside him, the symbol of a pentagon star emblazoned throughout it, and a voice floated through, "Pentagon of the five elements, heed my summoning and bring forth my familiar."

It was the the light high pitched voice of a girl.

Daiki ignored it and continued hurtling through the space between dimensions. Only, it followed him, vibrating by his size and humming almost impatiently.

"Go away." he told it. it seemed somebody was reaching into the void between dimensions and looking to summon something. And since he was already here, it more or less picked him.

But he was much too busy to just go traipsing into a random world he knew wasn't his home.

"My familiar the exists in the vast universe!" the voice of the girl echoed through once more.

"Yeah, yeah, try somewhere else." Daiki rolled his eyes. Though that voice, it sounded…familiar.

Annoyingly familiar.

It was niggling at the back of his head, where did he know this voice from?

"My divine, wise, beautiful and powerful familiar!" the girls voice was almost pleading, he could literally feel the desperation in her words.

"All true, though I prefer handsome." Daiki snorted.

…Maybe he could just take a peak? He could always dip out whenever he pleased after all.

"Please!" she pleaded once more, "By the power of the five elements, appear before me my familiar!"

"Fine." Daiki rolled his eyes again. He really was too much of a nice guy sometimes. Thrust his hand out, he unleashed a shock wave from his hand and blasted himself through the green portal.

The prismatic colours faded around him and he flipped as gravity asserted itself over himself once more and landed on his feet in a new world.

"…Oh." Daiki uttered and his interest immediately died at what or rather whom he found his gaze landing on.

It was a tiny little slip of a girl, dressed in a short skirted school uniform with a cape around her shoulders and long wavy bubblegum pink hair like that of Sakura's.

All around both him and her, were dozens of other teenagers dressed in the same uniform and one older balding gentleman, with glasses and dressed in a purple robe and carrying a long wooden staff.

The girl, Louise because he immediately recognised here as one of the most annoying characters he'd ever had the displeasure of watching a series about looked at him in dismay and horror.

While all around them, the gathered students erupted into loud mocking laughter. Daiki's eye twitched.

He knew already he was being laughed at by people he could literally kill by walking into them too hard, he was well are now of just when and where he had appeared.

Trashy magic using nobles.

'I just had to let curiosity get the better of me, huh?' Daiki scoffed to himself. That would teach him.

He was just about to turn around and leave, when a thought occurred. Actually, this might present an opportunity! 'I was falling behind in my bukijutsu training actually.' he mused.

And annoying as these people were, he had just been summoned by a girl who could give him a little benefit.

Louise looked to the staff wearing man, Jean Colbert Daiki remembered. He was actually one of the few people he remembered and found worth in within the entire series and began saying something, a pleading look on her face while the professor shook his head and said something or other back.

They were speaking French.

Daiki only knew a little a bit of French from classes he took in school. But, whatever. While Louise was pleading with Colbert, Daiki looked around, before his eyes landed on a thin little slip of a girl with blue hair and glasses, standing beside a caramel skinned bodacious redhead who's shirt was undone showing a massive amount of cleavage.

Tabitha, who if he remembered right was actually a princess, and her father the former king had been murdered by her uncle and her mother was insane through some form of poison or something.

And Kirche the ardent or something or other.

Nice as Kirche was to look at though, he was more interested in Tabitha whom he knew to be some form of prodigy and incredibly intelligent compared to the other nincompoops around here.

He looked into the girls eyes and with his Shinkugan, he delved into her head and delved through her thoughts on language, taking in her entire knowledge of her language.

His mind moved at speeds the people here couldn't fathom, and he took her knowledge of her language. And used it, with the sparse knowledge he had of French in his own world and the languages he did speak, to mix and match.

Usually, this was not something he'd actually be able to do. Even with the fact his mind was simply that much faster than theirs, learning an entire language on the spot even with beginning references, would be too much for him.

The Shinkugan however also when active granted him a massively enhanced analytical perception. He honestly didn't like using it much, because it broke everything down to pure logic for him in a way that hurt his head, but for moments like these? It was incredibly useful.

French, getto!

"I can't believe she actually summoned a commoner!"

"Don't be fooled, it's just some bum she paid because she knew she wouldn't be able to summon anything!"

"Louise the Zero strikes again!"

Somehow, being able to understand these idiots, only made them more annoying. 'Don't kill them Daiki.' he told himself, 'Don't walk over and rip that fat little blonde fools head off, yeah I see you tubs! You do not have the same right as Choji to be fat! He at least has a use for it you big dough ball!'

Seriously, the little fat one was the most annoying of all. He had a sniffly, whiny voice. If he was more petty than he was, he would take this insulting laughter personally and conquer their god damn kingdom in retribution for making light of a Konoha shinobi!

Thankfully, Louise seemed to have given up pleading with Colbert and trudged her way over to him a scowl on her face.

"Kneel." she demanded of him, glaring up at him.

Daiki's eyes twitched, "Watch your tone bitch," he snapped, crossing his arms and growling at her, "I responded to your voice because of how desperate you sounded, but I can leave at any point I feel like."

After committing a mass amount of violence.

"B-bitch!?" Louise sputtered in outrage.

"Haha, look at this, she can't even get a stupid commoner to obey her!"

"Toss him a few more coins Louise!"

"Classic Zero!"

Louise trembled where she stood, and with her facing him directly, he could see the tears beginning to bud in her eyes.

"Alright, enough of this nonsense," Daiki clicked his tongue, "Quiet Frenchies!" he bellowed and lifted one finger from where his arms were crossed.

His chakra exploded into existence around him, a wave of pressure erupting in every direction with such power that all of them were sent hurtling off their feet and sent tumbling back, the only one that managed to put up a fight was Colbert who slammed his staff into the ground, but it was for naught as the ground he was digging into was torn up from the pressure and sent tumbling alongside him.

He flexed his chakra for only a moment before pulling it back, but it was enough to make his point. The grass around him was torn apart and the nobles around him had been tossed over five feet.

Such was the power of his chakra. True, he might not have had the sheer amount of chakra the great Tobirama, the Second Hokage had. But, his chakra was far more dense and powerful than normal. From the natural energy back in his own world through the cursed seal, to the star chakra, to the gelel energy, and that was not taking into account Isobu's own chakra constantly leaking into his own and the ethernano that was also being leaked into his chakra and being consumed and strengthening his innate power.

He more than made up for it.

All around him, he saw them tremble in fear as they lay on the ground before him, "That's better," Daiki smirked at them, before turning his attention to the pink haired girl who summoned him, the one closest to him because he'd held back on blasting her alone. He stepped forward and crouched down in front of her, staring into her scared eyes, all the glare being torn right from her, "Now then don't you have something to say, Louise?"

"I…I humbly apologize!" the pink haired girl practically tripped over herself to apologise, "Wait…h-how do you know my name?"

"Why wouldn't I? You called out for me, didn't you?" Daiki smirked at her and blatantly lied, "The most wise, most beautiful, the most divine and most powerful familiar, that's me."

"Oh…." louise stared at him, mouth agape and a light appeared in her eyes, "You're…not a commoner?"

"For the record, I prefer most handsome though, I worked hard for these muscles," Daiki ignored her question, before reaching forward and grasping the girls chin, he had no interest in waiting any longer to get his shiny new upgrade, "My name is Daiki, the strongest being this world has ever seen, currently thirteen years old and I suppose the next king of the land of fire."

After all, it wasn't like the daimyo truly ruled, he was a powerless puppet, all the nobles were. The Hokage was the true ruler of the Land of Fire.

And with that said, he leaned forward and captured the pink haired girls lips with his own. He would have pulled back after just that.

But he didn't, instead he forced his tongue into her mouth and deepened the kiss, wrestling her own into submission, and with a thought, a spark of electricity tingled along his tongue into her own.

Louise went rigid, before an obscene moan left her lips and she sunk into the kiss on her own, her hands coming up on instinct to wrap around his shoulder as she mewled into his mouth.

It was only a few seconds later, when he felt a burning sensation blaze atop his right fist did he pull back, leaving Louise a panting, glassy eyed red faced mess, drool trickling from between her plump little pink lips.

And Daiki grinned as he looked down at his right fist and saw runes tattoo'd on the back of his hand.

He was now the Gandalfr.

His eyes flickered to Louise for a moment and his grin widened at the state she was in, 'Get fucked Wardes.' he thought.

He honestly fucking hated that guy.

While the vast majority of the people around him trembled from where they lay, only three stood up.

Kirche and Tabitha were eying him warily, while Colbert stepped towards him, a white knuckled grip on his staff and a bead of sweat trailing down his face, "Who…who are you may I ask?" Colbert asked, "If you are here for violence, then I ask that you allow the student-

"Calm down Colbert, I was only putting those annoyances in their place. Arrogant little noble children that don't know their place annoy me." Daiki waved him off.

Honestly, this place was so backwards he could just bullshit his way through having the knowledge of this place. And it would go along way to speeding up things here.

He had to stick around a little bit to figure out how to make the Gandalfr runes his anyway and power them without Louise.

"How do you know my name? And again, please answer my first question, who are you? What are you?" Colbert asked.

Daiki would give him this, the man had balls. He respected the man putting his life on the line to protect his students.

Even if most of them were trash.

"Because I read your mind," Daiki casually answered, "And I already said I who I am. My name is Daiki, the strongest being this world has ever seen. But I suppose for speeding this up. I answered the call of the Void Mage because I was bored, I'm the Gandalfr."


Aaron Broadbent

Get the big tittied maids! And the elf girl!


Can I ask that Daikin leave Henrietta with an heir that will actually amount to something in that world? She deserves better than the Albion prince.