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"The legendary familiar!? The same one Founder Brimir had!?" Colbert gasped in shock.

"Yeah, that's the one," Daiki shrugged, before waving his hand at him in shooing motion, "If you want to ask questions, or requests, you can do so later, right now I want to speak to Louise here."

He couldn't have been more frank in his dismissal even if he outright told him them to piss off.

Yet, his eyes were not on Louise or Colbert as he spoke, instead he'd locked gazes with the blue haired Tabitha.

Colbert coughed, "Yes…yes I see," he caught on quick and turned to his students, "Come students, let's be off and let Miss Valliere have time to talk with her new….familiar."


Daiki resisted the urge to chuckle as he shooed the students away from what appeared to be the courtyard of their own school just because of him. If it weren't for the fact they were a bunch of asshole nobles, he probably would have felt bad about it.

As it was, he didn't. And there was precious little he cared about in this world to be honest.

Actually, beyond the runes he now had, there were only two things that had any real worth to him. Derflinger and Princess Henreitta.

He'd had a bit of a thing for the princess, he wouldn't lie. Especially when she wore Louise's school uniform.

Hoochie mama!

With that taken care of, he turned back to Louise who still seemed pretty out of it. Jeez.

He crouched down in front of her and waved her hands in front of her unfocused gaze.

No reaction.

"…Did you seriously pass out from that?" Daiki stared at the slip of a girl, bemused.

She said nothing.

He sighed and peeled open her eyelids and stared into her eyes, before slipping into her mind to find where her room was.

And the geography of where he found himself while he was at it.


When Louise awoke, she found herself staring up at the canopy of her bed, 'Oh, was it a dream?' she wondered idly.

She felt a pang of sadness hit her as the realisation set in. But, of course it was a dream. There was no possible way in reality she would summon a human familiar, a mage at that with the power to blow people flying with a twitch of his finger.

Strongest being the world had ever seen? She almost giggled at the thought. And of course, no kiss would ever feel as it did in her dream, like lightning dancing through her body and forcing a pleasure through her so great her mind went blank.

With a sigh of defeat, Louise shifted her legs and felt stickiness between her legs. Ah, it had been one of those dreams? Huh?

Another sigh left her lips and Louise rolled over to sit up in her bed. She needed to get up and change her nightgown.


'I'm still in my uniform?' she realised as she sat up.

And then her eyes landed on the other side of her bedroom, where a very familiar dreamt up person sat on a chair, with a scroll of some kind in hand and a brush in the other.

"Finally up huh? Took you long enough," the boy, Daiki huffed with a roll of his eyes, "I can't believe you orgasmed and passed out just from a little kiss Louise, I mean seriously?"

It was real.


"You're real!" Louise bounced to her feet and pointed at the boy dressed in odd clothing, and my now that she looked at him closely, his arms were so muscular! Wait, that didn't matter right now, "It wasn't a dream, I really did summon a powerful mage as my familiar."

"Well I mean, sure I guess I'm a mage," he shrugged, "Though, my magic is way more powerful than the stuff you guys have in this world. And my magic is hardly the most powerful of my abilities."



"In this world?" Louise blinked, before something else clicked for her, "Wait, you said you were the next in line to rule…the Land of Fire? But I've never even heard of such a place. The only place I've heard of with fire in its name is Fire Dragon Mountain, but that's just between Tristain and Romallia."

No wait, beyond that.

Something else occurred to her and horror filled her being, "…I've kidnapped a prince!?" her eyes flew wide open in utter terror.

She could cause a war.

They were already at war though! 'Oh no, oh no!' Louise internally panicked. The queen Henrietta was already in dire straights waging war against the Reconquista who had taken over Albion and killed the former king and prince Wales.

"Wait…what, you're at war with Albion right now?" the boy, Daiki said aloud and looked a little confused, before shaking his head, "Well whatever that's fine too. Calm down Louise, I came willingly to your summon, you didn't kidnap anyone."

Oh, well that was a little better then.

But her mind was still swimming, "How did you know what I was thinking?" Louise couldn't help but ask, "How did I even summon a mage anyway? I've never heard of anything like this." she huffed, sitting on her bed and rubbing her head.

"Eh, I know everything about you Louise, it's why your voice reached me," Daiki, her familiar- no she couldn't call another noble a mere familiar! "And you summoned me because you're the strongest mage in this world right now and a void mage."

Almost immediately Louise found herself gritting her teeth in sudden anger at his words, "Don't patronize me like that! I can't even use normal magic properly, I'm called the zero for a reason!" with her emotions all over the place, she couldn't stop herself from exploding, "I can't even cast a simple fireball spell! Me, a void mage like the great founder, I c-"

"Oh shut the hell up with your whining," Daiki cut her off with a roll of his eyes, and her eyes widened as she realised what she'd done. She'd just shouted at the prince of a different nation! "The only reason I bothered answering your summon is because you're a void mage, specifically the void mage of Tristain. There's four of you at any one time, that's the way your stupid ass founder set it up. There's you, some half elf girl from Albion, that pope guy from Romalia and the king of Gallia. I only bothered answering the summon because you called for me and could make me the Gandalfr."

The boy of thirteen stood up, and how on the name of Brimir was this boy thirteen! He was taller than Guiche and his muscles were so big! Daiki walked over to her and grasped her by the chin, "You can't use normal magic because you're the void mage who got the explosion spell. Every void mage has their own specific spell. Your magic builds up and up to be used for that spell, so until you let it all out, you can't use other magic," he said bluntly, "Quite honestly, void magic is trash besides some of the spells in Brimir's prayer book like Dispel, the only good thing about them is each Void mage can summon a specific familiar, for you, that's the Gandalfr, the right hand of god and the master of all weapons."

Louise's mind was whirling. What he was saying was heresy, such as the pope being a void mage as well, but but…she wanted to believe his words so badly.

Could it be true?

Could it be she wasn't useless little Louise? She was actually someone of note all along? She had worth?

"Then then will I be able to use normal magic if I use up all this power?" Louise hated how needy she sounded.

Rule of Steel. It was the mantra her mother had raised her on. Yet, she couldn't help how brittle she felt and sounded.

"You'd need to get Brimir's prayer book from the royal family and learn the proper explosion spell, but yes." Daiki replied.

And there went all her hope.

"I…I can't get that, that belongs to the royal family." she bit her lip in dismay.

"Actually it doesn't, it belongs to the void mage, the void mages just tend to be born into the royal families of each country," Daiki responded, "If you want it, I'll go get it for you. As a thank you for giving me the Gandalfr runes."

"W-what?!" Louise gaped at the boy, "Do you expect to just waltz up to the castle and take it as casually as how do you do?"

"Yes, pretty much," Daiki shrugged, "I don't exactly plan on staying in this world for long, I've got things to do. And it's not like they can stop me. Every mage in this world could form an army to fight me and they still couldn't stop me. I told you remember? I'm the strongest existence this world has ever seen. Even your old founder Brimir isn't anywhere near me in strength."

"That's blasphemy!" Louise founding herself snapping, such a thing surely couldn't be true.

…But then he'd blown her entire class away earlier on just by flexing his finger. And with no wand at that! Her eyes widened, "Are you an elf?!" she demanded.

How had she not realised!?

Only elves could use magic without a wand!

"Do I have pointy elf ears?" he gave her a deadpan look at had her cheeks flushing, because indeed, he did not have pointy elf ears, "Honestly, it's freaking annoying having you call blasphemy over Brimir as well. I'm stronger than him and I could conquer this country alone if I wanted to within a day."

Such arrogant boasting. No person could have such power….could they? But Founder Brimir was a god. And Daiki knew so much about him and the power of the void, he spoke so confidently and knowingly that it had to be true.

Actually, he spoke as if he knew Founder Brimir personally.

…The Land of Fire. The prince of such a place. Someone who seemed to know Founder Brimir.

Was the Land of Fire…the realm of gods? Was it where Founder Brimir was truly from!? A pantheon of gods and Daiki was the next in line to rule over them as the chief of those gods?

What kind of existence had she brought forth to Halkegania!?

'No, no don't get ahead of yourself Louise, this is crazy!' she hook her head, "Can…can you prove it?" Louise asked him.

"In what way?" Daiki raised an eyebrow at her? "Do you want me to erase a mountain from existence? Clone myself? Heal someone with a terminal illness? Or hell, do you want me to make you the strongest person in this world?"

"You…can do all that?" Louise's mouth dropped. There was no way he would bring it up and so casually if he couldn't do it, could he?

"Yeah, I can," he grinned, before humming and snapping his fingers, "You know what? Fuck it, screw the prayer book. I'll just give you a better magic power and convert your current magic power into it so you can use your normal magic here properly."

"Eh?" Louise could only goggle at the boy.

The boy held his hand up and a second later, what looked like a pulsing heart appeared in his grasp! "This'll do," he nodded, "Tell me Louise, what kind of power do you want? Fire magic? Lightning magic? Wind magic? Earth Magic? Water Magic? The power of light or darkness? Teleportation?"

He was just….offering her the ability to do any of those magics? And that was more than five elements as well.

Her mind was totally frazzled.

He truly was a god!

No wonder a simple kiss from him had caused such a feeling in her!

"Wind, it has to be wind magic!" Louise responded. Just like her mother.

Then something else clicked, "Wait…you said you could heal a terminal illness?" she asked.

"You mean your sister?" Daiki asked.

Of course a god would know what she wanted to ask before she could even do so!

"Yes," Louise swallowed, "Instead of giving me this magic…can you heal my sister instead?"

"No, the magic is for you to protect yourself," he denied her flatly, "You won't be able to summon another familiar after I leave, so I'll be giving you this in return and as thanks for giving me something I wanted. If you want me to heal your sister, you need to give me something in return for it."

"I have….nothing one such as you would want." Louise whispered, defeat taking hold of her.

"You could always give me your virginity." Daiki smirked at her.

Her…her virginity?!

If it was to heal Cattelya, that was a small price to pay.


"I…have a fiance though." Louise told him in return. It had been a long time since she had seen him, Wardes. He was the apprentice of her mother and had always been kind to her as a child, she was bound to marry him.

"I don't mind making Wardes a cuckold," Daiki's smirk turned almost devilish, "In fact, I don't think you would either, after all he's part of Reconquista."

He…was what!?

"But, enough about that pathetic cuck right now," Daiki continued as if reading her thoughts, lifting a hand and pressing his hand against her shoulder, "Brace yourself, this power is far stronger than any of the people in this world have. The strength you're going to feel flow through you, will be nothing like you ever imagined."

Weirdly, Louise got the feeling Daiki did not like Wardes for some reason. Beyond the fact he was apparently a traitor.

Louise should have felt supremely betrayed by that fact. But right now, she was simply too emotionally drained to care.

"Okay, to everything." Louise simply said and surrendered herself to this apparently very young god.

He said something then, but the words were so fast Louise could not make them out. And then the hand on her shoulder? It glowed, and black inky chains of what appeared to be ink spread out from his hand onto her shoulder.

And suddenly, the heart in his hand was gone, followed by the lines seeping into her skin and disappearing.

And Louise felt a click resound through her being.

Before a rushing sensation shot through her veins, a high of pleasure spreading through her, lightning zapping through her body, her mind going blank as strength she'd never felt before suffused through her soul and very existence.

Her body went numb with pleasure and power and a guttural moan left Louise's body as she flopped backwards, or would have if not for Daiki wrapping his godlike muscled arm around her and keeping her upright.

"Yeah, that kind of strength increase for someone usually so weak, that's the kind of reaction I expected." he laughed in amusement, "Hmm, actually, I'll give you a little something extra and unlock your aura as well."


Louise couldn't even form words, her body was too tingly with pleasure to move her lips.

"$%£%&(!" Again Daiki's lips moved, speaking something, but so fast she couldn't even register words, and another tingling sensation ran through her and Louise lifted her hand to stare in awe as a pink…aura of light hummed around her body like a shield of power.

"So yeah, that's Aura," Daiki casually explained as if these powers were no such big thing, "It's basically the manifestation of your soul as a shield. You've got a pretty decent amount from what I see. And it'll give you an ability based on your soul itself and who you are as a person called a Semblance, it'll be up to you to unlock that and figure it out though."

Another form of magic that made her feel obscenely stronger, as if she could crush boulders with her bare fist. A shield of power manifested from her very soul and and ability he spoke of, unique to her soul.

And again, it could not be understated, he talked about it like the weather. Truly, what could he be but a god?

Her heart was beating in her chest she realised and a giggle trembled from her lips, "If you…truly are a god," wonders tumbled from her lips, "What…are you the god of?"

He laughed, "Mine is the path of the grind," he replied and he sounded, proud to her ears, "It's the path of constant improvement. Whether it be improving your body, your power, your mind and more. It's the holy grind that states perfection is imperfection, because to be perfect is to have limits, and those true to the grind have no limits and will surpass any and all in their way on their journey down the path of the great grind."

Ah, that made so much sense, it made everything click in to place. Of course giving her such powers was a middling thing to him. He was a young god who embodied becoming ever more powerful, so of course he would have ways to empower his worshippers to allow them to touch upon this path he spoke of, the holy grind.

He was Daiki, the God of the Grind, a ruler amongst even gods.

Even Founder Brimir, was just a subordinate of Daiki.

"My lord," Louise, a giggle leaving her lips, "I am yours to do as you please with, please take my virginity and if it pleases you, can you help my sister as well?"

"I already said I would in return for it didn't I?" Daiki, the god of the grind stroked her cheek with his hand, before capturing her lips with his own.

And from there, her night was consumed by the heat of passion and pleasure only a god could bestow on a mere mortal like her.


"Tabitha, slow down will you?"

Kirche huffed as she followed behind her small statured best friend. Who for once, was not reading a book.

She'd been off all day ever since Louise summoned that crazy amazing familiar of hers. Honestly, the boy was something else. That glare, that power, those muscles! But he'd been with Louise all day, so she'd not even got a chance to even talk to him!

Ah, just remembering his annoyance at everyone and the way he casually flexed his power and blew them away was making her tingle between her legs!

"You…don't need to follow." Tabitha replied without stopping on her way upstairs towards Louise's room.

"Pfft!" Kirche snorted, "If you're paying Louise a visit to see this familiar boy, then I'm totally coming with you. I want to see him up close and personal and see more of him!"

"Hn." Tabitha replied with a tilt of her head and nothing more.

Before long, they arrived at Louise's room, and screaming resounded out of the room. No…


And moaning!

Kirche's eyes widened, "No way! No how the zero seduced that delicious familiar with her flat chest already!" she gaped.

Stomping over, she pulled the door open and peeked inside, her and eyes flew wide open at what she was.

It was Louise.

And the boy.

On her bed. The body was completely naked with Louise bent over on her bed before him, still clad in her uniform, only her skirt was up over her waist, the boys fingers sunk into her ass cheeks as he drilled her from behind with his absolutely massive manhood!

"Oh….my lord, it's so big!" Louise squealed, her eyes rolled up into the back of her head, her tongue lolling helpless from her mouth while her face was smooshed by the cheek into her bed sheets.

Her ass cheeks rippled and jiggled with every thrust the boy made, the sound of their love making echoing through the room along with the bedframe smashing off the wall over and over.

How…how had Louise managed to seduce him so quickly?!

Why? It was so unfair!

Kirche's hips wiggled as wetness flooded her core and she bit her lip, "That's so…hot." she whispered, her hand reaching beneath her skirt as her thighs crossed together.

Only for a hand to latch onto her collar and drag her away, "No Tabitha, I need to see more!" Kirche whined as her best friend dragged her away.

Tabitha said nothing, determinedly looking away, even as her cheeks blazed red.


Lyca Boss

I’m enjoying all this so much hope u let him keep the gains he got

Lyca Boss

Send him to one piece or something since u alr did fairy tail


Give praise to the god of the grind! 🤣 great chapter bro!