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"Now that I think about, I really should have paid a visit to the dragon graveyard under Crocus." Daiki mused aloud as he casually lounged atop Isobu's head.

A much smaller head than usual mind you, but still Isobu's head.

"Picking up Emerald was a spur of the moment decision," the giant Bijuu said in return, "Granted, you do a lot of things on spur of the moment, but you didn't have any plans for picking up a companion that was quite so….squishy before."

"True, though her semblance really is that useful, and she was such an easy recruit…" Daiki hummed. The Isobu he sat atop, was more or less a clone containing most of the bijuu's chakra that he'd summoned from the seal wioth the summoning contract he'd formed with him a while back,

To unlock his aura.

And he was not the only one.

"The difference really is like night and day with this thing," Atlas Flame chuckled as he pinned the much more massive form of Kevin down with one arm, yet to the beast of darkness's credit, it was actually able to put up a small bit of resistance now, which was saying something considering it couldn't even resist his base line strength and Atlas Flame was stronger than him physically without any augmentations, "All it had before was size, but now? It might give some of those S-class mages a run for their money."

Kevin in return roared, opening his disturbing maw that split open halfway down his throat wide open and unleashed a massive gout of red hot flames. Flames bolstered by both ethernano and chakra.

Only for all the flames to be devoured by Atlas Flame within moments. Unfortunately for Kevin.

"Alright, enough Kevin." Daiki called out, and almost immediately, Kevin stilled and went limp at his command.

Beyond a limited form of intelligence, Kevin had no will of his own. The massive grimm lived on the order of some other being, the god of darkness if Daiki were to assume and followed an implanted will. Without a soul, Kevin had no will of his own beyond that. And Daiki had simply got rid of that influence with a contract seal and bound Kevin to his own commands.

It was almost too easy.

As it was right now, Atlas Flame had just been testing out his new summons strength.

Atlas Flame stepped off of Kevin and turned his attention to Daiki, "Perhaps you could form a summoning contract with me as well?" the hellfire dragon mused, "I know even with it I will never be able to use the chakra as you do, but it will bolster my strength a bit just like it has for Kevin here." he flicked his tail at said grimm who lay on the ground, docile.

"If you want," Daiki shrugged, "But yeah, I totally should have just collected all those dragon corpses and made some lacrima out of them." he'd went out of his way to give Emerald the ethernano container of one of the wyverns he'd killed back in Earthland, one of the strongest he'd picked up and even with it and her aura, she was only around the level of a standard genin.

Granted, that was multiple times her ability from before and probably would have made her one of the strongest people on remnant. Which was fine, but the problem was, Emerald had never been put through the kind of training and grind she'd need to go beyond the level she was at now.

At least if he made a dragon lacrima and gave it to her, possibly made her a Jade dragon Slayer that could give her an armoured form, she would have gotten a little bit more of a boost as a second generation dragon slayer.

"You can always go back, you left a beacon with Mirajane." Isobu pointed out.

"I could." he agreed, he just didn't want to right now. He'd only left her a few hours ago, "Which reminds me, I better put one down in this world before I leave." he sighed, jumping off Isobu's head and dropping over a hundred metres to land easily on his feet and stretch his arms out.

Not that he had any idea why he'd want to come back to this shit hole of a world, but maybe Emerald would want to visit home one day?


"Hmm…do you think perhaps I would be strong enough to defeat Acnologia now?" Atlas Flame mused aloud as both he and his new 'roommate' returned to Daiki's soul.

Despite his casual tone, there was a palpable excitement running through the flaming dragons body. Daiki, had just bestowed chakra upon him through a summoning contract.

Albeit, the most he already knew he could do with it was add the energy to his spells and bolster their power, and he'd never be able to use chakra like Daiki or Isobu themselves, but the he could feel the physical benefit almost immediately as the energy took root within his body and enhanced him.

"If he wasn't much stronger than what Daiki's memories portray him as, then I'd give you even odds," Isobu replied, the giant turtle bijuu wasting no time in laying down and resting his head atop his arms. One thing Atlas Flame had noted from the three tailed beast, was that he enjoyed relaxing, "As it is, you probably won't need to worry about him, once he's calmed down a bit again and stopped spazzing in his rush back to our world, Daiki will probably want to go kill him himself."

"Even with my growth from the second origin, aura and now this chakra, I would be hard pressed to defeat Daiki using his full strength, never mind the fact he can call upon your strength whenever he pleases, that would be a slaughter," Atlas Flame deadpanned, "…Perhaps I can convince him to let me take a shot at him? I don't specifically have any grudge for Acnologia killing me, but he did kill my good friend Igneel as well." he wondered aloud.

"If you ask, he'll probably say yes." Isobu replied, his eyes not looking to Atlas Flame, but rather settled on a pool of black divine power that had been festering within the ocean that was Daiki's chakra.

It had grown multiple times over since Atlas Flame had first appeared in the seal. Isobu, was feeding it, growing it.

He had some purpose in mind for the black magic of Ankhseram. What did he not know, though Atlas Flame had a few theories.

As it was, Isobu seemed more interested in focusing on slayer magic of some form. Every now and then, the giant turtle would ask Atlas Flame questions about magic and dragon slayer magic specifically.

Their last conversation had left him completely confused, specifically at one of Isobu's statements, 'I see, your dragon magic is a lot like the Bijuudama, for your species it is both a positive and negative energy. Then the key to creating a slayer magic for a species as a whole, is using their magic power specifically and aligning it to the negative.'

And yet, despite his words and apparent focus on slayer magic, not once had Atlas Flame saw the giant turtle train or even use his magic power. It was truly odd and Atlas Flame had trouble comprehending how the massive three tailed turtle did things.

"Actually, on the topic of our journey to your home world," Atlas Flame cast a curious glance at the giant turtle, "Unlike Daiki, you do not seem to be in any particular rush."

"Because I'd rather not go back at all," Isobu shrugged his massive shoulders, "Beyond my siblings, I have no care for that world at all. It's full of arrogant and destructive humans that covet my and my siblings power above all else. It would be not only better for my siblings and that world for us to never go back, but more importantly, better for Daiki. Our world is not a kind place, and the burden he has had foisted upon his shoulders despite being little more than a child will be his undoing."

"Ah yes, his knowledge of this Madara Uchiha and his plans." Atlas Flame nodded in understanding.

"Madara Uchiha is no true issue," Isobu scoffed, and for the first time since he met the three tailed turtle, Atlas Flame saw true contempt in his singular massive eye, "He is monstrously strong that is no lie, so strong we currently have no chance again him. But Daiki's will, determination and ambition will see him surpass that piece of trash, of that I have no doubt. No, it is the shinobi world as a whole and the responsibility to become Hokage that will do him in. While he boasts of the fact he is next in line to be Hokage, and it is impressive I will not lie, becoming so will merely ruin him. Daiki is beyond such a position, and it will only limit him. And bit by bit, it will wear him down until he is nothing but a shell of himself."

Isobu snorted, "Quite frankly, your own world suits Daiki much better, he would be infinitely happier as a member of Fairy Tail," he continued, "But Daiki's problem is that he is infinitely stubborn and stupidly loyal."

"I see," Atlas Flame mused, truly Isobu seemed to know the boy well, better perhaps than Daiki knew himself, and above all, he genuinely cared for the boy, "Then, should we not convince him to give up on this quest to return to your world?"

Atlas Flame couldn't say he massively cared for the boy, yet. But, the boy had revived him, given him life once more, gave him a strength that made his previous level seem paltry, and he was his legacy as Natsu Dragneel was to his good friend Igneel.

He was definitely fond of him, at least though.

"Not yet," Isobu replied simply, shaking his head, "I'll prod him a little bit soon, but he needs time first to calm down. He's always in such a rush, he needs to mellow out a bit."


When Daiki stepped out of Isobu's dimension and back out onto Remnant, he took a moment to admire the damage done to the ruined city of Mountain Glenn.

….He'd even held back a ton and still caused that much destruction. Why were the buildings so weak here? Like sure, they were ruins, but they were still made of good hard concrete right?

He'd seen wooden shacks back in Konoha stronger than these crappy buildings.

Oh, that reminded him.

'I should grab some information on how mecha shift weapons work here.' he mused. Narrowing it down on scrolls or shit would be a pain though.

So he'd just go steal a library.

Which meant, "Time for the return of the great slutty thief Cinder sluttiest slut Fall!" Daiki grinned to himself, and transformed into Cinder Fall, only this time, the only thing covering her body was a pair of band aids over her nipples and crotch.

And the addition of a tattoo on her stomach, that was just a bunch of lines in a row, multiple times, with one big one crossing through each block of lines diagonally, and an arrow pointing down to her crotch that stated, 'free use'.

Was it petty of him to do this? Yes, but he honestly didn't care. That Cinder bitch was just such a cunt. Just the way she talked and walked around grated him, she was such a weakling who's plans only worked out because of idiocy and Emerald's Semblance, none of her own abilities! And on top of that-

Bitch got poor Penny killed.

She totally deserved it!

And with that, Daiki made a trip back to Vale, where he boldly walked through the streets in the form of Cinder Fall and found the biggest library he could, before kicking everyone out inside and sealing it away in his Dimension Force Seal.

He slapped down a beacon on the pavement, and then dipped straight out of Remnant,



Yeah, figured this one would just be inter-dimensional smash and grab. Still fun theorizing what would happen if he had taken Salem along for the ride. Would she just die the second she was in a different dimension and her immortality was no longer enforced?


I would've loved a Cinder, Roman and Neo reaction but reading "Time for the return of the great slutty thief Cinder sluttiest slut Fall!" Made me laugh too much to care.