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Emerald couldn't help but give a pleased moan as she relaxed in an absolutely massive and luxurious bath tub, feeling her muscles and body as a whole relaxing within the pleasant warm water.

…When was the last time she'd actually bathed in an actual bath? One with actual leg room at that? Emerald honestly couldn't remember, she was used to cleaning up in public bathrooms and such.

'If this is a dream, I hope I never wake up.' she giggled to herself, running a hand over the skin of her arm. She'd already washed up a bit before jumping in the bath, because she wanted to relax in the warm water and not her own filth, so she was pretty much all cleaned up now for the first time in weeks and god did she relish the feeling.

Honestly, it still didn't even feel real to her. It was les than two hours ago she'd just tried to pick pocket the rich looking muscular kid, only to be caught red handed and end up…here.

A lot of what Daiki told her, completely went over her head still. But she got the gist of it. He was basically someone from a superior race of humans who was travelling the worlds on his way home, someone in line to rule at the top of one of those superior humans greatest nations even at the mere young age of thirteen.

He was a special existence, godlike really compared to the people of remnant.

…And he'd chosen her. He wanted her. Saw worth in her. Offered her a place at his side, as his.

It was almost like in those cheesy Mistralian comics she saw about cultivators. The people of Remnant would be like those of the lowest worlds, not even a spec of dust in the eyes of those at the top world, where Daiki and his people would reside in the analogy.

Thinking of him, Emerald's eyes drifted down her body and she casually inspected herself. She was curvy, she supposed. At the very least, her tits and ass had always been pretty big despite how little she ate and how thin she was right now.

Hoisting herself up, Emerald sat on the ledge over the huge bath. Honestly, calling it a bath was actually understating it, it was more akin to those huge public paths in Mistral, though unlike those that were rimmed with wood, this one was completely marble or some sort.

Honestly, when she first entered the absolutely massive bathroom and saw it, she'd just stood and gaped at it, before it occurred to her that a place like this was only natural for someone like Daiki to have.

"Does he prefer bigger tits?" Emerald wondered, cupping her caramel skinned breasts, she wasn't even sure what size she was, it had been a long time since she'd been measured, just that they were big and would no doubt get bigger now that she was living in a place like this and according to Daiki would never have to worry about food or anything like that again.

As she was eyeing her breasts, a massive terrifying roar sounded from outside and Emerald yelped, jumping to her feet, heart hammering in her chest.

Running over to the foggy window of the bathroom, Emerald threw it open in a frightened state and her jaw dropped at what she saw, eyes going so wide they felt like they were mere seconds from popping out of her eye sockets.

She found the origin of that massive terrifying roar.

It was a grim. An absolutely gargantuan grimm, far bigger than any she'd ever heard of and absolutely towered above even the biggest of Goliath grimm.

And it was currently pinned to the ground by Daiki who was stepping on its wide, while it thrashed with its massive wings, legs and tail and tried to escape and pull away, to no avail.

Said boy was casually…doodling on its face with some kind of paint or ink brush from what she could see?

"….Daiki?" she called out to him hesitantly.

Daiki paused and looked up at her, before his eyes widened ever so slightly and a massive grin overtook his face, "Hey Emerald, what's up?" he called up, before flashing her a thumbs up, "And thanks for the view."

It was then Emerald realised she was still nude and hanging the top half of her torso out of the window, specifically her naked breasts. Her cheeks burned, but she resisted the urge to hide away, "That's…good!" she smiled happily down at him, "What….are you doing though?"

"Just taming my new pet, don't worry about it, I'm pretty much done already," he replied, "By the way, I looted a few clothing shops on my way to grab this guy and grabbed up a bunch of woman's clothes for you, I left them sitting in the main hall if you wanna grab them."

He did what for her? He just….looted multiple entire stores just for her? "Alright, I'll do that then!" she called back.

If he said she didn't need to worry about the giant monstrous grimm dragon, then she didn't need to worry about it.

What was more important was checking out the gifts he got her and picking out what she'd look best in!


After drying off and making her way down to the main hall in just a towel, Emerald was taken aback at what she found.

She was expecting more or less…a massive pile of clothes.

There was not.

Spread out over the hall were mannequins, stands with clothing of all sizes and shapes, stands with socks, shoes and more. From standard clothing, to stylish stuff huntresses tended to play around with for their little fashion show looks. Bikini's, lingerie, nightie's, stockings, thigh highs, high heels-

'Is that a belly dancer outfit?' Emerald paused when her gaze shifted to the far side of the hall where a bunch of odd outfits stood apart, and yes there was a belly dancer outfit, quite a few. And a variety of other outfits from naughty nurse outfits to police woman outfits.

It was like he looted a swimsuit store, an underwear store, a boutique and even a Halloween store and just grabbed up every single piece of article of clothing related to females and left.

It was just crazy how he could just get all this casually and just spread it all out for her.

A warm feeling fluttered in her chest and she couldn't contain the massive smile from her face as she idled her way through the mass amount of clothing and picked out an outfit to wear for the moment.

In the end she decided to go with a mint green crop top with off the shoulder pulled back sleeves beneath a cropped white quilted leather, double breasted biker jacket, with black notch lapels with matching cuffs well as a belt loop at the bottom of the jacket's hem. She wasn't really going for sexy…to much, but was baring her stomach anyway for something look at. On her legs were matching white, skinny jeans and brown chaps that ended at her thighs. And She went with an overlong belt, twice-wrapped that connected to her chap straps, since they were a bit slack on her and would work to holster her weapons.

It bared her belly, and pushed her breasts up at the same time to show off some cleavage. But at the same time didn't come off too slutty in her opinion.

Honestly, they were such amazing quality too and made her feel good just to wear them. She'd never been able to wear clothes of this quality before.

'Hey Emerald, come join me in the library.' Daiki's voice floated in her head and made her pause in her admiration of herself in the mirror.

"…Well if he can read my mind, obviously he can speak into it." she mused. Doing as he told, Emerald made her way through the massive mansion to where the library was.

Honestly, the place was amazing. She'd never anything like it either. It was a huge circular room with book cases lining the walls in near every nook and cranny, while painted in a deep crimson comfortable red. Thousands upon thousands of books were kept within the mansions library.

And in the middle of the room, were two large luxurious couches with a large expensive mahogany looking table in between, with an odd crystal like device atop it and sat on one of the couches, was Daiki who was casually reclining with his feet kicked up on the table.

"Yo," he greeted her with a grin, his eyes roving over her body and taking her outfit, lingering for a moment on her stomach and chest as his grin widened a bit, "You clean up real nice." he complimented her,

"Well, how could I not, you're the one that picked these clothes out," Emerald grinned back and almost by instinct she found herself swinging her hips a bit more as she walked over towards him and sat by his side on the couch, "Um, so is there a reason you called me here…sir?"

"Just call me Daiki, I'd prefer you to be comfortable around me," he snorted, before pausing and his grin widened even more, "Well, I wouldn't mind you calling me sir or master while you were dressed up in one of those sexy belly dancer outfits I grabbed when I looted that costume shop, that'd be pretty hot."

"I can do that," Emerald's mouth moved faster than her brain, "Whenever you want." she nodded happily.

Would he be mad if she learned over and kissed him right now?

He blinked, losing his grin for a moment before it returned, "Well, save that for now," he chuckled, "I wanted to address a few things with you. Chief being, we're leaving remnant behind once I jump back outside from here."

"Okay." Emerald nodded. She was surprised at the fact she didn't feel anything at that knowledge, that she was leaving her world behind. But then, what had Remnant ever done for her?

No, her place was with Daiki, the one who saw her worth and who wanted her.

"Second is, I'm gonna give you an upgrade of sorts and make you a bit stronger," he continued and it was her time to blink, he could just do that? "It's an energy source called ethernano that lets people use magic in a world called Earthland I've been to before. This library is actually full of books on magic from there, you can pick one out you think fits you and see about learning it."

"Right," Emerald accepted his words, "Magic though, like conjuring stuff?"

"Nah I don't have a book for that, but stuff like telepathy, teleportation, fire magic, lightning magic, water magic, maker magic that lets you create physical objects out of an element like ice and such," Daiki explained, to her awe, before pointing at the crystal on the table, "You can use that to search for any that catch your eye, though before that I'll be giving you a set of ethernano containers that will let you use the magic and applying a seal to you that will convert your excess aura into ethernano so you can use the magic."

Emerald could barely follow what he was saying, so just nodded. She could read up and learn more about it in the books in the library so she could become more useful to him later.

"And lastly, lemme fix you up a bit," Daiki said, before making an odd hand gesture and a green light filled his palms. Then his scarlet red eyes glowed with power and the green light around his palms shifting into a shimmering beautiful silver, "Mythical Palm Jutsu." he said softly, before pressing his hand into her bare belly before she could react.

Warmth suffused her, spreading through her body and an unbidden moan left Emerald's throat. Scrapes and bumps she'd picked up on the streets disappeared almost immediately, and she stared down in awe as her crop top jacket unzipped a bit as her chest filled out, alongside her stomach and hips.

In a moment, it was over, and Emerald felt…better than she ever had before. Filled with energy and and…and life!

"What…did you do?" Emerald asked through pants, her body tingling.

"I transformed my energy into raw life force to heal up your body and take care of any of the malnutrition you had," Daiki smirked at her, before his eyes dipped to her chest and his smirk widened, "But damn Emerald, you're stacked, I can't wait to get you into that belly dancer outfit at this rate."

Emerald couldn't contain herself, she threw her arms around the boy. Her benefactor, her saviour.

Her master.

And pressed her lips against his own.



Bring me the twin belly dancers HAHAHA


man id love to see him go to the evangelion universe and just slap the angels, asuka and gendo around, maybe hypnotize shinji to have a backbone while just completely shitting on seele's human instrumentality plan oh thatd be so fun to see, perhaps seal an S2 organ inside himself thus giving him infinite energy.


Nah, don't hypnotize Shinji, bring him to the dark side by introducing him to the grind!