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Now that he had an actual magic style he could use and a teacher to coach him in the usage of it, Daiki was able to finally get a proper feel for what using ethernano for actual magic was like.

Him and all three hundred of his clones.

While he only took them off of their usual training for an hour. That was plenty of time when the training was sped up by that amount.

Three hundred and one hours including himself as the main body, equalled out to a grand total of twelve and a half days of training.

Or so it would seem. In actuality, it was much more potent than that. It was simple really to understand. For example. Say there was a thousand path ways and only by finding the right one, would it be possible to use magic in the style he was trying to.

Usually, one would have to go through those one by one. Even doing three hundred fold at once, would only speed it up by that number. But that wasn't quite. Because he was actually taking three hundred of those paths at once.

And it wasn't also as simple as the clone who found the path dispelling and giving the information to all the rest to go down that path. But rather, all of them dispelling and spreading forth the information they gained from manipulating their ethernano in the path they chose, which bolstered the knowledge and experience of the original point, who then spawned three hundred clones once more with all that knowledge, to use it all.

It wasn't anywhere as simple as just speeding his learning and training up by three hundred times.

'I…am not sure whether to be proud that the dragon slayer I have gained is such a savant…or angry at how lightly you have made of the process of learning my prized techniques and abilities.' Atlas Flame commented.

Sitting on a boulder within Isobu's dimension overlooking his three hundred clones spread out all over the place and training away, Daiki idly swished his hand back and forth in front of his face.

His hand now covered in crimson red scales straight up to his shoulder, his nails transformed into razor sharp claws that were currently clad in blazing hot hellfire.

"Eh, don't mind it, I've already trained quite a bit when it comes to fire manipulation." Daiki waved the dragon within him off. Two main things he'd learned, was both how instinctual dragon slayer magic was thanks to the very essence of a dragon being imbued within his body and bolstered by his dragon lacrima and how much easier ethernano was to manipulate than chakra.

In a word, chakra was incredibly more dense and rigid. It was much more powerful than ethernano. With his experience with manipulating his chakra and transforming it into multiple elements and forms, fire being among them even if he wasn't a master of it yet, it made the process vastly more simple and easy to do.

Even the Dragon Force he was currently in which had transformed both of his arms into crimson scaled dragon ones, turned his pupils slitted and elongated his canine teeth even further, was incredibly easy to use, as simple as drawing on the power of his dragon lacrima.

The basic techniques of Hellfire Dragon Slayer magic, were incredibly simple to get down. Granted, they were called the basics for a reason and there was only a few of them. Five in total.

Hellfire Dragon's Roar

Hellfire Dragon's Claw

Hellfire Dragon's Talon

Hellfire Dragon's Fire Spin

Hellfire Dragon's Flame Form

If Daiki was being honest, alone, in raw power, they didn't quite match up to the power of his fire jutsu. Especially since, after becoming the Hellfire Dragon Slayer he'd noticed that his affinity for the fire element? Had amplified massively.

He'd tested out his Fire Style: Grand Fireball earlier while he was training, and not only did it cost a lot less chakra than before, but the sheer size and heat of the jutsu had increased massively.

Granted, he didn't plan on letting it stay that way forever. Once he could freely use his chakra and ethernano together at once as one energy, he'd be able to use his Hellfire Dragon flames bolstered by his chakra.

It was not quite Sage Mode, because ethernano was weaker than the natural energy of his world, but it would be a bastardized pseudo version of it and should have a similar bolstering effect on both his chakra and physical body, albeit to a smaller degree.

And until then? His Dragon Force gave him a boost not that far off from his one tailed cloaked form, and the flame form made him a bootleg logia.

"Hmm, actually lemme try something." Daiki stroked his chin with a red scaled hand, before hopping to his feet. He pulled upon the Heavenly Star Seal and grinned in relish as he felt the power over it sweep through his body, enhancing him as black lightning-like tattoo's spread across the entirety of his body, "Oh, yeah, I can work with this!" the teen laughed.

Before he landed in this world, after his training with the old man. Isobu had said, that without drawing upon his heavenly star seal seal or anything else, he was probably around the level of Raiga Kurosaki.

Now, after the boosts he'd went through upon gaining ethernano and becoming a dragon slayer, combined with his dragon force and heavenly star seal….he might even be able to give Kakashi a run for his money!

Thinking on it, he called up his status screen to give it a look over, before nodding approvingly.

Name: Daiki Yurei
Age: 13
Chakra Capacity: 123,400/198,900 (Low-Tier Kage)
Ethernano Capacity: 236/3279 (A)
Strength: 243/?
Endurance: 325/?
Durability: 242/?
Agility: 240/?
Taijutsu: 264/500
Ninjutsu: 392/500
Genjutsu: 107/500
Bukijutsu: 184/500
Chakra Control: 332/500

Chakra Affinities:
Lightning - (Expert): The Heavens Spark
Water - (Expert): The Sea Parts Before You
Wind - (Master): The Gale Bows
Earth - (Adept): The Earth Shakes
Fire - (Adept): Burning Soul

Fuinjutsu - (Expert): The World Awaits You.

Ethernano Magic Style
Hellfire Dragon Slayer Magic

"This'll do for now," Daiki grinned, especially liking the rank A of his magic after he'd sealed Atlas Flame's heart inside himself to use as a dragon lacrima, before a thought occurred, "Hey Atlas, what about dragon slayer secret arts like the ones Natsu has?" he asked.

'You've already gotten my secret art,' Atlas Flame responded, 'Originally I was no more different from any other fire dragon. I created both my flame form magic and imbued the corrosive effect that would allow my flames to even burn through magic into my flames. Beyond the basics you've learned already, I actually do not have much left to teach you.'

Hmm, well that sucked a bit, but it was completely understandable. With him already being a powerful dragon, with his flame form and corrosive flames, there was few that could have actually been a danger to him.

And he was the one fought Igneel for the title of the Fire Dragon King for a reason.

'Indeed, while I may not be as strong as…Isobu here, I like to think of myself as no slouch,' Atlas Flame replied, 'The fire dragons were the strongest race of dragons as a whole, and I was the second strongest of all the fire dragons in our time.'

Yup, his inner soul dragon sure was a badass.

Still, that left him with incredibly little to do here now.

He supposed he could move on with his Dimension Flight Seal, but at the same time there was something he wanted to do.

He wanted to go see Fairy Tail in the flesh before he moved on. And become a member if he could. As cool as it would be to stick around and become a member of the place and much less stressful to live in this world than back home.

He had made promises, and he had people that relied on him. He was a cunt, Daiki wasn't going to deny that. He was a perverted lustful bastard that had killed hundreds brutally and planned to kill a great many more.

He was even a massive hypocrite.

But one thing he wasn't, was a piece of trash who would go back on his words and abandon people who believed in him and relied on him.

"Then I suppose I'll go sleep for now." Daiki nodded to himself, cutting off the connection with the dragon lacrima within him and allowing the dragon force enhancing his body and the tattoo's covering his body to recede and fade away.

He didn't need a whole lot of sleep, but it had been two days now since he had slept and he'd expended quite a bit of effort. Having a rest in a bed would let him recharge his energy quicker and any get rid of mental exhaustion as well.


"Is it always like this?"

The question was posed from Atlas Flame to the great big three tailed turtle creature resting not far away from him, head lowered atop a pair of massive and yet very human arms.

Just one of those arms was bigger than Atlas Flame was himself. He did not come close to the size of the three tailed beast known as Isobu.

Said turtle, opened his singular ringed eye at Atlas Flame's question, "You'll have to be more specific, in what way?" he asked, "…Though, even without that. Knowing Daiki, yes."

Atlas Flame snorted despite himself, "I meant the manic training," the dragon responded, flexing his wings and pacing around, it was odd to be once more in his body and he was still getting used to it again, "Daiki wasted no time in throwing himself completely into mastering his abilities as a dragon slayer and within just an hour, he has learned all I have to teach him."

It was incredibly impressive. Albeit, he cheated for the most part with those incredibly amazing shadow clones of his, but incredibly impressive nonetheless.

But the boy barely even blinked upon gaining the abilities and took no time to adjust before throwing himself clear into the training to master it. Atlas Flame was no expert on humans, he barely had ever interacted with any and the most he knew of them, was actually through the giants who lived within the Sun Village, and one singular human girl raised by those giants whom he had passed a tiny amount of his essence to as a blessing because of how dangerous the area was around the Sun Village for such a small helpless human.

"Ah, then yes it's normal, for him," Isobu shrugged his massive shoulders, "It's just his beloved grind nonsense. He lives, breathes and even sometimes sleeps training. It's pretty much his biggest passion in life beyond wanting to fornicate with beautiful human or humanoid females. Albeit it seems to have mostly stemmed initially from the fact training so intensely gave him a sense of peace and blotted out the massive fear he has for Madara Uchiha."

Ah yes, the boogeyman in the room.

Atlas Flame was hardly an expert in the mechanics of the soul, and living with a dragon slayer. He'd never used the Dragon Soul Technique before after all, and he honestly wasn't big on the idea of trawling through Daiki's memories and invading his privacy unless strictly needed, he hadn't been able to resist the urge to peek on his memories of this 'Madara Uchiha'.

…Monster did not even big to describe that man. He could wholly understand why a young human child, a raised soldier from childhood or not such as Daiki, feared such a being.

Even if every dragon that ever existed in this world teamed up to fight that man, they would have been slaughtered with ease.

"I see," Atlas Flame settled on saying with a nod of his large flaming head, "May I ask another question?"

"Feel free." Isobu responded simply.

"Okay," Atlas Flame nodded, before lifting a huge flaming claw and pointing to something in front of Isobu, "What is that?" he asked.

It was completely out of place.

It was a pitch black liquid that stood out within the serene green energy that was Daiki's chakra within his soul. It felt like magic.

And he could feel divinity coming from it.

"It's my new project to keep me busy," Isobu gained a faint grin, "Some uppity god tried to force his way into Daiki's soul to curse him for reviving you, so I gave him a beating and kicked him out, in the process some of his energy got left behind."


He thought he recognised that feeling of divinity.


Despite himself, Atlas Flame laughed, "The gods, they never change, do they?" he chortled, "Always so feeble ego'd over one touching upon their domains. I remember when they still walked this world, before the war of dragons and gods. We crushed them thoroughly and they fled to an all new dimension to escape us."

The thing about most gods, was that while incredibly powerful, they relied only on that power. Few of them were capable physically as well as magically. So when they as dragons got tired of their arrogant existences and went to war with them, it was a slaughter.

For they as dragons were immune to all forms of energy beyond Dragon Magic and physical attacks.

"Well he wasn't very impressive, I'll say that much," Isobu snorted, "Though on the subject, let us talk magic. Specifically, slayer magic."

"Hoh?" Atlas Flame cocked his head to the side in interest.



So is this all canon lore for daiki like when he goes back to Naruto will he have all these power ups


Thanks for the chapter