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The next morning, after getting his morning training out of the way, there was a wide smile on Daiki's face?


Well, for one, with the increases in physical ability he'd rapidly went through since his time in Earthland, he found himself having to once again increase his weights.

Within the day and becoming a dragon slayer, he'd already acclimated to the fifty tons per limb. As such, Daiki decided to push himself even further starting from today to push his grind to even higher levels.

He doubled his weights.

Fifty tons per limb for a total of two hundred tons between his arms and legs, jumped up to one hundred tons per limbs for a grand total of four hundred tons between the four limbs.

On top of that, when he'd checked his status screen after waking up and getting his morning training out of the way, he'd noticed something awesome.

He'd finally broken through to the two hundred thousand mark on his chakra capacity!

Though apparently that was still considered at the low-kage rank as far as his status screen was concerned.

Either way, it put Daiki in a great big good mood and so he left the Sun Village with a massive smile on his face.

"Today is a great day." he laughed as he ascended the mountain peaks of Mt. Hakobe once more, and finding it quite a struggle.


Well, the mass amount of weigh he was carrying. With every speeding movement he made, he could feel his muscles tear, with every large leap that cleared hundreds of feet, he felt his tendons rip.

Only to heal back stronger mere moments later and acclimate a bit more bit by bit to the new weight!

Even while travelling, the grind never ended!

It was a new day, with a new destination.

That destination, was Magnolia, the home of the Fairy Tail guild. Also known as babe central.

Though before then, he remembered one thing he had to do. And it was the whole reason why he went and robbed Duke Everlue.

He needed to go on a shopping trip.

So before he headed to Magnolia, he decided to make a quick pit stop in the capital of the kingdom of Fiore, Crocus.

He needed a lot of things.

Specifically, he needed clothes. Most of the clothing he had, was a bit out of place compared to the more modern clothing that was present on Earthland. and would probably pass better in a lot of other places too considering he couldn't be sure he'd arrive back in his world on the first jump.

Beyond that. He wanted to buy loads of magic weapons. Tenten would love them and would go a long way to going to get her to forgive him for disappearing. From there he'd just need to get things to bri- presents for everyone else like Hanabi and Sasuke, maybe even some for that heretic virgin Kakashi.

And he seriously wanted to get his hands on those gale force reading glasses and the magic headphones and tons of other stuff!

Good thing he was newly rich.


"What does this thing do?"

"It expands into a cube that flashes if someone lies while within it."

"Awesome, gimme that! And what about this?"

"That sir is a light pen that allows the holder to write into the air itself."

"Ring it up buddy, and the heck is this, a book?"

"No sir, that is actually the popular ColorS magic item, it allows the user to change the colours of their clothing as they please."

"Badass, I want that! What about this broom looking thing and this big carpet?"

"That is a magic broom sir, it automatically finds and cleans up any dust, dirt and such and the carpet is a magic carpet that can fly and carry up to three people."

"Take my money funny magic store man!"

"Thank you for your patronage sir! Is there anything else you would like to take a look at?"

"Yeah! the heck is this movie lacrima thing? Is there a movie stored in it or something?"

"Oh no sir! It's a mental type lacrima that connects to your subconscious when used and stores a movie from your memories, even if you don't consciously remember it fully."

"Didn't I already say to take my money already?"

"Yes….yes you did."

There was a wide smile on Daiki's face as he stepped out of one of the local magic shops of Crocus city, six million jewel lighter, but with his dimension force seal filled with all kinds of amazing and crazy magical items and lacrimas.

"Thank you for your patronage sir, please come again!" he store clerk waved after him, a big wide smile of his own on his face just as the door just behind the boy.

Grin splitting his face, Daiki continued on his way, next stop a clothing store to buy out everything he needed!

Or rather everything that caught his eye.

Just like in that magic shop where he'd practically bought out the clerks entire stock. He'd bought so, so much stuff.

He'd bought multiple sets of Gale Force Reading Glasses. Multiple magic headphones that not only downloaded songs from the users subconscious just like the movie lacrima's he'd just purchased in massive bulk, as in hundreds of them, but one could also by memory lacrima that already had mass amounts of music already stored within them. Then there was legitimate recording lacrima, surveillance lacrima, communication lacrima spheres, hell there were earring communcation lacrima that were super condensed versions shaped into earrings.

He got quite a few sets of those and was planning on gifting a few to Fu. Sure, he'd need to find a way to make them run on magic or inscribe them with seals to convert chakra into ethernano to make them work, but they were worth it!

Hell, there was even tanning and deoderant lacrima!

Weak as ethernano was compared to chakra, it couldn't be understated just how much uses could be gotten out of the magical energy.

Ethernano was awesome!

Once he found a nice looking clothing place, Daiki wasted no time in entering it. Picking out an outfit to change into, because walking around with his chakra armour and turtle pauldron infinite armour, stood out way too much and changing into it.

He then just bought every piece of male clothing in his size in the store, dropping another few hundred thousand jewels, before moving on to head to his last destination.

The weapon and armour shop.

Stepping inside, Daiki paused and just took in the scent of it all. That of tempered magically enhanced metal. Feeling the power that emanated from all around him.

All around him he could see swords of different shapes, sizes and elemental alignment lining the walls. Armours of all different makes stacked atop mannequins, shield lining shelves and more.

Though sadly most of it was all male armour.

He had no need for any armour here. There really wasn't any that would help him out all that much here compared to the armour he already had and-

He paused as his head swivelled and landed on a very distinct set of armour in the corner. It looked less like armour, and more like a gleaming silver ballroom dress bottom, with a small revealing breast plate, adorned with gauntlets and armoured boots and large metal adornments on the back that looked like wings, with much of the armour decorated and made up of gleaming feather shaped plates.

"Hey old man, is that legit Heaven wheel Armour?" Daiki asked, casting his gaze to the old man behind the sales desk.

"No it's clearly fake and made out of paper mache," he scoffed sarcastically with a roll of his eyes, "Course it's real ya dumb brat. Though you're clearly lacking the tits to pull it off."

How rude.

"Shows what you know, my bust size is over 95 centimetres thank you very much," Daiki bared his fanged teeth, "I mean does it have the magic features?"

"Obviously," the old man rolled his eyes, "Depending on the power of the user it can equip and control up to a certain amount of weapons and lets em' fly more or less."


Since it was made in this world, it wasn't exactly going to be the most sturdy thing around considering Erza broke her armour all the damn time. But, if he could amplify it with seals and make it run on chakra, then he could massively amplify its durability and more.

…And Tenten would look amazing in that. The amount of cleavage she would display would be delicious!

Plus she'd love the ability to control multiple hundreds of weapons at once.

"Gimme that armour old man, right the fuck now!" Daiki laughed, walking over to lean on the sales desk, "Also, give me two of every sword you have with magical effects, the price doesn't matter at all."

"…Rich brat huh?" the old man hummed, before shrugging, "Sure, whatever." he said, before getting right to it.

The price he quoted to him once he was done gathering it all a good half an hour later, would have probably made Lucy Heartfilia cry.


Twenty two million Jewels, that was how much Daiki ended up spending in the weapon and armour store.

Beyond the Heaven Wheel Armour, he ended up buying two of heat blades, two spark blades, two gale swords, two sea blades, two dark swords, two light blades, two terra warhammers, two magic rifles, two musica blades which were large blades that could change in size and even a shield that repelled any physical force that hit it to a degree.

None of them of course compared to his Kiba blades, but honestly? Few weapons could ever hope to compare to those masterpieces.

Even with all his sealing knowledge and having copied the seals within the blades, he was a long ways off from replicating them.

….Speaking of which.

"I don't actually need a flying carpet." Daiki paused in his walk down one of the busy streets of Crocus.

He could literally mentally control the Kiba Blades. He could sit or stand on them and just fly about on them. Though, he supposed the magic carpet would be a lot comfier.

Not to mention, he couldn't pull an Aladdin and Jasmine without a magic carpet, "Fu would look real good as a belly dancer." Daiki stroked his chin at the thought.

Well, whatever, there would be time for that later. For now, it was time to head to Magnolia!

Just before he moved though, he glanced at the large colosseum like structure overlooking the city of Crocus.

Domus Flau.

Where the Grand Magic Games would be held in the future. And also built above a dragon graveyard.

Which was more or less useless to him right now unless he wanted to use up what he had left of the stored life force he had.

The only dragon he really knew of who's corpse was down there, was Zirconis the Jade Dragon.

Literal jade according to Atlas Flame. He could regenerate his corpse and take his heart for a lacrima to gain a secondary element in jade and gain an armoured form like Gajeel's….

But no, it wasn't really worth it right now.

It was best to save the life force he had right now and build it back up again, and if he needed it in the future, he could just come back.

"Well, whatever." Daiki shrugged, putting Zirconis out of mind for the moment. It was time he headed out and made his way to Magnolia, the city of babes.

And he had just the thing for that.

He held out his hand and with a thought and a quick tiny flare of chakra a pair of headphones appeared in his palm, which he wasted no time in putting atop his head and covering his ears.

He had already had this pair uploaded with thousands of local songs of this world, but he was in the mood for something a little more…homey.

From his home that was.

So he ran his magic power through the earphones and focused, and then he grinned a moment later as a familiar song he hadn't heard in ages began playing within his ears.

Cupping his hands over the earmuffs, he bobbed his head as the song began, lyrics ringing his his ears and the powerful voice sang through his mind.

His blood began pumping, and just as the third set of lyrics began, he pumped his fist into the head head bobbing, "You make me feel invincible
Earthquake, powerful, just like a tidal wave…!" he began singing aloud to the street drawing the eyes of many a passerby as he began rocking out.

There were other songs that he liked more, and fit him better. But this song here, the first he had gotten to listen to in so long? It was a delclaration.

That one day, he would be Invincible.

So much so, that not even Madara Uchiha could defeat him.


Nuka Man

Was absolutely ecstatic to see a new chapter pop up! Any chance we might get a picture of Tenten in that armor?

0 Jordinio 0

I'd probably need to commission it, I dunno if there's a good tenten image that would work for photoshopping onto it.


An absolute great song and one hell of a song to start a work out.