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"Incredible…I had forgotten what this felt like!" Atlas Flame cheered, "I had forgotten what it felt like to be alive! This is amazing!"

Sitting cross legged and quite exhausted, Daiki stared up at the dragon. No longer in the form of a mere flickering flame, he had taken back his body an now stood before him in the form of a massive flaming dragon, the red scales that had formed over his body now being hidden by a blazing orange red flame.

Damn he was cool looking. He was like a gigantic draconic Meramon. Now this would have been an incredible digivolution for one of them to get!

And the sheer heat coming from his body? Was incredible. If he wasn't actively suppressing most of it, the chamber around him would have probably began melting.

And his magic power looked so much stronger to his eyes. It was like comparing a tsunami to a lake now. Not just the size, but the sheer intensity of it was something else.

"Told you I could do it." Daiki huffed in amusement, looking up at the huge flaming dragon.

Atlas Flame paused in his celebration and looked down at Daiki, nodding, "That you did indeed Daiki," the hellfire dragon nodded, before lowering himself down to all fours and looking him in the eye, "It would be remiss of me not to do my own part then. Are you prepared? I am ready at any time now to bestow my essence upon you, though after that fact, I will need to rest for a few days to recover my strength."

"I'm ready for it whenever," Daiki shrugged, "Once you do that, I'll add your heart to myself using a seal to skip the process of turning it into a lacrima and we're good to go."

At the end of the day, from what he'd gathered at this point, a lacrima was simply like a battery in the end. One that was made from a heart and when transplanted would act like another organ and separate ethernano container, but at the end of the day that was all it is. His clones had been scouring Everlue's mansion and it wasn't long before he found the process.

Quite frankly, the heart would be rendered down to fit a lacrima that would then be implanted and connected to the mages first ethernano container.

Daiki could easily do that with a seal.

Just like he had done before with that vulcans ethernano's heart and lungs he'd ripped from its corpse earlier.

…Actually thinking on that, he wondered if he could unlock Atlas Flame's second origin as well?

"Hey, before that," Daiki spoke up and peered into and through Atlas Flames flaming body and into his chest, directly into his body and where his hearts and lungs renewed with new life pumped blood through his veins, "There's a thing that I want to try out unlocking within you. It's called second origin, and when unlocked it'll double your magic power."

"Something else you found out through your visions of the future?" Atlas Flame inquired, interested, "I would be remiss to doubt you now after all you have done in front of me so far. Very well, if you wish to unlock this second origin within me as you claim, have at it."

He cocked his head, "Actually, if it does as you say, then it may work out for the best, the more magical power I have, the greater benefit you yourself shall attain when I imbue my essence upon you."

"Alright, then get rid of your flames will ya?" Daiki asked as he stood up and made his way over to the huge flaming dragon.

Atlas Flame nodded and the billowing flames surrounding his body, fizzled away to reveal a large rather normal looking crimson scaled dragon standing before him on all fours, "Will this do?" he asked.

"Yeah this'll be fine," Daiki grinned and reached up to place his hand on the dragons chest, directly over his heart, "This might hurt a shit ton, but it should be quick."

He wasn't sure how the formula worked that Ultear used to unlock the second origin, but he could force it all open at once with his seals. By his reckoning, the sealing formula's of this world, might have been a bit more versatile in use, but vastly weaker than the version he used.

Still, they may have been worth looking into at some point. He should find a book or two on the sealing of this world just in case.

"I don't even need my sealing brush for this." Daiki commented as he injected his chakra into Atlas Flame's chest, his chakra blazing a seal into existence across his scales, "Seal: Release!"

What he was doing was simple. Inscribing a simple seal with his chakra over Atlas Flame's heart and then flowing it into his lungs. And then, he unlocked that seal.

And unlocked everything there, including the second ethernano containers blocked off within the lungs.

"Grrk!" a rumbling growl of pain erupted from Atlas Flame's maw and he ground his great big sharp teeth together audibly as his massive body spasmed, his eyes bulging with agony.

"…You…were not kidding about it hurting." the hellfire dragon grit out between his teeth, before gasping, body shuddering as a whole, "…Unreal, this power! I can feel my strength increasing!"

Daiki saw it as it happened and understood what he meant immediately. As soon as he unlocked the blockage between his heart and lungs and unlocked the second origin within his body, almost immediately the second container began to fill up with ethernano and spread through his body

Before long it was done, and with a huff, Daiki sat back down on his keister while Atlas Flame adapted to his changes.

"You truly know such incredible things Daiki," Atlas Flame shook his head in wonder, then winced a tremor wracking through his body, "Though I again have to admit, you were not kidding about the pain. If I had not felt the agony of having my soul rent from my very body by Acnologia's claws I would definitely have made some noise."

"Pain's nothing worth bothering about," Daiki shrugged, if it was, he wouldn't have ever went after Orochimaru for the Cursed Seal, "It's all for the grind buddy."

"The grind?" Atlas Flame cocked his head to the side in askance.

"The most holy of all life styles, the path of becoming better continuously and grinding to an all new level," Daiki happily explained, "You'll get a front row seat soon, maybe you'll even want to join in."

"Is that so? I shall keep an eye on this 'grind' you will show me with great interest then," Atlas Flame hummed, while Isobu snorted in his head, "Now then, shall we get down to business and start your transition into the Hellfire Dragon slayer?"

"Let's do it!" Daiki pumped his fist, "How do we do it actually?"

"You do nothing, beyond raising your hand up," Atlas Flame replied, "I will do everything needed. It's a simple process, much like the Dragon Soul Technique that allows we dragons to input our soul within a humans, I will use the Dragon Trait technique to pass on my traits to you. Your ethernano container will adapt to my power to naturally shape into my hellfire. Your fingers will become the claws of a dragon that ignite with flame, your skin that of a fire dragons scales that can diffuse and smother flame, your very lungs will those of a fire dragon and ignite with an inferno of power."

Damn, that sounded fucking badass.

"Alright then!" Daiki clapped his hands together, before hopping to his feet and holding his palm up, "Let's do this!"

"Yes, let's." Atlas Flame grinned and lifted one of his massive clawed hands and place it palm up against his own, utterly dwarfing his own dozens of times over, "Brace yourself!"

That was all Atlas Flame said, before a massive cloak of billowing orange power suffused around his body and swarmed over, washing over Daiki's body like a wave, before swirling around him and sinking into him like bath water going down a sink.

Heat suffused Daiki, a warmness he'd never felt before and a pain he was not expecting, a sea of searing heat rushing over his consciousness.

Perhaps because he'd been through similar things and felt his strength and body change numerous times when being exposed to Isobu's power and more, he noticed it. As his muscles strengthened, as his senses sharpened, his eyes and nose being reinforced.

As his ethernano container stretched and grew and became searing hot within him.

He did not know how long it went on for. It could have been seconds, or it could have been hours. In that moment, he was simply floating along a sea of flames.

Until suddenly, it was done and he found himself staring up at Atlas Flame, lower than before having hunched over as he panted deeply.

And with his eyes, he could see how drained the dragons magical power reserves were.

"It's done." Atlas Flame panted out, "It may take a little bit for you to feel the true changes. But you are now the Hellfire Dragon Slayer, the wielder of my corrosive cursed flames that burn through even magic itself."

"….Cool." Daiki commented, lips curving up into a grin. And it was then he noticed. His canine teeth poking out just a bit more than usual, like fangs.

Hmm…his weights felt disturbingly light again he noticed as he moved his arms around and jumped in place a little bit.

With a thought, he brought up his status screen and his eyebrows rose at what he saw.

Name: Daiki Yurei
Age: 13
Chakra Capacity: 198,600/198,600 (Low-Tier Kage)
Ethernano Capacity: 696/696 (C)
Strength: 243/?
Endurance: 325/?
Durability: 242/?
Agility: 240/?
Taijutsu: 264/500
Ninjutsu: 392/500
Genjutsu: 107/500
Bukijutsu: 184/500
Chakra Control: 332/500

Chakra Affinities:
Lightning - (Expert): The Heavens Spark
Water - (Expert): The Sea Parts Before You
Wind - (Master): The Gale Bows
Earth - (Adept): The Earth Shakes
Fire - (Adept): Burning Soul

Fuinjutsu - (Expert): The World Awaits You.

Ethernano Magic Style
Hellfire Dragon Slayer Magic

As expected, his physical abilities had jumped up by a noticeable amount. More even than when he gained his ethernano containers. And incredibly, his magic power capacity had jumped straight to the C-rank, bypassing the D-rank as a whole.

And there was now a whole other part to his status screen. Ethernano magic huh? And Hellfire Dragon Slayer Magic was added to it.

Interestingly, there was no rank of mastery beside it like his elemental affinities, odd.

'Hmm, lemme try something.' Daiki thought, lifting his hand up palm facing upward and called upon his magic power from his ethernano container and then focused.

A moment later, blazing flames roared into existence within his palm, flickering with an incredible intense heat.

"…Amazing, I've never heard of a dragon slayer so easily calling upon their power so quickly," Atlas Flame commented, eyes wide, "But I suppose I should not be surprised with what you've accomplished so far."

"Hmm," Daiki hummed, not commenting one way or another on that fact. He only really had an idea what to do, because while the energy was different, he'd trained quite a bit when it came to fire style already. Which reminded him, "Hey, will I be able to learn that flame form thing of yours and be able to turn my entire body into fire?"

If he could do that, he was basically a boot leg logia.

"Of course, it's my signature ability!" Atlas Flame replied back, sounding almost affronted at the idea he couldn't do as such.

Atlas Flame had been pretty laid back so far, but he too held the pride of a dragon after all.

Despite his proud declaration though, Atlas Flame wasn't long in slumping over again tiredly. It seemed passing on his essence to him was actually incredibly draining.

No wonder he thought he would have died in the process before Daiki had regenerated his body for him.

"Alright, with that out of the way," Daiki casually put him turning into a part dragon behind him for the moment, "How about I seal you now and you can recuperate within me?"

"Very well." Atlas Flame dipped his head.

"Cool," Daiki nodded before bringing his hands together in a ram seal and focusing, "Don't fight the pull, you'll be completely fine, I've done this before."

Atlas Flame merely raised a scaly brow at him.

Daiki grinned at the reaction before focusing his chakra into the seal upon his chest, "Seal!" he declared aloud, dozens of large ethereal chains of chakra erupting from his chest and shooting out like striking serpents to wrap around Atlas Flame's body.

A surprised shout left the dragons body in surprise, but to his credit, he didn't fight back against the chains as they bodily lifted him up and dragged him towards Daiki.

And a moment later, the chains dragged him into Daiki's chest where he was slurped up like a big flaming noodle and disappeared out of sight.

Lowering his hands from the ram seal, Daiki rubbed his chest where the Four Trigrams Seal was and frowned a bit as he felt it, "Still enough space for now." he mused The Four Symbol Seal on his chest, could comfortably hold even Gyuki and his power, and even both Isobu and Atlas Flame together weren't a match for that.

Though Isobu would of course surpass Gyuki one day in the future, as well as Kurama if he had anything to say about it!

"Now then," Daiki said to himself as he summoned the pulsing beating heart he'd ripped from Atlas Flame's corpse into his palms, "Let's see about dealing with you, hmm?"


In a short amount of time, Atlas Flame had been exposed to an absurdly crazy amount of things. Even crazier than the time he'd been dragged through time, enslaved by a maniacal dragon slayer, met his technical nephew and son of his best friend Igneel in Natsu, before returning back to the past after helping him out and being defeated thoroughly by that bastard Acnologia.

This perhaps though, took the cake as the humans liked to call it. Or so the giants who had worshipped him as a god liked to say.

He found himself with a vast dark space. It was like a voice of pitch darkness, yet felt warm in a way, he could feel the boy he'd met and taken as his legacy, Daiki all around him.

And despite the inky blackness, it was lit up within a soft and warm green glow that emanated from beneath him. Matching the void of inky blackness that stretched on forever above him, was what appeared to be a peaceful lake surface of green liquid that gave of the feeling of the boy he'd met stretching on into the distance and paralleling the inky black void above it.

It was quite the sight.

The very insides of Daiki's soul.

And yet, it was not what caught his attention and forced Atlas Flame to stare up gobsmacked.

No, rather, it was the titanic being staring down at him, one rippling eye looking down upon him with boredom, while three absolutely monstrously large tails larger than most mountains lazily floated behind the creature.

This was Isobu then, the three tailed beast as Daiki had called it. The power emanating from it, was cloying, choking in a way. It felt almost as if this creature could crush him with its raw power alone in a way.

No wonder Daiki had such confidence in Isobu's ability to defeat Acnologia.

"Hello Atlas Flame," Isobu greeted him politely, "Welcome to the inside of Daiki's soul. It's quite empty, a lot like his head really. But it's home, happy to have you I suppose."

Atlas Flame was not honestly sure what he was expecting upon being sealed within Daiki.

This was not it though.

"…Glad to be here I guess?" Atlas Flame responded awkwardly.

And so huge flaming dragon and titanic three tailed turtle demon beast stared at each other for a while.

Before making small talk, as one does.



this is awesome I wish I could make half a story as good as yours

Dragon Cross

I kinda want this be canon and more of it


Got to admit I am loving this spin of series. I actually enjoy this more than the original to be honest.


i can just imagine isobu being like abridged alucard by now and being all like "suuuuup, im isobu, welcome to daiki's soul, my home, and now yours as well" cant wait to see daiki return to the elemental nations and just summoning a small version of atlas flame like he does with isobu