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By time he finished up his training hours later, the sun had already fallen and night had swept over the Sun Village.

But honestly, as he stepped out of Isobu's personal dimension, he'd be hard pressed to call it night around the village in specific. The blaze of Atlas Flame's form, was so massive it illuminated the entirety of the village and much of the surrounding area. So much so that if it weren't for the deep dark night sky above, it could have passed for day time.

It was quite impressive actually.

"That was a good work out." Daiki commented to himself with a grin. stretching his arms out as he overlooked the Sun Village. Since he'd gotten used to thirty tons a piece on his limbs at all times, his training had over the last few days before he ended up here had been getting quite easy.

Fifty tons per limb made it a bit more challenging. Though, he'd started adapting to it a lot quicker than he expected even with his innate healing speeding up the gains of his muscles during his grind.

The pure yang chakra being pumped into his system seemed to already be showing its worth.

With a thought, he brought up his status to check it out and whistled, a grin appearing on his face, "Nice, not bad at all."

Name: Daiki Yurei
Age: 13
Chakra Capacity: 198,600/198,600 (Low-Tier Kage)
Ethernano Capacity: 61/61 (E)
Strength: 226/?
Endurance: 311/?
Durability: 228/?
Agility: 226/?
Taijutsu: 264/500
Ninjutsu: 392/500
Genjutsu: 107/500
Bukijutsu: 184/500
Chakra Control: 332/500

Chakra Affinities:
Lightning - (Expert): The Heavens Spark
Water - (Expert): The Sea Parts Before You
Wind - (Master): The Gale Bows
Earth - (Adept): The Earth Shakes
Fire - (Adept): Burning Soul

Fuinjutsu - (Expert): The World Awaits You.

Some of his stats had risen up a bit, and his ethernano capacity had outright more or less tripled. Granted, that was to be expected with how low it currently was but still.

Not to mention his fire elemental affinity training had risen up to the adept stage just like his earth one. It had been stuck at novice for the longest time.

Thank fuck for the old man giving him those scrolls to train both his earth and fire affinities. It wouldn't be long before they caught up to the others!

"…Oh hey that lake I stole will be perfect for mastering my water affinity as well!" Daiki grinned. He literally was toting around an entire lake he could use for training it! He'd stopped mid-way into his water training with the chunin exams popping up, but thanks to Yagura's knowledge that Isobu had, he had all he needed to master his water element as well.

Not to mention, he'd taken the time over the last few hours to scope out his new mansion. It was pretty sweet to be honest, specifically the library. It was absolutely massive and filled with thousands of books.

If there weren't a lacrima in the library that basically allowed him to search for specific books in the library, it would be hell to find anything.

As it was, it was incredibly useful for finding what he actually wanted, magic texts. Granted, not that he was against the many fiction books and others within the library, but right now just wasn't the time to chill with a good book and grind his mental prowess with a good relaxing read.

It just wasn't the time.

Either way, there was tons of magic books with instructions on learning specific magic styles. Wind magic, lightning magic, fire magic, earth magic, water magic, light magic, darkness magic, celestial spirit magic, requip magic, maker magic, archive magic, telepathy magic, take over magic and more.

Honestly, Everlue had seriously amassed quite the collection of magical texts. But then the dude had been a complete freak when it came to his book collection from what he remembered, so it made sense.

And probably explained where a lot of the freaks fortune went.

Admittedly, as amazing as all the texts on magic were, Daiki had been more interested in researching eye magic and had set aside a few clones to do so.

Apparently from what he found, it wasn't anything like creating a dojutsu, but more imbuing a magic spell or ability into the eyes themselves. And once that was done, it was permanent and the eyes couldn't have another spell imbued within them.

'I'll need to get the most out of whatever I decide to put in my Shinkugan to upgrade them.' Daiki mused. It wouldn't be long before he took Shisui's Sharingan and fused it with his Shinkugan and made it his own, with his increase of clones he'd doubled the speed they were working at on his bloodline usurpation seal.

So he'd need to pick something that wouldn't just be made redundant by the fused abilities of the Shinkugan and Sharinga.

The Shinkusharingan!

The all seeing scarlet copy wheel eye!

'Lame.' Isobu snorted.

And was ignored.

'No seriously, you should rename yourself to Minato, your naming sense is just that bad Daiki.' Isobu laughed.

Daiki pouted and ignored him harder.

As he ignored Isobu's amusement, he decided to make his move and made his way through the large giant village, hopping silently from roof top to roof top in a blur of speed, before taking one final leap and shooting over a hundred feet through the air to land silently in front of the massive bonfire that was Atlas Flame

He look up at the towering pillar of flames and whistled, "Quite the heat," he noted with a grin, it was like standing right next to a high level fire jutsu. He nodded, "Atlas Flame, I've come to bargain." he declared aloud.

'Oh for crying out loud.' Isobu groaned, 'Really? It wasn't funny or anything the first time and you want to do it again? Get some new material.'

The massive pillar of flickering flames, abruptly froze. It was quite interesting to see a flame of all things freeze in place mid-air. Quite wiggy too.

"…Interesting, long has it been since one who knew of me stood before me," a deep voice rumbled out from the flames, and from within the pillar of flickering embers, Daiki saw what looked like a pair of crimson eye sockets form within them, "Who are you human, and how do you know of me?" Atlas Flame asked.

Once upon a time, if this was the world he landed in instead of Isobu's, he would have probably been incredibly awed by Atlas Flame.

As it was, cool and amazing as Atlas Flame was. He just could not compare to seeing Isobu in the flesh for the first time when he was so much weaker than he was right now.

'It probably helps that strong as this dragon is, you would have a good chance of defeating him one on one between your lightning chakra mode and heavenly star seal.' Isobu mused.

That definitely helped. Even as he was right now, he wasn't even close to Isobu's power, but Atlas Flame was a different matter.

Isobu after all, could probably defeat Acnologia.

'Well yes, unless he was hiding a vast amount of his power outside of what you saw of the series, then while somewhat difficult, he simply lacks the physical ability or power output needed to defeat me.' Isobu commented.

Hmm, was Daiki hearing things or was there a smidgen of pride in the turtle bijuu's voice?

Anyway, as it was, he'd already long since decided on what he planned to do here.

"Hey, I'm Daiki, I'm a badass ninja from another dimension that ended up here by accident with memories of a bunch of different worlds," he grinned up at the towering flame, "I want to be a dragon slayer, think you can help me out with that? And if you want, I can seal you inside myself and you won't need to worry about dying like you are now."

He was greeted by utter silence in reply to his words. Not even the sounds of flickering flames.

"…Excuse me?" Atlas Flame's entire bonfire like body tilted to the side in complete befuddled confusement.

"Pretty much that," Daiki shrugged, "I know I'm kind of dropping it on you out of nowhere. But let's just say I've seen the future of this world, up to seven years from now on and saw you in it when you passed away. When I ended up here by accident, I figured we could help each other out."

"…Not unheard of abilities, I have saw those who can see the future before and even know of a few other dimensions," Atlas Flame conceded, "But why did you seek me out specifically? Why do you want to become a dragon slayer? What do you mean by seal me within yourself? There is a technique I have that could do much the same, but it will only prolong my life for a small time longer, it would not be permanent."

"Two reasons. One being there isn't actually a whole lot of dragons still around, actually, you're pretty much the only dragon I know of still around besides Acnologia." Daiki began, but before he could continue with his second point-

The massive bonfire that was Atlas Flame ripped and his eyes narrowed, "Acnologia…." he rumbled with clear distaste, "I expected as much, but he still lingers then I suppose, disappointing."

"Eh, he's not important," Daiki shrugged, "If you want to deal with him, I can help you out with that and we can kick his ass if you want. Anyway the second reason is, I'm going to be possibly fighting an utterly ridiculous monster of a guy in the future that makes Acnologia look like a little gecko and one of his favoured way of attacking is with fire techniques. As a fire dragon slayer, I'll be able to invalidate that avenue for him during our fight."

…Then all he had to do was deal with his time stopping and rewinding bullshit. His meteor summoning ability that could wipe out all of humanity with ease. His susanoo which even in its non perfect form was capable of obliterating a mountain range and could be used with up to twenty five clones at once with ease. His mokuton bullshit. His sage mode. And his base physical abilities that let him laugh off getting attacked by all nine bijuu and a kage at the same time.

And whoever knew what else.

No pressure or anything.

"I highly doubt such a foe exists, one so strong to make even Acnologia look weak?" Atlas Flame snorted, "And if they did, why would you not seek out Acnologia. The ability to devour flames is one thing, but Acnologia has the power to devour ethernano itself, if he is so weak why would you not go and see about taking his power in some form instead of my own?"

Wait…that was Acnologia's power? Huh.

No wonder that fucker had slaughtered all the dragons and was the strongest guy around here. The guy was outright immune to all magic attacks more or less because he could just eat anything. Not even the magic of another dragon would be able to hurt him.


"That power would be absolutely useless to me," Daiki shrugged, "It only has any worth here. The world I come from and where that guy is, has people that use a completely different and more powerful energy known as chakra. Completely different from ethernano. But as a fire dragon, you can consume any type of fire and convert it into ethernano, right?"

Atlas Flame was silent for a moment, before speaking, "I see, your logic does make sense I suppose and your reasoning for wanting to become a fire dragon slayer is understandable I suppose," the bonfire shaped dragon rumbled out, "But you want more than that. What do you mean by sealing me inside yourself?"

"Back home, I'm known as a Jinchuuriki," Daiki replied, "It's a term for someone who has one of the nine tailed beasts sealed within them. They each have a corresponding amount of tails from one to nine, and the more tails they have, the more powerful they are. I can't speak for the one or two tails, but I know for a fact that the three tailed beast is stronger than Acnologia, because I have him sealed within me. And as a jinchuuriki, I can draw upon the three tailed beasts power as my own. But even all nine of the bijuu together, can't hope to defeat the opponent I plan on facing in the future."

"Ah, and you wish to do the same with me," Atlas Flame realised, "But that does not make sense to me still. If what you say is true, my strength galling as it is to say, would add very little overall to the strength you can draw upon. It would be simpler for you to just become a dragon slayer and go on your way."

"There's more to it than that," Daiki shook his head, "One of the biggest benefits of me being a Jinchuuriki, is Isobu, the three tailed beast trickling his chakra into my own constantly and forcing my own chakra capacity to grow stronger tiny bit by tiny bit at a constant rate. Since I've come to this world, I've gotten ethernano of my own and-"

"You wish to do the same with me, only with your ethernano instead, clever," the massive bonfire bent down slightly as if if nodding, "I'm afraid it will not work though. My power does not recover any longer as I do not have my body anymore, once it dries up, I will pass on. Because of that, my power is finite and thus impossible to do something like that. Even making you a dragon slayer would perhaps be the end of me as I am now, pitiful indeed I have become."

"How does that work by the way?" Daiki asked, curious, "I don't actually know how first generation dragon slayers are made. I do know to become a second generation dragon slayer by implanting a dragon lacrima, though I don't know how a dragon lacrima works either now that I think about it."

"…There are multiple ways to go about it, but the simplest is a dragon bestowing the essence of their magic upon a human, doing so costs quite a bit of magic power though, if I were to expand that much now, I would surely perish," Atlas Flame replied, "A dragon lacrima is a simple matter though I suppose, in creation at least. You simply need the heart of a dragon. Though I'm afraid I can't help you there, my body is nothing but bones now, an empty husk that contains only mere pitiful traces of my power."

Daiki perked up a bit, "…Your corpse huh? You know where it is?" he asked. He could work with a corpse for sure.

"It is directly under me, in a chamber beneath this pit I am currently within," Atlas Flame responded, making him blink, that was kind of morbid, perching atop ones own corpse, "Hmm. Perhaps I should just take this chance with you in front of me. I do not know why, but I believe your words strange human. Bestowing my essence upon one as seemingly powerful as you, would be a legacy worth being proud of, someone who brings pride to the name of the Hellfire Dragon."

"If that's what you want, I won't stop you and I'll proudly take on the name of the Hellfire Dragon, I'll even kill Acnologia in your name if you want," Daiki promised. If nothing else, it would be the least he could do for one who would pass his power and legacy to him, though he had no idea where to find Acnologia, "But if it's simply about the fact that you don't have a body, I can change that."

The dark crimson eye sockets within the flames narrowed, "How?" he questioned, "Such a thing is simply not possible, not unless you can resurrect my body."

"I can actually," Daiki smirked proudly, "My ability to do so is called the Life Force Conversion Seal. And with enough chakra I can make a corpse that is nothing but bones hale and healthy again. I used it recently, so I've not got much stocked up. But resurrecting your body? It shouldn't be beyond my current stores of chakra."

It wasn't like Atlas Flame's body was Shisui Uchiha's body with a mangekyou sharingan after all.

"Absurd," Atlas Flame snorted, "it almost feels like a fever dream before my pitiful oncoming passing, for one such as you to appear before me."

A chortling laugh resounded from the massive bonfire, "Very well, Daiki!" Atlas Flame boomed, "Should you be capable of what you say, then I shall join you and allow you to seal me within you."

As he said so, Daiki felt a small flare of magical power escape the bonfire and seep into the ground, before suddenly, a slab of the ground in front of him slipped back to reveal a staircase, "My body is in the chamber below."

"Alright, let's see what I'm working with then." Daiki nodded and made his way into and down the staircase.

When he got to the bottom, he found himself stepping into a large oval room lit up by a few torches. And there in the middle of the room was a massive skeleton. Over fifty feet long, it looked not much different from a crocodile's corpse to be honest, except with a shorter snout.

And massive wing bones jutting from the back.

Though, unlike normal skeletons, the bones of Atlas Flame's body were scorched black.

The body really was pretty damn big. Not as big as his boss summon back home, nor even close to Isobu, but still pretty damn big.

"I can work with this," Daiki mused with nod, "I should definitely expend a little more though and take out the first heart and make a second."

'Yes, the ability to enter that Dragon Force form at will would be quite the boon.' Isobu agreed.

There was a shimmer at the ceiling and a flame rippled along the surface of it, "And why is this?" Atlas Flame asked, "I assume to make a dragon lacrima, but I will simply bestow my essence upon you once my body is brought back to life, and there is no need to go about it that way."

"Because a first generation dragon slayer with a dragon lacrima, becomes a third generation dragon slayer," Daiki grinned, cracking his neck, "And can control the dragon force at will. Plus it'll be an instant boost to my magic power."

"I see, interesting, that does make some sense, that fool who once summoned me could do something like that." Atlas Flame mused.

"Yeah, Rogue, it's my knowledge on him and his partner Sting that I saw that I'm getting this information from." Daiki nodded as he began the hand seals needed and beginning to draw upon the stored chakra stored up within him that he and Isobu both had been adding to constantly, every single day.

More than two weeks had passed now since they used this technique on Shisui's corpse, so they'd once again stored up quite a bit. Not even close to the amount they used on Shisui's corpse, but still a substantial amount.

"Oh, you saw that as well, it lends even more credence to your words." Atlas Flame hummed, his flaming form rippling with interest along the ceiling as Daiki's technique began.

"Mystical Palm Jutsu!" he declared, a soft green aura humming into existence around his palms. His Shinkugan glowed a bright powerful scarlet red as he drew upon the chakra stored and converted into pure life force and through his eyes, flowed it into the mystical palm jutsu.

A moment later, the green aura of chakra shimmered and became a pure glistening silver.

He spread out his palms and the silver light spread out like a warm blaze, enveloping the large corpse and almost immediately it began. Organs began to form within the skeleton, muscle growing around it, scales sprouting from the muscle, eyeballs forming within empty sockets, massive talons jutting out from the skeletal feet at the same time the scales formed.

Within the chest of the skeleton, a beating heart formed, pulsing as veins formed and blood began to flow.

But before it could get any further, Daiki stopped the technique. Sweat had formed from his brow through expending such raw amounts of chakra and life force, but he ignored it and stepped forward to the giant dragon corpse, and reached right into its wide open chest cavity.

Wrapped his fingers around the beating heart within.

And tore out it out in a great fountain of blood.

He beheld the heart in his in his hands as it pumped away. Beyond the size of it, being about twice as large as his head, the heart wasn't all that different in shape or form to be honest.

He stared at it for a moment, before sealing it within his Dimension Force Seal until he needed it, and then got right back to rebuilding Atlas Flame's corpse.

He could have probably been a little more gentle with it, but it was a dragons heart, it wasn't so flimsy.

"…How morbid, to see my own heart torn from my body," Atlas Flame commented drily, "You're not very squeamish at all I see." he laughed lightly.


"Interloper….you dare intrude upon my domain?"

Deep within Daiki's soul, Isobu cracked his eye open as an ominous voice rumbled throughout the depths of his partners very being.

He felt a disturbance above him as a void of rippling darkness formed and began spreading like a mist within Daiki's soul.

"I curse you boy, know your folly when you dared to intrude upon the domain of a-"

The voice was cut off completely and the void of darkness was smashed out of existence as a gargantuan tail rose up and collided it with a mountain rending slam.

"I accepted the dragon, he at least has agreed to pay rent," Isobu spoke casually, glaring up at where the void of darkness once more began forming with his one eye, "There's a no squatting rule in here though, Ankhseram is it? Begone."

A glaring eye formed in the darkness, blazing like an ebony inferno, "Useless creature living within an impudent interloping mortal, you dare strike at me?" the god of death snarled, a second eye formed, followed by a head around the, then ebony black arms of power formed and a body pulled itself into existence above Isobu, "I-"

The ebony black body rose, growing to a titanic size and pointed one huge fist at Isobu as he spoke, but was cut off by one of Isobu's tails that dwarfed his massive body wrapping around it and dragging the god of death down, straight into Isobu's head where he smashed a headbutt that would have pulverized a skyscraper straight into Ankhseram's stomach.

Spittle flew from the gods formed body, ebony inferno like eyes bulging in pain as Isobu let go of him and let him fall onto his face atop the rigid pool of Daiki's chakra.

Unlike Isobu, the god of death of this world was not welcome here and as such, could not submerge himself within it like Isobu could.

"You…dare strike me you filthy thing?!" Ankhseram spat, voice filled with rage as he rose up, clutching his stomach with one arm and glaring murder into Isobu's own glaring eye, "How dare you. I will rend you and this disgusting mortal intruding upon my domain limb from limb. I am your better, I am above you, I am a GOD! And I will not be treated this way by some filthy-"

The god of death never got to finished as one of Isobu's tails came from below the water and smashed him from below and sent him soaring into the air above like a missile, but never got far, before a second of his tails caught him and smashed into him like a titanic baseball bat and forced to change directions, only for his third tail to meet him in his flight path.

Over and over Isobu smashed the god of death between his tails, each single strike capable of felling a mountain and used in a barrage to smash the god of death once, twice, five times, ten times, twenty five times, fifty times, a hundred. The speed of the blows was blurring and before long, hundreds had struck and the god fell silent.

When Isobu finally stopped over a moment later, the body of Ankhseram, bloodied and leaking dark ichor like fluid all over Isobu's lovely home within Daiki's soul fell limp, the only sound coming from the god being a wheezing whistle, unable to even form words after the beating.

"Puny god." Isobu snorted and opened his mouth, within moments a pitch black sphere of ominous chakra forming and growing and growing until it was the size of his head, "Bijuudama!" he roared and unleashed the tailed beast bomb in the form of a gigantic black beam of power that swept over the downed god.

And wiped his body completely from existence.

"And don't come back." Isobu snorted, laying back down.

It was not the gods main body, so for sure he hadn't killed Ankhseram. But he for sure had made the god feel pain and would know better from now on than to try and mess with Daiki's soul again.

If he tried again…well next time Isobu wouldn't be so gentle.



Water Turtle, Fire Dragon… Air and Earth beasties of unspecified type next?


Christ alive, that shit never gets old!


man the image of isobro essentially bullying what amounts to a god is infinitely amusing