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"Huh," Daiki mused to himself, standing in front of a large metallic gate, bordered by large metallic walls that formed a huge square shape around an absolutely massive mansion, "This place is actually pretty snazzy." he mused to himself.

The place even had a huge garden estate around it. This place was almost as nice as his own place back home!

And much more western in design compared to his own.

"I wonder if the boss would like a mansion like this?" Daiki mused to himself. He was actually a shadow clone of the original who was currently continuing on his way to where they thought the Sun Village was.

Ah who was he kidding, he was a complete copy, he obviously wanted it. Honestly, he had a hard time just not taking everything nailed down.

It would go to waste in his dimension force seal, but he supposed he could just plop it in Isobu's dimension?

Since the dimension was connected to Isobu himself, they could access it no matter where they ended up.

'This is a terrible idea,' Isobu spoke into the clones head, 'Make sure you take the surrounding forest as well, and there's a decent sized lake on the other side of it as well. Take that as well, I want that.'

Daiki snorted, "So much for it being a terrible idea, you're just as bad as me!"

'I've simply given up and decided to accept the chaotic idiocy you spread everywhere you go and just enjoy what I can.' Isobu's response was very tsundere, '…Do I look like a mini skirt wearing Japanese girl?'

Now there was an idea.

"…Man, I wonder if we'll end up in the Fate world at some point?" Daiki wondered as he casually hopped over the large gate and moved in a blur of speed so fast no normal person could hope to see him.

Never mind the fatso and his maids living in this mansion.

'I seriously hope not,' Isobu replied, 'All the conceptual laws we'd be put under would be a chore and a half to deal with.'

That was true, that would be a real pain.

Though there was of course the fact that Baedusa was a thing there and-

'No.' Isobu denied him instantly.

"Spoil sport." Daiki pouted as he casually snuck inside the mansion and made his way through it, pinpointing where each and every single maid was within moments with his eyes, and easily sneaking up on them and knocking them out.

He made a few clones to take them outside and dump them, before making his way to an office room on the top floor, where Duke Everlue was currently in the process of grooming his weird ass nose hair moustache.

What a freak.

He was behind the man within moments, and he saw said tiny mans eyes widen in shock and fear at his abrupt appearance, but didn;t manage any more than that before Daiki wrapped his arms around his neck and jerked it to the side.

His neck snapped with an audible crunch…and his head came clean off, "…Oops?" Daiki stared, bemused at the decapitated head held within his hands.

Man this guy was way more fragile than he realised.

'To be expected I suppose, he is rather weak for a warrior of this world, and the people of this world are generally more fragile and weaker than our own from my estimates,' Isobu hummed, 'Not to mention, you just saw a not insignificant increase in your physical abilities, you need to keep in mind your stat increases are not linear so even if they only look a small bit higher, the increase you see for each stat gained becomes larger and larger with each single one you grind out.'

That was true. After all, now that he thought about it, he had completely forgotten he was literally wearing thirty tons per limb right now. He had already gotten to the point where he had no trouble with them at all and was planning on increasing them, but now they were to the point where they were forgettable.

"I usually increase gradually, but I think a big jump up to fifty tons per limb would work this time." Daiki mused, dropping the head of Everlue at his feet with a meaty plop sound, his headless corpse having long since fallen down to the floor before his head.

With that ugly fool taken care of, he was about to head off down to the vault where he kept his fortune, before he paused.

"Oh right, I can't just leave this dudes corpse laying around my new mansion." he realised, he crouched down and sealed the corpse inside his dimension force seal for the moment, before continuing on his way, a whistle on his lips.

Amusingly, the vault was contained within an underground bunker. Everlue seriously pulled out all the stops.

And loved wasting cash.

The man literally had a golden statue of himself in the main hall of the mansion. He supposed it was good to have confidence in ones self, but holy crap what a waste of gold.

Daiki had already sealed it inside his dimension force seal. He'd melt it down later. Because gold talked everywhere.

Before long he made it to his shiny new vault filled with a fortune, and inside he went.

With a key he took fro…m Everlue's corpse.

He wasn't sure what he was expecting. Vast piles of gold coins large enough to swim in Scrooge Mcduck style? Gold bars stacked higher than he was tall? Chests spread out everywhere?

As it turned out, nothing of the sort. It was literally just something akin to a normal bank vault with boxes along the walls filled with jewels.

"…Not gonna lie I'm kind of let down." Daiki mused with a nod. For his first time robbing some uber rich fucker?

How disappointing.

Shrugging, he cast an eye around the large vault room for a moment, before his eyes landed on a sort of…dial and screen.

Walking over to it, Daiki was surprised to find there was a number on the screen.

218,214,876 Jewels

"….Damn," Daiki blinked, "…We're rich, I think?"

'Eh, it's alright I guess,' Isobu outright shrugged, 'By my estimates, in your original worlds currency, it would be worth a few million dollars I suppose? I'm assuming this idiot had most of his fortune amidst investments or had more stashed in other place…that or he just blew his fortune like a moron. Not really our problem though.'

True, true.

Well whatever.

Making his way around the vault, Daiki wasted no time in slurping up every single note of cash into his dimension force seal.

With that taken care of, Daiki made his way outside the mansion and back to where he started just outside the gate and observed the area with his Shinkugan, "…I won't have enough chakra to make a big enough portal to scoop all this up at once myself." he mused.

Thankfully, he had an inner turtle demon buddy.

Reaching within the seal mentally, Daiki grasped onto Isobu's chakra and a moment later, it flowed through his chakra coils, a blazing red bubbling cloak of chakra sizzling into existence around him, three long thick shrimp like chakra tails swinging lazily in the air behind him, "Now let's do this!" he chuckled, lifting his hands up palms facing outward, "Sunpo!" he declared aloud.

Usually, he spread the space time technique just over his body to enter Isobu's personal dimension. In this case, he did that, as a start and spread it out in the form of a bubble like shape.

It expanded outwards and upwards, spreading over the estate in front of him, expanding over the range of the small forest section around the estate and straight across the lake a few hundred metres away from the estate.

Within moments a huge spherical purple barrier had formed over the area, before with a thought it all disappeared and Daiki alongside it.

Leaving nothing but a massive gouge in the earth as if a god had reached down and scooped up a massive swathe of land to take for himself.


Fiore was surprisingly small for a country.

By Daiki's estimates, the entirety of Fiore, which seemed to be a decently large country going by the maps he'd looked over, wasn't even a third of the size of Fire Country back home.

The distance between his destination and say the Leaf Village and the Land of Loot, wasn't even comparable. Well, really it was, but what Daiki meant, was that compared to when he was going out on missions prior to the chunin exams, the trip was dreadfully short.

In a way, it made the world feel a lot smaller to him when he could cross such distances so easily even at a casual travelling speed.

'That's the kind of thing that happens when you can move faster than a bolt of lightning at your fastest,' Isobu commented as he tore up the side of a mountain, reached the peak in a few moments, then jumped right across it clearing hundreds of feet easily to land on the next mountain peak, then repeated it, 'Even right now with no enhancement techniques or abilities and wearing literally two hundred tons, you're moving fast enough to make the fighter jets of your home world look like snails in comparison.'

Ah yeah, he'd upped his weights, twenty more tons per limb before setting off on this little jaunt to find Atlas Flame and the Sun Village.

And by his estimates, he was only a few minutes away. And it hadn't even been an hour yet.

It was weird sometimes to him even now, to be capable of such feats. Yet it just went to show all of his hard work he supposed.

He paused as he landed at the peak of the next mountain, sticking to the side with chakra as memories rushed through him, his clone dispelling after completing his the job he'd assigned it.

"That was actually a good idea." he laughed to himself, unminding as piles of snow settled atop his shoulders. The Hakobe Mountain Range was a very snowy climate after all.

His clone had outright stolen not only Duke Everlue's mansion and everything he owned, but the general vicinity around his mansion and even a decently large lake and plopped it down inside Isobu's dimension.

'Quite, it's not exactly my lovely pond, but it'll do,' Isobu mused, 'Though my dimension is a dreary place for sure. No sun or anything, all of the plant life is just going to die and I won't be able to sunbathe at all.'

"I wonder if I could do something about that with sealing?" Daiki mused, he didn't specifically need an actual sun, but he could probably create something similar if at much smaller size that could simulate solar rays. He blinked, "Wait, this isn't back home, we don't really need to worry about people seeing you outside the seal here." he pointed out.

'…You remember that I'm massively bigger than even the dragons that terrified people around here right?' Isobu deadpanned, 'I suppose if you find an out of the way place it wouldn't be much of a problem. But we'd still need to watch out for idiots that come across us at that time and panic. No, I'd much rather a private place…like my pond.' he added at the end pointedly.

Man he really loved that pond. Not that he blamed him Daiki supposed, his place was sweet as hell. He was gonna miss his nice comfy bachelor pad until he got back.

'Our place.' Isobu corrected.

"Communist turtle demon." Daiki snorted, rolling his eyes.

'You're the one that invited me in, no take backs.' said turtle demon just snorted in amusement.

Chucking, Daiki hopped up to the peak of the mountain, before leaping hundreds of feet to the next and once again to the next.

Before long, he had reached the last peak of the mountain range and leaped off of the top, plummeting over a thousand feet to the bottom, landing easily and then speeding off in a blur of motion.

And before long, he found himself stopping atop a large hill that overlooked a village. A village made up of massive stone buildings with a wide dense forest circling around it. Humans of titanic size meandered around the village, while a titanic burning bonfire that dwarfed even the size of the giants throughout the village.

"So this is the Sun Village, huh?" Daiki mused, it was quite the sight, he had to admit.

He focused his eyes on the bonfire itself, the slumbering form of Atlas Flame, a once mighty titan and contender for the title of king of the fire dragons, only losing out to Igneel, the strongest of all living dragons before Acnologia came about to his knowledge.

He was little more than a lingering soul that was burning out bit by bit. With his body now containing ethernano and his eyes, he could see it. The roiling blazing power within Atlas Flame, a mere fraction now of the bigger whole. It was almost akin to seeing a large glass bottle with a flame inside, once upon a time that flame would have filled it up to its entirety, but now? It filled less than a third of it.

And when that flame puttered out, so too would Atlas Flame's life in this world.

Yet even so, that dwindling flame of magic power was still multiple thousands of times the size of his own current magical power.

Poor fucker.

'Alright, for now I don't want to deal with the giants so I'll wait till they're all asleep.' he mused to himself, and in the meantime? "Sunpo." he declared, his form rippling as a portal formed over him and he entered Isobu's dimension, hopping out amongst his many hundreds of clones in the middle of training.

He could get some physical training done!


King hand axe

I'll admit, I laughed out loud when he ripped that guy's head off, it was something simple that would happen if you consider how strong he is but also not something I thought I was going to read so thank you for that. I really enjoyed the interaction with Isobro, and showing strong hints that he's easing off a little with the super hype and becoming a little more chill with true confidence, it's making a nice character development.


He should have kept the maids, I'm sure Isobu could have used them to build him a new pond....