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Asia winced as Issei flipped backwards from the kick Koneko launched that caught him in the cheek, a sputtering muffled cry erupting from his lips as his body rotated completely around mid-air from the force of it and he face planted on the ground.

He moaned dismally into the ground and Asia had to resist the urge to rush over and heal him with her sacred gear. She'd been tempered not to all day yesterday when he'd been beaten up quite thoroughly through sparring with Koneko and Kiba.

It didn't mean she had got rid of the desire to do so though, she just had to hold it in, it was all tor training for buchou's sake!

"Issei, what's wrong? This is worse than yesterday," Rias-buchou sighed, palming her forehead, "Asia healed you and everything, you should be in even better shape after the training from yesterday, so why are you doing even worse?"

Asia hadn't wanted to say as such, but…she kind of agreed. Ever since she met up with Issei this morning, he'd been quite off. There were bags under his eyes as if he had not slept a wink, he always seemed to be daydreaming and he'd randomly hunch over at the oddest of times during breakfast.

Actually he kept staring at the door when they were having breakfast as if expected something to come barging through and had seemed oddly enough to Asia to be both dreaded by the prospect and excited by it.

"Mmfgffcuckfgfd," Issei spoke around a mouthful of dirt, before spitting it out and pushing himself up on shaky legs to give buchou a sheepish grin, "Ah, sorry buchou I was just so excited…for training that I ended up not getting any sleep at all last night."

"You idiot," Rias shook her head fondly, "Take a rest for now I suppose then, we'll resume in half an hour."

"Hehe yes mam!" Issei saluted. limping his way over to a tree and collapsing against it with an exhausted sigh while Koneko snorted at him.

Asia was about to go over and heal him using her twilight healing sacred gear, but buchou spoke up before she could, "Asia, could you go wake up Kaito for me please?" her redheaded king called over, "While he's with us, I think it's best I put his knowledge to use when it comes to training Issei with his dragon type sacred gear."

With Rias looking at Asia and both Asia herself and Koneko turning their attention to her, none of them noticed Issei stiffening lightly and opening his mouth-

"Sure, leave it to me buchou!" Asia smiled brightly at her.

"Thank you," Rias smiled back, before suddenly sighing, "And tell Akeno to get a move on while you're there and stop playing around would you? This isn't the time for her games."

Asia blinked, she wasn't sure what Akeno had to do with waking up Kaito? though she did remember that Akeno had left the bath they were all having early last night so she could go help out Kaito learn how to use devil magic. Did she end up sleeping in Kaito's room?

With a smile on her face, Asia made her way back into the villa and towards where she knew Kaito's bedroom was, directly above Issei's actually!

Her own was actually right next to Issei's and she'd heard odd sounds coming from above when she returned to her room, so Kaito and Akeno must have been working very hard.

No wonder they were still asleep!

When she reached Kaito's assigned berrom for their stay during their training, Asia knocked on the door a few times before calling through the door, "Kaito-san, are you awake?"

No answer.

And…her nose tingled a bit.

"Hmm, that smells weird, but nice." Asia sniffed the air a few times. She'd smelled it before actually. Around Issei she was sure, but never as thick and potent. She always liked it and it made her feel tingly in the stomach and pleasant and warm.

Did they use the same kind of deodorant maybe?

Actually, now that she thought about it, Issei and Kaito didn't get along at all. Asia pouted at the thought, it was because of girls. A flare of jealousy that was completely unbecoming burned in her stomach at all the girls Issei was interested in but never showed any of that with her.

'Does he not have any interest in me like Akeno-senpai and buchou and all those other girls?' Asia wondered and looking down at her chest with a pout, 'Is it really because my breasts aren't big enough?'

New as she was to the outside world, she was well aware of how much Issei adored big breasts like buchou's.

…And Raynare's.

Asia bit her lip, her mind wandering back to after Raynare had taken her away from Issei. The fallen angel had cruelly mocked her in many ways, and had a lot of fun lording the fact that Issei was 'in love with her' before, but she killed him because he was too pathetic, and that she, Asia herself was just what she called a 'rebound' girl, someone he was only hanging around with to make himself feel better about not getting with the girl he truly wanted to. In that case, Raynare herself who had very loudly decreed her superiority when it came to physical attractiveness in comparison to Asia herself.

She was such a horrible woman, but her words did ring true sometimes to her, when Issei would rather pay attention to Rias and Akeno because of their massive breasts, just like Raynare's own.

Shaking her head and putting those melancholy thoughts out of mind, Asia once again knocked on Kaito's bedroom door a few times and called his name once more for good measure.

When there was still no answer and no sound to be heard after a few moments, Asia reached for the door knob and opened the door stepping inside.

She was hit almost immediately with that same scent she liked, but in a much heavier…dose? She could practically feel it all around her, wrapping around her body like a warm cover and making her cheeks flare and body tingle excitedly.

If she wasn't careful, Asia was sure she could get lost in it and just sit around in a daze! She clearly still wasn't used to the normal world if just a smell she liked was doing this to her.

Asia smacked her cheeks to reorient herself and looked to the bed where she could see Kaito. He was flat on his back, face looking up at the ceiling, shirtless and snoring lightly as he slept peacefully.

"Wow, he's very well built." Asia noticed almost immediately. She hadn't spent much time around Kaito at all because of the friction between him and Issei. But here and now, he was shirtless as he slept in bed, the covers bunched like a small hill from his waist down.

It was such a big bed too! Easily five times the size of the one she had back home at the Hyoudou home!

Asia wasn't all that used to be around boys. It was mostly older men of the clothe she dealt with growing up, and then Issei and Kiba who were both a lot lot more slender built than Kaito Evander.

'They look very strong!' she thought, nodding to herself. It was no wonder buchou wanted his help to beat up that nasty Riser Phenex!

His muscular and powerful body instilled a very reliable feeling just from looking at it, Asia could feel.

She wondered if Issei would have a body like that once he did enough training with buchou and mastered his Boosted Gear?


Asia's head cocked to the side as she noticed movement in the covers bunched up around Kaito's waist. the covers slowly rose up, and down, and then up and down.

And as she strained her ears, she could hear a faint sound that sounded almost like the sound she made when slurping up a drink through a straw at that burger place Issei took her!

On instinct, the former holy maiden made her way over to the bed and with a shaky hand grasped the cover and lifted it up to find-

"A-akeno-senpai!?" Asia sputtered, eyes widening and heat blossoming on her cheeks as she found a fully nude Akeno-senpai, her abundantly large naked breasts squished against Kaito's thighs as she bobbed her head up and down on his penis!?

His…extremely massive penis. Were they supposed to get that big? Was that normal? She'd seen Issei's a few times when she tried to bathe with him because she heard he'd like that, but length wise Kaito's had to be around four times the size and thicker than her wrist while Issei's was about as thick as two of her finger.

Upon noticing her, Akeno pulled her lips from Kaito's thick penis head with a wet pop sound and gave her a pleasant smile, "Ara ara, good morning Asia-chan," Akeno greeted her, "Did you have a good sleep? I hope I didn't keep you up with all the noise I was making last night."

"Ah…no, I was very tired after training," Asia replied, tearing her eyes from the massive penis sticking up in the air like a sword or a spear, "What…what are you doing? Why are you giving Kaito-san a blowjob?"

Thanks to her good friend Aika, she was well aware of how sexual intercourse happened and had been studying it with her help and advice, for Issei's benefit.

"Because men love being woken up with them," Akeno replied, "Well maybe not Issei-kun, he's a virgin after all and very skittish around women despite wanting a harem. That, and I'm trying to seduce Kaito-kun here." she added, punctuating her words by leaning down and giving the big thick head of his penis a quick kiss.

'Oh my.' Asia cupped her cheeks as she stared, her breath coming out in short pants.

She had no idea Akeno was interested in Kaito! Issei was going to be very jealous.

She frowned at the thought.

"…Why?" she asked on reflex.

"Because he's very manly and I want to become his woman," Akeno beamed at her, "Also, he gave me such pleasure last night and worked so hard even after that to learn how to use his magic and impressed me so much, that I thought he deserved a reward like this."

A sudden gleam entered Akeno's eyes as Asia's eyes shifted to stare at Kaito's naked body and bare naked penis, "Would you like to try it out yourself?" Akeno asked, wrapping her hand around the base of the penis, or half so at least, her fingers unable to close around it fully and pointing it at Asia, a clear drop of thick white liquid pearling on the top of the slit on the head.

"Ah…eh?" Asia blinked, taken aback, "I…I can't, what would Issei think? And I don't even know Kaito-san that well!" she waved her hands, denying the offer.

"Well, he didn't leem to mind last night when he was peeping on me and Kaito-kun having sex, in fact he seemed to enjoy watching Kaito-kun and me quite a bit ufufu," Akeno giggled, making Asia blink in shock, "Besides, sometimes the order can be changed around and sex can come before love and romance. And you've been trying to get Issei to see you as a woman for over a month now to no avail, no?"

Asia wasn't really sure what to say to that. Her heart was beginning to pound in her chest, her hands were shaky and her head felt heavy and warm.

"And it's not like Kaito-kun isn't attracted to you either," Akeno mused, her smile widening, "After all, initially before he was recruited by Serafall-sama, one of his stipulations for joining our peerage was getting to have sex with you."

"Oh…oh my," Asia swallowed heavily, "E-even though I don't have big breasts like yours?"

"Oh yes, Kaito-kun thinks you're beautiful beyond belief," Akeno's smile was positively vulpine, "I'm sure if he met you first before Issei, you would already be his woman right now and sharing his bed, just like Yanagi-chan and hopefully me in the future. A man like Kaito-kun would have snapped you right up."

"Ah…I see?" Asia stuttered out, and despite herself, she found the image of herself naked as Akeno was right now and in her place, kissing her way up Kaito's massive penis.

She didn't know him, but why did that seem so appealing right now.

"And besides, Issei loves to watch girls getting fucked silly, it's why he was peeping on us last night and why he constantly watches porn," Akeno shrugged, her huge naked breasts jiggling atop her chest, "Why, he'd probably be over the moon if you recorded a video of having sex with Kaito-kun and sent it to him."

"Is that…so?" Asia felt something was a little off there, but at the same time, from what she knew of Isse and saw of what he got up to, she couldn't dispute such a thing.

"Well usually I suppose, he doesn't seem to see you all that sexually, which is a shame considering how pretty you are Asia-chan." Akeno shook her head.

A pang of hurt flared in her chest, but she pushed it away. It couldn't be helped if she wasn't the type of girl Issei was attracted to. That wasn't any fault of his.

She needed time to think.

"Mmm…" Asia pursed her lips, and shook her head, "Well anyway…Buchou wants you and Kaito-k-san to come help with training, and she said you were to stop playing games? Whatever that means."

With her message delivered, Asia, face blazing red and stomach tingling rushed out of Kaito's room.

And did her very best not to think of all that Akeno said and Kaito's naked body and what it would be like to be in her senpai's place.


"Ufufufufufu!" a chortling giggle of malicious amusement left Akeno's lips as her cute little junior fled from the room.

"What the hell was that?" the voice of Kaito asked, and she looked over to see his eyes wide open and glaring at her.

Well that was to be expected, he had been awake the entire time after all.

"Just some fun daddy," Akeno shrugged, grinning at him, lazily stroking his behemoth of a cock that he'd used to ruin her all night long, "And a little revenge for both you and me, I didn't appreciate him peeping on us and rushing off to masturbate all night to us."

"…He actually did that? You didn't make that up?" Kaito blinked, "And wait, what do you mean revenge for me?"

"Ah poor Kaito-kun, so strong, so powerful and so domineering, but your sensing abilities are so bad still," Akeno giggled, "But yes, he did indeed walk in on us last night and then ran off to his room below his to masturbate to what he saw, it was quite pitiful actually. And you and he don't get along at all, and he's been more the cause of the friction than you, and I after all am aiming to become part of your little harem you have going on, so obviously I should help you."

Issei might have been her cute little junior, but over the period of last night, she'd fallen head over heels in love with the younger teenage she was currently in bed with. Besides, it wasn't like what she was doing would permanently harm him, at the rate he was going currently even with the life span of a devil, Issei would probably still die a virgin.

No use letting cute little Asia waste her time chasing him.

"…That guy," Kaito sighed, rolling his eyes, "But whatever, either way I don't need your help to get back at him. In fact, I don't plan on dealing with him much at all going forward after this training trip and dealing with Riser. I'm not the type of guy to get his jollies lording his superiority over someone."

Lording his superiority? That was quite arrogant to statement right there. The best of it was, Kaito hadn't even realised he'd said it as such she was sure.

The dragon became more apparent in him as the days went by it seemed.

"Hmm, that little confrontation you had with him and Rias a few weeks back says otherwise." Akeno teased, trailing her fingers up his cock, smile widening as it twitched with desire.

Kaito grimaced when she reminded him of it, "That was a mistake, I might not like the guy, but I'm usually not the type to bully someone like that," he replied, reaching up to run a hand through his hair, "it was a lapse in control, something I'm still dealing with even now."

"Ara? I quite like that domineering side of you though, and enjoyed you thoroughly bullying me all night long," Akeno giggled, lowering her head down to kiss along his cock, "How about it then? If you need someone to bully to let out all that tension, why not just bully me?" she purred, giving his cock head a lick and grinning at him.

Kaito stared at her in annoyance for a moment, before the hand running through his hair in annoyance, came down to fist itself in her long ebony black tresses, and then her eyes abruptly widened as he used his grip on her hair to force her face against his crotch and his cock into her mouth.

Soon the room was filled with the wet sounds of her gagging around his cock, and the meaty slaps of his balls slapping against her chin.



Thnks for chapter!! I have no idea how you keep track of every story u write, but this one is one of my faves so I remember it.


Bro seriously, Issei can be an asshole but is just a horny kid, thats why i don't like Akeno, she's the kind of girl who can cheat her best friend only because her own pleasure and kinks. Thanks for the chapter btw!