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With a skill available to him that could not only be used to train his magic power bit by bit, but also allowed him to actively hunt fish in the depths of the lake and even increase the intensity of his training under it.

Granted, he did have to make new weights to stash in the forest. Especially because his physical abilities were slowly but noticeably improving.

And with the ability to actively hunt the fish in the lake and leaving his vine nets to trap them overnight, it was inevitable he'd level up.

And in record time too.

It only took three and a half months!

Currently, Faeran was lounging naked on the banks of the forest lake, his clothing hanging on a tree branch not far away to keep dry, one of his spears lay on the ground beside him, right next to a huge pile of recently deceased fish.

"Now we're getting somewhere," Faeran laughed to himself happily as he finished distributing his new stat points from leveling up and looked over his stats.

Name: Faeran Odhar

Level: 3

Class: -

Blessing: -

Affinity: -

MP: 542/542

Strength: 9

Endurance: 9

Durability: 9

Agility: 10

Status Points: 0


Aquatic Breathing

One of his stats had actually risen up to the ten milestone! And the others weren't far off. He'd decided to focus on investing a little more into his Agility stat since it was one of the harder physical stats to raise with his sheer lack of equipment to use.

And it would be vital for when he finally went after the Summoning Class. And even more so when he went after the second thing he truly needed before going after the Demon Angelo.

Statistically speaking, his stats were still trash. In fact, most level one noble toddlers would have stats superior to him.

But…he was at the point now where ability wise, he shouldn't have any real problems with low level monsters like goblins.

In fact, he could probably do well right now as a low level adventurer.

It was tempting to go for it, oh so tempting.

'No,' he forced the excitement to dispel. As confident as he was in his abilities, caution was often called the better part of valor for a reason.

He'd already long decided that he wouldn't register as an adventurer at the guild until he was level five.

Besides, he kind of wanted to make a big splash when he first started out, drawing the shock and awe of the others at his strength at such a young age and all that.

Others might have tried to hide their strength, but he wasn't quite the type and he quite liked the adoration of others.

'Heh, maybe I'm not so different from my old parents deep down,' he chuckled to himself.

Shaking his head, Faeran stood up and wiped himself down, getting rid of as much of the moisture remaining on his body as he could, before getting around to tying up his catches in one of his vine nets once more.

He'd more than doubled his money in the last three months with the rate he was catching fish, but that wasn't any reason to not continue selling them.

With that done, he made his way over to the tree that had his clothes hanging from one of its branches and took them down and proceeded to get dressed again.

Just as he turned away from the tree, he heard an odd sound.

Almost like water splashing, but not quite.

It sounded almost like an echoing splash. And it was coming from behind the bush beside the tree that his clothes were hanging from just a moment ago.

Quickly, Faeran retrieved his spear just in case before making his way back to the bush.

He tensed up, speared at the ready to strike as he stepped around the bush, only to sigh and release all his tension in a single deep breath at what he found.

It was a spherical creature made up of an almost jelly-like substance with a small glittering spherical core hovering within the substance.

It was a slime.

The literal weakest of all monster type creatures in Hellion Online and it was currently in the process of devouring a large leaf.

Well, rather than devouring it was more akin to absorbing it bit by bit inside itself while it released an acidic substance that slowly ate away at the leaf and provided nutrition to the core within the substance.

Slime's in Hellion Online were a little different in that their jelly-like body wasn't actually its body. And actually just water held together with a skill.

"You've gotta be kidding me, I finally came across a monster and it's a slime," he huffed.

It wouldn't even give that much experience if he killed it, worth like five fish at best he was sure.

He was so disappointed, he just turned and began walking away leaving it, maybe if he was lucky it would survive long enough to make more.

After all, slime's while utterly crap for farming experience were one of the monsters that 'spawned' rapidly in Hellion Online.

Well, not so much spawn as bred. Monsters in the game didn't just respawn after being killed, it took time for them to repopulate and slimes were one of the monsters that could do it quickly and without a partner.

They asexually reproduced and the more food they had access to the quicker they did so.

'Wait!' Faeran's eyes widened and he stopped in his tracks, eyes drifting to the pile of fish he'd murdered to death for the day.

….If he dug out an area like his little hidey hole for his stuff, one that the slime couldn't escape from and provided it with much better food than some simple leafage, then wasn't it possible for him to more or less breed a ton of them?

It wasn't something possible in the game because only classes like Summoner or Tamer could interact with monsters.

But there was nothing stopping him from doing it here!

Yes, that wasn't a bad idea at all.

Especially since slimes were born with two distinct skills that it was possible to get from them.

The first and weakest was Acidic Touch, it was their only means of offense. And the skill he just saw it use a moment ago to digest that leaf. It was a bronze tier skill and not very powerful at all, but even a weak acid would be useful for day to day things.

The second skill it had was the skill that the slime used to form its body. Poltergeist it was called and it was a silver tier skill. It was akin to telekinesis, but not quite. If he remembered correctly, the description of it in the game said that it allowed the user to impart parts of their consciousness into things and telekinetically control them.

It was a skill most magic-based players tended to pick up because there were some niche monsters that couldn't be harmed by magic. So they used it to control melee weapons if that kind of situation popped up.

"If I can get that….!" Faeran trailed off, grin widening to massive proportions. He had tons of spears he'd already made, if he could control them with Poltergeist he could seriously increase the amount of fish and later monsters he could hunt!

He turned on his heel and licked his lips as he stared at the poor slime minding its own business and munching on another leaf, "Here little slimey slime, come to papa!"


Capturing the poor defenseless innocent little slime wasn't hard at all. It was just that weak of a monster.

It did try to burn his hands with its acid, but that was easily dealt with. He just wrapped it up in a pile of leaves and kept it buried under there until he dug out a large pit in the ground behind the tree and found enough rocks, leafage and tree branches to cover it and keep it out of sight when he wasn't around.

At which point, he proceeded to gather the slime covered in leaves up in his embrace…and drop it in the pit, leaves and all.

But Faeran was a kind lad and he proceeded to dump over twenty dead raw fish into the newly formed slime breeding pit on top of the poor little innocent monster.

Sure, it would mean he would lose out on a silver coin, possibly two from his hunting today.

But it would be worth it if his plans worked out.

'Getting kind of sick of fish at this point anyway,' Faeran mused to himself as he left the slime behind to get down and dirty with its big ol' food pile.

He ate fish every day after all, he wanted a little variety.

Maybe he'd ask Maria out on a date to one of the local taverns for a meal? She as always would think he was teasing her, but it would still be fun.

Without heading to the market stall area to sell off his fish for the day, Faeran found himself returning to the orphanage quite a bit earlier than usual.

'Nothing for it, I guess I'll just go work out a bit,' he decided. Sadly, while he loved it, it was also really his only pastime at the orphanage.

He'd already read all of the few books they had in stock and while he had the money to buy more if he wanted, he was still saving his money for some good gear when he became an adventurer.

That was another reason he was looking forward to setting his plans in motion. There would be a lot more entertainment!

Making his way through the orphanage, Faeran arrived at his favorite area of the place, the garden.

To his slight surprise, he found Maria waiting for him. The chestnut haired sister was sitting on the bench with a book in hand.

Well, he supposed he could talk to her a bit before working out, he was a gracious guy like that.

Maria looked up as he approached and smiled prettily at him, "Oh, Faeran, you're back earlier than usual," she said in lieu of greeting.

"Eh, trying out something different than usual," he replied, taking a seat beside her, "Odd to see you out here though, you usually read in your office."

Maria wasn't much of an outdoors type.

He bet she had a little plush belly under those robes, not fat at all, but she wasn't the most active of women for sure.

"I'm in a good mood today, something I was hoping for since I decided to come here finally happened," the chestnut haired woman replied, smile widening, "So I thought I'd enjoy the sun a little bit."

"That so?" Faeran raised an eyebrow in interest.

Before allowing himself to topple over and have his head land in her lap,

Maria sighed, "You know, you shouldn't take liberties like this, you're a growing boy," she lightly admonished him.

That didn't stop her from reaching down to run her fingers gently through his hair. He looked up with a grin, even though he couldn't quite see her face over those voluptuous twin mountains of hers, "I don't see you complaining," he teased.

"I'm getting used to your antics these days," she replied lightly.

Too bad he couldn't see her face, he bet her cheeks were all a flush. While she'd started spending a lot more time with him over the last few months since he shared those fish with her and invited her to the lake with him to relax - though sadly she didn't wear a swimsuit, never mind a bikini - but she hadn't quite gained the ingrained skill to resist his flirting.

Honestly, he questioned the judgment of the men of this world. Why the hell was nobody pursuing a complete catch like Maria? She was demure and soft spoken, educated and polite. She could cook, clean and as he could attest to was well capable of taking care of children and on top of that she had a killer body.

She was literally wife material.

"Sure you are," he chuckled, "Though, if me doing this bothers you I can make it up to you by taking you out to dinner at one of the taverns."

She sighed again, "And where are you getting the money for that? I know you don't get an allowance," Maria asked pointedly.

"I fish and I sell fish," he shrugged, "Gotta save up for a house in the future and all that, we'll need somewhere to live when I marry you."

Honestly, if he really wanted and pursued that, he could in just a few years. One could get married pretty young in this world.

Maria said nothing, but the way she tensed up and her hand stopped stroking through his hair said it all.

"…You're such an evil little flirt you know that Faeran?" she huffed lightly, her chest jostled interestingly as her shoulders slumped, "If you keep saying things like that, I'll get disappointed when you're older and you forget about poor old me."

Again, some of the logic of this world just didn't make sense to him. She was literally only in her early twenties. By the time he was old enough she wouldn't even be thirty and helping her level up a few times could deal with the few extra years she had used up on him lifespan wise.

'…Huh, I just realized how odd that sounds,' Faeran withheld a snort. To think in this new life he'd gotten to the point where he thought increasing one's literal lifespan was just a chore more than anything else.

"You're not old at all," he rolled his eyes as he replied, "I would wife the crap out of you among other things. But anyway, what made you so happy?"

"You really need to be more careful with your words," he could practically hear the heavy frown in her voice, before she took another breath and shook her head, "Actually, putting your teasing aside, you'll probably be interested in this as well. The queen is paying the orphanage a visit next week to check on how you and the other children are doing."


Right, so thought I'd be further ahead right now, but some things came up. So, I'm only at chapter 11 so far. And my proof reader for this story has only gotten through to the end of chapter 6 at the moment.

I'll upload the other chapters once he's given them a look. And now, I'm gonna work on some fanfiction! Hopefully I'll get an update for you guys on one by tonight.



Great story, can't wait for more.


Looking forward to more dude