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'The queen huh?' Faeran mused as he finished his next rep with a grunt.

A week had passed since he was told about her planned visit by Sister Maria and currently the young boy found himself dangling from a tree branch by his legs.

With his arms crossed over his chest, using only his core muscles the boy pulled his torso up slowly until he rose up over the branch, before slowly lowering himself once again.

The muscles in his legs and stomach were practically screaming in protest with how many of these he'd done, especially since he'd already performed quite a few normal pull ups on the same branch before this.

But, Faeran relished in the feeling.

'It's just the spirit of the grind letting me know of the weakness leaving my body,' he told himself.

But yes, the queen, honestly, he did his best not to think about her.

Sera Leviathan.

A beauty among beauties and in the game lore had been considered one of if not the most beautiful and highly coveted woman on the continent of Hellion.

Many a tissue had been crumpled in her honor by fans around the world. And Faeran wouldn't lie, he'd crumpled a few in her honor himself.

Not to mention prior to the game beginning, she was the strongest by far in the entirety of the kingdom of Levia.

It was just too bad that strength only got her so far when she had her forces weakened because of her stupid son and three other kingdoms vying for supremacy and wanting to conquer her territory.

Coveting both her and her kingdom's territory. Apparently having the largest and best port side in the entire continent for trading made the kingdom of Levia heavily desired.

In the end, she would hold out well, especially since while she was beside the ocean Queen Sera had a lot more firepower to draw on. Her inherited skill from the arch demon Leviathan allowed her to not only transform into a massive dragon-like sea serpent that massively increased her stats but allowed her to control any standing body of water.

Including the water of the ocean.

'Which is exactly how she ended up as she did,' Feran grunted as he completed another rep.

She wasn't killed in battle. In actuality, while it depended on the choices the main character made in the game, that only affected…who managed to get their hands on her.

Once defeated, she was enslaved and set up to become the sex slave and broodmare for a few different people depending on who she was captured by. They coveted not only her body, but wanted to make her bloodline that of their kingdom.

Of course it never got to that point because she would end up taking her own life rather than suffer the way they planned.

She had nothing left to live for in the end anyway. Her citizens slaughtered, her kingdom conquered and her only son the cause of it all and who turned his back on her and fled with his 'beloved' heroine.

Who by the way when he received news of her fate in a clip scene…barely reacted at all beyond some surprise, before promptly burying any thought of her.

"God...! I fucking hate that guy," he couldn't stop the snarl forming on his lips at the thought of the prince, without even realising it the speed of his reps increasing as his agitation rose.

To be honest, while he wasn't the biggest fan of the heroine of the game he was forced to play as, Faeran didn't really hate her or anything.

She was born personally lucky, but into a falling viscount family that was near broke and had barely any power to their name. She decided she wanted to rise above her status and aimed for the greatest status of all, queen.

Faeran honestly didn't find anything wrong with that, he respected the desire to rise to the top even if she would put others out like the prince's current fiance.

Even if it was stupid and ill thought out, bettering yourself and rising up was at least worthy of his respect, even if the way she attempted it wasn't cool at all.

The prince on the other hand? Was a pathetic loser born with everything he could have wanted and tossed it, his family, those who truly loved him and those who depended on him…to the side for a single girl just because she knew how to seduce him thanks to her class skills.

And even that wouldn't be quite as bad…if he actually regretted the harm he caused, but he didn't give a shit at all.

'Just thinking about him makes me want to kick his teeth in,' he growled to himself.

Not that he could, even if the prince was only level one currently, which he doubted since this wasn't the game where he was recruited as a party member the player leveled up.

The natural stats the prince would have alone from his class and literal dual bloodline abilities, meant that he would be far stronger right now than Faeran was even without training or leveling up.

He was, after all, born with one of the three strongest base classes in the entire game.

The Hero class, which was ironic because there was nothing heroic about him. His class should have been cuckold or simp. Even if the player didn't seduce his buddies into the party, the player would still be forced to recruit a muscular commoner later down the line whom she legitimately gained feelings for rather than the prince.

Honestly, it was a complete shit show.

Shaking his head in annoyance, Faeran completed one last rep, before unwinding his legs from around the thick tree branch he was using to pull himself up on and dropped to the ground.

Panting and covered in sweat, the boy wiped the moisture collected on his forehead, before reaching for the shirt he'd taken off prior to his work out.

Before pausing as he remembered he still had to go hunt fish within the lake, "May as well check out my little slime farm first then," he hummed, reaching for the crudely formed spear he'd stabbed into the ground beside the tree.

As he made his way over to where he'd dug and hidden the pit he'd stuck the original slime in, Faeran couldn't help but take a little pride in his plan.

Every day since he'd started it, he'd made sure to check on the slime and toss in a bunch of things for it to eat from leaves to tree branches and of course tons of fish he caught and killed.

And the results spoke for themselves.

As he moved much of the leaves and branches covering the pit away, he was greeted by the sight of dozens of jiggling slime monsters.

It was a simple thing, the more they filled themselves up, the more the slime would reproduce.

Granted, it wasn't exactly an…exact science.

"24…25...26," Faeran counted them off with a whistle, a wide smile forming on his face.

That should be enough for him to begin culling them until only one remained.

Positioning himself around the edge of the pit, Faeran lifted his spear up, targeted one of the slimes and thrust downwards, piercing it from the top, straight down the middle into its core.

Its jiggling body froze, before bursting apart like a bubble its body of moisture seeping into the soil of the pit.

Twenty four more to go.

It was as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. Slime's weren't the most mentally able creatures after all, so they barely reacted to anything beyond possible food unless attacked by another person or creature.

And then-

Faeran was pleasantly surprised when on the eighth slime he killed a familiar bronze coloured token appeared as its body burst apart.

What he wasn't pleasantly surprised about was the slimes that were left, apparently locking on to the bronze tier skill token and rushing for it.

..Were they trying to eat it!?

"Hey, hey stop!" Faeran yelped in a panic and hurriedly began stabbing his spear down into the slimes cores one after another.

His eyes widened in shock when around the twentieth slime killed another skill token formed and clattered to the ground within the pit with a ringing ping sound.

…Only this one was not bronze.

It was silver!

"Holy shit!" he gaped, already!?

He was expecting to be farming these things for months, not get both tokens within a week!

Instinct taking over and not caring that there were still five slimes left, Faeran jumped into the pit himself and quickly picked up the skill tokens.

He couldn't risk even the slightest chance that the slimes would get past his spear and slurp up either of the tokens.

A burning sensation alerted him to one of the slimes clasping onto the back of his leg.

He should have worn pants over shorts today for sure.

Growling, Faeran turned and kicked his leg out forcing the slime off and slamming it into the wall of the pit.

He wasted no time in stabbing it with his spear and killing it, before hastily climbing out of the pit.

"…Yeah, I think I'll leave things as is," he couldn't help but laugh as he reached down to rub his leg. It was only for a second or two at most, but the skin was red and raw.


Besides, with more slimes in there they would reproduce faster anyway!


After he made sure his leg wasn't too badly injured and still usable, Faeran wasted no time at all in consuming the two skill tokens and taking their power for himself.

Name: Faeran Odhar

Level: 3

Class: -

Blessing: -

Affinity: -

MP: 555/555

Strength: 9

Endurance: 9

Durability: 9

Agility: 10

Status Points: 0


Aquatic Breathing

Acidic Touch


"Oh yeah, now we're really getting somewhere!" Faeran cheered, pumping his fist into the air.

Honestly, it was amazing how giddy he felt upon seeing the progress in his status plate both numerically and the addition of new skills.

And beyond that, he now actually had skills that he could use for something outside of breathing underwater. Which, while awesome and had been great for training his Magic Power so far, had rather limited uses.

With Acidic Touch he'd be able to make new weights even quicker and even outright melt things together if he did it right.

The real cream of the crop was Poltergeist though, it would seriously upgrade the rate at which he could kill monsters later and enhance his fighting potential.

He could just imagine it now, him with a sword in hand, clad in armor facing a horde of goblins within a dungeon, while around him floated multiple spears in the air that would shoot forth and skewer his enemies!

And the best of it was, he already knew how to use the skill. Well, the basic uses of it at least. When one gained a skill, it was as if they had discovered a natural limb they'd completely forgotten about using. How to use it was completely instinctual and felt completely natural.

"Though using them more creatively is up to me," he mused.

Speaking of, he wanted to try it out.

He looked at the spear in his off hand and grinned before focusing his magical power into it.

A purple aura emanated from his hand and seeped into the spear before disappearing from sight.

Then he let go of the spear.

But instead of falling to the ground, it merely levitated in place for a moment. Then, it slowly rose up into the air and leveled out horizontally and proceeded to fly through the air.

The spear possessed by part of his consciousness swiftly zoomed back and forth, doing loop de loops and all manner of other movements as if it were a fighter jet being used to put on a show.

As it did, Faeran kept track of his total magic power stores and gauged how it was being drained.

…It was surprisingly minimal.

About a tenth of a single mana point per second if judged numerically. Which meant with just this one spear, he could keep it up for over five thousand seconds with his current magical power stores.

Which was a decent bit over an hour actually.

'Not bad at all,' he mused, cupping his chin in thought.

The problem was though, while one was easily manageable, the more he added the quicker his magic power would dwindle and that wasn't even taking into account if he had to use other skills or anything like that which would drain magic power.

Faeran clicked his tongue, "Looks like I'm a while off from being able to send them off to hunt monsters outside the city for me," he said, running a hand through his messy hair.

Oh well.

That would have to wait until later when he had much more magical power.

Shrugging, he dispelled the skill allowing the spear to drop to the ground with a clatter.

As he did though, his eyes widened as a rush of information entered his mind upon the skill being ended.

…It was the memories of his consciousness that was possessing the spear?

"Holy…shit," the boy gasped in shock.

He didn't remember that being a part of the skill in the game at all.

Slowly a grin formed on his face, "This has a lot of potential,"



That's a really nice skill!


oh we got not-shadow clones now, nice!

edgar azcuaga

Really nice, now he can use them as I gathering information unit or maybe to learn or improve new things, as Naruto did.