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Right, don't think I'll be uploading any new chapters today. Gonna be a bit busy for a bit, have to talk to a lawyer about some things regarding my grandfather and how things will proceed with him now that he's most likely leaving my care and being put in an old folks home, if he ever actually manages to get out of the hospital mind you, covid really fucked us all up, and did him dirty. I've got like a thousand or so words written for the next My (Scottish) Hero Academia chapter that I did earlier before the writing tool I was using fucked up, so who knows, I may update later and this is all just nonsense.

Gotta leave now, so I'll catch you guys later.



Best of luck with things bud. Hope everything goes in your favor for what you have to do.

Void Walker

I wish you the best, Having gone through just that with my family... Take care of yourself and keep safe we can wait a bit.