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For a moment, Yarden just stared at the monstrous t-rex he'd just killed with a single punch. Like, kill was too gentle of a word to use as description here, he'd utterly murdered it.

Then his eyes flickered down to his massive green scaled fist and he just stared at that for a moment as well.

Then he tried to purse his lips. But he could not.

Because he had a massive snout right now.

"Giant crocodile man, huh?" he crossed his arms and nodded his head. That made total sense.


"Maybe I've already moved on and this isn't a delusion?" he mused to himself. This didn't seem at all like heaven though.

Perhaps he was in Tir Na Nog, the Land of Youth, the Celtic afterlife? If he remembered right, there was some warrior variation of it. Perhaps he'd ended up there and this crocodile form was his reward for his impressive achievement over Fluffy?

"Well, I'm not really complaining." Yarden shook his head and laughed lightly. It was crazy, out of this world, but his reality, so no point being disbelieving of it all, just gotta roll with the punches and all that, be a real trooper and shit.

'Still, I hope I can return to human form.' he mused. This big beastly bipedal crocodile shit was fucking fantastic, he felt so strong it was beyond mere words….but he like didn't want to stay a crocodile all the time y'know?

What if he came across some warrior babes or something? He couldn't exactly shag them rotten as a crocodile man.

Well, he probably could, Fluffy had his own harem of four other female crocs from what he read on the informational sign thing.

But, he wasn't into that beastiality shit mate, "Miss me with that furry and scaly shit mate." he shook his head with a snort.

Well, nothing to it but to give it a try right?

Yarden closed his eyes and focused. For a moment, more even, leading up to a minute, nothing at all happened, no matter what he tried to do or think internally, and he bet he looked like a real plonker.

But as his mind began to wander, he felt…something. Like spark deep within him and he felt like he could grasp it somehow, he wasn't sure how to explain it.

As soon as he did, he felt himself shift and change, just as he desired.

When he opened his eyes again, Yarden sighed, "Oh c'mon!" he groaned in annoyance. How could something be so cool, yet be so annoying?

Because, he was now on all fours, yet, even higher up than before, had to be a good thirty feet tall now, and glancing out of the corner of his eyes, he could see the typical non bipedal shape of a crocodile body.

Extending down the the clearing he was situated in for a good forty feet or so at least.

He sighed and laid down, crossing his huge reptilian legs under his body and swishing his even more massive tail back and forth in annoyance.

"…So I can basically switch between giant normal crocodile and giant humanoid crocodile, okay, fair enough." the Scottish teen mused reasonably to himself.

Made total sense.

One of the massive, towering trees snapped and tumbled over as his agitated tail smashed into and through it as if it were made of styrofoam.

Something about this did seem familiar though. But he couldn't really place it right now, god he hated when that happened, he had such a goldfish memory.

It was a good thing he was already dead or he'd totally get dementia when he was older.

'Well, whatever.' Yarden sighed, and got back to the grind. He repeated his actions from earlier, one again taking near a minute to re-locate that spark again, and tried to will himself back to human form.

He shrunk down just a moment later, and felt excitement bubble in him, only to find himself becoming a towering, bipedal and heavily muscular crocodile again.

He tried again, and found himself enlarging once again. And then again, and again, and again, he just kept switching back and forth between crocodile forms, bipedal and quadruped both.


"FUCKING DO WHAT I TELL YOU BODY!" Yarden completely lost his his cool and ran forward, punting the skull of the t-rex he had punched to death.

And it wasn't with his massive scaly foot. Because, he couldn't even see his feet.

Did he mention before? That somehow, all his clothes had grown with him through each transformation. He was literally a huge, gigantic even bipedal crocodile wearing a bloodied white hoody, ripped, white washed levi jeans and a pair of black timberland boots.

Timberland boots that had grown to like half the size of a grown man with his transformation.

There was a crunching sound as his black booted foot connected with the skull of the once tyrant lizard and its head literally came bodily off, ripped from its neck from the sheer force of his kick and shot up high into the air and disappeared into the horizon, it even had an epic curve on it as if he just took the worlds most powerful free kick and aimed true for the goal.

"Haha! I'd love to see the look on the Rangers keeper if he saw this fucking thing coming his way!" Yarden erupted into laughter, his frustration dwindling away after venting.

And as he did, he blinked, because he found himself shrinking, and a moment later, found himself back at normal human proportions, normal skin and all.

Yarden stared down at himself, lifting his hands up and clenching and unclenching them.

He felt, different. Much different from when he was human. He still felt absurdly powerful right now. Maybe not as much as when he was a crocodile. but he definitely still felt leagues beyond what he was before.

And…if he wasn't wrong, hadn't he grown a few inches? He felt taller, and he was sure he'd bulked up quite a bit. He was also short, only being five foot five, so the few inches he'd felt he'd grown now, were quite noticeable.

And he'd always had a stocky build, broad shouldered and that, even when a skinny runt. But he had some nice beef to him ever since he started lifting weights last year, good and proper, like he'd done it off and on since he was twelve, but last year he got serious about it. But, he felt like he'd bulked up quite noticeably, his biceps were like two inches or so thicker than before if he gave a rough estimate.

"Probably a side effect of the crocodile thing." he mused to himself, not at all bothered, he hadn't grown at all in months, he thought he was going to be stuck at five foot five for the rest of his life. He'd happily take the instant few inches.

'Still, I should probably test this out.' Yarden nodded to himself, just to see what he was packing ability wise in his newly buffed human form.

What to use though?

His eyes roamed over his surroundings, looking for something to lift and see how heavy it felt, before his eyes landed on the headless t-rex corpse.

Hmm, weren't they supposed to be like eight tons or something like that? Or at least assumed to be. It had lost its massive, thick head, but it surely still had most of its weight to it.

"That'll do." he mused to himself. It would tell him solidly what he couldn't lift up at least.

He made his way over to the headless corpse and slipped his hands under its stomach, grasping his fingers into its scaly body and heaved.

And with little effort, found himself lifting the entire corpse up over his head. There was a little strain to it, like he was carrying a pretty hefty shopping bag or two.

…But that was it.

"Holy shit!" Yarden's eyes went wide open as he gaped at his own strength in awe!

He marvelled at his strength for a moment, before tossing the t-rex corpse aside. Sure, it was a t-rex, but, that wasn't worth paying much attention to when he had himself to be awed at!

"Oonga Boonga! Oonga Boonga!" Yarden laughed and started celebrating, punching both fists into the air together and stamping his feet, "Here we! Here we! Here we fucking GO!!"

He spun and lashed out with a roundhouse kick at one of the trees, laughing as his perfectly fitting, non stretched out black timberland boot tore right through it and sent the tree tumbling to the ground.

It was as he was celebrating, a snarl resounded out loudly from behind him and he turned around to find what looked like a fucking massive, saber tooth tiger prowling out of the foliage of the trees, its eyes set on him as prey.

It was huge, easy as big as his bipedal form, but Yarden found himself baring his teeth eagerly at it, before spreading his arms wide and inviting-like, "Come and have a go if you think yer' hard enough!" he taunted it.

It roared and leapt at him, mouth open wide and preparing to snap him in two with its massive sword-like teeth.

As it came down though, Yarden's hands shot up and he caught it by the teeth and spun around, a loud yelp leaving the huge prehistoric cat's mouth, before he slammed it down into the ground, hard.

The ground shook from the force and a literal crater formed in the ground beneath it, a yowl of pain escaped its mouth, but Yarden just laughed agin and with his right hand, pulled as hard as he could.

The fang he was pulling on snap, crackled and popped and came free in his grasp, an absolute howl of agony left it, but didn't last long.

Because Yarden immediately buried its own fang straight through its head with thunderous force, right into its brain, sending blood splashing through the air and killing it instantly.

"SCOTLAND FUCK YESSSSSSS YA DAFTIESSSS!!!!!" Yarden roared stepping back and punching his fist into the air, "I'm the king of this jungle motherfuckers!"

It took him a little longer to come down from the high of his own strength than he'd like to admit. But surely none could blame him?

When he did though, Yarden put his noggin' to work and decided, it was about time for him to just get a lay of the land and all that.

So he picked a path and walked along it. Along the way, he came across many a dinosaur, quite a few aggressive ones, but quite a few that didn't even glance his way, like an absolutely huge brachiosaurus.

That thing would make a good pet!

And the aggressive ones soon found out who the true apex predator of this land was. The wee Scottie bhoy!

He almost gave up hope though not long later of finding anything interesting after walking for what had to have been a good long hour or so.

Until he came across a small river. And like any smart lad, he followed it.

"What's all this then?" he mused when he came to the end of the river, leading into a shallow lake-bed.

A lake-bed filled with huge ships, quite a few of them at that. Nine in total. And each and every single one of them were baring flags with cross bones.

Pirate ships.


It was eerily quiet though, and he could see that most of the ships had quite a bit of damage to them. It almost looked like a ship graveyard to him.

Interest peak, Yarden made his way around the lake to where the ships were moored together and jumped up onto one in a single bound. That was something else he discovered in the last hour, he wasn't just superhumanly strong, he was superhuman in every capacity more or less.

A whistle left Yarden's lips as he landed on the deck. What awaited him, was dozens of corpses.

Not fresh ones either, full on skeletons in ragged clothing. "Looks like you cunts have had a bad time of it, eh lads?" Yarden snorted, curiously looking them over.

A lot of them wore typical pirate bandana's and shit, and had what looked like flintlocks and a bunch of different types of swords, from scimitars to broadswords, one corpse even had a fucking katana sheathed at its side.

"Well, you're a big one aren't you?" Yarden paused at once skeleton leaning against the wall leading inside the ship.

The corpse positively towered over him, easily over ten feet tall, and was wearing only a pair of ragged pants for the most part.

…Beyond a black leather harness criss-crossed over its skeletal chest with a huge warhammer strapped inside it at their back.

The hilt, or staff or whatever part of it, was a thick metal, possibly steel considering how little rust there was on it, about half as wide as his arm, leading up to a huge double hammer head that was absolutely huge, like more than half the size of his body.

He liked the looks of that.

"Yoink!" Yarden laughed as he began desecrating the corpse and looting it like any true Scotsman should. Thankfully, the harness could be tightened, so it could fit onto his own chest, and slip the warhammer into the sheath bit on the back.

God it was actually huge man, if not for his power up when he got in this weird crazy after-life land, he wouldn't even be able to lift this thing, never mind wield it as he could now!

And honestly, this thing was perfect for him as a weapon because of its sheer size. It meant he could wield it in his human or crocodile form.

"Now, let's see about the loot in here." Yarden put the corpse out of mind now that he had stolen its weapon and made his way deeper into the ship.

It was a bit eerie, he wouldn't lie, passing by a ton of skeletal corpses all over the place as he checked it out, but he felt no fear at all.

Why would he, when he could literally one punch a t-rex to death? The power of his glorious Scottish crocodilian muscles would pave the way to his victory.

Still, he found very little of interest.

At least until he came across the captains quarters and found a huge chest sitting beside a large bed.

"Booty!" Yarden cheered and bounced over, kicking it open. Gold sparkled in his view, coins, jewelry, gems and more.

But…on top of that, there was, tons of notes as well. The hell, what kind of pirate age used paper currency?

He grabbed up one of the notes to get a looksie at it, and blinked as he read how much it was worth.

10,000 Beri.


As in…..the currency from One Piece? That anime he'd binged a couple months ago after his grandmother died?

"Oh….." Yarden trailed off as realization struck him.

Now the fruit and crocodile thing made sense!

So he wasn't dead then?

"…Neat…" Yarden deadpanned.



Wow. That reaction lol.