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"Roost!" Jord countered almost immediately.

As soon as he called out his order though and Pidgeot struggled to raise his massively damaged wings, white light exploded out of Electivire's back, without a single order from Surge and its speed heightened massively.

"None of that now!" Surge laughed as Electivire reached Pidgeot before the newly evolved flying type could manage and landed a massively powerful looking haymaker covered in sparking lightning right into Pidgeot's face.

Hilda winced, that looked painful. And if Pidgeot had managed, he could have maybe healed his wings and temporarily lost his weakness to the electric type in the process.

Pidgeot cried out in pain as the blow staggered the big bird back, and sent him reeling. But, Electivire wasn't content to let things end there, a second huge fist slammed into Pidgeot's stomach, doubling the bird over, and then when he was stunned, Electivire began to unleash a heavy barrage of lightning enhanced fights over and over into the upper area of Pidgeot's body.

Yet, even then, Pidgeot refused to go down, powerful talon'd feet gripping into the ground of the battle feet tightly and refusing to buckle. Even when taking a beating, that bird was a monster.

"See, this is why little kiddies shouldn't be talking so-" Surge began to mock Pidgeot and Jord again.

"Bite!" Jord suddenly called, or rather, snarled, eyes livid at the beating his pokemon was taking.

Just as Electivire pulled back from one punch and began to unleash another, Pidgeot snapped forward, huge beak opening wide and clamping down onto one of Electivire's arms like a vice, the huge electric type went wide eyed and yelped in pain and surprise.

'Bite!?' Hilda gaped

"Bite!?" Surge sputtered, just as confused as her.

"Headbutt!" Jord added while they were stunned, and Pidgeot tore his beak from around Electivire's arm savagely, drawing another startled pained cry from Electivire and then lunged and smashed the his head right into Electivire's face, hard.

The sheer force of the impact made Hilda wince in sympathy and the huge, muscular behemoth actually staggered back quite a few steps, clutching at its face in pain from the blow.

"Pidgeot's can't learn bite!" Surge growled accusingly.

"Anything with a mouth can bite you stupid cunt!" Jord spat back, before slapping his fist into the crook behind his elbow and raising his arm up over the other, fist clenched in a universal gesture, "Now fucking slash it!" Jord added.

Slash now!?

Pidgeot literally jumped forward while Electivire was stunned and raised one talon'd foot high up into the air, before bringing it down and slashing across the huge electric type pokemon's body with his razor sharp talons.

Electivire gave another cry of pain, but Jord wasn't done there, "Kick his fucking legs out!" the teen snarled in a rush of words.

Coming down from his 'slash', Pidgeot turned and then literally raised his foot again and kicked Electivire right in the junction between the knee, a startled yelp leaving the behemoths mouth as it tumbled backwards and landed on its back with a crash.

"…What…the!?" Surge sputtered, eyes wide open and mouth opening and closing as he bore sight to the way Jord and Pidgeot 'counter' attacked.

"Haha! that's the way!" Jord cheered, "Kick his shit in lad!" he 'ordered'.

And Hilda found herself gaping again as she bore witness to a majestic and beautiful Pidgeot, literally begin to lay into the downed Electivire and just kick it in the side of the ribs over, and over, and over again, the sheer strength behind each blow resounding with a 'meaty' thud.

Electivire tried to struggle up, and got kicked back down. It tried to roll away, but Pidgeot was having none of it and hopped over, following all the way, kicking every step of the way, focusing entirely on Electivire's ribs.

If there was any doubt that Pidgeot was the closest pokemon to Jord and his starter before. They were definitely dead now.
Pidgeot really did take to the brutal thuggish 'techniques' Jord imparted on onto his pokemon, the most.

Hilda really wasn't sure why she was surprised at all, at this point. Pidgeot lost the ability to lose his wings? Basically couldn't use any of his attacks anymore?

Oh, that was fine, who needed attacks when you could beat the shit out your opponent the good old fashion way and not give them any mercy or quarter at all?

"Electivre! Teleport away you dumb idiot!" Surge ordered, finally regaining a bit of control.

Electivire, finally getting a proper order now, or probably just remembering that it could teleport, glowed white and disappeared just as Pidgeot was about to lay another ribs into its no doubt very tender ribs.

…Honestly, Hilda didn't blame it, couldn't even. She doubted she'd even be able to remember her name under a beating onslaught like that.

"Twister!" Jord scoffed, just as Electivire appeared a few feet away from Pidgeot and staggered, clutching its side.
"Geot!" Pidgeot didn't miss a beat, even if Electivire was reeling from its injuries, unlike him. The huge flying type whirled around, huge sharp beak opening and unleashed a massive spiralling tornado of draconic energy that slammed right into Electivire and tore it off of its feet and slammed it back down into the ground once more, hard.

And then Pidgeot jumped right over and came down hard, atop Electivire, not letting up, just as Jord taught him, slamming his razor sharp talon'd feet down into Electivire's face with bone crunching force.

"That's it! Smash it, stomp its fucking face in!" Jord on the other hand, seemed to revel in Pidgeot's utter thuggish brutality.

This wasn't a pokemon battle at this point, it was a beating.

As practical as it was, he was making a mistake though, 'He should have Pidgeot use Roost right now while Electivire is down and stunned, but he's too caught up in sticking it to Surge.' Hilda grimaced, his blood was running hot and going straight to his head.

Surge really did manage to piss him off in ways she hadn't been able to understand at all, and Surge's attitude with Jord was no better. She supposed they were just people that instinctively couldn't stand each other.



Okay, this was going a little bit too far now!

Pidgeot gave a piercing shriek at the same time Electivire unleashed a mighty bellow. Draconic green energy flashed into existence, unleashed from Pidgeot's beak and slammed into Electivire below it, at the same time an absolutely titanic and blinding bolt of lightning erupted from Electivire and shot up into the top of the barrier like a massive column that practically blotted out both pokemon from view, it was that huge.

Hilda had to cover her eyes and hold her hat to keep it from getting blown off, the sheer force of their attacks was even seeping through the barrier.

'…This is insane!' she thought in shock. This was far too savage for a gym battle. And Jord was one thing, but what the hell was Surge thinking? It wasn't against the rules for him to use any pokemon he wanted against any trainer, no matter how much badges they had, that was his right as a gym leader.

But…the sheer brutality and ruthlessness in him, and the way he drove Jord to a rage with his attitude and words. That was way beyond appropriate for a gym leader! They were supposed to be symbols of powerful trainers, levels to strive for, tests to overcome, atop a pedestal that young trainers admired!


When the massively bright lightning bolt finally died down almost a minute, a sheer minute of all things later! Hilda grimaced as she saw the state the two pokemon were in.

Pidgeot looked charred, electricity crackling all over his form, his white under feathers looking literally black in places, and laying face down on the ground of the battlefield, twitching and spasming.

Electivire was only a little better, filled with bruises and blood that matted its fur all over, the huge electric type behemoth was down on one knee, and barely keeping itself up by planting its two massively muscular fists on the ground to keep it up.

There was utter silence and her eyes flickered over to Surge who was panting wildly, his own huge fists clenched so tight they were shaking.

"Fuck!" he suddenly cursed, eyes going even wider than they already were with panic.

Hilda whirled around and she gaped once more - she was doing that a lot this battle - as she bore witness to Pidgeot pressing his highly damaged wings into the ground and beginning to push himself up!

Even after all that damage and brutal fighting, he still wanted to go on!?

…She couldn't let this go on! 'If this keeps up, the damage might get so bad Pidgeot will be hospitalized for months!'
She opened her mouth and made to warn Jord, or plead with him to stop this, but before she could, a deep, heavy sigh reverberated from her travelling companion.

"Pidgeot, that's enough, stay down." the boy ordered, the livid roaring rage on his face suddenly gone, his eyes closed as he ran a hand through his spiky hair.

There was utter silence at his words, and three pair of eyes whipped to him to stare wide eyed.

None more wide than Pidgeot himself, "GEOT!?" the bird demanded, eyes narrowing into a glare.

"Calm down," Jord opened his eyes and glared right back, "It's just one battle, besides, it's not like we've lost and they're stronger, we're just letting them win."

"Letting us-" Surge growled angrily.

"Shut it," Jord cut him off immediately, not looking away from Pidgeot, "We've been training for a month, this loser is like forty, it's all down hill for him here innit? We should be kind and let these pansies hold onto this fake little win, let them sleep better at night, y'know? We all know you'd win if this kept up anyway."

Hilda could see what he was trying to do, and it was smart of him, what a proper trainer should do. Throw in the towel before his pokemon sustained damage that could cripple them and leave them with an extended hospital stay.

…But, even at the same time he was doing that, he was smugly making out as if Pidgeot wasn't damaged at all and could easily keep this up, and insulting Surge and his Electivire all the way.

How did one soothe such a prideful and headstrong pokemon's pride, play the good guy in all this and utterly insult his opponent at the same time?

That was an insane talent in of itself, being a little shit of that level.

Pidgeot digested Jord's words for a moment, before sighing and lowering his head obediently and Hilda felt her lips twitch.

Pidgeot's loyalty wasn't something that could ever really be questioned, and he was well smart enough to know what Jord really was up to.

"Good lad." Jord sighed with a smile, before lifting his pokeball and returning the huge bird.

And then promptly, turned on his feet and just walked away, utterly ignoring Surge.

"Hey, we're not finished here! Like hell you could have won! Don't make up excuses you little coward! Get back here!" Surge shouted after him.

"Eat shit tiny dick!" Jord shouted back, lifting his hand to stick up the finger over his own head without ever turning around.

Surge just stared gobsmacked at the utter disrespect.

Hilda eyed him for a moment, just in case he exploded in a roaring rage of anger, before putting him out of mind and hurrying after her companion.

She caught up to him mid-way through the metallic halls of the gym, back through the way they came.

"Tch," she heard him click his tongue and she saw his fists clenched to his sides, "Fucking roided jackass, think he's so fucking strong, I'll fucking shove my foot so far up his arse his faggot cock slurping tongue will have grip!"

"You…okay?" Hilda touched her hand to his shoulder gently, "It's alright to be angry about losing the first ever time you know." it was actually kind of shocking he'd went this far without losing at all since his journey started.

Jord paused in walking and gave her a confused look, "…What? I'm not mad about losing, you can't win every time, anyone who thinks otherwise has their head so far up their own ass they can probably practice kissing with their own tongue," he snorted, "That ugly blonde fuck just pissed me off."

"Oh…okay, that's good." Hilda nodded, a good attitude to have, a mature one even. But…that imagery, he sure had a…way with words that painted quite the vivid picture.

"Besides, I just wasn't expecting that railgun move nonsense, now I do and he can't catch me by surprise with it or that explosion bullshit," Jord suddenly smirked, crossing his arms, "Gimme a week and we'd stomp all over him and his roid chugging pokemon."

Of course, how could she ever think otherwise? so much for the worry that she felt for him suffering his first defeat, but Jord will always be Jord, "Glad to see your confidence is as large as ever." Hilda rolled her eyes, drily.

An arrogant little shit.

"It's cuz I've got a big cock." Jord shrugged with a grin.

Hilda sighed.

And together, the pair of them vacated the Vermillion City Gym and made their way back to the pokemon centre. Jord, to get his pokemon checked up and healed.

And Hilda needed to prepare to say goodbye.


King hand axe

This really highlights how Jord needs to understand how to approach a battle against an unknown opponent and get better at it. Protect and other counter type defensive moves are the single most valuable moves against strong or unknown opponents. If Pidgeot and Golem had know protect, then the moment surge called out an unknown attack... protect, once Pidgeot comes out, go boom or explosion... protect. Gimic attacks only work once but they only need to work once. I hope this kicks his arse enough to know that going at your opponents like a berserker is a good way of walking into everyone's gimic attacks and losing... over and over. I didn't dislike Surge this chapter but Jorde because he walked his pokemon into an unknown letting them get hurt.


Nice, loved this chapter.