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When he swaggered his way back through the gates of Axel and back into the town about an hour later, Yarden found himself under quite a bit of scrutiny.

People watched him walk passed, eyes wide in shock, pointing and gossiping, they couldn't keep their eyes off of him and his chad stride.

Weird though even for him to be under such scrutiny, he'd understand of course if he was still naked, but he'd put his clothes back on after he decimated all the toads he could find.

His haul had been a total of fourteen giant toads. Not as many as he'd hoped, but oh well, it was good enough for a first little grind mission and he'd jumped even more levels.

Sigma Male Grindset!

Plus, he even got his own personal stacked bitch. It truly was a good haul for him.

'Oh wait.' Yarden blinked, that was probably why he was being stared at. The voluptuous blonde knight he was carrying over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, with the remains of her thong tied around the back of her head and over her mouth to shut up that annoying panting she kept doing.

He flashed a grin at a man walking with a rather pretty brown haired lady in an airy sundress and he flinched back, stopping his disapproving staring and hurrying along.

"Aye, that's right, you know better boy." Yarden heckled him a bit, before moving on.

If he kept that up, that little cute wife of his would join Darkness on his other shoulder!

A few minutes later, he arrived back at the adventurers guild, and he found even them gaping at the haphazardly clothed knight on his shoulder.

Heh, probably jealous, if any of them were man enough, this could be them, but it wasn't.

"Yarden….you're back quick," Luna blinked in surprise when he made his way over to her, where she was cleaning a table, "…Is….is that Darkness on your shoulder?"

He could practically hear the question in his voice.

"Oh, you know her?" he asked.

Luna nodded, "Yes…she's pretty well known around here, she's had trouble being able to stay in a party, her tanking abilities are top notch…but her fighting ability is simply dreadful."

So she was basically a meat shield then? That checked out.

"I met her on the way to kill the toads, she basically harassed me all the way," he shrugged, before raising his hand and spanking the knight in full view of everyone watching, getting a moan from her even through her thong gag, "She basically tried to cozy up to me and become my woman because of my class, so I decided why not."

Luna's mouth opened and closed as she gaped wide eyed at him, "….And…and why is she thrown over your shoulder…and why does she have what looks like a pair of skimpy underwear being used to gag her?"

"Oh that?" Yarden raised an eyebrow before shrugging, "She couldn't walk after I got done fucking her, and then she just kept babbling on the way back so I stuffed her underwear over her mouth to keep her quiet."

Silence….utter silence.

People were just too stunned to say anything, and as such, it was all left up to Luna, "…That…that more or less checks out," she coughed, cheeks blazing red, "You wouldn't be silly enough to walk around blatantly like that with her, if it wasn't consensual…and I'm well aware…of her inclinations."

"Oh, you know about her being a slutty masochist?" Yarden blinked, Darkness on his shoulder moaned and wriggled audibly.

Luna choked for a moment, "…Well I wouldn't put it quite like that, but yes, it isn't exactly hard to miss," the busty older blonde looked away shyly for a moment and took a deep breath, "You do work quick don't you? You just arrived today and already have a future wife."

In response, Yarden snorted, "This woman isn't wife material Luna," he rolled his eyes and slapped her ass blatantly, "She's concubine material at best."

Darkness moaned again and Luna sputtered, "C-concubine!?"

"She's hardly mother material being such a degenerate, right?" Yarden pointed out, "And while I do plan on having multiple wives, to repopulate my clan, I'd go for someone like you, much more presentable, respectable and put together."

He'd had a thought while on his trek back to Axel. There was clearly no Scottish blood in this world. If a Scotsman had been sent before instead of Japanese twinks like that Kazuma cunt, the demon king fucker would already be dead.

So obviously he had to be thorough when saving this world. And as such, before he completed his goal and ascended to godhood, he would bring the Scottish blood of the Odhar clan to this pansy ass world.

Once again Luna outright gaped at him, and her cheeks went so red when he stared into her lovely blue eyes pointedly that she had to look away.

He didn't miss the way her lips twitched up into a little smile though for a moment before she composed herself.

"…That's not really appropriate to discuss here," the blonde coughed, "S-so, I assume since you were so busy with Darkness that you didn't finish your quest?"

"Pfft, as if!" Yarden snorted, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his adventurer card, "She's hot, and fucking her was fun, but I wouldn't let some bed warmer get in the way of my grind, I just ploughed her silly while waiting for more toads to appear."

"Oh….oh my," Luna swallowed heavily at his blatant admission and shakily took the guild hard and began reading his achievements, as soon as she did, her eyes went so wide they looked like they were about to pop out of her sockets, "Level 11?! And 14 giant toads slain!? You've been gone only about two hours, how absurd! I've never seen growth like this, or such an amazing first hunt, never mind a solo one!" she rattled off, staring at him in awe.

Plus a grand total of twenty eight skill points to spend on whatever he wanted. Dragoon all the way!

"I'm just built different, scrubs can't match up to the power of the blood in my veins," Yarden shrugged, "Besides, that was easy as piss, if those pansy toads were more abundant, I'd have killed way more!"

He shook his head, dispelling his annoyance, "Anyway, I'm gonna sell these to the guild, can you send people to go pick them up?" the Scottish dragon teen asked.

To her credit, Luna regained her composure quickly once again, "Yes, that should be fine, though we'll have to charge you ten thousand for the pick up." she responded.

"That should be fine, just take it off the total." he waved her off.

"Alright, let me see..in total, you should have five hundred and forty thousand Eris from this then, since you completed the quest twice with these numbers." Luna quickly calculated.

"Take five thousand for yourself, payment for my ring back." he grinned at her.

"Oh, right," Luna nodded, before reaching into the pocket of those lovely daisy dukes of hers and pulling out his ring, "And here I was coming to quite like it." she pouted as he took it back.

He slid it back on his finger, before chuckling and reaching out to gently take her hand, and specifically traced her fourth finger in between the pinky and middle finger, "Who knows, I might put it on here in the future." he winked, giving her his most roguish smirk.

Luna's cheeks heated up red, "…You're so bold, flirting with me like this right in front of everyone and with a woman already hanging over your shoulder." she tittered a bit.

Man, the women around here were really hard up for some real men, huh? If he did shit like this back home, the lasses back there would attack him and try to punch his cunt in, and or stab him.

Soft pent up ladies, such easy prey.

"Eh, don't mind those scrubs, they're not important at all, you're the only thing I want to look at in here." he replied uncaringly, stroking her fingers gently and then raising her hand up to press a chaste little kiss onto the back of her hand.

Cuz he was charming and shit.

"Oh my." Luna repeated as he stared up into her eyes, gaze piping hot, and she began fanning her burning red cheeks with her free hand.

Twenty minutes later found Yarden walking through the streets of Axel once again, a huge, jingling money bag attached to his side and lacking the stupid stacked blonde on his shoulder.

No, he did not sell her to some horny miscreants and pimp her out, though she'd probably get off on that. Not that she'd be able to feel much from any of the beta males around Axel after she was gaped by a fat Scottish cock and dicked into until her eyes rolled up into the back of her head, but still.

Nope, this was all his 'hard' earned cash from making loads of new toad friends, who graciously donated their lives to become his experience and live within his soul forever.

Such good friends they were.

The bag currently had five hundred and twenty thousand Eris within it. He'd just rented a room for the night in the adventurers guild, apparently they doubled as a hotel for adventurers as well, but were a bit more expensive.

Feh, it was only five thousand extra, what scrub wouldn't shell out that for the benefits it provided? He was literally in the place where he could pick up his missions, no trek through Axel needed, and full time access to Luna.

She'd giggled quite nicely when he told her that was his reason for choosing to stay in the guild.

As for Darkness? He just tossed her in the room he'd paid for, on the lovely double bed and told her to be ready for when he got back, because he wasn't done with her slutty pussy yet.

Right now, his destination was a local magic shop. He had a promise to go through on, in regards to Darkness, but there was no tattoo parlour's in Axel apparently. But, according to Luna, the local magic item shop may have something that could work, and happily provided him directions.

It didn't take him long to reach his destination, and there was a jingle from the door as he entered.

He paused almost immediately as he entered, "O-oh, a customer, welcome!" a woman behind the counter at the end of the room greeted him with a startled jump.

And my goddess Aqua above, what a woman!

She was a pretty brunette with creamy pale skin, and long brown fluffy hair, a demure expression on her face and warm hazel chocolate eyes. And clad in a thick, purple robe that covered everything.

Yet hid nothing, especially the absolutely huge, massive pair of knockers he found himself staring at gobsmacked, stretching out the front of her thick robes deliciously.

What the fuck was up with this place? Practically everywhere he looked, there was a completely stacked, gorgeous girl, with no man in sight to try and ward him off.

Yarden closed the door behind him and smiled pleasantly at her, "Heya, I'm Yarden, Yarden Odhar," he introduced himself, walking over to voluptuous robe clad brunette, "Is this Wiz's magic shop?" he asked, ignoring the various knick knacks he could see spread out over various shelves.

"Y-yes, this is there!" she nodded vigorously, very eager to please it seemed, "Welcome to my shop!"

"So that makes you Wiz?" he asked, eyebrow raising, odd name for a girl, but, he wasn't one to judge people.


Well, that was a lie. He judged and mocked people a lot, because he was an arrogant asshole, but it was all in good fun.

For him.

"That's me, yes, nice to meet you," she bowed demurely, before standing back up, "How can I help you?" she asked, pleasantly.

"I'm looking for a specific magic item," he replied, "Kind of like a stamp, but will work on skin, and be permanent, like a tattoo, and let me pick the design."

"Hmm… I do have something like that," Wiz nodded, before grimacing, "But, there's a bit of a problem with it."

"A problem?" his eyebrow rose in question.

"Yes, see…it takes quite a bit of magic power to use, so usually only wizard classes can use it normally, and only at a high level," she explained, "…And on top of that, it kind of glows in the dark? So for adventurers who are always in dark places like dungeons or trying to ambush monsters, it's a big disadvantage."

She scratched her chin, "Plus…this is a beginner adventurer town and it's kind of expensive." she mumbled, though he heard it easily thanks to his enhanced senses.

"How much?" Yarden asked. Honestly, it wasn't exactly a big draw back, it wasn't going on him after all.

It was for branding his property, his hoard.

"Em…f-fifty thousand eris." Wiz ducked her head to avoid his gaze as she stuttered out the price, looking very embarrassed.

He did almost wince. That, was quite steep for this place. He understood now why she said it was expensive. Going by how impressed Luna was by him earlier, and by Darkness actually believing a level twenty was something special, it was clear that someone like him, chad striding through the masses and being a badass in general, was quite rare.

So of course they'd balk at having to pay fifty thousand eris, for basically a stamp machine.

"That's fine." Yarden shrugged, good thing he wasn't like them then now, wasn't it?

He was no mere pansy adventurer. He was not even some measly little dragon. He was a Scottish Dragon Dragoon! He wasn't held down by the same weak ass limitations as them.

"Y-you will!?" Wiz's head snapped up and she stared at him wide eyed. When he nodded, she jumped into action and ran through the door behind the desk she was behind and he heard the sounds of various items being moved around.

About a minute later, she returned, panting and red faced and carrying out what looked like a simple stamper, "Here we are, all you need to do is feed your magic power into it, if you have enough and think of the kind of image you want it to stamp when you do." she explained, placing it on the table in front of him.

"It shouldn't be a problem, I just started as an adventurer today, but I'm already level eleven and I've got a pretty powerful class and a ton of magic power." Yarden thanked her, and began counting out fifty thousand eris from his money pouch."Oh wow, that's impressive!" Wiz beamed at him, before gulping as she watched the coins pile up on the table.

Then her eyes went wide and she trembled as he pushed the stack of coins over to her, "Here you go." Yarden said, and picked up the stamper, tossing it in the pouch alongside his coins for now.

Wiz suddenly sniffled, and Yarden was struck dumb as he watched tears begin to bud in her eyes, "H-hey, what's wrong?!" he stuttered himself.

"This…this is my first sale ever, nobody else has bought anything before!" she sniffled with teary eyes, before surprising him by literally leaping over the table in one impressive smooth motion and sweeping him up into a hug, "Thaannnk yooooou!" she wept.

Confused as he was by it all, Yarden was not going to complain when he suddenly found his face pressed between her massive tits.

"There…there." he awkwardly pat her on the back, while enjoying the cushiony, squishy softness his face was sunk between.

Wiz suddenly realised what she was doing and separated from him with a yelp, "Ah...I'm so sorry!" she bowed deeply and apologised profusely, her huge tits bouncing beneath as she did.

Holy fucking Aqua's fat round arse.

Yarden swallowed his desire to jump her, "It's fine," he waved her off, "I get it, you were just happy, I'm not bothered, trust me, not at all." he assured her.

"Ah, you're so kind," Wiz smiled warmly at him as she stood back up, wiping her tears away.

He was quite kind wasn't he?

"Though, you should be careful with stuff like that in the future," Yarden pointed out, then grinned flirtatiously, "A pretty lady like you getting all touchy feely? You might give me the wrong idea."

"Y-you're just saying that," Wiz cupped her suddenly warm cheeks, "I'm not all that pretty at all."

His raging hard cock begged to differ. It was lucky he trapped it between his legs before it rose, or she'd be getting a full view of it tenting out his crotch like the goddess arse slaying spear that it was.

But, the Darkness approach definitely wouldn't work here, all his formidable instincts told him that.

"I beg to differ," he shrugged, "In fact, how about we get to know each other?" this wasn't a modern world despite appearances and such, so dating probably wasn't a thing here.

"Know each other how?" Wiz blinked, tilting her head to the side, a small smile twitching at her lips though that she couldn't quite hide with how pleased she was at his compliment.

"You're quite the woman," he pointed out, "Very attractive and a lovely personality. So just that, I want to get to know you better, maybe later something more." he couldn't quite stop himself from giving her body a once over with his eyes.

Fuck, he wanted to see her out of those robes.

"Oh…O-okay, that should be fine." Wiz agreed, poking her index fingers together and cheeks growing ever more crimson.

"Then your new number one customer, will see you in the next few days, after I've got settled in Axel properly." he flashed her a thumbs up.

"Okay…" Wiz nodded in agreement, dazedly in a way.

He grinned and tossed her a wave, before quickly leaving the shop behind before he got ahead of himself.

He'd just go vent his desires on that slutty masochistic fat tittied blonde in the meantime.

'Darkness, Luna and Wiz, huh?' Yarden grinned to himself as he walked, unnoticed by him, his pupils for a moment constricting and lengthening into dangerous, reptilian slits.

He wondered what other 'treasures' were just wandering around Axel, ripe for the taking?


Stanley Seymour

Love his honesty and ambition, along with looking after his future love interests. Keep up the good work Jord!