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"I have to admit, very impressive," Whis nodded as he examined my utmost powerful form, "Using your magic to enhance your ki, and even using the racial ability of the Frostians as a way to compress and enhance that muscular form, I'm sure there's an interesting story behind how you gained such an ability."

"The muscular form is called the Ultra Form, my teacher back on Earth taught me it," I replied, "And as for the bio armour, I ate the tail of Frieza's father in another timeline."

Whis blinked, "Oh that's right, they do contain a lot of their potent life force and abilities in their tails do they not?" he hummed, "Why, if I'm not wrong, didn't Freiza's father wipe out the vast majority of his race and eat their tails himself to gain his strength? I remember that I'm sure, Lord Beerus thought it was an amusing show."

So that's how that worked. Eeesh, and that fucking freak literally ate his own entire race. Add genocidal cannibalism to the list of reasons why King Cold was a piece of shit that deserved rot in hell.

I mean, maybe I'm not one to talk seeing as I literally ripped out Mira's intestines, slapped him around with them and then ate them to establish my dominance, but still.

"Still, while I'm sure there's a reason you have a time ring and can apparently so freely use it, especially considering only Kai's should be able to use them, I do hope you aren't making a mess of things," Whis raised an eyebrow at me pointedly, "It is after all, against the established laws of the universe to meddle with time."

"Not through any choice of my own, I got this forced on me actually," I quickly assured him, waving my hands, "The only reason I still have it right now, is because I'm working for the Supreme Kai of Time to help her deal with this real pain in the ass who's messing with the timelines to get time break energy."

"Oh? You've been recruited by Chronoa?" Whis tilted his head slightly before laughing lightly, "Hoho, you do get around don't you?"

"…Sadly." I sighed, thankfully, he couldn't see me grimace thanks to my helmet and mouth guard.

Like, I wasn't going to complain about meeting Chronoa, she's awesome, and cute as fuck. But god damn is my life complicated.

"Anyhow," Whis continued, "You said this is the strongest form you can reach right now, beyond a fourth form you have not attempted yet?"

"Pretty much, yeah," I nodded, "The next step is absorbing blut waves and becoming an Oozaru and then combining it with the super saiyan forms. In that form, my power will be multiplied ten times over, the problem is, the Oozaru form is already hard to control, and with the added super saiyan instincts…well, I'll definitely go berserker until I can regain control, and once that happens, I'll be able to compress all that power and return to normal size and reach the pinnacle of saiyan transformations, Super Saiyan 4."

"I see, who knew saiyans had such a variety of ingrained transformations within them?" Whis shook his head, amused, "I assume, one of the reasons you sought me out, is because you believe I can keep you contained while you muddle your way through to controlling that form?"

"That about sums it up, yes." I nodded.

"It's well thought out of you, and speaks well of your intentions that you haven't allowed such a tangible and seemingly easy route to power to sway you into rushing," Whis hummed, "But, if I may, I think you should put off going for this Super Saiyan 4 right now."

"How come?" I questioned, a single eyebrow-less ridge rising under my helmet. Like, I'm actually not in too much of a rush to get it, not with how powerful I am right now.

There's literally nothing in this universe currently that can threaten me beyond Whis and Beerus now, and Beerus will be sleeping for over another decade at least, and well, I seem to be getting along pretty well with Whis.

"While the increase in power you would get is very impressive to hear about, I think you should work on this Legendary Super Saiyan 3 form of yours more first," the angel shrugged, "While the first and second states seemed to be easy for you to use, this one, not so much. Frankly, if it weren't for the fact your ki seems to refill as soon as you use it, you'd only be able to maintain this form of yours for five minutes at best."

I grimaced, he's not wrong. I'm far from mastering super saiyan three. Goku, in GT for instance, could enter the form instantly, even without his tail, without spending any excess ki in the transformations.

"Power is nice, but it isn't the answer to all things I'm afraid," Whis pointed out, "Relying on pure power, will just make you weaker in the long run, so my advice is to take your time and master this form of yours first, and once you do, then attempt this super saiyan 4 state, and well, it's not like I'm going anywhere now is it?"

Sound advice. And it isn't like even GT Goku had mastered Super Saiyan Three either, not like Cumber had, or Goku Black.

"You're much more experienced and intelligent on these matters than me, so I'll take your advice." I nodded.

Whis blinked, "Huh, is this what it's like to actually have my abilities as a teacher respected?" he mused, tapping his chin, "It's been so long since Lord Beerus was like that, I almost forgot."

…Well, I mean, Beerus is a testy cat if there ever was one. Man, being an angel attendant seemed like a lousy job as well.
Sighing, I shed my bio armour and allowed my body to slim down a bit, but didn't release my Legendary Super Saiyan 3 state, "Well, as thanks for your help, how about I treat you to some food?" I mused.

"Well, I definitely won't refuse such a lovely offer," Whis grinned widely, "I hope you've got something tasty on hand, it might surprise you, but I'm quite the connoisseur."

"You don't need to worry about that, while I'm a guardian of my own planet now, that was mostly so I could become a god," I grinned, "Earth, my real home planet, has the tastiest food in this entire universe."

"Is that so?" Whis' eyes positively gleamed.

It was a good thing I'd long prepared in advance for this, and the Ultimate NEET System had all the data needed from downloading information from Earth, to create practically any dish!

Man, if the Ultimate NEET System was a woman, I'd totally waifu it, that was how much I was beginning to love it.

'…Wait, now there's a thought.' my eyes widened.


"OH MY GOODNESS!" Whis practically squealed in joy less than a half an hour later, wiggling back and forth in his seat, before him, sat a warm, steaming bowl of perfectly made spaghetti bolognese, "Such smooth sauce and tender meat, and what an interesting texture this pasta you called it? Has!"

We were currently sitting at a table I had conjured, still within the barrier so my un-controlled power didn't bother Beerus from his sleep, though I think he'd probably left me off because of y'know the food.

Beside us, at the side of the table, a large, bulky white robot sat awaiting orders. One of the mass produced robot terminals of the Ultimate NEET system.

I remembered idly, one of these things slapping around Krillin and wondered where they'd rank power wise.

My scouter beeped on and a number was reflected back at me as soon as I did; 3,000,000.

Huh, so basically, these mass produced worker bots, were all as strong as base Goku when he fought Frieza.


I hadn't went into it much, mostly because I only really got the Big Gete Star within like the last day now…god, how did it feel so much longer than that?

Well, already it was using the natural resources being produced by my planet thanks to my energy, and was in the process of building a giant, beautiful futuristic city, my own castle, was pretty much already finished, and get this;

It had already integrated all of the consoles and game data on Earth for me! God did it work fast!

Sure, the place was pretty much full on metallic right now, beyond the ingredients and shit I picked up for this occasion, but I can just conjure shit like furniture, or let Bulma go ham and decorate herself.

Either way, my new buddy nestled within my brain, was constantly mentally linked to me, and anything I relayed to it on wanting it to get on top of, it got right down to it, heck, it could even show me from its own point of view, giving me a full view of anywhere where it had built upon in my world so I could get a look at how things were going.

"That's actually just a common dish, nothing really special, and my robots only really started cooking today." I helpfully informed up, picking up a row of donner kebab, doused in chilli sauce and shovelling it into my mouth.

"Really?" Whis practically vibrated at my words, "How would you like to become my new apprentice? All you have to do is supply me this this lovely Earth food."

"A tempting offer," I chuckled, "But if it's just about the food, you can feel free to visit me whenever you want it, it won't really be much effort on my part to feed you whenever you want."

"Oh my…is this a proposal? I don't think I've ever heard such a beautiful phrase before." Whis cupped his cheek.
"Let's just say a token of friendship," I snorted, "Though, that does bring up something I'm curious about."

"Oh?" Whis arced a brow at me.

"Can your angel race reproduce with other races?" I asked. Whis, was a very, very pretty man, and that reflected in his sisters, they were insanely gorgeous.

Whis blinked, pausing in the motion of raising a meatball to his mouth, "…Hmm, you know, I'm not actually sure, we do have reproductive organs, though none of my family to my knowledge have ever engaged in intercourse with a mortal, granted, we spend long years apart, I'd probably need to ask father," he tapped his chin, "Though, if any race were compatible, it would probably be your own saiyan race, the unique adaptability of your race's genes make your race practically able to breed with any other race, why do you ask?" he gave me a curious look.

"I've seen a few of your sisters, and they're very attractive," I didn't bother beating around the bush, "Do you think any of them would be interested?"

Whis blinked slowly, "…You know Kakarot, you really are perhaps the oddest mortal I've ever come across, and I've been around for a long time." he shook his head, lips twitching in amusement.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I shrugged, because I mean, I'm pretty amazing I think.

"You should," Whis nodded, "Sadly though I'm afraid pursuing a relationship with any of my sisters is a bit impossible, our duty is to our Gods of Destruction sadly, so unless you want to go to another universe and challenge their Gods of Destruction for their titles, I'm afraid having any of my sisters as partners is out of reach."

….Yeah, I suppose that would make things a little difficult. And I really don't want to be some standard God of Destruction, the only way I'd accept that in any scope, is if the Supreme Kai linked to me was some absurdly powerful beast and preferably female.

"What about Vados?" I still felt the need to point out though, "Doesn't she have a lot of free time like you since Lord Champa is even lazier than Lord Beerus?"

"Well, you're not wrong," Whis nodded, "Though, you'd be better asking her about this sort of thing. Perhaps I should invite her over? It has been quite some time since we last spoke after all."

"I'm all for it," I couldn't quite smother my grin, "Besides, from what I know of her she likes nice food just like you, it would be a shame to leave her out."

"I do get along with Vados best out of siblings, that is true." Whis nodded in agreement, and picked up his staff.

As he did, I ran a hand through my long ass lime-green tinted golden hair, and blinked. Huh, I'd forgotten I was even in this state there for a bit.

But now that I did, I noticed something. The way my ki has continuously increased, it has not just been my normal ki. The tiny, tiny dust fragment sized piece of god ki within him, had grown ever so slightly, and I could feel that raging green spark within me, enveloping it, pushing it on to greater heights, if at an absurdly slow rate.

'Well now, isn't this a nice surprise.' I mused. This was my very own natural god ki. I couldn't do much with it right now, but when I had enough, I should be able to use it in tandem with my normal ki to enhance it.

The same way Zamasu did, as Goku Black. Usually, Goku and Vegeta had to massively compress their mortal ki to increase its strength and purity until it reached the same level as god ki to initiate their god forms from what I remember.

But, in time, I won't need to do that, my god power won't be fakes like theirs, but actual true god ki. Really, the only difference in my god ki and the likes of Zamasu, was scale.

And would you look at that. The Legendary Super Saiyan forms, even passively, if slowly, enhanced my god ki.

This will speed up my plans immensely.



First part can be hand waived due to him having the Time Ring and doing favors for Supreme Kai of Time. Second part ... which officially licensed Dragon Ball (Z) series has a Super Daiyan 6?

Anthony Maxwell

I like some of the fandom ideas cuz I don't ever remember saying that was official 🤣🤣🤣.

Anthony Maxwell

They also make a sort of amount of sense if GT were Canon. But dragon Ball GT is more like unofficial Cannon or I guess you could think of it like what Star wars Legends is to Star wars Canon. I also can't really see the comment replying to. As I'm guessing you're referring to me talking about super Saiyan 6 when it was officially licensed it was never that's just fandom.

Anthony Maxwell

To explain the logic behind super Saiyan 6. To start with ss4 should probably be considered an entirely different transformation from super Saiyan 1 through 3. as the the dragon Ball wiki description is basically it's just a fusion between super Saiyan and oozaru. Here is it what it says word for word(is if he is already a Super Saiyan, can transform into a Golden Great Ape and regain conscious control over the form. This transformation is the ultimate combination of both the humanoid Super Saiyan and the Golden Great Ape.) It's basically means you only need ss1 and control over the oozaru. But there are two more ascensions beyond ss1 in the super Saiyan line and this is where the fandom form of logic for the existence of ss5 and ss6 comes from. Basically the fandoms suggesting well wait they should be able to ascend two more times. So there should be a hypothetical ss-5 and ss6.

Anthony Maxwell

One major problem with this chapter is how whis doesn't respond with shock and questioning how a recently appointed minor God knows about his siblings and they'r destroyer gods almost intimately. And one of the other things I disagree with that was said in this chapter is that super Saiyan 4 is the Pinnacle of possible transformations for the Saiyan race. as the Pinnacle would probably actually be super Saiyan 6 fused with super Saiyan God

Anthony Maxwell
