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As soon as that monster disappeared through the portal, Towa wasted no time in closing it shut tight behind him.

And then she collapsed on her backside, "….What an insane beast." she whispered to herself, wrapping her arms around her mid-section, even as her whole body trembled with terror.

Her mind flashed back to just a few minutes ago, remember the way he grinned savagely as his eyeballs exploded in their sockets, showering the air in his gore, how blood vessels erupted and very skin tore and cracked.

And yet, in just mere moments, he was fully healed again and seemed to relish in it.

Towa gagged, and couldn't stop herself as she bent over and retched, emptying the contents of her stomach beside her comatose creation.

…In all the time she had spent meddling with time and manipulating the timeline to her and her kin's benefit, never once had any of the main players displayed such raw, visceral brutality, not even the likes of Vegeta.

'I must never meet that monster again.' the demoness told herself as she stared down into the puddle of her own vomit.

Before she could get her thoughts in order or anything else, a familiar whirring sound resounded through the air in front of her, and she looked up jus in time to see space ripple and part before her eyes, and a very familiar purple skinned, bespectacled youth stepped out.

"My my, you've gotten yourself into a right silly state now, haven't you mother?" Fu mused, a light, almost mocking smile on his face.

"…You were watching?" she glared up at him through bleary eyes, "Why did you not step in? You are far stronger than your father, you could have made this all a non issue."

"He's actually more of a donor than a father," Fu cast a glance at his said father, beaten, unconscious and pitiful looking, his torn out stomach slowly healing, "Besides, I wouldn't do that, I'm not here to hold your hand mother dearest, I've got my own plans. It's not my fault you ran afoul of my favourite in your slap dash way of doing things."

Such an arrogant boy, thinking himself above his own mother! He was only as powerful as he was now because of all the lengths she went to for him-


"Your favourite?" she gaped, wide eyed at her son.

"Oh yes, why do you think Kakarot is around in the first place? As I'm sure you witnessed, the main timelines have nobody like him, truly I outdid myself," Fu laughed happily and actually reached up to pat himself on the back, "Plus, he's still kind of mad at me for forcing him into some fun situations, hmm, I suppose I should apologise to you for that at least? He was definitely only so brutal with you both because of me."

Towa grimaced, things were starting to make sense. They had to be constantly on the move after the failure of Demigra, the Time Patrol hunted her and Mira wherever they went, no matter what timeline, they would not cease their pursuit.
She'd only come across this timeline by accident, and when she saw how abundant the time break energy already was….she thought she found an opportunity, especially when she traced the distortions in the timeline to this 'Kakarot'.
Shame on her, she should have known better.

"And would you have done nothing if he went through with his threats there at the end?" she asked her son pointedly. If he really wanted to, there was nothing she could have done to stop him from taking her as he claimed he would if she bothered him again.

"What, him taking you as his sex slave?" Fu snorted, "Oh you shouldn't worry about that, he's actually quite devoted to his current partner, the Bulma Briefs of his time, without her say so and permission, he wouldn't actually seriously touch another woman."

Oh, so that was just bluster in the end? Though, admittedly, the brat hadn't had any compunctions on molesting her rear end. Well, at the ver-

"Hmm, actually, now that I think about it, he could have probably just beaten you down and dragged you back home with him to meet his Bulma, and she definitely would have given the okay," Fu casually mused, re-igniting the horror within her, "Yeah, if you don't want to end up chained at his bed, dressed up in all manner of raunchy costumes and performing for his pleasure, you should probably stay away from him."

"..You…you don't seem to care that he made threats to turn your own mother into his sex slave…" Towa swallowed heavily, did he really care for her so little? Where had she gone wrong?

"Well, to be fair, you weren't much of a mother, there isn't exactly any familial love between us, after all, you did dump raising me on Uncle Dabura remember?" Fu shrugged, before blinking, "Actually, Kakarot is a far more impressive specimen than Mira, perhaps you should just take him up on that threat of his? I'm quite interested in seeing a version of myself borne from the joining of you and Kakarot, he wouldn't have as much variety as me of course, but in raw talent and fighting ability, I might just be vastly surpassed!"

Towa stared at her son in absolute horror as he excitedly mumbled to himself, thinking on how things would go…if she, his own loving mother, were to be bred and impregnated by that monstrous saiyan, used as nothing more than as a tool for his pleasure and broodmare!

She shuddered in terror.

"..I will have to refuse…I have things I must accomplish after all." she hesitantly pointed out.

"Well, whatever, your loss," Fu shrugged, before suddenly narrowing his eyes at her and losing all of his previous genial demeanor, "Though, I'd appreciate it, if you kept your grubby mitts off of this timeline, this is my playground, the time breaker energy being generated here is mine. I can't just have imbeciles like you running amok mother, especially when you'll agitate Kakarot, I've not even finished figuring out how he got his hands on King Yemma's fruit or fixed that Time Ring I gave him. I'm totally sure it has something to do with that Time Freeze technique he got his hands on though."

'Hmph, so even you can't keep him fully under control.' Towa filed that away in the back of her mind, that may come in handy in the future.

That savage saiyan, Kakarot, he seemed to be at odds with her son. Well, if she ever was forced to interact with him again, she could trade some information to help him against her son.

"I'll keep that in mind," Towa inclined her head to her son politely, taking a deep breath to steady herself and standing up. With a thought, Mira's comatose form floated into the air beside her and a wave of her staff formed a new portal, "But, I am a busy woman, so I think I'll be going now, it was nice seeing you my son."

"Sure, bye bye mother." Fu casually waved her goodbye.

As soon as she was through the portal, and away from the prying eyes of her son, she sighed in relief.

Beating a hasty retreat was the best idea in that situation. If she stuck around any longer, he might just overpower her and deliver her bound and gagged to that saiyan to do as he pleased with her.

'….Well, crude and terrifying as he is, being lusted for, for once is a nice bit of change of pace.' the stray thought pierced her mind before she shook it.

…Mira, had never shown an ounce of sexual desire for her after all.



I came slowly back to consciousness with a groan, my head splitting. And for a moment, I wondered what the hell I'd done this time.

"Excuse me?"

Ah, wait, that was right. After getting out of that damn crack in time and dealing with that stupid, sexy demon bitch, I'd had to change my clothes, and burn the old ones. Thank fuck for the most powerful ability I had, the legendary clothes beam.

The old ones were absolutely rancid, y'know, being coated and absolutely soaked through with my gore.

Once that was done and I made sure I didn't stink like the the voided bowels of a recently dead corpse, I got back to business.

Really, it wasn't as simple as I made it sound. With pure ki sensing, it would have been impossible. The only reason I could even find the one I wanted, was because of the fact I now had a sliver of god ki residing within me, and then I spread my ki sense to the farthest reaches of the universe with the far sight technique, something usually only a special privilege given to gods and then enhanced even further with the Yardrat's spirit control.

Then when I locked on to my target, I wasted no more time, not letting anybody else get the chance to get the jump on me before I could fix my issues and used Instant Transmission.

…Only, it felt like I'd slammed into an unmovable, absurdly sturdy wall and pain had assaulted my mind, and I blacked out.


Ugh, honestly, who even was that? The voice was absurdly pleasant, soft and feminine, yet at the same time, a pleasant male timber echoed within. It was an incredibly soothing voice truth be told.

I opened my eyes and found myself staring up at a tall, slender male dressed in purple robes, a beautiful, almost feminine face with glistening light blue skin and immaculate ivory hair.

"Oh, finally awake are we?" Whis smiled pleasantly down at me, "You made quite the ruckus appearing here the way you did, caught me by surprise even. You're quite lucky you didn't wake up my lord, he would have been quite testy."

"Sorry, Lord Whis," I pushed myself to my feet with a wince and bowed my head, "I didn't mean to cause you any trouble." there wasn't really any point in my usual gung ho attitude here, it would be mere bluster in front of one as powerful as Whis.

"No need to be so polite, you may call me Whis," the angel hummed, eyeing me with interest, "And it is no bother, frankly, I'm actually quite impressed you actually pierced through the barrier hiding this planet, though it seems not without issue, here let me deal with that." he lifted the staff he was holding in his hand and gently touched it to my forehead.

A soft warmth spread throughout my body, and the pain disappeared entirely, "Now, who might you be I wonder?" he asked before I could thank him, "A lesser god from the looks of it, though a recent one from the feel I'm getting. But my, you are quite powerful aren't you?"

His eyes flickered to my hand, specifically the time ring on one of my fingers, "And you have access to such interesting toys." he chuckled lightly.

Huh. Y'know, I honestly kind of expecting him to have sensed my power before now. I haven't exactly been the most careful at keeping it concealed after all.

"Can't you like see the entire universe in your staff?" I asked on instinct.

"Indeed, but that's so boring, and I've got so little ways of keeping myself occupied when my lord sleeps for extended periods of time like he is now," Whis shrugged, shaking his head in dismay, "I think it'll be more interesting to learn as I go for now instead of just instantly getting everything on the situation, don't you think so?"

I mean…when he put it like that, I actually feel a bit sorry for him. Such mind numbing boredom, I never wanted to experience it. Hell, that was the reason why I didn't just like, go spend all my time in the hyperbolic time chamber and shit.

As tedious as everything I'm going through right now is…it at the very least isn't boring.

"Still, I am surprised to find a saiyan has survived the destruction of planet Vegeta and even made their way here," Whis pointed out, "And especially one so powerful, it has been a long long time since I've seen a mortal anywhere near this powerful, especially a saiyan."

"My name is Kakarot," I introduced myself, "And few of us survived the destruction of Planet Vegeta, and I've come into some grand opportunities." I replied.

"I'd assume so, though Lord Beerus really should learn to do his job properly instead of leaving it to flunkeys like Frieza," Whis chuckled, "Now, Kakarot, what brings you all the way out here? Perhaps to challenge my Lord Beerus for his title as God of Destruction? That could be fun, though I'm afraid as powerful as you are, you're no match for a true god."

"No, I have no interest in bother Lord Beerus," I shook my head, "Actually, the reason I came all the way here, is because I wanted to ask for your help Whis."

"Hoh?" Whis hummed in interest, one delicate eyebrow raising, "And what can I, a mere lowly attendant do for you?"
I resisted the urge to snort, him, lowly? He's the strongest existence in the entirety of Universe 7, even Beerus couldn't take him on in a fight.

"Have you heard of the Super Saiyan?" I asked.

"Hmm, that takes me back, isn't that the legend of some incredibly unstoppable saiyan from back in the day?" Whis tapped his chin, "King Vegeta was oh so happy to brag on and on about the legend when we visited, the way he harped on about it is honestly really the biggest reason why your home planet was destroyed in the first place, his arrogance in this legend ended up annoying Lord Beerus."

….That totally sounded like Vegeta's dad, that Runescape Wizard Boot wearing retard.

"Well, I am a super saiyan." I revealed.

"Oh? Good for you." Whis replied simply.

Honestly, that reply would have been irritating as fuck and incredibly condescending, if not for the person who spoke it. He didn't need to take a God of Destruction seriously, never mind a super saiyan.

"Truthfully, any saiyan with sufficient strength and drive can become one, it's a transformation that can be unlocked," I continued on, "The thing is, there's two different types of super saiyan, one is what I was before and I had already more or less mastered it, the other is known as the Legendary Super Saiyan, and it is more of a mutation than anything else, they are stronger than normal super saiyans, but it comes with the fact that, they tend to have control issues and rage out of control."

"I see," Whis nodded in understanding, "What you are saying, is that you have become one of these legendary super saiyans, and now you are afraid you cannot control yourself when transformed."

As expected, he gleamed what I was getting at instantly.

"Pretty much, I'm sure I can learn to control it if I do go into a rage, given enough time," I explained, I had learned to control the Oozaru state after all, and Broly wasn't always a raging berserker even transformed, and even Kale showed it was possible, "The problem is, there's nobody strong enough to keep me contained while I rage about, and I could end up destroying entire galaxies."

"So you came to me, hmm?" Whis chuckled, "My, should I be flattered you have such confidence in my strength and ability to do so?"

I just stared at him.

"I suppose if you have a time ring, you will know more than your usual mortal and that is definitely a story I'd like to hear," Whis chuckled. He stared at me for a moment, before touching the butt of his staff into the ground, and suddenly a massive barrier appeared around us in an instant, "Very well, you've piqued my curiosity about these so called super saiyan transformations Kakarot, feel free to go wild, I'll make sure you don't run too out of control should it be needed, and within this barrier, Lord Beerus will be unable to sense you and get woken up."

That was all I needed to hear. There was no point in pussy-footing around here and now that he'd given me this chance.
I slipped into a lower, steady stance and took a deep breath, and then I reached deep within myself, to that blinding, golden radiance. Deep within it, I could see two other energies, one, the tiny sliver of god ki, the other, a raging, crackling green spark.

I pulled upon that golden radiance, subsumed it with my ki, and as I did, it happened. The green spark exploded outwards, spreading throughout the golden super saiyan ki, crackling and shocking through my ki, my body and my very soul.

A massive aura exploded out of me and I felt my power rise explosively, far more than normal, my vision tinted gold and lime green.

And even as I assumed the form, I felt my power continue to steadily incline. Yet…

I felt no rage. I felt no desire to thrash around, destroy, murder and kill, well, no more than usual at least. I felt, as I always did as a super saiyan.

'I mastered the raw emotions of my super saiyan forms in the past six months, but from my experience, they don't even come close to the berserker rages of the legendary super saiyan.' I thought to myself, confused.

"Hmm, so this is the super saiyan transformation King Vegeta was harping on about?" Whis humming in interest broke me from my thoughts, and I looked up to see him casually walking around me, observing the raging aura of gold and lime green around my body, "I can see why a weakling like him would put such a form on such a large pedestal, and in the hands of one like you, it makes for a formidable warrior."

I clenched and unclenched my fist, getting a feel for my new transformed states powerful, "It doesn't end here." I told him.
"Oh?" Whis paused, looking at me curiously.

"These transformations can reach higher, more powerful stages," I explained to him, "I know of at least four in this branch more or less, but, I can only reach the third right now, the fourth is even more dangerous than what I thought this would be."

"Is that so?" Whis mused, "Well then, since you're here, you may as well take this transformation of yourself to the limit you can reach, I'm quite curious to see just how strong you can get right now."

I grinned, "Alright, I'll do my best to give you a good show then!"

I reached deep within myself, and pulled more upon that green sparking, golden radiance within me, and a split moment later, I ascended to Super Saiyan 2, and then I pulled even harder, my infinite ki generator getting a real work out as my aura grew, and grew to the point where Whis was completely blocked out from my vision, the only thing I could hear, being my own screaming voice, and the only thing I could see, bright gold and lime yellow.

I still hadn't reached a point of mastery over Super Saiyan three where I could enter it instantly, and it took me a good thirty or so seconds to generate the needed power to force the transformation.

But finally, it clicked into place, and still my mind felt undisturbed beyond the sheer amazement I felt in how fucking awesome I am.

And here I stood, the Legendary Super Saiyan Three, I could feel my lack of eyebrows now, and there was one greenish gold bang hanging down over my forehead, and in my peripheral, I could make out the way my hair had lengthened and become rigid and spiky, the same gleaming green gold as the bang hanging over my forehead.

Honestly, right now, I felt like I could erase half a galaxy by swinging my arm too hard, how insane! And even still, my power continued to steadily climb.

That was usually a problem for Broly, his body could only contain so much ki after all. But I don't have that problem, any extra, I can just shift to power up the Death Bomb if needed, and even if I did let my body get damaged by becoming too bloated with power, I'd just heal the damage anyway and become even stronger!

Whis whistled, "My, so this is third stage of this Legendary Super Saiyan form them?" he inquired.

"Yeah, I guess you'd call it Legendary Super Saiyan 3, a bit of a mouthful though." I grinned at him.

"It is indeed that Kakarot, but I suppose it does fit, a grand name for such a grand transformation, this is definitely not something you'd expect from a mere mortal and mere lower class enshrined planetary god," the angel chuckled, "And you're so young too. In the future, you may actually be a challenge for Lord Beerus, perhaps I'll be your attendant in the future."

"I dunno about that, being the God of Destruction sounds like a lousy gig to be honest." I almost shuddered at the thought. Plus, my life would be tied to fucking Shin and I'd die if he ever got boomed out of existence, which is a distinct possibility considering how ignorant and naive he is in regards to his own job.

I mean, not really his fault and all, but I still don't want my life tied to that guy.

"It depends on the perspective I suppose," Whis shrugged, "So, is that as high as you can go then?"

"Y- No actually," I shook my head as I remembered the form I'd taken just at most an hour ago, "While I can't reach Super Saiyan 4 right now, I have other ways to increase my strength."

"Oh?" Whis' interest was peaked once again.

Y'know, I'm curious to see just how high I can reach myself now! With just a thought, my magic melded with my ki and tripled my power, and then, I compressed the ki within my body even further, causing my musculature to bulge and become larger, even as I let the bio armour form over my chest, head, wrists and the tip of my tail.

"Ho-ho! Isn't that the ability from Frieza's race?" Whis' eyes practically gleamed with questions.

Curiosity getting the better of me, I waved my arm and conjured a mirror in front of me to get a look at myself, and I couldn't help but grin. With the Cooler-esque armour, my raging legendary super saiyan aura, glowing green eyes shining from the depths of my helmet and my long ass hair jutting out of the back of it, I look like a total fucking badass.


Kakarot (Legendary Super Saiyan) Battle Power: 184,823,728,500
Kakarot (Legendary Super Saiyan 3) Battle Power: 3,326,827,113,000
Kakarot (Legendary Mystic Super Saiyan 3/Ultra Bio Form) Battle Power: 29,941,444,000,000



Looks sick as hell, I don't really care for the helmet tho


love the design and i want to see a fully finished drawing now. the sketch is a bit disproportionate. Anyway, looking forward to more of your work

0 Jordinio 0

A bit, I mostly got it done to help focus the image of it in my head. But, maybe I should look into getting a commissioned piece? My friend did this for free at request, but I'd feel guilty trying to ask for more, would be ungrateful, especially since I really do like what he did here.


dont get me wrong, i love it. it just makes me want to see it completed because i love it. but i would feel the same as you in this situation