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“Here you are Caelan, this should provide you with the knowledge you desire.” my guild advisor, for all of the last twenty minutes, Ron placed a book on the counter in front of me, “It’ll be five hundred valis though.”

I rolled my eyes, “What a rip off.” I replied, but regardless I lifted five hundred valis from my pocket and handed it over to him, then grabbed the book. It was something I needed. I knew roughly most of all the monsters within the dungeon, what I didn’t know was the layout the floors had. This book I had just bought, was a guild sold book with information on all the fully mapped out floors of the dungeon, and all the information on that mapping compiled by the guild itself.

“Thank you.” he bowed his head politely as he accepted the payment and then bid me goodbye and moved on. I withheld the urge to sigh. Why couldn’t I get a beauty like Eina or Misha? No, instead I got a straight to the point, plain faced old dude.

My eyes drifted over to a brown haired, spectacled beauty sitting at a desk behind the counter. The suit didn’t show off her body well, but she was pretty damn stacked and had quite the ass on her.

Well, rather than ‘quite the ass’, she had a full on whooty booty pawg ass. Really not something you’d expect from an elf to be honest.

This time, I did sigh and turned away. Oh well, Eina’s hot, but she ain’t Hestia. Plus, she can be pretty fucking annoying on top of that. I’d rather have Misha than her, but really, Ron isn’t so bad either since I can just cash in and fuck off without any lectures.

Another good thing about Ron was that when I came in and registered, he just got straight to the point, had me fill in a bunch of forums, list my familia and my goddess and we were done. It took all of five minutes at most. Sure it’s most likely because Ron doesn’t give a shit whether I live or die in the dungeon, the same way most guild advisors were towards adventurers, but the me that hated the thought of having to sit around in a boring ass place like the guild was ever so happy with the arrangement.

Besides, I don’t really give a shit if he lives or dies either. I’m selfish like that.

I tucked my newly purchased book under my arm and made to leave. Only, I paused before I even took one step when the glinting of my crystal gauntlets and boots caught my eyes.

‘These are made out of the same crystal that the crystal mantis can drop right?’ I thought to myself. And I could make them on command as long as I had enough magic energy also known as mind here.

So couldn’t I possibly cash these in as drop items like the goblin fangs and kobold nails I had?

With that thought, I stuffed my book in the waistband of my pants and slipped off the crustal gauntlets and boots and made my way over to the exchange booth.

“Back again already?” the man behind the counter asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

“Yeah, I was wondering what you would give me for these,” I replied, setting the crystal gauntlets and boots down on the counter, “The shape might be off, but they’re still crystal from a crystal mantis.”

The man hummed, leaning over to examine them, “True the shape is odd, but they are indeed from a crystal mantis,” he nodded after a moment, before looking me in the eye, “That begs the question though, how did a newly minted adventurer like yourself get your hands on these?”

“Familia secret,” I replied flippantly with a shrug, hopefully that’s good enough, I remember canonically that the guild wasn’t allowed to involve itself with inner familia affairs unless it was outright law breaking, “So will you buy them or not?”

“Fair enough I suppose,” the man shrugged himself, “And yes, from the looks of them despite the odd shapes they are very much still pure crystal mantis crystal, so the guild will purchase them. They are a bit bigger than the usual crystal brought in as drop items, but I’m afraid that doesn’t change our rates. I can offer you ten thousand valis per each piece and not a single more.”

My eyes widened in shock. Holy shit! That’s a total of forty thousand valis! “That’ll do nicely.” I said, agreeing with the offered amount. After all, I can make these as I please!

“Very well, one moment.” the teller nodded and prepared to walk off to where the money was kept no doubt, but an idea occurred to me and I stopped him.

“How much does the guild sell the magic stones of Infant Dragon’s for?” I asked, a plan coming to mind to gain massive growth instantly.

He looked at me oddly, obviously wondering why I’m asking such a specific thing, but replied nonetheless, “We buy them for twenty-two thousand valis and sell them for thirty thousand.” he replied.

Damn, steep as fuck. But; “Then keep thirty thousand of the valis and just give me one of those and ten thousand valis back.” I said. It was worth it, totally worth it since the more my stats increased, specifically my magic, the more crystal armour I would be able to make and the more cash money I’d be able to sell them for.

He merely nodded at my words, and continued on. He returned a few moments later carrying a magic stone nearly as big as my head and ten thousand valis. I thanked him, and continued on my way and left the guild hall behind.

As I did, I ducked down the side of the building out of view of the passing people and began chomping down on the huge magic stone bit by bit with my enhanced teeth, crunching it down practically into powder and swallowing it.

When I was done, I was about to go take care of the things I wanted to get done when a thought occurred to me, “Shit, I need to get some magic stones for Hestia’s lamp.” I palmed my face.

I about turned and headed back towards the massive towering structure that was the tower of babel, and the entrance into the dungeon.


I ducked back down into the dungeon and spent all of ten minutes trawling through the first few rooms of the first floor of the dungeon. I took the time to kill five goblins and grab their magic stones. I wasn’t sure how long one alone would last in Hestia’s lamp, so I figured five would at least do till tomorrow and I’ll make sure to get her more or better ones after that.

After all, with how many goblin and kobold magic stones I’ve eaten today, with the Infant Dragon’s on top of it, I was sure to get a massive boost in my stats and become way stronger after Hestia updated my falna, and from there I would be able to go even deeper into the dungeon!

There was a spring in my step and a massive beaming grin on my face as I practically pranced my way back up out of the dungeon and through the streets of Orario. I had twenty nine thousand, five hundred valis to my name, and as such, despite how much I wanted to immediately rush home to Hestia and get my stats upgraded, I instead asked for some directions and made my way to the main shopping district.

Wanna know something interesting? This world has all manner of appliances similar the ones of my home world. Such as a fridge. They were much different from what I was used to mind you. They were basically like black cubes with transparent glass doors on the front. They looked more like the kind of cold coolers you’d see behind a bar than an actual fridge And they were expensive as hell. The only one I could afford right now, was a single cube shaped variation  that reached up to just about my thighs in height.

It cost a whole twenty thousand valis. And a magic stone to power it was not included. So it was a good thing I actually went and murderized some goblins. Delivery would have cost me an extra thousand valis. Thankfully, I’m now a superhuman adventurer, I’m more than twice as physically able as I was yesterday. It was still quite heavy, but the shape of it made it more manageable.

From there, I splurged a bit more, dropping five thousand valis on an assortment of ingredients for cooking that I threw in the fridge itself to free up some room while carrying it and began my trek back to the church I’m gonna be staying in for a while with Hestia.

“Hmm?” I paused just as I walked by a clothing accessory shop, a flash of blue and white had caught my eyes.

Balancing the heavy fridge in my arms, I took a step back and peered into the display case behind the window. My eyebrows rising with interest as I began grinning, “So I wasn’t just seeing things!” I laughed.

Sitting behind the window on the display case, was a set of hair white and blue hair ribbons, with bells attached to them. A very familiar set of hair ribbons. Hair ribbons that currently did not adorn the shiny black silky hair of my lovely, voluptuous patron goddess Hestia the Bestia.

My eyes settled on the price tag.


Two thousand five hundred valis. A bit much for some hair ribbons, quite a bit more really, and I’d be down to only a mere two thousand valis, but eh, I don’t care. I can literally basically grow currency with my magic power now with the Crystal Mantis armour I could make with my magic power.

Plus, they are kind of iconic with her look right, almost as much as her glorious boob string? And they’ll totally score me some brownie points with her, right? It’s a win, win, win, win win win. Honestly, all I do is win.

With that decided on, I squeezed my way through the entrance to the shop, fridge on my shoulder and called over to the cashier, a pretty little svelte thing with brown hair, “Hey, can you ring those up for me?” I asked her, with a smile that could totally have charmed the panties off of her if I felt like it.

“The bell ribbons?” she asked.

“Yeah, that’s the ones.” I nodded.

She blinked, looking at me weirdly, “You sure? We’ve been trying to sell them for a while, but nobody has wanted them since they’re so expensive,” the cashier, or clerk, whatever was more apt told me, casting a glance over her shoulder to a door behind the counter, and looking back at me when she saw nobody there, “They’re apparently some adventurer smiths work, which is why they’re going for so much, but who would really pay this much for some hair ribbons with something as silly as bells in them?”

“I don’t make the rules love, I just abuse them.” I shrugged, though I totally understood where she was coming from. What kind of stupid smith would design something like that?

“What?” she blinked, looking at me confused.

“Nothing important,” I waved her off with my free hand, “So can you ring them up for me?” I repeated

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she sighed and shrugged, then eyed the fridge that had to weigh over a hundred pounds that I was casually carrying on one shoulder, “You look like a tough adventurer, and I don’t want any trouble over such a silly thing later if you’re unhappy with them, but if you’re sure, that’ll be 2,500 valis.”

I barely resisted the urge to roll my eyes. And only because her logic is sound. The vast majority of adventurers are piece of shit bullies if Lili is anything to go by after all, even the non junkies outside of the Soma Familia treated her like shit.

The fools! Imagine driving a cute little short stack like that into hating you, just because you wanna get doped up on same pansy ass wine.

They should be drinking whiskey, like real men, like me! What, I’m underage? Eat shit nerd, fuck the police!

Anyway, I waved off the cashier slash clerks worries and paid the two thousand, five hundred valis for my bell adorned brownie points and squeezed my way back out of the shop and continued back to the U.S.S Love Nest.

Bow chika wow wow!



🤣 That ending!


Welp, you immediately cancelled out the one thing that balanced your op power by having him able to print money lol