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A pair of large, soft mounds pressing against my chest and a sleepy feminine murmur in my ear woke me up. I blinked the sleep from my eyes and found myself staring down at a cherubic round face peacefully asleep and nuzzling against my chest, while a deep expanse of bodacious cleavage squished into my stomach.

I could feel the pulsing hardness between my legs, my morning wood straining to rise up. It was only thanks to the fact it was stuck between my closed legs that Hestia wasn’t the proud victim of my erection pushing right up against her crotch. With how small she was, even nuzzling my chest with her face, her lower body was perfectly positioned against mine. And I found myself licking my lips and withholdings the urge to take two great big greedy handfuls of her backside.

I sighed lightly. As absurdly beautiful as Hestia is, and with a complete virgin killer body of the highest tier, I refused to do something like that. There’s just something too pure about Hestia to think of just having my fill of her body.

At least not without her actively encouraging it.

Taking a deep breath, I quashed my horniness and gently hoisted the tiny goddess up slightly into the air by taking her around the hips. With her weight pressing down on me and my lack of leverage, that would have been all but impossible for me to manage yesterday. But with the blessing of the falna, on top of the monster magic stone Hestia graciously let me devour last night increasing all of my stats massively, it was as easy as breathing. I rolled out from underneath her and gently lowered her down onto the bed and pulled the sheet over her.

For a minute, I just stared at her, taking in her lovely features. I thought I’d come to terms with it fully last night, but just watching her made my stomach flutter with butterflies. This Hestia, the goddess of the hearth and family. The main goddess of the Danmachi franchise.

I’m in a world I previously thought was totally fictional. I have been blessed by her power, and I’m easily three times as strong as I was just yesterday, if not more so. A staircase towards divinity has been inscribed upon my back, and I’ve been blessed with perhaps the most overpowered ability available in this setting.

There’s some draw backs in comparison, but my ability, Typhon is wholly superior to the ability of Zald, the former strongest adventurer in the entirety of Orario before the poison of the Behemoth weakened him. If it were not for that fact, he would likely still be the very strongest adventurer right now.

‘….Typhon is even more bullshit than Realis Phrase.’ I snorted at the thought. But it really was true. If I say, joined the Freya Familia after I got her interest, she would spare no expense. I could have had fucking Ottar going down to the eighteenth floor and lugging back the Goliath’s magic stone. I’d probably hit a thousand in nearly every stat from the get go from that, and on top of that, gain its regeneration ability.

I shuddered at the thought. It’s absurd, truly absurd. Typhon could honestly be classified as pay to win. I wouldn’t ever need to go adventuring to get stronger. If I had a backer with enough money, I could become the strongest this world has to offer….while sitting on my ass. That is how bullshit my ability is.

I’m not a saint. The temptation is there to leave Hestia and try and get with another higher up familia. But no, fuck that. I’d much rather have Hestia in my corner than the instant gratification of monstrous growth.

..And it might be an effect of my skill. But the thought of sitting on my ass and having everything handed to me rubbed me the wrong way. I liked the idea of being Hestia’s only child, I loved the idea of getting all her attention to myself, and my blood pulsed with excitement at the thought of personally clawing my way up from the bottom to the top.

Plus, Hestia is Bestia.

I found myself smiling then as I watched over my sleeping patron goddess, before frowning as she shivered lightly for a moment. The bed was small, and the only covering she had over her was a thin sheet, not even a quilt.

That just isn’t right.

My eyes went to my jacket folded over the couch. Nodding to myself, I walked over and grabbed it, before walking back over and laying it over the top of the sheet covered Hestia. “There, that should keep you a bit more warm.” I smiled. I’ll have to do something about this today, but with her size, and my jacket being double layered, it should do for now.

Plus it was a really expensive jacket and the sleeves were already frayed because of the shit I went through when I woke up in the dungeon yesterday. I didn’t want it getting totally ruined, it was a gift after all. Not to mention, my phone, ear buds, solar charger, ear bud charger, keys and wallet were in there.

It would leave me a bit more exposed in the dungeon, but...I’ve already got that covered. My eyes went down to side of the bed, landing on the glittering crystal gauntlets laying there.

...Last night, I couldn’t sleep. So I played about with the abilities I’d gained. It was hard to describe suddenly having the ability to do something and the complete instinctive knowledge on how to use it just suddenly in my head, but I’d confirmed it wasn’t bullshit in the least. Crystal Armour, the ability I’d gained from eating the monster magic stone last night given to me by Hestia, which she claimed came from a Crystal Mantis, a powerful monster from the middle floors. A monster I vaguely remembered reading about on the Danmachi wiki.

I had the ability to generate crystal armour with the ability. Very hard, very sturdy crystal armour. I’m not sure how hard and sturdy, but it had to easily be on the level of iron. I couldn’t make much of it right now though. Just making those gauntlets had drained almost all of my magic energy, and I’d barely gotten them off last night before darkness overcame me as I hit Mind Zero.

I bent down and picked them up, slipping them on. They came right up to just the end of my forearm and I clenched my fingers into fists. I noted they were rough and jagged, not at all smooth on the outside. But that was good, it meant I’d just do more damage if I hit anything with them.

I took one last look at Hestia, before turning on my heel and leaving up through the stairs. I grabbed my bayonet knuckle dusters from the table on my way passed, and ignored the plate of potato balls sitting in a small bowl, leaving them for Hestia. I’m hungry as hell, but I’ll take care of that later after I go rake in some cash from the dungeon.


I stepped to the side, letting the green blur launching itself at me with claws outstretched zip right passed me, and as I did, I stabbed forward, the blade of my weapon piercing through its eye, up into its brain, it died almost instantly.

A snarl from behind me alerted me to another attack, and I turned just in time to find the goblin I just dodged lunging at me again. Despite the situation, I felt no panic. I felt...only excitement.

My leg snapped up in an instant and the goblin gagged as my knee was buried in its small stomach. Spittle from its mouth splattered across my face but I ignored it in favour of slicing clean through its jugular with my other bladed knuckle duster. Blood sprayed through the air and I stepped back just in time for it to miss me as the goblin fell back, clutching at its throat as it bled out and promptly died.

“..That’s the tenth one already.” I noted, narrowing my eyes down at its corpse. It was weird. There was so much different from yesterday. When I woke up in the dungeon yesterday, including that woke me up by strangling me, I in total killed six goblins. Five of which, were so very slow in getting out of the wall cracks they were born from that it was quick and easy in my panicky adrenaline fuelled haze to kill them before they could fully get out. I spent nearly an hour from my guesstimates trying to find my way out of the dungeon yesterday, and the five magic stones and goblin fang I got yesterday were still in my pocket.

Today though, I’ve only been in here for all of maybe fifteen minutes, and ten have spawned from the dungeon cracks already. Not only that, but they were way faster in getting out of the wall cracks.

My mind wandered as I began cutting out the magic stones from my latest two victims. Is it, possibly because I have a falna now? As limited as it was, the falna was still made from the power of a goddess, and the dungeon from what I remembered of canon Danmachi, outright hated the divine beings of this world, to the point that when Hestia and Hermes entered the eighteenth floor, it spawned a blackened Goliath that was easily on par with a level five monster, if not that of a level six monster.

Perhaps now that I have a falna, the dungeon considers me a much bigger threat compared to the me who was just a normal human without any divine blessing?

‘It’s the only thing that makes sense.’ I mused as I finished up and stowed the two magic stones in my pocket with the others, bringing me up to a total of fifteen goblin magic stones and one goblin fang.

Just as I finished and was about to make my way deeper into the dungeon, to try and find a specific place on the first floor, I heard cracking from above. I looked up at the ceiling fifty feet in the air, just in time to see a snarling furry canine head burst out.

A kobold.

It shot down at me from above, claws aimed for me. I jumped back and it slammed into my previous spot a second later, but my eyes widened when it recovered from the fall almost immediately, transitioning to all fours before pouncing at me.

It fast, way faster than the goblins.

Not as fast as me though. I threw my arms up in a cross block, its clawed hands slicing against my crystal gauntlets and accomplishing nothing of note beyond a horrid screeching sound. A very annoying sound. My foot came up and caught it between the legs.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

On instinct, I lunged forward while it was stunned from the blow between the legs that would have brought any man to his knees and wrapped my arm around its throat and getting behind it, positioning it in front of me as a meat shield, just as three more kobold burst from the walls and landed just behind where I was previously.

They all began snarling and approaching me slowly, snarling and fanning out, looking to pincer me I think.

My mind drifted back to some things about my skill Hestia told me, that she was able to gleam. Two specifically came to mind. First, the magic stones were a monsters very life force. Each time I devoured one, I was adding the life force of that monster to my own, increasing my life span. Second, the monstrous combat instincts were an evolving ability. Each time I ate a new monster magic stone, I gained the instinctual and learned combat abilities of those monsters.

The reason why I felt no panic at all against the goblins, was because I instinctively knew how they’d respond in a fight. I could predict them now, tell how they were going to attack. Goblin’s weren’t good fighters by any stretch, but they had an instinctive powerful leaping ability that they used to aim for the throats of their victims.

With a snarl, I leaned down and bit into the throat of the kobold I held by the throat, tearing the life from it and then I threw it forward, right into the middle of the three other kobold, slamming it into the ground under the corpse of its kin.

With nothing in front of me to shield me, the two other sprinted towards me rapidly. I kicked off the ground, leaping forward powerfully, but just as we were within distance of each other a moment later, I slammed one leg down against the ground and used it to spin around and through both of their clawing attacks. My mind flashed and in it, I could picture long crystal bladed arms slashing outwards with perfect coordination.

I ignored the sting in my shoulders as their claws raked into me, cutting into my flesh and drawing blood. My arms were already in motion as they did, instinctively my hands swept out and the blades of my knuckle dusters caught both of them in the throat, ripping their jugulars open and dropping them to the dungeon floor as they began to bleed out and die.

I rushed forward, putting them out of mind and leaped into the air. With a thought, crystal gleamed into existence around my feet as a pair of ragged, crude crystal armour boots formed into existence and just as the last kobold pushed the body of its fellow off of it, I stamped down hard on its head with my newly armoured feet and crushed its skull

I leaned down, panting deeply. “Jesus I wasn’t expecting three of them to burst out after the first.” I huffed. Despite that though, I couldn’t ignore the massive grin that was on my face.

God that was fucking exhilarating.

It made me want to find the pantry on the first floor all the more so I could find even more of them to rip through and kill! With my new ability to see in the dark thanks to the Night Vision ability I got from that first goblin I tore the throat out of with my teeth, I could easily see clearly in the usually dark and dim dungeon, so finding my way around was a lot easier.

My body shook with the desire to go find that damn pantry right now. Not only was it where I could find the most monsters to have a blast fighting, it was also the most likely place I’d be able to find a Jack Bird, a monster that from what I remembered only spawned on the first floor, and was guaranteed to drop an item worth a million valis.

That would go a hell of a long way to buying a place more deserving of my goddess Hestia to live in.

….But no matter how much I wanted to let loose within the pantry, I forced myself to not get ahead of myself. For one, I didn’t really know much about the dungeon’s layout or even spawn rates and such. I’d been to excited at the thought of getting more magic stones to devour to stop in at the guild and see about maybe getting a book with knowledge on the dungeon.

‘I’ll need to rectify that.’ I told myself.

Crack! Crack!

A goblin and a kobold bursting from the walls, one behind me and one in front of me pulled me from my thoughts and my massive grin just got wider as I stepped off of the bloody slush I’d made the kobold who’s head I was standing on into and tightened my grip around my bayonet knuckle dusters.

By time I had my fill of the first floor and decided to leave the dungeon behind two hours later, I had forty eight goblin magic stones, four goblin fangs, twenty two kobold magic stones and two kobold nails.

And I wasted no time at all in eating half of the magic stones, my enhanced teeth crunching up and devouring the thirty five magic stones.

And even after that, thanks to the drop items being worth a thousand valis each, I still managed to get get a grand total of twenty thousand valis by time I cashed them in at the guild.​



Where is chapter 2??


Thanks bruz