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Bakugou scoffed and stormed back over to his desk, apparently uninterested in Midoriya now that Ochako was talking to him.

"O-oh w-well um, i-it was thanks to you g-going to speak with him a-and Busou-kun helping me." he glanced away from Ochako to look at you, sending a grateful, albeit shaky smile your way, his face turning bright red.

Ochako followed his gaze and her smile brightened up, "Masaru-kun! We're in the same class as well!" she greeted you with a happy wave.

Your lips twitched up a bit at her greeting. Her enthusiasm  was infectious. You lifted one hand and gave her a small wave back, "Looks like." you replied.

"Go play somewhere else if you want to play at being friends." a droning voice suddenly spoke up from behind Ochako, and she and Midoriya both jumped, whirling around.

Your eyebrows rose when you saw the person there. A scraggly black haired man with bloodshot eyes, laying on the floor in a yellow sleeping bag.

"..This is the hero course," he droned on, all eyes on him, unzipping his bag and taking a drink from a juice box, before standing up and unzipping his sleeping bag and stepping out, showing off his pure black clothing and grey multi-layered scarf that looked almost metallic to your eyes," It took you eight seconds to quiet down. Time is limited, you kids are not rational enough." he shook his head and sighed.

He glanced over the three standing at the door, before letting his eyes move to the rest of you all sitting down at your desks, "I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa, nice to meet you." he introduced himself boredly.

"Homeroom Teacher!?" multiple people gaped.

Your new teacher scratched under his eye before picking up his sleeping bag and pulling out a blue uniform, "It's kind of sudden, but, I'm gonna have you put these on and go out onto the field." Aizawa-sensei declared.


"Quirk Assessment test!?" a chorus of shouts resounded through the air at the revelation Aizawa-sensei dropped on you all not long later after you had all changed into your gym uniforms and made your way out onto the outside field.

"What about the entrance ceremony?" Ochako fretted, "The orientation assembly? Isn't it important? Principal Nezu was going to talk to us first years personally."

Aizawa-sensei rolled his eyes, "If you're going to be a hero, you don't have time for such leisurely and wasteful events," he replied, waving her off, "U.A's selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are. And that's the same for the teachers and how we run our classes. Our word is law during class and we are free to teach however we please."

'It makes sense,' you mused. 'U.A produces the most capable heroes of all, anyone who manages to graduate the hero course from this academy go very high in the hero rankings and do very well for themselves.' logically speaking, they wouldn't consistently produce those above the other schools, by approaching hero education the same way, right?

All Might, Endeavour, Best Jeanist, Gang Orca, Ryukyu, Edgeshot and more were all graduates of U.A academy. In fact, the only person in the top ten hero rankings of Japan that hadn't gone to U.A were Hawks and Mirko.

Even other countries top tens were filled with people that went to U.A. Your uncle for instance transferred to U.A in his second year of hero school when your father returned to Japan alongside your mother.

So yeah, it made a weird kind of sense to you.

Aizawa-sensei sighed, running a hand through his long shaggy black hair, "You kids have been doing these since junior high too right?" he asked, "Physical fitness tests where you weren't allowed to use your quirks?"

He continued on before anyone could say anything, pulling out a phone to show all of the 1.A students names on it, yours included, "The country still uses averages taken from the results from students not using their quirks," he explained, and then shook his head, "It's completely irrational. Well, whatever, the Ministry of Education is always procrastinating like that." he trailed off, stashing the phone back in his pocket.

He turned then and his eyes locked onto your own, "Busou, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right?" he singled you out and asked, "In Junior High, what was your best result for the softball throw?"

"Three hundred and thirty six metres." you replied.

"Hoh?" your teachers eyebrows rose lightly in interest.

"Eh, seriously, are you kidding me? That far without even using his quirk?" the other blonde in the class, Denki you think his name was, exclaimed in shock.

"Here," Aizawa-sensei tossed the ball to you, "Have at it. But this time, you'll be using your quirk. You can do whatever you want, as long as you stay in that circle." he said, pointed to a white pitching circle painted on the ground.

You nodded, catching the ball and stepping up into the white circle. You thought for a moment, and almost created a sling on your arm to wind it up and lob it higher into the air for more distance.

But, for something like this. Simple was better. You clenched your fist, allowing your body to shift into your silvery metallic form and then formed a a metallic casing around the softball in your hand.

You wound your arm back and stepped forward and then threw forward with your arm as hard as you could and just as you released the ball, used your ability to control the metal you make within your vicinity and accelerate it.

A corona of wind blasted backwards form the sheer force of the take off when you released the ball and you heard a chorus of yelps and screams of surprise from behind you as the wind impacted your classmates.

In a mere moment, the ball had disappeared into the horizon and left your sight.

It took a good few moments before you heard Aizawa-sensei humming in interest and turned back to see him holding his phone once again. He held it up, and the distance of your throw was displayed.

923 Metres. A bit over three thousand feet by your reckoning.

"Know your maximum first," Aizawa-sensei said, before turning to face the class as a whole, "That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero."

"....923 metres, seriously?" Denki's mouth opened and closed a few times, trying to find more words and failing.

"Whoa!" the attractive pink skinned girl jumped in place in excitement, "This is amazing! This looks so fun!"

"We can use our quirks as much as we want!" a tall, thin black haired guy with weird elbows cheered himself, "As expected of the hero course, oh yeah!"

"It looks fun huh?" Aizawa-sensei spoke up before anyone else could add to the perpetual excitement reverberating throughout the class, "You brats have three years to become heroes. Will you have attitudes like that the whole time? Heh, all right then. Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion." he grinned nastily at the entire class.

"HUH!?" noises of shock erupted from many of the class, while your eyebrows rose.

And you noticed, his eyes drifted to Midoriya as he finished his statement and stared right into the green haired boys back. Midoriya flinched back instinctively at the intensity of his stare.

'Why's he singling Midoriya out?' you wondered. Midoriya was rough around the edges, and needed a lot of training, especially in controlling his quirk. But it was absurdly powerful, maybe even stronger than your own quirk. He definitely had a lot of potential.

"We're free to do what we want with our students circumstances," the black haired teacher reached up to move his hair out of his eyes and took his gaze off of Midoriya to direct his menacing bloodshot eyes at everyone, "Welcome to U.A's hero course!"

"..Last place will be expelled? But it's only the first day of school!" Ochako fretted, then shook her head, "No, even if it wasn't the first day of school this is way too unfair!"

Aizawa-sensei snorted and shrugged his shoulders, "Natural disasters, big accidents and selfish villains," he replied, glaring at the brown haired girl, "Calamities whose time or place can't be predicted. What about that sounds fair to you girl? The world is drowned in unfairness, it's a heroes job to overcome that. If you can't, you have no place here at this school."

You frowned. You understood the logic. But at the same time, it was putting the horse before the carriage. It was this schools job to teach students to become heroes and overcome that fairness, wasn't it?

"If you wanted to relax, then too bad. If you manage to pass this assessment, then your next three years will be filled with hardship to turn you into heroes that can reverse these unfair situations," he lectured, and then raised his arm and pointed a finger into the sky, "Go beyond, Plus Ultra. Overcome it with all you've got."

He looked over you all and smirked, "Alright, demonstration time is now over. The real thing starts now, let's see who's getting cut, shall we?" 


The tests were honestly a breeze. And while you did get beat out on some of them, for the most part, you ranked first in the majority of them. You ended up getting second place in the softball throw, beaten out by Ochako who went full on Infinity Girl and basically removed the gravity of her ball and tossed it up into space, getting a score of infinity.

After that though, you came in first during the fifty metre dash, narrowly outpacing Tenya Ida who's quirk was all about speed.

After that, was the long jump. You won that by a landslide. You merely jumped off of a pair of tungsten tier springs and launched yourself into the air alongside accelerating your metal clad form through the air even further. And then while it was awkward to maneuver your body in the air with your control over your metal form, it was simple enough to keep yourself in the air and let your momentum keep you going. Ochako came second, beating out the angry blonde explosive boy, Bakugou who came in third place by propelling himself forward with explosions from his palms.

Next was the repeated side steps. Where you came in first, beating out a midget with purple balls on his head who pulled them off and used them to bounce between. You merely kept propelling yourself back and forth on each side step with your control over your metal form.

After that was the grip test. It was honestly a little disappointing. The grip machines were tiny and only went up to a measurement of 999, so it couldn't even measure your full grip strength. But you were the only one to hit that high. You'd been training yourself physically since you were a toddler, and with your metal form your strength was enhanced even further. On top of that, while in your metal form you could increase the strength of your grip with your control over your metal as well.

You were beaten out in the seated toe touch by Shoji Mezo who's quirk allowed him to create any body part on his arms. He just created more arms and barely had to put in any effort at all to reach his toes. While you could keep it up for a while, you expanded much more stamina than someone who wasn't straining at all.

You did come first in sit ups. You were an old hand at them, and your creation control ability allowed you to keep going even when your stamina gave out. You once again beat out the ball haired midget, Minoru Mineta who kept bouncing up off of one of the balls from his head placed on the ground behind his back.

And finally was the long distance run. You narrowly beat out Shoto Todoroki, the son of the flame hero Endeavour who propelled himself along ice instead of running. But, you only managed second place. Once again though, it was a loss born from someone not expanding any stamina at all.

The bodacious black haired girl who sat behind you, Momo Yaoyorozu had a very interesting and similar quirk to yours. She could convert her lipids into any item as long as she knew how they operated and the material that formed their existence. She ended up creating a scooter and just drove it while sitting down atop it.

Honestly though, the most interesting part about the test was when Aizawa-sensei was revealed to be the underground pro hero Eraser Head who's quirk allowed him to nullify others quirks as long as he didn't blink. He completely singled out Midoriya and claimed the boy didn't have any potential because his quirk injured him, despite the fact he was doing better than quite a few others in the class.

Midoriya had ended up surprising Aizawa by not using his quirk on his full arm to throw the soft ball, but focusing his quirk into a single finger to minimize the damage he took.

It was quite smart of him. But honestly, you were more interested in the fact that with one single finger, he propelled the ball seven hundred and five metres in distance. With all your strength and enhancing the momentum behind your thrown ball with your creation control, you only had a couple hundred metres on him. If he could control his quirk and throw readily with his full arm, he would have blown your score in both the softball throw and most likely the grip test out of the water.

'What an absurdly powerful quirk.' you shook your head in amazement.

And then Bakugou absolutely raged and completely rushed Midoriya, palms sparking. You were so surprised at the sudden turn you didn't have time to stop him. But Aizawa-Sensie was on the ball and lashed out with his metallic scarf, stopping the raging boy in his tracks and wrapping him up with it while disabling his quirk.

What the hell is up with that psycho?

"Alright, I'll get to the point and quickly display your results," Aizawa said once all the tests came to an end and you were all gathered up again in front of him, "The total is simply the marks you got from each test." With that said, he lifted his phone and clicked on the screen

A holographic screen popped up display all twenty of you and the rest of the students, and which rank you all came in during the tests.

1)  Masaru Buso                           11) Tsuyu Asui

2) Momo Yaoyorozu                     12)  Tokoyami Fumikage

3) Katsuki Bakugou                      13) Mina Ashido

4) Tenya Ida                                  14) Rikido Sato

5) Shoto Todoroki                          15) Izuku Midoriya

6) Ochako Uraraka                        16) Itsuka Kendo

7) Mezo Shoji                                 17) Tooru Hagakure

8) Mashiraoi Ojiro                           18) Hanta Sero

9) Ejiro Kirishima                            19) Jirou Kyouka

10) Minoru Mineta                          20) Denki Kaminari

As you expected, you were first place.

"Ah, no way! How the heck did I get last place, no way!" Denki screamed in shock, slumping to his knees. "I knew I should have worked out more!"

Huh, well sucks to be him. It was sad, he was physically fitter than the girl who came before him and Minoru Mineta, the midget with purple balls for hair, but his quirk was just completely unsuited for these quirk tests.

Honestly, calling it a quirk assessment test was really silly when you took into account how little it actually did to measure the broad scopes of most of your classmates quirks.

"By the way I was lying about the one in last place be expelled." Aizawa added all nonchalantly, and then grinned at you all, "It was a rational deception to make you all draw out your quirks to the limit and give it your complete all."

"Whaaaaaaaaaat?!" Ida screamed in shock.

"Seriosly?!" Denki looked up from where he was staring at the ground, hopefully.

"Of course it was," Momo rolled her eyes, "It should have been obvious if you just thought it through."

"No, he wasn't completely lying," you cut in, crossing your arms and staring at your homeroom teacher, you could tell, "If Aizawa-sensei really did think any of us had zero potential, he was gonna expel us."

Momo blinked and gave you an odd look, "I don't think so....?" she trailed off and shook her head, "I believe you're reading too much into it. That-"

"No, he's right," Aizawa-sensei cut her off, "Just be grateful I judged that you all had at least some potential. Now, c'mon, we're done here. Go get changed back and when you get back to class there will be handouts on your desks that explain the curriculum and such." and with that, he walked off, his hands lazily stuffed into his pockets.

Momo went completely wide eyed and stared after your homeroom teacher, "......" she was completely speechless.


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