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Bright and early, you stepped off of the train  onto the platform at the Musutafu station and made your way towards U.A Academy.

It wasn't a long trek from the station to the academy, a mere twenty minute walk or so. But, it gave you plenty of time to think.

'As far as the entrance exam goes, only thirty six people can pass every year and get accepted into the hero course.' you thought.

That did not include the four recommendation students who would be split between both of the classes. Which meant, each class would hold twenty students each.

With that many hero prospects. Surely some of them would be worth making ties with, and not end up like your hanger-ons from your younger years, right?

'At the very least, there's decent odds I'll end up in a class with at least one person I know.' you mused as you arrived at your destination, pausing at the gates as you took in the grand and gleaming U.A Academy building.

Ochako Uraraka, Tokoyami Fumikage, Itsuka Kendo and Izuku Midoriya had all passed the exams. You weren't sure about Midoriya, since you hadn't really talked to him, but the other three while only acquaintances were decent people from what you had gathered.

After giving your head a shake, you made your way through the arriving throng of students and into the school.

It really was an amazingly crafted building. Each hall was bordered by a massive window that showed an amazing view out over the city around the academy.

It was a subtle, yet impressive piece of mental reinforcement. Every day when arriving to class, you and every other hero course student would see out over the city and the people you were aspiring to protect.

It didn't take you long at all to reach your classroom. And it was easy to find, especially with the massive red painted 1.A over the door. But, you had to let loose a small whistle as you stopped in front of it.

'Man that is one big door.' you mused, looking up at it. It had to be a good twenty feet high and at least seven feet wide. 'Probably for mutation quirk users who have massive bodies.

You grasped the handle and slid the door open. And as you did, shouting assaulted your ears.

"Refrain from putting your feet atop the desk!" a familiar blue haired, glasses wearing teen demanded, chopping his hand through the air animatedly

"Hah?" a pale blonde teen, one foot resting on the desk he was sitting at as swung back and forth on his chair, "And why should I listen to you, ya' damn extra?

"Don't you think it's disrespectful to our esteemed seniors who spent their time diligently studying away at these very desks!?" glasses demanded, aghast.

"Kek, hell no!" the pale blonde laughed, red eyes glinting, "What do I care about a bunch of side characters ya damn-" he stopped mid-sentence as his eyes trailed away from the glasses wearing teen and caught sight of you, and widened.

And those crimson red eyes promptly narrowed aggressively a moment later, "You!" he hissed, hopping up from his chair and marching towards you, "I bet you think you're tough shit, huh Tin Can!?"

"What!?" glasses spluttered, "What are you doing!? Don't just walk away when we are are in the middle of conversing!"

Glasses paused as he caught sight of you, "..You are.." he trailed off.

You looked away from him and stared into the red eyes of the angry blonde. Who even was he? What the heck is he so angry about?

...Well, whatever. You have no interest in him. So you ignored him.

'Seat 19.' you mused, turning away from the blonde. It was the seat beside the window, one row in front of seat twenty, where a voluptuous black haired girl sat

As you took in your seat, you noticed that the vast majority of seats were already filled. Many had their eyes on you, eyes that were filled with varying emotions. Some of recognition, some of interest. A spiky toothed grinning redhead flashed you a thumbs up

You nodded at him and then headed over to your seat and away from the blonde. You noticed Kendo was sitting at the desk closest to the door, you had missed that fact because your eyes had been drawn to the angry pomeranian looking blonde and glasses. And the bird headed Tokoyami was sitting near the middle of the class.

You gave the pair a set of nods as you passed them by and made your way to your seat.

"Who the hell do you think you are, ignoring me!?" blondie shouted after you angrily, sparks snapping over his palms, "Get back here so I can crush you good and hard!"

You rolled your eyes, but didn't bother turning around. 'What an angry annoyance.' you mused as you reached your desk and dropped your bag under it and sat down, right next to Tokoyami in fact.

"Crush him?" Glasses gaped at the blonde, "That is cruel! Do you truly aim to be a hero with such malicious intent!?"

"Damn right, I'm gonna be the best!" blondie turned from you to snarl at glasses. And the two broke into another argument.

"Did you perhaps do something to offend Bakugou?" Tokoyami turned his head to as you

'Bakugou?' your eyebrows rose. Wasn't that the family name of the guy who came in second. "I've never even met him before," you shrugged, "Though, given his personality, I'm guessing it has something to do with me scoring higher than him in the entrance exam."

"I see, that would explain it," Tokoyami accepted your reasoning with a light nod, before smiling lightly, "Which reminds me, congratulations are in order I believe. You rose far beyond the rest of us and reached the pinnacle of the rankings. You scored nearly double of the second place Bakugou, and almost three times as much as I."

"Thanks." you nodded, giving a slight smile back.

A moment later, the door slid open again and in stepped a familiar fluffy green haired boy.

"..Deku..." Blondie cut off his argument with glasses and snarled.

"It's you..." Glasses trailed off like he had with you before.

"Oh...um..." Midoriya stammered under the attention.

Glasses hook himself out of his daze and marched forward towards him, "Good Morning!" he greeted the green haired boy, "You are Izuku Midiroya correct? I am Tenya Ida, it's a pleasure to meet you properly!"

"Eh..?" Midoriya blinked dazedly for a moment before smiling shakily, "I-it's nice to meet you Ida-kun."

Ida stared at the green haired boy for a moment, before speaking up, "Midoriya, you realized there was something more to that practical exam, didn't you? You and Busou both," he asked, glancing over at you, before shaking his head, "I had no idea. I misjudged you. I hate to admit it, but you are better than me!"

What was he on about? Something to do with rescue points maybe? But, you had no idea about them and you doubted Midoriya had either. You both had rushed to Ochako's aid because she was in trouble. The heroic thing to do.

You were about to tune them out and turn away until class started, but the door suddenly slid open again and in stepped another familiar figure. A rosy cheeked, brown haired girl

"Oh! That curly hair! You're the plain looking one!" she noted from behind Midoriya, "You passed, just like Present Mic said!" she cheered.

She shook her head and grinned, "Well of course you did, your punch was amazing!" she laughed, pumping her own fist into the air.


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