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Class ended pretty abruptly after that. Midorya had to go off to get his finger healed once you all changed back into your school uniforms. But, he wasn't long and most of the class was in a daze as you all returned to the classroom.

There, you found the notes on your desks explaining the curriculum, and Aizawa-sensei lectured you all for about a half hour. But after that, school let out. For the first years at least, you were all given the rest of the day off to mentally prepare yourself for the daunting classes ahead and the difficult classes that would follow from tomorrow onwards.

You do have to admit to liking some of Aizawa's style. He got right to the point and didn't beat around the bush. It saved a ton of time.

The first out of the door when class ended, was Bakugou. But you weren't that far behind him. It was as you were leaving the the doors of the building to the outside though, you heard your name being called out from behind.


You looked over your shoulder at the familiar voice, to find Midoriya alongside Iida making their way towards you walking alongside each other.

'They sure are chummy.' you thought. Odd considering the friction between them at the entrance exams.

"Yo Midoryia, Iida, what's up?" you asked.

Midoriya gave you a smile and bowed to you, "I just wanted to say thanks for helping me out during the entrance exam."

You waved your hand dismissively at him, "Don't mind it," you replied, "You helped me and Ochako out first, right? Like I said during the exam, one good turn deserves another, don't get bogged down by it."

"A splendid attitude to take," Iida nodded approvingly, and then gave you a wide smile and began chopping his hand through the air, "Busou-kun, allow me to offer you my congratulations! You scored not only first during the entrance exam by a wide margin, but again today you have solidly outclassed the rest of us once again. Bravo I say."

They fall in line with you as you began walking again, "Eh, don't take it too seriously," you replied, "The quirk test just now wasn't all that well thought out I think. It didn't take into accounts the quirks of the likes of Kaminari, or the invisible girl, Hagakure at all."

"..That's true, b-but it's impressive nonetheless." Midoriya chuckled sheepishly.

Fair enough you supposed.

"Still, I have to admit, I was completely taken in by Aizawa-sensei, I even thought, 'ah, the best of the best truly pressures its students' and such," Iida shook his head, "I didn't think the teacher would encourage us with a lie like that. I mean, of course we all have potential, we all passed the entrance exam together did we not?"

"Hey!" another familiar voice called out, "You three, wait up!"

You paused, the other two doing the same and looked over your shoulder, "Going to the train station? Wait for me!" Ochako called out to the three of you, jogging towards you all.

"Uraraka-san!?" Midoriya went wide eyed.

"You are...the infinity girl?" Iida noted.

"I'm Ochako Uraraka!" she introduced herself happily as she reached you all, "Hiya Masaru-kun! You did awesome today! You beat everyone again!"

"Hey Ochako, thanks." You nodded, smiling back at her.

She held your gaze for a moment before turning to the other two, "Um, you're Tenya Iida and you're Deku Midoriya, right?" she asked.

"D-Deku!?" Midoriya spluttered.

Your eyebrow rose. 'Didn't that raging bomb idiot call him that in class earlier?' you remembered.

Ochako blinked noticing his shock and dismay at the word, "Huh? But during the quirk assessment test didn't the boy named Bakugou call you that?" she asked.

"O-oh," Midoriya stuttered a bit, "Uh, my real name is Izuku, but D-Deku is what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me." he explained shakily.

....Oh. Izuku could be read as Deku if you squinted a bit. And it meant useless did it not? 'What a prick.' you shook your head.

"An insult?" Iida questioned, grasping his chin, "How juvenile. Not at all the attitude of a hero candidate."

"Oh, is that right?" Ochako rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, "Sorry! But...you know, Deku sounds like the Japanese word for 'You can do it!' right? So I kinda like it." the brown haired girl pumped her fist.

Midoriya went bright red in the face, "I'm Deku!" he blurted out in acceptance.

"Midoriya-kun!?" Iida spluttered in shock, "You're accepting it to easily, wasn't it an insult?"

Midoriya hid his face in his hands, completely embarrassed, "It's like a Copernican Revolution." he mumbled into his palms.

"Cope..?" Ochako tilted her head to the side while you snorted in amusement.

You didn't know what it meant either. But, one thing was for sure. Midoriya needed to build up some resistance to girls. Poor guy.

"Well, either way, you're hardly useless," you pat the green haired boy on the shoulder, making him turn to look at you, "A useless guy wouldn't have the guts to run out like you did to take on that zero pointer, absurd quirk or not considering how much damage it did to you."

"Busou-kun!" Midoriya's lips trembled. He looked like he was moments away from hugging you.

"Indeed Midoriya-kun!" Iida nodded in agreement, "Bakugou it seems, is a hooligan! Take no heed of his petty insults!"

"...You guys..." the green haired boy ducked his face away again.

'He really needs to work on that self confidence.' your lips quirked up into a small smile. You gave your head a shake and gave him a smile of your own, "If you want, I could kick his ass for you." you offered, only semi jokingly.

Bakugou really wasn't a pleasant person, and he needed someone to put their foot up his ass and give him a reality check.

"Eh!?" Midoriya whipped back around to stare at you, eyes wide. He waved his arms frantically, "N-no no, that's fine! Kacchan's just a little rough around the edges, i-it's not worth starting a fight over."

"If you say so." You responded with a shrug.

"Eh, let's put that guy out of mind," Ochako skipped in front of the three of you, and turned around to face you, clasping her hands behind her back and walking in reverse, "Let's talk about more fun stuff. Like class today, that was brutal, you know?"

"Think so?" you quirked an eyebrow at her, "Didn't feel like that to me, it was pretty tame and easy, nothing worth really getting worked up over." you went through more strain during your morning training.

"As expected of the big dog of the class," Ochako nodded sagely, pulling her hands form behind her back to point one finger at you, "Nobody even came close to your scores in the entrance exam and quirk assessment. Your quirk is too overpowered."

"I must concur," Iida nodded in agreement, "The variety of uses your quirk has on top of letting you become much more physical able by turning into metal is incredible. My own quirk is all about making me faster, yet you even outsped me today during the fifty metre dash."

"I suppose," you nodded, "But, it's not like my quirk has always been like this you know? It's only recently I've managed to learn to control things I make. And in the beginning, my metal was only as tough as tin. I've been training my quirk and since I was four years old."

"Eh, really?" Midoriya blinked, cupping his chain and looking down and beginning to rapidly mumble to himself, "If it was only that strong in the beginning, it means the more he uses it the more durable his metal becomes. Is there perhaps a type of strengthening exercise he has to go through, or is it just natural growth through repetition? How hard is it now? It held up against the zero pointer without him getting damaged at all despite all that weight. How hard can he go? Is there a limit to the growth of his durability or will it just continue to grow? And if it was only recently he learned to control objects he makes, how far can that go? How much can he produce? Theoretically, he can becomealmostunbeatableshouldhegettothepointwherehecancoverandcontrolanentirearea-"

"What the...?" you stared gobmsacked at the shorter green haired boy as he muttered up a storm, and all about your quirk at that. And he seemed to be an old hand at it, because he was following along while he mumbled quite easily.

"Midoriya-kun?" Iida gave him a worried look, but the green haired boy was too absorbed in his thoughts to hear him.

"Deku-kun?" Ochako gave him a weird look herself and touched his shoulder, making him jump, "Are you alright? What was that about?"

Midoriya blinked slowly in confusion before his eyes widened in realization, "Ah, I did it again!" he clasped his palms to his face, cheeks blazing red once again, "Sorry! I just really like quirks and get so into it sometimes I don't even notice when I'm doing it anymore."

You clapped him on the back with a chuckle, "It's fine Midoriya," you reassured him, "Compared to the antics of people I deal with regularly, it's nothing worth getting bothered about it."

...Like the overly dramatic doting of your father. And your uncles love of waxing poetically about mini-skirts.

"Like what?" Ochako asked, changing the subject.

As you made your way to the train station alongside them, you explained the intricacies of your family dynamic to them. Ochako was all giggles, and even Iida had a little laugh.

"Ehhhh!?" Midiroya gave a surprised shout though, "Your uncle is Flame Alchemist, really?! The 5th ranked hero of Germany?!"

"Yep," you nodded, "Though he's not as amazing as his rank makes him out to be, trust me."

"B-but I've seen him on TV and there's loads of statistics on his abilities!" Midoriya replied, "In pure fire power, he's said to outclass even Endeavour."

"My, that is very impressive," Iida's eyes widened,  before smiling at you, "I see I'm not the only one that comes from a line of heroes."

"I mean, as far as fighting ability and the like goes, he's top tier, he kicked me around the other week when we sparred easily," you revealed, "But he's still an idiot who's trying to push for his female sidekicks to have to have mini-skirt hero outfits."

Iida gasped, and his face, alongside Midoriya's going red together, "How scandalous!" the glasses wearing boy sputtered.

You heard Ochako chuckle lightly and she turned away from you to look at the trees going passed as you all walked, "...A mini-skirt wouldn't be bad compared to what I ended up going with." she mumbled to lowly for you to hear.

It wasn't long later that you reached the train station and split ways with Midoriya and Iida. Midoriya was headed to the Musutafu prefecture while Iida was heading towards Chiba.

You lived in Nagano. And as it turned out, so did Ochako. So you both got on the same train.

When you got on the train to Nagano, the topic moved on to Ochako's quirk, which she called Zero Gravity. by touching the cute little paw pads on her fingers to something, she could make it weightless, her upper limit at the moment though was just a bit over three tons. And when she went beyond that weight or overused her quirk she got incredibly nauseous, which was what ended up making her vomit during the entrance exam. She could also use her quirk on herself, like she had during the quirk assessment earlier. But doing so, made her extremely nauseous which was why she only did it sparingly.

If it was you, you'd tough it out you think and just keep at it to build up more of a resistance to it. It couldn't be any worse than sitting in a furnace to build up your resistance to heat, right?

Either way, while it was not an especially powerful quirk, it had an incredible variety of uses, and you could already think of a few ways to use it in a fight. And it's a quirk tailor made for a rescue hero. And you know your families metal work company would love to hire someone like her because of how easy it would make lugging around all the incredibly heavy machinery.

And at night, she apparently had to wear gloves so she didn't send herself, or something else floating into the air just by touching it if she moved.

When you got to the train station, to your surprise, you found out you were both heading to the same area, and that she lived literally only a street away from you in a recently made apartment complex.

"So.." you began as you sat down beside her.  "Why did you decide to become a hero?" you asked, curious.

Ochako froze up at the question, "Eh...." she trailed off laughing nervously, "..For money."

"Really?" your eyebrows rose in interest. That was interesting. And being a hero was a really well paying job, that was for sure.

"Mmm," the brown haired girl rubbed the back of her head and looked down at her knees, "My family owns a construction company. But, it's pretty old fashioned now, and with more and more people being hired by other companies for their quirks that go well with the industry, we've lost out on a lot of jobs. So despite that, my family is pretty poor right now. My parents work non stop and are always exhausted. I want to become a hero and earn a ton of money so I can let them live peaceful, relaxing and comfortable lives."

She seemed a bit embarrassed to admit it to you. But honestly. You liked her motivation. It wasn't really something you could relate to, because your families business was always booming, the metal of your family was in high demand.

But doing all this just to support her family? You wholeheartedly supported that and could get totally behind that motivation.

"That's a pretty good reason, I respect it," you smiled at her, "Though, if it embarrasses you to say it's about money. Then just say you're doing it for your family. It's not like you specifically want money for yourself or anything like that."

"I could, but I won't," Ochako shook her head, looking up and smiling brightly at you, "It's not the most heroic reason, but I'm not ashamed of it. I've always admired heroes and the way they bring smiles to everyone's faces, and I love the idea of helping people too. But my main goal is getting as much money as I can, and I'm not gonna hide that."

"Fair enough." you nodded. You respected her stance on it. She had her own sense of pride that she wouldn't bow down for.

She held you gaze, smiling brightly at you for a few seconds before clapping her hands together, "So, you've heard about my motivation, what about yours?" Ochako asked.

Yours huh? Honestly, in the beginning, it was just the natural thing to do. Every kid in this day and age dreamed of being a hero. And that dream was only enhanced the first time you saw the grandiose figure that was All Might shining brightly.

"To be honest," you began, "It's just something that came naturally to me. I admired All Might and other heroes as a kid and dreamed of being one like every other boy my age. But, along the way, it became actually possible for me and I just ran with it. I don't really have a specific end goal like you. I just want to be a hero."

Ochako giggled, "That's impressive in its own way though," she replied, bumping her shoulder against yours playfully, "You saw what you wanted and threw yourself right into it and if what you said earlier is anything to go by you've chased after what you want without hesitation. I only started training seriously in the last year, and even then I didn't know how to approach it well. So I've just been running and working out a bit and lifting stuff with my quirk. Compared to you who's been training since you were like a toddler, I don't really match up at all."

"I'm like a dog with a bone, I don't let go," you winked, getting a little chuckle of amusement out of her, "But don't sell yourself short. You scored really well both today and during the practical exam, for only training for a year, you're pretty amazing. And your reason for it all is important and much more fitting for a hero than mine."

She looked down for a moment, lips spreading into a smile,"Ehehe." Ochako giggled lightly, and looked up at you through her bangs. "..thanks." she whispered.

The atmosphere after that, was quite comfortable, and you and her fell into easy discussion. You found out a few more things about her by the time the trained pulled into both of your stops, like her birthday being December 27, and her favourite food being Mochi.

You invited her to come over to your place to meet your family and hang out a bit. But, she declined. She had to go home so she could call her parents. She was living alone in the apartment complex she had moved in to because it was closer to U.A  Academy.

You walked her home after that, and before bidding you goodbye, she happily exchanged numbers with you. And with that, you left with a whistle and smile on your lips.

When you got home, your father pounced on you the second you walked through the door, hugging you and not letting go and gushing about it being your first day in hero school.


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