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"When the day’s work ends, something stirs in the darkness. Soft voices whisper. Weird footprints linger. Children of Red Hook have begun to vanish. Delta Green takes an interest. The Gerritsen mansion did not always have that name."

Caleb's Note: Arc Dream has asked me to test some new skill systems for a possible future 2nd edition. I'm doing so by running pre-published scenarios and adapting on the fly (a goal for 2nd ed). Here's our AP of Detwiler's From the Dust. Let me know if you want to hear AP tests of other pre-published games in future.

Aaron -- Carlton Halifax, FBI
Max -- Seth Mansley, NSA
Jess -- Jennifer Fletch, Cybersecurity Consultant
Maddy -- Lauri Tanner, FBI



V as in Victor

I'm glad to hear you run anything