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This is how it ends.
This is how it begins.
This is all there is.

Dr. Alice Clarke, Astrophysicist -- Jess (Don't Hurt Birds)
Christian Schliffer, CIA -- Kara (Beneath the Screen of the Ultra-Critics)
Jack Warner, CIA -- Baz (futurewolfington)
Dr. Sarah Smythe, USAMRIID Virologist -- Claire (Relatable Rolls)
MGnySgt. Jack Travenson, USMC -- Jason

P.S. There's no way I could have dedicated the time necessary to develop scenarios to DG's standards without continued support of DGDC patrons. My old life certainly couldn't support the rigor necessary to research and write the current draft GT. As I post the final episode this 12-part, 20-year epic campaign -- of which I've complete at least four drafts across seven years -- I'm more appreciative than ever for the people that allow me to do this for a living. Thank you. 




Its been 4 long years since I backed and pledged for God's Teeth in hardback. Reading through the layout version and seing the first 31 pages in final layout has me thinking that the time was really well spent. In my recent memory no other tome of eldritch horror has claimed my attention to the same degree. My fascination with God's Teeth goes beyond Delta Green and roleplaying games. I think it has to do with the way you, Caleb, tackle the most delicate subject matters walking the fine tightrope in a balancing act of using those difficult significant themes for horrific and tasteful entertainment. That's quite a trick.


Thank you very much for the kind words! It means a lot to me.


I just read your jaw-dropping afterword. You are truly harnessing the power of writing what you know. It is a strong and profound note to end on. I can't wait to hold the physical copy in my hands.