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He left his name behind like he'd left his razor in the bathroom: unnecessary baggage for a short trip. Words themselves were jettisoned, superfluous to the task of snapping the old man's ligaments. Listening to his screams echo around the desert.

The whiff of IT attached itself to the blood leaking from the compound facture, staining the parched soil where the dead man rolled and begged. The stench was on more and more people, lately. But the narc still smelled like nothing.

He was one of them now. Or would be soon.

All things in due time.

Dr. Alice Clarke, Astrophysicist -- Jess (Don't Hurt Birds)
Christian Schliffer, CIA -- Kara (Beneath the Screen of the Ultra-Critics)
Jack Warner, CIA -- Baz (futurewolfington)
Dr. Sarah Smythe, USAMRIID Virologist -- Claire (Relatable Rolls)
MGnySgt. Jack Travenson, USMC -- Jason



Robin Gonzales

Hey, I hate that diagetic set up using the dog barking.


God this was a good episode... Also, not sure if this is where I ask Caleb about my own God's Teeth campaign, but here goes: If one of the Marked PCs wants to learn any Hypergeometric Rituals (for instance, from Philly Phil), is that even possible? Do they get eaten up from the inside by The Hidden God, or do they just fail automatically?