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The members of I.I. hurry up and wait for another year. The cell sleeps.

None find rest. One seeks enlightenment. Another travels and has it thrust upon him by an Outsider.

All dream. And all dreams bend towards the Play. 

Shane Ivey: FBI Special Agent Mike Martinez
Greg Stolze: Barnibus "Mace" Hoffman
Rob Sith:  Levi Holtz
Ross Payton: Cassidy Sturgeon
Andrew Baswell: Annette Saunders
Caleb Stokes: Handler

Note: The episode is meant to catch everyone up on the plot, but this is part four-ish of the INSOLENT IMPULSE campaign. The order goes Insolent Impulse (3ep), Deacons of the Bull (6ep), Body Team (3ep)(only kinda), and now this. The AP isn't done recording yet, but I had new II request and the files sitting in my drive. So here you go. Let me know what you think. 




That was fun. Often time "recap" shows are kinda middling. But an awful lot has happened to these folks that they actively memory-hole as much as possible. It's neat seeing them have to remember all of it (or most of it, whatever) back to back to back. A "greatest hits" of san check inducing moments.


P.S. I love the cameo by "The Traveler". Seems like a good way to raise the stakes and also do a call-back and also sort of say "oh you thought that was just a one-shot?"