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Hello everyone, how you've been keeping warm during the coming winter months of Decemember and gotten all your shopping done for the holidays!

Although it being a wonderful time, we've had some hiccups due to some real life problems that have come up. Although it has slowed down some of our immediate progress, but things still are coming along. As life can be unprediciable, we try to anticipate these things and we are still pushing forward with everything. 

As the brunt of the project still remains, we're finishing up as much as the visual aspects for a public release as soon as the remaining art work is completed. The holidays tend to get busy, but I intend to continue to work through the month as much as I can. 

Also, the Founders Roles will be available today so if you like what you see, feel free to pledge, for those who are already here, you guys already have Founders Rank 1 automaticilly for supporting the project!

Also with the new Founder's Ranks, we'll be posting the artwork and CGs that have been completed, along with inprogress screenshots of the art as they are being rendered. So stay tuned for that, since we'll be posting that very soon!

Thank you for your understanding and patience, and we will see you on the next update in around 2 weeks! Take care! ♥

- Miz

Screenshots In-Game

Manor Backyard WIP + Founder's Tombstones


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