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I'm no longer in a healthy state of mind to work on Poppy, and pretty obviously haven't been for the past few years, so I'm closing the book for the foreseeable future. I was really expecting to at least be able to finish my last batch of owed pages, even if only to spite people who told me I couldn't, but a full year later of attempting to chip away at it, I've found that I can't even manage that. I'm sorry.

As always, anyone who wants a full refund for any of the unposted pages is entitled to one and should drop me a message so I can take care of it. I know some of you don't mind because you wanted to provide unconditional support, and while I sincerely appreciate that sentiment, my financial situation is more stable now than it was last year and I'm fully prepared to refund every single patron if they ask. I will also continue to support the site's hosting, so please don't worry about it becoming yet another of those abandoned webcomics, lost to time. 

I expect to keep busy with freelance commissions and much shorter, self-contained works going forward. I do genuinely want to work on this series again someday, but I cannot give any sort of realistic time frame for when that will be or what form it will take. In truth, I wasn't really expecting to get past 20 pages when I started working on this way back in 2013, so regardless of where it goes after this, Poppy was still far more successful than I could have imagined.

Thank you so much for supporting me,

I. Everett


Jo (FuzzyDerg)

Thank you for all your work. I will remain a patron in the off-chance you eventually find the time to come back to this story, but there is no expectation or pressure. Best of luck in your future endeavors :)

Sterling Rodd

I'm genuinely sorry to the hiatus settle in. But still, what an accomplishment Poppy has been. The unbridled creativity in terms of concept, storytelling and dialog, and artistic execution has been breathtaking, especially when considered together. If you never devote another minute to it, you can be proud of the achievement that Poppy has been; something few other creators could even aspire to.


but my life can't be complete until I see poppy and kit get married


I just hope you had fun while it lasted


Thanks for a great webcomic for 6-7 years. It's too bad your shutting down Poppy, maybe for good, but there other things that we can look forward to.


Your health and well-being will always be more important than a comic, no matter what. Thanks for all the hours of joy you have given me through Poppy. Hopefully, it will return one day, but focus on yourself first!


Thank you for creating the comic. This is one of my favorite stories. ;.;


I'm sad to see the comic end but your health is priority #1. It's been great reading and supporting you when I could and I hope only the best for you in the future.

A Patreon of the Ahts

I was concerned when you started that torture scene that in order to do justice to it you'd have to go to to some dark places you'd not like. ALSO you had to enter the mind of Chickadino, ANOTHER dark place...


Thanks for your hard work on Poppy. I'm glad that we got to read as much Poppy as we have! Your mental health is so much more important, though, and I'm glad that this will take a weight off of your mind. I'm wishing you all the best going forward.

Times Chu

I knew this was coming, but it still hurts to read it. Thank you, still, for creating such a lovely series with characters I loved and stories I got excited for. Hopefully, if you don't end up finishing it, we'll someday at least find out what would have happened.


Yes, I was curious if you're still considering giving out the plot summary, as you've mentioned doing so before. My feelings on today's announcement are mixed, but understanding. Maybe I'll draw some Poppy fan art and feel better then.


Bummer. It was a really good read and I hope to see it return some day.


I love the comic but your health is more important. Do what you need to do for you.


Thank you so much for making one of the best comics I have Ever read, I don't regret giving any of the money I did to you, I'm just happy we finally got word as to what's happening. I will definitely miss Poppy as I have for the last year, but the creator's health, your health, is most assuredly more important.


No regrets! I became a Patron because I loved your idea of Poppy and the rich complex world she lives in and the characters she interacts with! I also check your twitter every now and again so I'm filling in the blanks with the answers you're giving out. I'm thankful for all the colorful tales that you have completed, and will be grateful for any future works that may occur! And whatever else happens, I wish you health and happiness. Side-note: Coincidentally enough, another artist/writer I was following recently had to end a long-running story because of various reasons, and asked dedicated readers/patrons whether to end it quickly (montages, summaries, etc.) or to continue the story after stripping out everything except the core plot. If you like, I can send you the link where he describes the options if you need any ideas.


I accidentally ended up giving something like £100 during one month after signing up as a patron and not noticing the monthly spend limits setting, I wasn't even upset because there's just something so charming about the art and characters you put into Poppy. So however it works out in the future, good luck. That said... Just a silly little thing. I still want to hear what you thought of Zelda Breath of the Wild's techno-motorcycle seeing as you drew that "Twilight Princess 2: Electric Boogaloo" picture.

Super Shanko

Nothing more to say that hasn’t been said, but I’m glad I got to enjoy this. I guess if anything, are you considering some kind of send off? An epilogue comic to or something of that sort as an official posting and I guess just the spill on the finale.... ?


I appreciate everything you've shared with us. This comic has been a massive inspiration for me and I enjoy your ability to create likable, interesting characters. You should do what's best for you, on the timetable that makes the most sense for you. I don't regret supporting you, and I think you're being very fair in setting expectations for us. Setting a timetable would risk setting yourself up for failure, so if the right time comes later, great. If not, that's fine too. You're a talented storyteller and I look forward to seeing what you do going ahead. Thanks :) Please keep us in the loop - I follow your twitter as I can, but the site's design is a bit chaotic and hard to follow at times!

BlackfootFerret (Robert E Taylor IV)

I've really enjoyed this comic, you made something unique and special. Have to do what works for you, though, I wish you the best ^_^


I've always loved your story and its inspired me to follow my art dream as well. i know that feeling of losing inspiration and the drive to continue, but you've put that drive into me, if you start up the story again... even 5-10 years from now ill gladly come back and support you fully! I hope you go where you are wanting to in life, even if you dont come back to this comic. i hope you become as happy a your work makes!


(couldn't ever donate way back but my friend did for me :) hope you will enjoy the infinite expanse of your life!

Ken Roskos

Well, this is bummeriffic. I'm still holding out some small hope to find out about this, that and the other: Renard Darling's propheseizure, Friedrich getting close to the Dragonblood mystery, Chicadino's plans and the upside down possum servant. (She was cute!) You've built up a wonderful, gigantic universe that could continue, even if you killed off Poppy. Super beings, strange battles, injustices, mysteries and intrigues we'll never figure out. Just like real life I guess. Still, you've accomplished something more intricate and satisfying than anything Disney could put out. I wish you whatever success you can find out there. Or happiness at least. Salut! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOGru_4z1Vc


I'm sorry to hear that Poppy isn't going to update in the foreseeable future, but it was a great run nonetheless. You are an amazing storyteller and artist and I wish you nothing but the best in your future plans. (I was curious though, as the Patreon looks like it was 7 pages ahead of the site. Will these eventually be posted to the main site for non-Patreon viewers?)


A bit shame you couldn't continue. But you had a good run, and I'll wish you the best of success in your future creative endeavors.