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Hey everyone. It's... been a while, huh? So, full disclosure, it's still going to be a little bit until new pages resume, at least in any capacity I can promise to maintain consistently. I've been pretty busy with commissions and other ventures these past couple of months, and I'm sorry I let things get so backlogged with owed pages. I still intend to get those pages up, and I still intend to make the next five pages following them free of charge as apology, but if anyone wants to just go ahead and get their money from the still-unposted pages refunded and wash their hands of me, send me a message and I'll try to take care of that for you.

As for how things are going at this exact moment, I've been quietly working on redrawing Poppy 1 with proper inks and very minor dialogue tweaks, and again, full disclosure, I'll probably focus on getting that done before committing to new pages again. I'll post patreon-exclusive previews as they come together, but I'm waiting until the whole thing's done before replacing any old pages on the actual site (Don't worry, I'll keep the originals attached for anyone who still wants to see them). Revisiting my old work has been helping me remember why I enjoyed working on Poppy in the first place, and although I still feel the mostly-written format will ultimately be the best fit for Poppy's future as a longform, stupidly dense story, it is nice to work on comics again.

Depending on how that goes, I'll also consider revisiting Poppy 4 (and that one uncolored page in Poppy 2) in full color, and some of the earlier, messier pages of Poppy 5, but I don't want to touch any of those until the series proper has resumed and is healthily updating. 

I've talked about it before in other places, but my plans in regards to the actual future are as follows. Once Poppy resumes, whenever that is, I will work towards maintaining a schedule of at least once a week until Poppy 8 and 9 are finished, wrapping up the "First Part" of Poppy sometime, by my estimate, in 2020/2021. After that, I will take an extended hiatus from the series, and work primarily on one-shots and other much, much shorter stories. 

But then again, a lot can happen in that time. I might change my mind once I get to that point and immediately jump into Part 2. I might just release the most summarized version of the plot and throw it out there for anyone who's impatient and just wants to know where it goes. Ultimately, my goal is the same as it's ever been: tell the entire story, no matter how long it takes or what format I have to do it in.

And to that end, thank you for having continued to support me, and for encouraging me even as things have been rough. And if you haven't, well, thanks for showing up anyway.

Morb, I. Everett



Will you do spin-offs of any poppy character? If so, what favorite character will you do for a spin-off?


Hi I. Everett, I enjoy reading Poppy, along with the side stories of your secondary characters. There still seems to be a big showdown coming up, and I don't want to miss it. I've tried universe building myself, and it's a full time job, on top of paying the bills, and working a day job. I'm just curious if you've ever pitched Poppy to the studios, or Netflix, or the video game companies to get your property out there. Granted, doing a Poppy show or game would require a full staff and production crew, along with meddling producers. 'Nuff said, I'm just brainstorming here. Speaking of crews, I was impressed when your friends did fill-in pages a couple of years ago. They seemed to stay faithful to your vision while adding their own personal touches. You've built up a good franchise, and I realize that it's still your call when it comes to how Poppy is created and presented. My hope is you can find more support and exposure for Poppy. I'll keep checking and see what happens. Best to you in 2019!

Super Shanko

I'm certainly glad to hear of any updates for this, and I'm very interested to to see the revised Chapter 1. Admittedly I'm a bit glum that going forward the chapters will still be word-based, but that's just my personal gripe, because I would've definitely bought a physical copy of Poppy comics if you decided on that route. But in any case, glad to hear from the artist.


Thanks for the update! I love Poppy and I'm always excited to read more, but I'd rather do so at whatever pace is best for you. I'm glad to hear the hiatus has been due to other projects you have going, rather than health problems or something (and incidentally, if there's anything from those other projects that you're willing/able to show here, I'd love to see them too). Best wishes, please take all the time you need, and I look forward to seeing either the new pages or the new old pages whenever you're ready!

Super Shanko

Well, I won't ask for the.... I don't know, $4.00 my Patreon has contributed to, but I do want to ask one question that's sort of bugged me for a while. How old is Poppy? I mean I know how old she is in the comic, but the depicted age of her as far as her a possum's life span goes since so many people refer to her as old and such. ^_^


Honestly, I would NOT mind seeing a simple plot summary of Poppy. Been hurting for some more content...


i dont want to be rude, but i like pictures better than words, how much of the new comic will be words and pictures? also if i send you money what do i get? and when are you updating? it will be june soon.


And now we're into July. No sign or evidence of the redo pages either. Would not be surprised if this update gets deleted like the 'faster schedule' post the creator made a year ago.


This still alive?


no idea, and that honestly makes me sad.... this was one of the best comics out there...

Super Shanko

Not gonna lie, this is a load of barnacles.


I wish you luck. Hate to say it but I've seen way too many webcomics die over the past 20 years because the artist decided to re-draw the earlier strips rather than moving on with the story and letting the earlier art stand on its own.


It seems like this webcomic has absolutely died... if I. Everett himself hasn't....


So hows life? Its been a full year so far.


life's been fine


Poppy is ded. Not the first time an artist hoovered up donations and vanished into the night (ie: guy who drew Achewood)