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Symmetra was acutely aware of Sombra's reputation, but the opportunity to upgrade Vishkar tech was well worth the potential risks. Symmetra tried to reassure herself that Sombra was fighting with her team, and that even if the chaotic hacker were to go rogue, at least then she'd focus her efforts on the enemy team. This assurance only lasted perhaps 5 minutes however, after which her arm began to move on it's own accord. 

Symmetra's arm surged with infectious power, and energy coursed through her cybernetics and in to her veins. Symmetra could feel her body begin to swell, her hips straining against her thigh-highs as her ass ballooned. Her worried gasp turned in to a passionate moan as her body continued to grow, her clothes quickly shredding under her now titanic rear. She was vaguely aware of her increasing height, but her concentration was mostly focused on not toppling over as her center of gravity continued to shift further and further back. Her legs began to tremble under the sheer weight, and Symmetra's knees finally buckled. The 15ft tall Viskar sat down heavy with an earthshattering THUMP, setting off a nearby car alarm. She craned her neck to glance at her new features, but then became acutely aware of a small set of hands tightly gripping her now enormous ass. 

Even with Symmetra's increased height, the uneven energy surges had made certain features several times larger than they ought to be. The result was a surprisingly soft and supple mountain of muscle that was currently being squeezed and caressed by the very girl responsible for this event. Sombra buried her face in the warm flesh, and said a silent 'thank you' to Moira for letting her test-drive her new nanites. There were still plenty of kinks to work out, and it wouldn't hurt to have a few more test subjects, right? 


I've been hard at work on setting up a new animation and test rig, but I was feeling a bit worn out and wanted to make a quick Pin-Up to mix it up a bit. As a result, I decided to make a pin-up out of the runner up to this month's Patreon Pin-Up Poll! Out of the Overwatch hero pool, Symmetra tends to get passed over even with a three-layer-cake of an ass, so I thought it'd be fitting to do my part and give some extra love to a girl who could split earth and sky with a single booty-clap. 

As for the animation, the WIP for the next animation should be out at some point tomorrow. I've gotten the storyboard more or less figured, and just finished roughing out the intro scene. I'll most likely be working on timing out the rest of the motions, and should have more info later this week.




Love this! Sombra happily squishing symmetra's butt is great


Absolutely amazing, thank you. I must agree small Sombra against Sym’s colossal cheeks is a fantastic comparison.


I never thought I see this get made and it’s so freaking adorable! Lovely job on this two part render sequence!


Thanks! I'm always a fan of having the grown/expanded character interacting with something normal sized, it conveys the size a lot better!


Glad you liked it! It's nice to shake up the content every now and again, and lately it's been pretty heavy on the Dva train!


Yep dva just has that kind of leverage in the overwatch character pool. Followed by widow and tracer with mei close behind. Then mercy. Then it’s a toss up after that XD. Tho obviously I symmetra and sombra for life but enjoy the others getting love.


Ashe has been pretty overlooked too! Maybe one day I'll give her a couple buffs to bring her back in to the meta lol