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Annnd here's a set of alternate views for this past month's Pin-Up/Sequence. I originally made two set of renders, each with different focuses/camera placements, and so I picked what I thought was the best images from the two sets to post together as the official version. 

I'm thinking that in the future I'll refrain from posting the cut images, but I figured I'd see what you guys thought about the extra angles and whether or not they're worth posting first. Though this is the place to post more WIP/extra content, so it's really just a matter of whether or not it's annoying for you all to have an extra version that might not be as well tuned as the original. Let me know either way, your feedback is much appreciated especially as I'm getting in to more fast-paced work, and I'd like to get a few more iterations in before I settle on a particular post style. 




always love seeing what other angles you envision for your work, so i personally don't mind you posting stuff like this. helps the imagination aswell >:3c


I think it's cool to see the alternate images! I always enjoy seeing extra angles of stuff, even if they might not be as enticing as the main versions. I especially like how there's a clearer view of D.va's angry face in the image where she slams Kiriko with her cock. It'll never be annoying to see more perspectives of growing ladies, especially when that growth is in their dicks haha


Great! I'll keep that in mind. It def sounds better to have the alts at least posted rather than locked away on my hard drive.


Glad to hear it! I was mostly worried about annoying people with a spam of similar images, but if people get a kick out of the alts, then I'd much rather post them than have them hidden away.


Is this the bike we've been waiting to see?