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“Well, that was something,” Harry muttered as he dropped down on the couch in the living room of #12 Grimmauld Place. Sirius chuckled as he sat down while Valerie sat right beside Harry and clasped her hands in her lap.

“You tell me Harry,” Sirius began, shaking his head with a sigh, “I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that you had a part of that maniac’s soul inside you. Thank Merlin it’s gone now. Any slight inhibitions I might have had regarding your marriage is completely gone now.”

Harry chuckled ruefully before he noticed the fidgeting of the woman by his side. He took her hand gently and squeezed, smiling at her. Valerie gave a small smile in return.

“You two reming me of them, you know?” Sirius’ voice attracted their attention, and they turned as one to look at him.


“Your parents,” Sirius smiled softly, “they were also so much in love. It was quite apparent to see.”

The two flushed slightly, looking anywhere but at each other, and Sirius chuckled.

“Come on, it’s time for dinner already. I don’t know about you two but I’m famished after all that ordeal.”

Harry nodded and got up as they walked over to the kitchen. Thankfully Sirius had the foresight to have dinner ordered for them.

Dinner passed pretty smoothly as they talked about inconsequential affairs while getting to know each other better. Sirius had some catching up to do, and the old marauder was determined to be an integral part of his godson’s life.

For the first time in his life, Harry felt the presence of a true family, Valerie excluded. It was different with her. It felt like she was an extension of himself, given that they knew everything there was to know about one another.

In Sirius, Harry found a family he had forever wished he had. The Dursleys had never been much of a family to him, and Harry had never felt any familiar feelings toward them.

Valerie was not much different either. Having undergone so much suffering in her life, she grabbed the opportunity with both arms and actively sought to form a close relationship with her cousin, although the man had no idea who she was.

However, as the night progressed and they sat at the dining table, talking, their discussion turned toward slightly darker topics.

“-and I told her in no uncertain terms, that I would never follow her so-called pureblood ideals. She was not happy, as you can imagine. The bitch cast me out of the family, burned my name off the tapestry, and I bet she cursed my name until the day her miserable existence ended.”

Valerie listened with a frown on her face, recalling a similar conversation she had had with the same woman all those years ago. If only she had been bold enough to express herself so freely, as her cousin had done.

“You lived with my father, didn’t you?”

Sirius smiled.

“That’s right. Great people, your grandparents were. They were more of a parental figure to me back then. Took me in with open arms. I still recall what Aunt Dorea said to me when I arrived for the first time.

Sirius, this is your home now. I don’t care what that hag of a woman thinks. If she can’t be a mother to you, rest assured, you have one right here,’

A truly remarkable woman, she was. Unafraid, and deadly with both her tongue and her wand. And your grandfather was no slouch either. Could’ve easily given Ol’ Dumbledore a run for his money. It took a literal army of Death Eaters, including several Inner Circle members to take them out.”

Harry smiled ruefully.

“I’d have liked to know them.”

Sirius smiled sadly.

“They would’ve loved you, your grandmother especially. Would’ve doted on you to the end of the world. Why, I still remember how much we all loved it whenever she used to come over here. Always brought sweets for me, Reg, Andi, Cissa, Bella...”

Sirius trailed off with a frown, and Valerie looked at him.

“Sirius?” She prodded, hesitatingly, and Sirius looked at her.


“You suddenly stopped...” Harry muttered, looking at him while exchanging a look with Valerie.

“Oh. Uh yes. I was just lost in my thoughts. Wondering where it all went wrong, you know?”

The two looked at him in silence, and Sirius continued.

“The five of us were always close. Andi the eldest of the five, followed by me, then Reg and Cissa, and finally, little Bella. She was always such a obedient child, nothing like the randy one I was.”

Sirius was smiling softly, unaware of the emotions of the only female in the room.

“It started with the passing of grandfather, I guess. Father was always a coward, and my hag of a mother knew it. It didn’t take long for her to assume control over the house,” Sirius snarled.

The couple simply sat there listening in silence.

“Andi was the first to fall. She couldn’t bear the thought of marrying a Death Eater, and preferred to elope with her boyfriend instead. That angered my mother so much that she cast her out of the family and accelerated the plans for both Cissa and Bella. Cissa was always a girl with her head in the clouds, and had no problem in marrying Lucius. He was a good looking man and came from a very rich family, and it didn’t take long for her to get smitten.” Sirius scoffed.

“Sounds like a total airhead to me,” Harry remarked, earning a soft swat to the chest from Valerie for his remark.

“Well, she was young, and loved to dress up and go to balls and dance. It was Bella who I’m most surprised about.”

Valerie looked up sharply at that, and with a slight waver in her voice, asked, “What do you mean?”

Sirius looked at her for a moment before replying, “You have to understand that Bella was always a quiet child. Don’t get me wrong, she was a very capable and confident witch, but she never argued with anyone. If a matter could be solved by remaining silent, she would stay silent than confront someone. You could say that she had a strong tendency to avoid any conflict. My mother, my bitch of a mother married her to that bastard Rudolphus Lestrange. I don’t know what happened, but within a month of being married to the bastard, Bella changed entirely.”

Harry was looking intently at Valerie out of the corner of his eye who was gazing intently at Sirius.

“Changed, how?” She asked with a quiver in her voice. Sirius didn’t seem to notice that, because he answered as if nothing had changed.

“She became mad, for the lack of a better word. The war was slowly escalating back then, and she frequently came over to us with that swine and basically threatened

us to fall in line, or we might be seeing some green flashes soon. There were frequent reports of her murdering or torturing someone, and every time I heard something like that, I always wondered just what happened to the kind girl who all of us used to adore,” Sirius whispered, looking at the table.

Valerie blinked back the tears that threatened to spill out of her eyes while Harry kept his hand firmly clasped with hers, offering his silent support all the while.

“I had already been carted off to Azkaban when she was brought in, as unhinged as she was since her wedding. They told us how she had tortured Frank and Alice Longbottom until their minds snapped. I had never hated her, not even there were continuous reports of her exploits, but that news shattered something inside of me,” Sirius muttered scornfully, as he looked up and glared at the wall opposite him, “to torture someone innocent until their minds snapped, only someone truly evil could do that,” he finished darkly, unaware of the growing turmoil in the mind of the only female in that room.

Harry had tightened his hold on her hand, and he could feel her shivering slightly.

“That was when I realized that I hated her. I truly hated the woman she had become. When I heard that she had also escaped Azkaban, I was terrified. I kept my ears out for any whisper of her whereabouts, and when I heard that she had died, I won’t hesitate to accept that a small part of me rejoiced. Yes,” he chuckled ruefully, “I rejoiced at her death. However, an even bigger part of me mourned for the lovely girl that I grew up with.”

Sirius looked up at Valerie who had tears in her eyes.

“You remind me a lot of her, you know? You look so much like a young Bella that it’s uncanny.”

The rattling of the chair surprised both Harry and Sirius. They looked up to see that Valerie had abruptly stood up and dashed out of the room, with nothing but a choked sob in her wake. Harry looked at Sirius for a moment before he rushed behind her. Meanwhile, Sirius sat there at the table, looking utterly confused and simply wondering if he said too much for the young girl to bear. Silently, he chastised himself for letting his tongue get ahead of him again.

Now that I think about it, I truly went into too much detail. These things are not for everyone to stomach. Well, I’ll simply apologize when I see her next.’


Harry had a solid idea of how Valerie was feeling at the moment. Hearing all of that, and how the person who adored you grew to hate you so much that he rejoiced in your death was something very heartbreaking.

Harry recalled when they had come to know about Bellatrix’s death. It had been when she had undergone the Abjiciat Familia ritual at the behest of the headmaster. The two rituals had the combined side effect of rendering her previous persona entirely nonexistent.

The ministerial records were promptly updated, and abound with joy, Fudge had been quick to hold a press conference to declare that Bellatrix Lestrange had died of unknown causes. Her body was not recovered but magic spoke for itself, and almost the entirety of Britain rejoiced.

However, there had been no relief from the Dementors since Sirius was still a wanted fugitive and according to the minister, he was after the one who offed his master, namely, Harry himself.

He recalled how the entirety of Hogwarts had been alive with the whispers of how the darkest witch of their generation was no more. How Neville Longbottom, probably the only Gryffindor in his year he could tolerate had gone white as a sheet before bolting out of the Great Hall, leaving confused mutterings in his wake.

Of course, Harry knew the reason why Neville had such a strong reaction. After all, he had seen how Bellatrix had laughed maniacally as the two young parents had screamed themselves hoarse until their vocal cords gave away. He had seen the vacant look in their eyes and their lightly spasming bodies as the aftereffects of the prolonged Cruciatus exposure coursed through them.

Her soft cries tore him out of his reminiscing and Harry quickly pulled the unlocked door open before shutting it behind him carefully. The locking runes flashed as the door locked. Rushing inside, he saw Valerie curled up on their bed, her knees tucked under her chin as she sobbed.

Slowly, Harry made his way over to her, carefully sliding beside her until their shoulders were touching, and wrapped his arms around her. He felt her freeze up for a moment before she relaxed and raised her head to look at him.

No words needed to be spoken. She knew he understood how she was feeling, and she was thankful for his silent support as she laid her head on his shoulder and burrowed her face in the crook of his neck.

Minutes passed as the young couple simply sat there in silence, with occasional sniffles, as Harry stroked her hair and back in reassurance.

“He really hates me,” she murmured, and it broke Harry’s heart to hear her usually confident voice sounding so fractured and vulnerable.

“He hates the woman you were turned into. He hated Bellatrix Lestrange, the woman who had been brainwashed by the worst asshole to ever live to commit heinous deeds. Not you. He could never hate you.”

Valerie didn’t speak, so Harry continued.

“You heard him, Val. He was happy at the death of the dark witch who tortured the Longbottoms into insanity, who murdered and tortured for fun. But he also mourned for the lovely young girl he grew up with. He loves you Val, and I do too.”

Valerie slowly pulled back so that she could look him in the eyes. She whispered, “I love you too,” before she slowly closed the distance between them. Their lips met in a soft kiss, and Harry brought his hand up to gently cup her cheek as he kissed her back.

His other hand cupped the back of her neck in a gentle hold as he tilted her head up slightly to deepen their kiss.

Valerie moaned slightly when she felt his tongue probe her mouth, and without any hesitation whatsoever, she opened her mouth to grant him access. Harry didn’t waste any moment and inserted his tongue inside her mouth, exploring it to his heart’s content. His hand trailed down her back as he caressed her over her clothes, their lips moving in tandem as their tongues rolled around in Valerie’s mouth.

Nothing needed to be said between the two lovers. Their passion had been building for months now, their connection deeper than any other couple, and both of them knew they wanted this. They were ready, and they knew it.

Valerie shifted her body around until she was straddling his lap and wrapped her legs around his waist. A soft moan was heard as she felt his hardened member against her womanhood and ground slightly. Harry groaned in pleasure.

His hands wrapped around her waist, slowly caressing and dipping down with every second that passed until they were holding her by her bum. A soft squeeze of the supple flesh coaxed a moan out of her as Valerie pulled away from the kiss and hurriedly did away with the buttons of his shirt until she pulled it off him, leaving his upper body bare.

Harry scooted back slightly and started working her top off. Throwing the offending material of clothing to the side, he took in her alluring figure and his arousal skyrocketed.

Her pert, round tits encased in a flimsy purple bra looked breathtaking and Harry slid his hands up to hold her firm tits, the globes large enough to fill his palms comfortably. Valerie moaned when she felt him feel her up, and he squeezed softly. Slowly, she ground her pussy against his hard-on and grinned when she felt him groan softly.

Slowly, she reached behind her, and with her eyes firmly locked on his, unclasped her bra. She didn’t bother holding it in place, and Harry was awarded his first look at a pair of full, perky tits. They stood firm, capped with pink nipples which jutted out proudly in a clear indication of her arousal.

Harry grabbed hold of her tits and gave a nice, long squeeze, and Valerie moaned. Harry grinned before lowering his mouth and licking her hardened nubs, switching between her tits alternatively, showering both of her globes with equal attention and affection.

Valerie could only keep her arms wrapped around his head and pull him ever so tighter against her, practically molding their upper bodies together until she felt him cup her behind. With a cute yelp, she felt turned around and looked on with wide eyes as her lover hovered over her. His gaze was so tender and full of love that she melted right there.

Harry captured her lips again in a toe-curling kiss and Valerie returned it with equal enthusiasm. His hands played with her tits while rubbing and pinching her nipples simultaneously and with each second that passed, she felt herself getting all hot and bothered.

Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore and with a grunt, she wrapped her legs around his waist and turned them around until she was straddling his waist. The two lovers were heaving with passion and arousal, and Harry looked up to see her naked body hovering over him. Her bare tits were dangling right over his face and Harry feasted on them. Valerie moaned as Harry sucked her tits, his teeth grazing her sensitive nipples and sending a ripple of pleasure through her with every movement.

Harry could feel her grinding her pussy against his hard cock and he reciprocated her movements by moving his hips in perfect sync with her own. The room was filled with the sound of her moans as Harry pleasured her. His lips played with her tits while his manhood ground against her pussy. His hands played with her ass, caressing and squeezing the supple flesh that jiggled with every movement his hands made.

With a wave of his hand, Harry vanished their clothing, leaving them entirely bare to each other, and Valerie squeaked in surprise before moaning as her wet, naked pussy came into contact with his equally naked and rock-hard member. A gasp sounded out and Harry looked up to see her looking back at him with desire clear on her face.

His length was positioned between her lower lips horizontally, and Valerie moved back and forth slightly, moaning as she felt him slide between her glistening folds. Biting her lower lip softly, she gazed at him and moved her hand behind her. Harry jerked slightly when he felt her take him in her hand and position the head of his cock at her wet entrance. Slowly, she started descending on him and Harry held his breath as he felt the head of his cock slide in.

Valerie bit her lip and descended slowly, and Harry released the breath he had been holding as his length breached her tight walls until she bottomed out right on top of him. Harry felt her breath deeply as she stayed still for a few seconds, and he held himself under her, giving her time to get used to it. His hands traveled up until they were cupping her soft tits and Valerie smiled when he squeezed them.

Slowly, Valerie started moving on top of him. Harry’s cock slithered out of her pussy until only his head remained before she dropped down on his lap with an audible slap.


Valerie cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure and her movements slowly picked up. Harry guided her all the way, his hands squeezing her lovely tits and keeping her upright while she lifted her hips before descending. It didn’t take long for the young couple to get used to the rhythm of their lovemaking. Valerie started to bounce up and down on his cock, her tits jumping up and down with her movements within the confines of his palm and Harry pulled back until her bare tits were bouncing right in front of him.

The sight captivated him. Never before had he seen a sight so heavenly, so alluring and so breathtaking, and Harry lost himself in the moment. His eyes took in the look of absolute pleasure on his wife’s face as she fucked herself on his throbbing manhood before lowering down yet again on her shaking and bouncing tits.

He could feel himself getting closer to his climax, and without any delay, he pulled her on top of him until her tits smashed against his chest. Planting his feet on the mattress, Harry bent his knees upward before he started to furiously thrust inside her.

Valerie let out a loud howl that must’ve been heard by neighbors all around the area as she felt her lover continue to ram his cock away inside her. Her hard nubs were rubbing against his chest, her perky tits jiggling back and forth with each movement as she felt her climax approaching rapidly.

Valerie didn’t have time to even think as she felt a massive orgasm tear through her. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as she started shaking on his cock, still moving inside her at a rapid pace, and her thighs quivered on either side of his waist as she continued to gasp and moan into his ear.

Barely a moment later, she felt him grunt before he exploded inside her. His groan was music to her ears as she felt the head of his cock swell and pulse inside her.

Thick, warm ropes of his hot, sticky white cum shot out of his cock and splattered her insides, and Valerie shuddered on top of him yet again. His palms continued to squeeze her round ass while his cock continued to shoot load after thick load of his cum inside her, painting her inner walls white.

Their mutual climaxes slowly subsided as the couple took deep breaths to come down from their orgasmic high. She moaned when she felt his now flaccid cock slowly slither out of her well-fucked pussy before groaning when some of his hot, sticky cum trailed behind.

Adjusting their bodies slightly, Harry wrapped his arms around her as she rested her head on his chest, one leg laid over his as their bodies stayed in close contact.

Their breaths evened out and Valerie looked up at him, only to see him looking down at her. With a soft smile on her face, she captured his lips, pouring her heart out into one loving kiss as Harry pulled her even close.

The loving couple stayed wrapped in an embrace for a while until Harry pulled the covers over their naked bodies and they descended into the realm of Morpheus.


To be continued...


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