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Harry walked down the stairs toward the basement for his mock duel with Tonks. However, his mind was currently occupied with something else entirely. He had no idea why he had dreamed of Hermione, Ginny, and Fleur in that manner.

Alright, who was he kidding? He had dreamed of Fleur in that state and more quite a few times in the past year, the dreams having gotten pretty frequent since that fateful night when he saved her from those wannabe death eaters.

A large number of those dreams had manifested in either Fleur seducing him or him taking her abruptly, and every time he woke up with a raging hard-on.

However, this one was different. This one had started with Hermione and Ginny – two girls who Harry had never thought of in a sexual sense. Hermione had always been his best friend, and he would even admit she was like a sister he had never had, while Ginny was always that shy little sister of his best friend.

Never had he dreamed of the two girls, so the sudden emergence of theirs in his dream, and that too in such a state, was nothing short of flabbergasting.

Absently Harry pushed the door to the basement open before he made his way over to his corner and sat down on the chair. It didn’t take long for the entourage to arrive, and Harry looked up to see Tonks coming in with a wicked smirk on her face, while Sirius was chuckling. Remus was his usual serene self but the man was shaking his head every once in a while. Harry wondered what had happened.

“Did I miss something?” He asked, inquisitively, and Sirius snorted.

“Not at all, Harry. You ready for this?”

Harry looked over at the other end and saw that Tonks was standing with her hips cocked to the side, her wand held up and tucked under her chin as she tilted her head to the side, silently regarding him. Without even meaning to, his gaze trailed over her athletic figure and silently he admitted that she was a stunner.

Blessed with the natural beauty of the Blacks and an impressive figure which he reckoned as a result of her commendable auror training under Moody, Tonks was a true beauty. Coupled with her metamorph traits, Harry couldn’t help but think some indecent thoughts about her.

Meanwhile, Tonks was also taking in his relaxed posture as he sat on the chair without a care in the world, and what she saw impressed her to no end. She had been attracted to him the moment she laid her eyes on him, but after profound perusal, she admitted she would love to sample a taste, and hopefully, something more.

She noted with no small measure of triumph as his eyes trailed all over her figure. She knew she looked attractive, and there had been a reason she had discarded her cloak back in the kitchen. His silent appreciation sent a slight thrill through her, and she could feel her breathing get slightly labored which had no connection to the fact that they were in a closed basement.

Their mutual admiration for one another was cut off when Sirius blew a sharp whistle. As one, they turned toward the marauder who had taken his place between them on the side of the dueling arena, a whistle in his hand which he blew again.

“Now if you’re done undressing each other with your eyes,” Sirius began with a smirk which earned him two glares, expertly ignored, “can we get on with this drill?”

Harry slapped his thighs twice in quick succession and stood up. Without any delay, his wand slid in his hand and he held it to the side, his face entirely in contrast with his previously relaxed look, and Tonks was slightly taken aback at the look of pure seriousness on his handsome face.

Calm down, Tonks! You can ogle him later. It’s time to fight now,’ she chided herself, shaking her head before standing up straight and looking ahead at him.

Both of them nodded at Sirius to indicate that they were ready, and with a grin, the older man blew a sharp whistle.

No sooner had he done that than Tonks saw a bolt of crimson careening toward her. She had no time to form a response, and out of reflex more than anything, she dodged at the very last moment.

Silent casting already!?’ she thought with slight surprise.

If she thought she’d get any respite, she was sorely mistaken, as another crimson bolt shot toward her at a rapid pace and she ducked. The bolt, like the previous one, struck the wall behind her with a loud crash before the wards nullified it.

Well, if you’re going to cast silently, I won’t give you the advantage either. Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you. I know how you guys’ ego can get in the way if you’re beaten by a girl,’ she thought with a chuckle.

Another couple of bolts shot forward and Tonks ducked and weaved around them before sending her first volley of spells, all intricately woven into a spell chain, right at him. Harry swatted the first two hexes aside before jumping over the grey bolt which he identified as a leg-locker.

Another volley of spells shot at him and Harry swatted all of them aside.

Is she...’ he thought before his eyes narrowed into a glare.

He was incensed at this woman now. Here he was, giving her the proper respect and treating her like a worthy opponent while she was using schoolyard hexes and jinxes against him!? Just who did she think he was, a mere schoolboy!?

Tonks was slightly surprised at the glare he redirected against her, her wand faltering slightly as she wondered what he was so upset about. She dodged another pair of stinger and stunner before flinging a slug hex at him.

Harry stepped out of the way before dropping his hand to the side.

“Enough,” Tonks heard his whisper before her eyes widened.

Harry looked at her with a glare that could freeze anyone who looked.


As the duel progressed, Sirius could feel a deep frown growing on his face. Remus was standing beside him and even he could see Harry getting agitated. He knew why. Harry felt insulted. It was clear to anyone who could see that Tonks was not taking him seriously, and it was a serious blow to his pride. But Sirius dared not interfere. He knew Harry would not listen to him, not now. He could only sigh as he mentally prepared himself for what was about to follow, while also preparing himself for explaining to his dear niece just how badly she had screwed up.


Tonks could speak nothing as she looked at his face. He was glaring at her so fiercely, and she was confused as to why he was acting in such a manner. It was not as if she was humiliating him in their duel. They were at a spell for a spell now. So it came as a surprise to her to see him behaving in such a manner.

She opened her mouth to ask him what was wrong but before she could do so, she saw him raise his wand.

All Harry could think of at the moment was how he would show her he was not someone to be taken lightly. If he was showing her the respect she deserved, he expected equal respect in return. He had survived Voldemort, not once, but multiple times. He had faced numerous trials and tribulations over the years and came out victorious every single fucking time. And he would show her just who he was.

She would know.

Waving his wand around himself, Harry willed his magic to respond, and internally grinned when he saw it happen. The three other occupants also saw what happened as their eyes widened. Remus stepped forward slightly, fascinated at the creations while Sirius looked on with a grin.

He did it!’ Sirius thought, looking excitedly at the humanoid figures standing on either side of Tonks.

Said witch was looking on with wide eyes at whatever Harry had created before her eyes widened further.

The figures, their faces obscure, started flinging spells at her, and with desperation evident in her every movement, she dodged and flung herself to the side to avoid them. Stunners, stingers, cutting hexes, and prickling jinxes were mixed in, and Tonks either dodged or shielded.

Just what is this magic? I’ve never heard of a spell like that!’

Her eyes further widened when Harry started flinging spells that collided against her shield with loud crashes. The lights from the explosions blinded her, and she poured more power into her shield, trying to keep the three-on-one assault at bay.

However, if she thought that was it, she was again sorely mistaken, as Harry waved his hands once again, chanting under his breath as the figures glowed.

Tonks could feel the sweat pouring down her temple as she gritted her teeth. She had never seen magic like this. She had thought she was fighting against a fifth-year student and didn’t want to overwhelm him, but it seemed he was anything but an inexperienced wizard. She understood now. She understood why he was so angry at her. She had treated him as a child, and he was showing her he was not one to be taken lightly.

Her respect for him grew, and with a smile on her face, she resolved to do her best.

“Clypeus Barbarus!”

The first verbal spell of the duel sounded out, and they saw as a silvery shield grew around Tonks, keeping the assault at bay. On the other end of the arena, Harry’s eyes narrowed slightly before he gave a resolute nod. He was far from forgiving.

His hand moved in a haphazard motion, and Tonks shrieked when tentacles grew inside her shield and grabbed her ankles, dragging her down until she was on her knees. She saw Harry mutter something under his breath before pointing his wand at her.

Time seemed to slow as she saw a luminous orb form on the tip of his wand before it bellowed toward her at a devastating pace. However, she saw it all happening in slow motion. The orb collided with her shield and obliterated it as if it was nothing before exploding in a violent burst of light, destroying the humanoid figures Harry had created previously before sending her skidding along the floor.

Tonks was thrown back from the force of the explosion until her breath was knocked out of her lungs. Her back collided with the cushioned wall behind her and she lay there, dazed. Her eyes blearily opened and she saw him standing over her with a serious look on his face.

“Never disrespect me like that,” he stated clearly before pointing his wand at her.

The last thing Tonks saw was a familiar bolt of crimson as her world went dark.


“Couldn’t you have gone a bit easier?” Sirius muttered as he levitated Tonks in front of him. Harry was walking at the front. The boy had not uttered a single word since the duel started, and Sirius was slightly concerned. Remus, meanwhile, had a frown on his face as he watched Harry walk in front of them, his eyes stopping on the limp form of Nymphadora for a bit before looking ahead.

“I might have,” Harry began without turning, “but I didn’t think it was necessary. After all, she’s only stunned. It’s not as if I injured her or something,” he shrugged. Sirius sighed.

“That’s not what I meant.”

Harry didn´t respond. Remus took that moment to ask something that had been on his mind for a while now.

“What was that spell? I’ve never seen anything like it,” he asked, his eyes firmly on Harry’s back as they ascended the staircase.

Sirius grinned.

“Oh that’s a brilliant spell. We found it in a book in the library.”

“We?” Remus remarked, looking at Sirius.

“Me and Harry. We’ve been practicing some. Found this nifty little spell in a book. I knew you’d master it soon, Harry,” Sirius praised, and Harry turned around to smile at him.

“Told you I’d master it before you,” he smirked, and Sirius grinned.

“Don’t forget it was I who disarmed you first.”

“Because I was not looking, and you did it just as we were about to eat.”

“Not my fault you were not paying attention,” Sirius shrugged unrepentantly, and Harry shook his head. They ascended the staircase before Harry opened to door to the room Tonks was supposed to stay in. He moved to the side as Sirius levitated his niece on the bed before he pulled the covers over her body.

“You sure we shouldn’t revive her?” He asked, looking askance at Harry, who shook his head.

“Let her sleep for a while. She’ll wake up in a few hours.”

Sirius shook his head.

“If she gets mad I’ll tell her it was your idea.”

Harry chuckled.

“I doubt she’d do anything after what happened down there. I’ll be in my room. Tell me when the others arrive, will you?”

“Will do,” Sirius nodded. Harry waved at the two marauders, earning himself a nod from each before he walked out.

Sirius turned toward Remus to ask him to follow when he saw the werewolf looking at the door with a frown.

“What is it?” He asked, making Remus sigh.

“Nothing, it’s just... something seems off about Harry,” he muttered.

“What do you mean?” Sirius asked, frowning slightly.

“The spells he knows. You saw it as well, Sirius. Are you sure it’s a good idea to let him have access to the library here?”

Sirius didn’t like what Remus was insinuating, and he made sure to let him know.

“Listen, Moony. Harry is not and will never go dark. He didn’t use any lethal spell down there. Whatever advanced magic he used was only to teach Nymmie here a lesson. I’m not going to hold him guilty over that. It was a normal reaction. And whatever magic he is learning from the library will not make him go dark. He is too pure a soul to fall to that. You should remember that.”

Remus didn’t respond, his mind filled with numerous thoughts until he sighed.

“I hope you’re not wrong.”

“I’m not,” Sirius reaffirmed, “and you better not raise such a topic again,” he stated firmly. Remus nodded.

“I’ll be in the Lord’s study if you need me before heading out.”

Remus nodded as they walked out of the room, Sirius shutting it behind him as he walked away, leaving a pensive Remus Lupin in his wake.

I really hope you’re right, Padfoot. Because I don’t know what I’d do if Harry really goes down that path.’


Harry shut the door behind him and sighed. He had no idea the afternoon would go like this. What had been intended to be a friendly spar had turned into something else altogether, just because he couldn’t keep his anger in check.

No, he thought, she disrespected me by treating me like a child. She needed to know not to do that. I’ve taken enough shit in my life. Not anymore. I am deserving of respect because I am capable of this. And she needed to know that.

Still, he could’ve kept it slightly tame, he supposed. Well, no worrying about it now. What happened, happened. He couldn’t do anything about it. With a shrug, he grabbed a towel from the cupboard and made his way to the bathroom. He still felt a bit agitated.

However, his shower did little to quell his agitation and he had to resort to some other means to find some release. However, this time, instead of the three women he had previously imagined in various states of debauchery, his mind wandered to the woman he had soundly defeated some minutes ago.

He imagined how it would feel to have her down on her knees in front of him, looking up at him with adoration as he softly stroked her cheek and lips, before said lips wrapped around his hard cock, sucking and licking around his head before engulfing it in her mouth. His movement picked up as he imagined how he would tear her thin lingerie off before bending her over. How she would look behind her with that saucy look before licking her lips and parting her pussy with her nimble fingers, beckoning him forward to feast on her.

He breathed harshly as he imagined how he would slowly enter her from behind, making her moan softly before gradually increasing his pace. How hot she would sound while begging him to go faster, to take her, to make her his, to spoil her for any other man, and to bring her over the edge.

With a grunt, he shot his load where it splattered against the shower wall while he imagined painting her insides in white.

Panting slightly, Harry stood there, letting the water cascade down his body as he came down from his orgasmic high. His eyes closed, he turned the shower down and wiped the water off his face.

Fifteen minutes later, he walked out of the bathroom and dried his hair up. Putting on a t-shirt and a pair of trousers, he took his seat at the table and pulled out the tome he had been reading for a while now.

What had been happening had to be a result of that ritual, he was sure of it now. Never before had he been like this, and it had all started after he had done that ritual. Flipping through the pages, he arrived at the one concerned and re-read the entire passage carefully.

With a frown, he realized there had been no mention of something like this happening. All the ritual will ensure is loyalty and co-operation. There were no other caveats.

“There must be something though. Did I botch the ritual somehow? No. Everything was by the book. There was nothing else I should’ve done differently. But then why has this happened?”

His mind wandered to the events that had happened since the third task. His battle in the graveyard, his torture at the hands of Voldemort, and his subsequent death.

His hand inadvertently wandered up to his forehead where his scar used to be. There had been no visions, no headaches, nothing since then. He recalled the conversation with Dumbledore. He was still enraged at the old man, his trust in the wizard irrevocably broken.

He wondered just what Dumbledore had been thinking when he confessed everything. What was the purpose of losing his trust? Did the man simply didn’t care or was there something else afoot? Or was it because that’s just the kind of man he was? One who didn’t see the need to keep it a secret? Whatever the older wizard’s motivations might be, Harry didn’t bother to think about it. He had something else to think about right now, namely what was wrong with him.

He considered discussing the matter with Sirius before discarding that thought. The old marauder would be beside himself with laughter at his expense. He would consider it a bonus, Harry was sure of that.

He thought back on the incident with Fleur and how they had behaved toward each other. Once again he frowned. She had just been through such a harrowing incident, yet she had been happily kissing him, as reluctant to let go of him as he was. That had been before he had done that ritual.

Whatever had happened, it was not a regular occurrence, Harry concluded. The fact that he had been a Horcrux and died had to have played a role in that ritual, which gave these added side effects. He could find no other explanation.

Would it be such a bad thing though?’

Harry lost himself in his thoughts. His mind was once again recalling that very vivid dream. He recalled, once again, his imagination of Tonks and how she had been.

No, it wouldn’t be bad at all.’

With a sigh, Harry shut the book and put it back in the drawer before laying down on his bed. His mind automatically wandered to those carnal thoughts, and for once, he didn’t resist one bit. Instead, he welcomed those thoughts with open arms.

After all, he had gone through so much. He had a madman after him, with many others having vested interests. If it happens, why should he not pursue it?

With a triumphant smile on his face, Harry Potter drifted off, knowing that a new chapter of his life would be starting in the evening when everyone came.


A soft groan sounded in one of the occupied rooms in the family wing of the #12 Grimmauld Place.

“Ugh, did a hippogriff trample over me?” Nymphadora Tonks muttered, shakily sitting up on the bed and rubbing her eyes softly.

Blearily, she looked around the unfamiliar room, wondering where she was and how she got there. It took a few seconds for her brain to reboot before her eyes widened.

Her arrival at #12 Grimmauld Place, her meeting Harry Potter and how she felt instantly attracted to the raven-haired boy, their duel, and how he had angrily beaten her black and blue until he stunned her.

She frowned when she recalled her mistake from the duel. She had treated him like a little kid even when he had shown the skills far beyond his level, and he had not hesitated in showing her the error of her ways. She recalled how she had been flung back from the force of that explosion and her hand inadvertently rubbed her backside. She breathed when she felt no bruise or pain.

Tonks sighed as she laid back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling and recalling the entire time she had spent in Harry’s company. She had met him only a few hours ago, yet she couldn’t help but feel a tingling in her belly whenever she thought about him. Never had she felt so instantly attracted to someone, and it slightly scared her how fast she had started crushing on the young wizard.

However, it was more thrilling when she recalled how powerful he had been when she had gone against him. He excited her like no other, and she recalled admitting that she would fuck him. The thought sent a shiver of excitement through her.

Before she could get ahead of herself though, she recalled how their previous interaction had ended. He had been so full of rage, all of it rightfully directed at her, and she frowned. She had to apologize to him, that was a given.

Looking at the clock over the fireplace, she sighed. It was still quite early – only late afternoon. The others shall be arriving around dinner. That should give her enough time to ask him for forgiveness. With a grunt, she rose from the bed and walked out of her room.

She glanced down the corridor and found that all the doors were closed and there was no one in sight. Walking down the stairs proved to be of no use, as there was no one in the kitchen, dining room, or the living room. Frowning, she wondered where everyone was while walking back upstairs.

She turned around the corner only to come to a halt when she saw Sirius exit the Lord’s study.

“Sirius!” She called out, and the older man turned toward her before he gave her a grin.

“Well, if it isn’t our resident loser. How do you do?”

“Shut it,” she muttered, her hair turning slightly red. “Where is Harry?”

“Oh! Going to do what you said you were going to do, are you? My, you work fast, Nymmie,” Sirius grinned unabashedly, and Tonks flushed, her hair turning an abrupt pink.

“Ooh. Little Nymmie is blushing!”

Tonks couldn’t take it anymore and shot a quick stinger. Sirius saved his family heirlooms by the skin of his teeth as he quickly slid aside.

“Now now now, you shouldn’t be so violent. Unless you are into that stuff,” he laughed.

“Sirius, I’m warning you,” Tonks growled, and the marauder chuckled before raising his hands in a ‘calm down’ gesture.

“Alright, alright. No more poking fun at your kinks. What do you need Harry for?”

Tonks looked to the side and mumbled, “I want to apologize. I screwed up.”

“You sure did,” Sirius spoke seriously, and Tonks looked at him. He sighed.

“Look Nymmie-”

“Would you stop with that? Call me Tonks!”

Sirius side-eyed her before continuing, “As I was saying Nymmie, you really screwed up. Harry has gone through so much in his life already. He has so many responsibilities and burdens, and it is understandable that he hates being treated like a kid. And you did exactly that. Not to mention the fact that by doing so you disrespected his skills and power. That’s not something he would take lightly.”

“I know, damn it!” Tonks growled, “I know I screwed up badly. All I want to do is apologize to him.”

Sirius nodded.

“Sure. Go ahead. He went to his room. Keep the noise down when you go in though. Most of the time he’s either reading those tomes or brushing up on his Occlumency.”

“Got it. See you later,” she waved behind her.

Sirius simply shook his head and walked downstairs toward the basement. It would be good to practice some spells.


Tonks took a deep breath as she stood in front of the closed door. She couldn’t recall feeling so nervous for anything, ever, and it was a disconcerting feeling, to say the least.

Here goes nothing,’ she thought before she tapped the door softly. She stood there for a few seconds before shrugging. Grabbing the doorknob, she twisted it counterclockwise and slowly pulled the door open. With slow steps, she turned around and closed the door behind her.

The room was dark and she saw Harry had pulled the blinds closed. She touched the runes on the wall and saw the room light up dimly. Only then did she see Harry’s sleeping figure on the bed.

Slowly, she walked forward until she stood by his bed looking down at his peacefully sleeping visage. She found it hard to compare this face to the one that was glaring at her in rage. Shaking her head a little, she sat on the bed and looked down at him.

She found it oddly cathartic as she looked at him. His chest rose and fell slowly as he breathed evenly. She gazed at his face and saw how his lips were pursed slightly, and not for the first time that day, wondered how it would feel to kiss him. Her eyes trailed to the side as she ogled his body while he slept, entirely ignorant of her actions.

The dirty part of her mind was urging her to do something and she found herself slowly leaning toward it.

Should I?’

Her fingers inched forward until they hovered over his lips and she stopped, conflicted. A shiver passed through her as Harry chose that exact moment to breathe out of his mouth. His hot breath wafted over her fingers, and whatever inhibitions she had crumbled away.

With shaking hands, she inched forward and closed the distance. Her fingers touched his lips and Tonks shivered. Slowly, she caressed his lips until they parted slightly, enough for her to insert her dainty finger inside his mouth. Her breath hitched when she touched his tongue, his saliva coating her skin and Tonks carefully caressed.

Slowly, she pulled her finger out of his mouth before bringing it up to her lips. Her tongue darted out of her mouth and she licked it. A part of her couldn’t believe that she was doing this, but now that she had started, she found she couldn’t stop. She knew this was wrong, but her mind was too clouded to think straight.

Looking down, she saw he was still sleeping peacefully and her boldness grew. Slowly, she grabbed the back of his hand from where it was resting atop his stomach and dragged it upward. His fingers brushed her jeans-clad thighs and she slowly pulled his hand. She breathed raggedly when his hand brushed her stomach over her silk shirt before it hovered right over her chest.

Taking a deep breath, Tonks slowly pushed her chest forward and couldn’t hold back her moan when his palm held her breast. Merlin, it felt magnificent already.

She couldn’t believe she had done this, but now that she had, there was no stopping her. Slowly, she squeezed the back of his hand and moaned when his palm squeezed the supple flesh of her large globe. His fingers were inside her cleavage right over her bra and shirt-covered tits and she made him squeeze them.

“Oh yes...” she groaned throatily.

Her breathing was uneven as she shifted slightly and made him squeeze her other breast before alternating between the two every minute. Occasionally, she made him poke her hardened nubs and felt her arousal grow with every passing second.

She knew she should stop, otherwise, she might do something she’d regret, but she found she didn’t want to. Untucking her shirt, she pulled it up until it was bunched over her bra-clad tits and brought his hand up to squeeze her over her bra.

“Yes Harry... ohh touch them baby... mmm...”

All thoughts of an apology laid forgotten as Tonks made him play with her bra-clad tits to her immense pleasure. The fact that it was such a forbidden act made it all the more exciting to her, and she couldn’t make herself stop.

“Oh I love you touching me like this Harry... your hands feel so good baby...”

Her breathing grew labored as her free hand burrowed into her jeans and started stroking her pussy. She found she was gushing, which was honestly no surprise.

“Ohh I can’t wait to fuck you Harry... ohh I wish you were awake right now baby... I’d fuck you so good baby... fuck...” Tonks whispered lustfully, her eyes closed as her fingers sank into her wet cunt while she made him squeeze her tits.

“Is that so?”

Three words. That’s all it took for her mind to clear up entirely and with a shriek, Tonks jumped, her hands clutched at her bunched-up shirt. She looked down, only to come face to face with a wide-awake Harry Potter looking at her with a raised eyebrow.


To be continued...



Loving this story so far! This and On the Hunt are both shaping up great! Thanks for the update!

Eric Dettenrieder

I hope Harry gets together with Tonks Hermione and Ginny as well as Fleur. The last two chapters have been very fun to read!