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With a look of firm resolve on his face, Harry Potter jumped into the dark abyss, uncaring of whatever might come.

A grunt sounded out as his feet collided with the hard floor at the bottom of the trapdoor. Harry tried to look around, but the darkness made it very difficult to make out what lay in front of him.

He looked up toward where he fell from, and all he could see was the dimly-glowing outline of the trapdoor with minimal light seeping through. It was barely enough to let him know where the trapdoor existed.

“Well, now what?” He muttered to himself as he looked around. He could make out a few shapes in the distance and turned to walk forward, constantly looking around for any sort of movement or any indication as to where he was supposed to go.

However, try as he might, there was nothing to be seen. As he looked around, he realized that he was in some long hallway, with what seemed like walls on either side of him. With a path set out in front of him, Harry walked forward.

For what felt like hours, the only sound he could hear was that of his feet as they scratched the floor and the sole of his shoe as it struck the hard surface every time he stepped forward. His irritation seemed to be growing with every second that passed, both owing to the monotonous surroundings around him as well as his inability to ascertain where Elena was.

“C’mon Elena, where are you?” He muttered to himself while continuously gazing around, doing all he could to spot even a hint of where she might be. He was sure she was around somewhere, and with slight dread in his stomach, realized that she might be nearby as well.

The question remained, however, just how strong would she be? Elena had managed to overpower her previously but had lost control after some time. One thing was clear though, the entity he had fought in Grimmauld was not one to be taken lightly.

However, he had gone easy on her earlier, all because he had feared that he would hurt Elena. Now he didn’t have to think about that. He could go all out against her if it came down to the two of them, and with a look of utter seriousness, Harry steeled himself.

What was that?’

Harry was jolted out of his thoughts when he heard it. It was faint, but he was sure he heard it.

There again!’

The sound was much louder now, and Harry started sprinting in the direction where he believed it came from.

Another rattle of chains sounded out, this one even closer, and Harry saw a sharp turn in the distance. With heaving breaths, he ran forward before staggering at the turn and twisting sharply.


Harry shouted as he sprinted forward, taking her bound and gagged form in. She was hanging by chains from the ceiling, small lamps scattered all around her that cast her in a frightening glow. Harry’s eyes took in the shadows they formed and an involuntary shudder coursed through him.

Without hesitating, he cast a wandless Relashio at the lock and watched with satisfaction as the chains unlocked before falling to the floor.

Elena tumbled forward and Harry quickly caught her, cradling her naked form in his arms before unfastening his ritual coat and wrapping it around her. He quickly pulled the gag out of her mouth and threw it away where it hit the floor with a clatter.

Cupping her cheeks with his palms, Harry looked her in her teary eyes and captured her lips in a heated kiss. Elena kissed him back with equal enthusiasm, pouring out every bit of emotion into the kiss, her body practically molding itself into his, and Harry pulled her as close to himself as humanly possible.

Nothing mattered to the two at the moment. It felt as if they had been apart from one another for years, decades even, as they smothered each other in their embrace. Harry tightly held her shivering body in his arms, his hands gently caressing her hair and back while Elena clutched the front of his shirt tightly in a fist.

It seemed like hours passed as the two remained wrapped in an intimate embrace, their lips still connected, moving slowly and softly together, full of love and passion, before Harry pulled back slightly to gaze down at her beautiful face.

Her tears aside, she looked exactly the same Elena he had fallen so hard for. And he didn’t even hesitate with his next action. Fuck what his mind felt – he had realized how he actually felt and he was going to delay it no longer.

“I love you,” he whispered with a tearful smile and saw her eyes widen slightly. She gazed at him for a few seconds before giving him a beautiful smile that blinded him even in the absolute dimness all around.

“I love you so much, Harry,” she croaked and coughed slightly. Harry gave her a large smile before he frowned.

“Are you alright?” He asked, checking her over for any injuries or such, and Elena was quick to reassure him.

“I don’t get any physical injuries in this place, Harry. I’m fine,” she whispered, and Harry frowned.

“What even is this place?” He asked, looking around.

“My prison,” she shrugged, and the movement pulled his coat away from her perfect tits. Harry involuntarily stared before coughing and looking away. Elena followed his gaze before flushing slightly and wrapping the coat tightly around her.

“Err... sorry about that,” he muttered bashfully while Elena shook her head.

“Your prison? What do you mean?”

Elena sat down on the floor before patting the spot next to her. Harry complied with her wish and smiled when she cuddled up to him.

“I was kidnapped from Aunt Sophie’s place when I was 10,” Elena began.


“Hmm. I don’t remember much, but there was this lady who told me she knew my father. Being an innocent little girl I was, I happily followed her. Thought I was going to meet my father. However, it turned out that she was someone else altogether. Since then, I was kept in a cell without knowing what was going on. The only saving grace was the fact that she took special care in keeping my physical self in the best condition possible, saying that she wouldn’t have a subpar one. It was only after it was done that I found out that she wanted me to be physically fit and attractive because she wanted to take over my body.”

“Elena...” Harry began hesitatingly, “how much of what happened when we first met true and how much was a part of what she made you say or do?”

Elena frowned before stating angrily, “Never doubt my love for you, Harry Potter. Everything I told you that night, apart from my being a squib was true. She knew you had a soft spot for squibs and how they are treated, so she made me say that I was one. I am magical but untrained. I never got a wizarding education and only had access to a few spell books in that prison which made me learn only the basics. When I was a child, I used to idolize you and hoped you’d come rescue me from my prison, but that went away when I grew up,” she finished with a slight blush on her face. Harry smiled slightly.

“Who was she? The woman who kidnapped you?”

Elena looked at him for a moment before replying.

“Valentina Zabini.”

“The Black Widow?”

“I seem to recall that’s what she is called in some circles, yes.”

Harry frowned.

“There was a boy called Blaise Zabini at Hogwarts. He’s also one of the prominent opposition we face in the Wizengamot, along with Draco Malfoy. She’s his mother.”

“We will talk about the two you mentioned. And Valentina Zabini was basically dead about two decades ago.”


“This woman killed his real mother before taking her place, or rather, she subjugated her soul. Just like she subjugated me,” Elena stated with a downcast look on her face.

“You mean?”

“Yes Harry. The real Valentina Zabini was a victim of the same ritual I was.”

Harry was immensely surprised.

“How do you know all this?”

Elena chuckled humorlessly.

“The ritual has an unintended side-effect. You can see the memories of the previous host. That’s how I know everything that happened to Valentina, and what this bitch did while inhabiting her body,” Elena muttered darkly.

“The more I hear about this vile ritual, the more I find myself feeling sick,” Harry remarked, leaning back against the wall as Elena hummed.

“I remember seeing Valentina in her final moments. She was begging me to end it for her. I would’ve done it for her if I could. But... but I couldn’t do anything,” Elena burst into tears, and Harry embraced her fully.

He let her cry as he rubbed her back soothingly. He could only imagine how Elena must be feeling, and it was awful when he thought about it. The moment was cut off when an awfully familiar voice sounded out.

“My my my... this is an endearing sight, isn’t it?”

Harry and Elena turned sharply toward the voice, only to see a dark-haired woman standing there with a cruel smirk on her face. A very familiar face.

“Hello, my love,” Elena’s lookalike cooed, and Harry bristled.

“Who the fuck are you?” He snarled as he quickly stood up, pulling Elena with him.

The woman tutted in response.

“Come on, my love. I know I was a little rough with you some time ago, but that doesn’t make me deserve such hate.”

“You deserve something much worse,” Harry hissed.

The woman clicked her tongue.

“I like you better when you’re silent, you know? I was happy when I was torturing you, and when you were about to ravage me. Oh I remember that. I really don’t recall feeling that hot and bothered with anyone else. You, Mr. Potter, are a really fantastic kisser. And to think we would’ve been able to go all the way, only if some bitch didn’t get the idea to get rebellious at the worst possible time!”

The woman snarled at Elena, who glared at her defiantly.

“It’s a good thing I did. I really don’t like sharing my man!” Elena grabbed his hand and squeezed, feeling him squeeze back in response. The woman glared at them murderously.

“No matter,” she shrugged, taking deep breaths to calm herself down, “I’ll get enough opportunities to create the sacrifices for the future. After all, this body will easily last a couple of decades.”

Harry’s eyes widened.

“What do you mean sacrifices? What are you talking about?”

“Oh? You want to know about my sacrifices? Elena dear, you didn’t tell him?”

Harry turned toward Elena and asked, “Tell me what?”

“Hey wait now. Leave some story for me as well. She’s said enough,” the woman smirked, “Let’s take a seat and I’ll tell you all you want to know. I have no problem, it’s not like you’ll be leaving anyway. Although I’d have preferred to finish my latest mission in a much pleasurable manner.”

With every syllable that came out of this woman’s mouth, Harry’s questions increased. He saw the woman conjure a chair out of thin air and sit on it with all the regality she could muster. Meanwhile, the two of them remained standing, glaring at the figure in front of them.

“Come on, have a seat. No? Suit yourself then,” she muttered when none of the two made a move to take a seat.

“Alright. So where should I start? Ah yes. The sacrifices. You want to know what I’m talking about?”

Harry gave a curt nod while Elena looked away.

“Well, the sacrifices have to be eight virgin humans with blood relation to the previous host. The closer in relation they are to the host, the better. And which blood relation is the closest?” She asked with a nasty grin.

Harry felt bile rise in his throat as he stared at the woman in horror.

“Yep. That’s the reaction I was hoping for. You certainly didn’t disappoint, Mr. Potter,” she purred, and Elena grit her teeth in anger.

“I was really going to start working on the sacrifices for the ritual I’ll undergo in the future. What a sacrifice it would’ve been! The child of the Man-who-conquered himself! Glorious!”

Harry looked at the woman who seemed to be shivering in ecstasy with a sick look on his face. He couldn’t believe this. It took him forever to find his voice.

“You... you bear children in the body and then sacrifice them!? What kind of a person are you!?” Harry snarled, thoroughly agitated. Elena grabbed his shoulder to stop him from leaping forward while the woman chuckled.

“What kind of a person am I? An immortal one!” She whispered, her arms spread wide.

“Every ritual demands a sacrifice, Harry dear. And if giving a few children makes me live forever, well, is there any need to hesitate?”

Elena was looking at the woman with a look of utter distaste and Harry was no better. This woman was pure evil.

“I’m sure you’ve heard about the reputation of Valentina Zabini, Harry Potter. Yes, you’ve guessed it right. It was me, every single time. All seven of those men gave me their seed, and I took special care of all those sacrifices. Don’t worry, you don’t know any of those seven. It’s the eighth one who I feel you very closely knew. Chance a guess?” The woman smirked.

Harry fought through the haze of anger to think critically for a moment. A minute later his eyes widened.


His whisper reached her ears and she laughed maniacally.

“I see you’ve reached the correct answer. Yes, you are indeed correct, my love.”

“It was you...” Harry whispered, his eyes wide in realization. Elena looked with her fists clenched at her sides, the full force of her glare directed at the woman.

“Yes, it was me. He was a very good lover, you know? Certainly one of the best I had in Valentina’s body. It seems there are certainly some benefits to being with a veela, eh?”

Harry bristled when she laughed again.

“Do you have any idea how many lives and families you’ve destroyed!?”

“Huh? Why should I care about those people?”

“You truly are immoral.”

“I know. I might be immortal but even I don’t have the time to care about such trivial matters. Why waste your time on such irrelevant things when there are much fun things like killing and sex?” She grinned, her perfectly white teeth shining in the dim light.

Harry shook his head. It was useless to debate with evil.

“You said something about a mission.”

The woman frowned for a moment before realization dawned on her and she chuckled.

“Oh yes! It was something those boys asked of me. You know them, don’t you? Blaise and Draco Malfoy. They are really angry with you, and since I have such a solid reputation, the two boys wanted me to take good care of you. I was going to, you know? I’d have given you the best night of your life, Harry. You’d have felt privileged to go out in such a manner. If only someone didn’t spoil the party,” she cast a dark look at Elena, who glared back hatefully.

Harry’s eyes widened when he heard that. So it was planned. His meeting Elena, their interaction, everything. All of it so that this woman could kill him at the behest of two cunts who didn’t want their privileges taken away. At least Elena’s feelings were genuine. He didn’t know what he would’ve done if she had faked them to get closer to him.

“Now, Harry. I don’t care how you managed to find your way in here. But I can assure you that you won’t be leaving now. It’s a shame, really.” She tutted in mock disappointment.

“We could’ve had some real fun together. Agreed, you would’ve died either way, but at least you would’ve gone after having some fun with this,” she brushed her hands over her tits and sides, giving soft squeezes at every curve and bend. Harry frowned.

“You seem to be too sure of yourself.”

“Oh I am. You might have managed to kill Voldemort but you’re no match for me.”

Harry frowned again.

“Just who are you?”

The woman looked at the two people in front of her before flashing a feral grin.

“Why, Harry. You must be knowing of me. I’m as famous as you are, probably even more.”

Harry looked at her, confused.

The woman smirked.

“My name is Morgana le Fay, and I am the daughter of Maul, the greatest wizard ever!”

Harry and Elena had their eyes widened as they looked at the smirking woman, who in turn, simply chuckled.


To be continued...


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