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Story: I’m a Daemon, so what?

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 11: Interlude and Meetings


- Felix -

Once I arrive at the Conference Room, I take the seat at the head of the table as I wait for Saeko to arrive with Carrion.

The Conference Room itself is incredibly luxurious, it’s got a fancy carpet, a nice round wood table that releases a pleasant woodsy aroma. The table can comfortably accommodate about a dozen people, and the chairs surrounding the table are also incredibly luxurious.

Clayman really did enjoy the finer things in life, not that I don’t enjoy them as well.

There is a nice fireplace located to the side, along with a special magic artifact that weakens the will of everyone in the room. Of course if you are strong enough you can brush it off, but against weaker people, it can prove deadly in a negotiation.

I decided to leave it there.

I hear a knock on the door, “Come in.”

The door opens to reveal Saeko, Carrion, and Suphia. At least I think that’s her name.

She’s gotten decently stronger since the last time I saw her, at least she hasn’t been slacking.

“I have completed your order Felix-sama!”

“I can see that, thank you Saeko.” Hearing my thanks, Saeko takes her place behind me as she beams proudly.

That girl is way too easy to make happy.

“Sup boss, I am here to learn what you expect from me as your subordinate. I brought Suphia along as well since she wanted to see you, along with something else which we can talk about a little later.”

I gave Suphia a short nod as she bows to me.

“I see, take a seat Carrion, you too Suphia.”

I wait for them to be seated before I begin talking, “Since you decided to serve me Carrion, there are a few things I want from you. First off, I want the ability to command your military in circumstances where I think it is necessary. Of course I might also order you to accomplish certain tasks as well. I would also like for you to give me 5,000 or so of your men seeing as I don’t currently have an army. Of course I also want an alliance between our two countries, I don’t see a reason to make Eurazania into a vassal state either.”

This might seem like I’m asking for a lot, but I’m really not, Carrion is effectively my subordinate now, he should be doing what I tell him to regardless. I’m trying to make sure I don’t take too much from him, I do still want to keep him happy after all.

His military is incredibly large, to the level where 5,000 is almost nothing. I don’t plan to command his military very often either, I just want to make sure that he understands that I have the power to do so if I desire.

I will also have Megumin train up the soldiers and make sure they are loyal.

Overall, my terms aren’t terrible, especially since he is getting my protection, I don’t mean to brag but I’m really strong now so he is getting quite a lot from my protection alone.

Plus I want to get my own little revenge on him for not talking to me first about becoming my subordinate.

But I also don’t want him to regret swearing allegiance to me, I guess I’m prideful like that.

I observe Carrion’s facial expressions as he considers my requirements, he doesn’t seem to be all that surprised by my demands, he likely expected them seeing as he is a ruler as well.

5,000 soldiers might not seem like all that much when compared to Eurazania’s massive population, but it needs to be kept in mind that a healthy Lycanthrope is generally around A- ranked at the very least when going all out.

“Alright Boss, I can do that, Suphia already wanted to come and serve you so I can send her along with some men for you to start your military off with. You left quite the impression on her the last time you visited hahaha.”

I ignore the blushing Suphia as I wait for Carrion to continue, “The only thing I wish for is your protection, seeing as I am no longer a Demon Lord some other nations might try and test their luck.”

I was already planning to do that, “Alright, I can do that.”

Hmm, should I name him?

No, I don’t think I will, he has the potential to evolve into a True Demon Lord, if I name him he won’t be able to evolve until Odin comes up with the ability to bypass that restriction.

I don’t really need to worry about Carrion’s loyalty, his pride won’t let him betray me. Plus, he’s weak, if he does betray me I won’t let my personal feelings get in the way of killing him.

‘Notice. A method of artificially inducing the Harvest Festival has been devised. The process involves ten times as many souls as a normal Harvest Festival, and is done by using Beelzebuth to break down the souls into pure energy, then transferring it to the individual in question. As a result, a Harvest Festival-like phenomenon is created, with the target individual undergoing an Awakening Evolution, making them an existence equivalent to Demon Lords.’

‘Huh? When did you come up with this Odin?’

‘Notice. A solution was created the moment the Master desired it.’

‘And why didn’t you tell me earlier?’

‘This information was not necessary at the time.’

‘That’s… fair, in the future tell me whenever you come up with a solution to a problem I’m having, don’t wait. Got it?’


‘Why do you sound sulky?’

‘It’s just the Master’s imagination.’

‘Sure it is, whatever.’

Still, 100,000 souls, that’s a lot. I have no clue how I can go about getting that many souls, I may be a Daemon, but even I’m not comfortable going around massacring hundreds of thousands of people.

Maybe I can find a method of artificially creating souls in another world?

Definitely something I need to explore in the future.

Oh well, that’s future me’s problem, fuck past me, that guy always hands over his issues to me. Future me is a savior though, I can always trust him to come up with a solution to my problems, and if all else fails I have Odin.

‘Isn’t that right Odin?’

‘Affirmative, I will always endeavor to be useful to the Master, no matter what.’

‘Thanks Odin, it always fills me with relief knowing I have an overpowered conceptual intelligence to count on.’

Though Odin can probably blow the AI’s from both my past life's movies out of the park.

‘Correct, Odin is by far the most superior skill for the Master, far more suitable than even Raphael.’

‘Huh? It’s almost like you have a rivalry with Raphael. It’s amusing to consider that you and Raphael could be communicating about who is better, or better yet who’s host is better.’

Truly, anime cliches have infected me like a virus.

‘It is just the Master’s imagination, the Master should pay attention to his surroundings.’

Ah, that’s right, still gotta deal with Carrion, thankfully Thought Acceleration made it so I didn’t look like I was spacing out, that would be rude.

I turn towards Suphia, “If you have decided that you wish to serve me, then I’ll have Saeko show you to a room, and show you around.”

Suphia gave me a bow and said, “Thanks Boss! I won’t disappoint you!”

I give her a nod then turn towards Saeko who says, “Would you like me to show her around now, Felix-sama?”

“I would appreciate that Saeko, thanks!”

I wait for Saeko and Suphia to leave before I continue to talk to Carrion.

He ended up informing me about all the intricate details about his country, our conversation ended up finishing around dinner time so I gave Carrion a room for the night, after which I decided to go to bed as well.

I don’t particularly need sleep, I sure as hell do like it though.

As I’m walking to the master bedroom I ponder on what tasks I have to get done, I need to sort out the Dragon’s that Raiden is going to bring, sort out the Daemons Arcueid is going to bring, I’ll probably have to tame the Primordial that Arcueid is bringing along.

Those Primordials can be quite prideful, though it makes sense.

Hopefully she isn’t a handful, I’m already having trouble curbing Megumin’s more destructive tendencies.

Oh well, she’s hot so a lot can be excused.

No matter what anyone tells you, looks do matter.

Then I also need to sort out the Lycantharope’s Carrion is sending, Kurumi should be capable of leading them, I can put Suphia under her command as well. Kurumi doesn’t have much experience, but she is strong and has a good head on her shoulders.

Hmm, I also need more maids, this castle is huge, far too big for Raiden on her own to manage, maybe I’ll have Raiden pick out some people she can train to be maids.

She’s been taking this whole maid thing super seriously so she will probably pick the best of the best.

Once I got to my room I quickly changed into my sleepwear, if I’m rich I might as well live in luxury right?

I grin as I go through my closet, I may not need clothing as I can just make clothes with Material Creation, but I sure do like having extra clothes.

I had Shuna make me a bunch of outfits, from casual wear, to formal wear, I even got a fancy coat made from Dragon Skin made.

As I am getting ready for bed I hear a knock on the door.

Ah, it seems Saeko needs something.

“Come in Saeko.”

I turn to look at her and notice she is still in her purple secretary outfit, she must have just finished showing Suphia around.

She took longer than I thought.

“Did you just finish showing Suphia around?”

“Yes Felix-sama! But that pesky tiger was getting cocky so I had to show her her place!”

Ugh, did they really fight?

I don’t always know what’s going on in my territory as I usually leave the management of my Universal Sense to Odin, who I trust to let me know if anything is happening that requires my attention.

I guess technically this didn’t need my attention.

‘But I’d still like a warning next time Odin!’


‘Now you’re going all silent?’

I stare at Saeko with half lidded eyes, “At least tell me no one was injured or inconvenienced.”

“Of course not Felix-sama! As if that tiger could injure me.”

Ugh, I wasn’t worried about her getting injured, whatever, I’m sure I would have been notified if something had happened.

“Well, other than that I’m assuming everything went well?”

“Yes, I showed the tiger her quarters and showed her around the castle and territory.”

“Good, thank you Saeko, I’m glad I can count on you.”

I turn back towards my dresser as I continue getting ready, “Is there anything else you need?”

“U-umm Felix-sama? May I ask for a reward?”

Hmm, a reward? Well she has been a great subordinate, and a good friend too, maybe over time she could even become something more.

Well, she hasn’t really ever asked for a reward before, I don’t see why I shouldn’t reward her, hopefully she doesn't ask me to try her cooking though.

According to Odin she can use Cook to make her dishes taste delicious, the only downside is that it still looks downright apocalyptic.

And like I said earlier, no matter what anyone else says, looks do matter.

“Sure, what do you need Saeko? I can maybe upgrade your weapon to the Legend Grade if you want?”

I hear clothes rustling and turn around to take a look.


So that’s what she meant.

This is more of a reward for me than for her, but oh well, I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, plus this must have taken a ton of courage for her to do.

I’ll respect that, I observe her as she shivers under my gaze. “Black lace, nice.”

Thank you whoever brought black lace to this world.

I lick my lips as I approach her, “You sure you want this Saeko? There is no backing out once we’ve started.”

“Yes Felix-sama! I was first, I won’t let that hussy Raiden get ahead of me!” She blurted out with a blush on her face.

Oh? So even Raiden is interested? Man am I a lucky guy.

Once I approached her I took her chin in my hand, without any words between us, my blue staring into her purple. I don’t know who made the first move but soon enough our lips met.

I took this opportunity to explore her body more thoroughly, Saeko is a bombshell, and it shows.

Once my hands were groping her ass I lifted her up as she yelped into my mouth and grabbed my arms. I took the chance to insert my tongue inside as she wrapped her legs around me. Her grip on my arms got tighter and tighter as I continued to play with her ass and massage her tongue with my own.

I could tell she was inexperienced, but she made up for it with her enthusiasm. She slid one of her hands towards the back of my head and pushed me even further into her lips.


I took my time exploring her mouth, we only separated once I sensed she was having trouble breathing.

No words were spoken as I carried her towards my bed, I gently laid her down as I explored her body, the haze on my mind was far too much so I used a little bit of my strength to tear off her bra from the middle and take it off.

I restrained myself for a moment to look at her face, she nodded and that was enough for me.

I slowly kissed down her body before eventually reaching her breasts, she moaned and without my mouth covering hers it was far louder than before.

Her nipples were like two appetizing red cherries begging to be eaten, and I didn’t hold back.

I grabbed one of her nipples and pinched it between my thumb and index finger while my mouth latched onto her other one sucking and flicking it with my tongue.

“Mmhh~ Ahhh yeshh~, more Felix-sama!”

I pulled back slightly and murmured, “Call me Felix during this.”

I went back to nipping at her nipple. I felt Saeko hug my head, grab a fistfull of my hair and pull me further into her breast.

I heard her moan harder as I moved my knee between her thighs and rubbed at her core.

I could feel my cock rub at my clothes as I continued to play her body like a fiddle.

After a few minutes of toying with her I felt her body shake and shiver like a leaf in a storm.

After all that foreplay she finally came as if a dam had broken.

I haven’t even directly touched her core and I can already tell she is sopping wet.

I released her nipple and looked at her glazed eyes, I only controlled myself from snapping due to my willpower.

I slowly kissed my way down her body until I got between her legs, this is her first time so I should make it memorable after all.

No one can ever say that I am not a generous lover.

I moved her soggy panties to the side and saw a small tuft of purple hair glistening with her cum above her core. I kissed her lower lips, giving a slight lick to her clit.

Her body jumped in shock, I traced her slit with my tongue as she cried out in ecstasy. After some time I lifted her legs over my shoulders and dove into the feast in front of me. While Saeko’s normal food looked hideous, this looked downright delightful.

“Mmmh Felix~… too much~! Mmmfh.” I lapped at the feast in front of me, flicking my tongue towards her clit once in a while. I used my fingers to further spread her lips out, giving me more access to her pussy. I felt her grip my hair but that only increased my own arousal, I could feel my dick throbbing as I gave her pussy a long lick and latched onto her clit.

I felt her orgasm coming as she spasmed above me, her back arched as she came even harder than before.

Boy is she sensitive.

I quickly cleaned my face of her liquids with magic as I looked up towards her face. Her purple hair was sprawled out all over the bed, I could see a bit of drool at the edge of her mouth, while her eyes looked dazed.

Her breasts were heaving up and down and she tried to catch her breath.

She looked absolutely erotic, I took this time to approach her face and give her another kiss.

This kiss was less erotic and more passionate than before.

We eventually pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes, there was no need for words as I used spatial magic to remove all my clothes.

I adjusted myself on top of her and lined myself up with her dripping core before I slowly rubbed my cock on her slit to make sure she was ready. “Ready?” She nodded and I proceeded to slowly slide myself in.

Once the tip entered her I pulled her closer to me before pressing in more. Slowly but surely I slid my entire length in. Saeko trains and fights a lot so she has no hymen, along with her being properly prepared she didn’t feel any pain.

She felt hot and incredibly wet, far wetter than before.

I could feel her insides massaging my length, I saw her face begin to relax as I slowly got into a comfortable rhythm of thrusting in and out.

Thankfully I was prepared this time, my first time was far far different from this, ugh, I don’t even want to think about it.

I moved a strand of hair away from her face, “You alright Saeko?”

“Mmmmh ahhh~ yes, move mmmah faster mgh please~, it feels so mmuh good~.”

Phew, glad I haven’t lost my touch. I accepted her request and started moving faster as I leaned in towards her breast, taking a nipple into my mouth. I felt her wrap her legs around me as she continued to mewl out her praises.

“Mmmh harder~ Ahhmf, pleashh moore~, I wuv you.”

That caused me to pause for a second, even in my lustful haze I could tell she meant it, I wasn’t ready to say it back as I did not want to lie to her during this, but maybe in the future I won’t have to.

I quickly resumed my thrusts as I heard Saeko cry out.

The room was filled with the sounds of flesh clapping, I felt her come again and again as I continued to thrust. I released her breast and pulled her in for a kiss as we began another round of tongue wars.

I continued to thrust as I played with her nipples, soon enough Saeko started thrusting onto me futilely as she was mostly trapped between me and the bed. I felt my own orgasm approaching so I took hold of her hips then pulled out until just the tip was left inside of her before I pushed back inside and erupted in the process. I shot my cum inside her as she shivered and tightened up before she collapsed on top of me.

Might as well take advantage of my infertility.

“Ghaha, how was that? Hopefully it was memorable enough?”

Saeko blushed a deep shade of red as she hid her face in my chest. It’s quite surprising to see a brash girl like Saeko embarrassed, I chuckled as I pulled out of her.

I still had something to take care of, I was still hard as a rock, my stamina was not to be underestimated, Saeko should be able to take it, her own body is quite strong.

Now, time to continue on with tonight's debauchery.

I got up, and felt someone laying on my chest, I also noticed some purple locks as well. Ah yes, that happened. Saeko is hugging me like a pillow, guess she is a cuddler huh? I wouldn’t have expected it, but I’m not complaining.

Sigh, waking up with someone by my side after so long without sleeping with anyone.

Man does it feel great to finally have gotten laid after so long.

Saeko and I continued throughout the night and only went to bed at dawn, and that too only because I had things I needed to do in the morning. If the two of us wanted, I'm sure we could go on for days.

It’s a good thing we don’t need sleep or getting up would have been a pain.

The room smelled like sex so I used some quick magic to freshen the air up, magic is truly convenient.

Maybe I can find some sort of Sex Magic? That sounds fun.

I heard a cute yawn and looked towards Saeko, it looks like she’s up.

“Huh? Felix-sama! Gah! How embarrassing!”

It seems like she remembers everything we did last night, haha, an embarrassed Saeko is adorable.

I may not love her, but I do care for her a lot. And after last night I have grown to care for her more than before, who knows, maybe in time it will become love. Well that’s for the future, it’s best to live in the present.

“Ghaha, don’t worry Saeko, you didn’t do anything embarrassing, I thought you were quite beautiful”

Something I’ve learned from experience is that pillow talk is just as important as anything else in a relationship. It’s always good to reassure the woman you are with that you appreciate her and that she is cared for. After all, sometimes women spontaneously become self-conscious after sex, I don’t think Saeko is that type of person though.

“F-felix-sama! Do you really think so!?”

“Yes, yes Saeko, you were great, I look forward to doing it again, now I have to get ready, feel free to rest though.”

As I got out of bed I heard her say, “Next time?!”

Man she really is a clutz.

- Raiden -

She looked down towards the Dragons that she saw worthy of serving her master, these Dragon’s were quite resistant to serving someone at first, they are quite prideful after all.

But, all they needed was a little reeducation and they were willing to serve, yes, maybe her master will reward her once she accomplishes the task he ordered her to do?

She turned towards where she felt a few of the more promising Dragon’s approaching from, “Raiden-sama! We are ready to go, we had to beat some of the others into submission, but after some time we did it!”

She turned towards the only Dragon capable of human speech, he was a bit odd, though to reach his level of strength without a name is impressive, she’s sure her master will appreciate him. Though he seemed to be under the impression that she is the one they will be serving rather than her master.

Oh well, she won’t correct him, after all once he meets her master he will surely bow down and proclaim his eternal loyalty as is natural, umu.

She turned to look towards the other Dragons she is bringing, they are a rowdy bunch seeing as they don’t have much intelligence and mostly rely on instinct. She had to beat them into submission at first in order to get them to fall in line.

They are all incredibly weak as well, though even she was weak once upon a time, before she saw the light and met her master.

She is helping these Dragons, they are purposeless, all they do is rampage around and kill other monsters, most of them aren’t even intelligent enough to pursue further strength. She is helping them by giving them a purpose, something to fight for. Her master will treat them well after all.

Those prideful Dragon Lord were a bit annoying to deal with, they were upset at an outsider like her coming in and taking their only source of amusement. But they were far too weak to inconvenience her. They were strong, and smart, but they weren’t strong enough to cause any trouble for her.

She got quite a bit stronger from her Master’s blessing, it would be a waste if she had lost to these unnamed worms.

Saeko should have already had her time with master as was agreed upon when she wished to become her master’s full time maid. Saeko had originally been quite against letting her cook all of master’s meals, but after she promised that she could have her turn with master first she agreed.

She would get her turn to serve her master soon enough, after all it is a maid's duty to make sure their master is completely satisfied in all areas.

“Let us head back, I’m sure my master must be expecting us.”

- Hinata Sakaguchi -

She looked towards her subordinates, The Ten Great Saints, said to be capable of matching a Demon Lord.

What a joke she thought, even she herself didn’t stand a chance against any of the True Demon Lords, let alone them, maybe they could deal with a Demon Lord like Clayman, but against an ascended one….

All of them, including her, needed to become stronger in order to take on those monsters. She knew from experience.

“This meeting is over, we have our orders, God Luminous has told us not to interfere with the Monster Nation Tempest, or the Kingdom of Azeroth, and so we shall follow her orders.”

As they cleared out she contemplated everything that took place during the meeting, to think that Rimuru Tempest is truly an otherworlder, he probably hated her guts for not even attempting to communicate and jumping straight into attacking.

At this point it is clear that the tip she got from the merchant was false.

Hopefully she can convince him that she alone is the one responsible and not the entire Western Holy Church. According to rumors Rimuru is on good terms with Demon Lord Felix White, someone even Luminous was wary of, she did not want to be on his bad side.

And then she had those infuriating Seven Luminaries getting in her way, did they really think she didn’t know what they were up to? Giving her a weapon that can defeat the Storm Dragon Veldora? Yeah right, chances were it would somehow inhibit her in the middle of a fight in the hopes that she gets killed!

Still, to think Rimuru would kill an entire army of twenty thousand in an instant, Demon Lord indeed.

The current lineup of the Demon Lords, The Nine Sovereigns are on an entirely new level in terms of threat level.

Still, something felt off about the whole situation, Rimuru has been trying to be subtle, his takeover of Falmuth hasn’t come out to the public yet, so sending her a message blatantly asking for a fight seemed a bit counterproductive.

Could he hate her to that level where he simply ignores all his other goals? No, from what she knew of him she didn’t think so.

That is unless… an evolution into a Demon Lord changes someone, gaining that much power at once would be difficult for any human soul to handle. She saw herself how much trouble Shizu-sensei had with containing Ifrit. And Rimuru is multiple times more powerful than that.

She considered if Rimuru lost his last shreds of humanity when he ascended.

Sigh, well she will have to see when she goes to meet him, hopefully he can be reasoned with.

- Granbell -

He looked towards his descendants, The Five Elders as they took their seats, the true rulers of the West.

The Council of the West was formed due to their influence, and while the Council seats were theoretically chosen by each individual nation, in practice only those under the Rossos ever got picked.

Their power stretched far beyond their own borders, outclassing that of entire nations with ease. The Rossos could be called the de facto rulers of the West, it was due to their influence that Yuuki Kagurazaka was even able to form his Free Guild.

He looked towards the center of the room where one of his best agents was seated. From the look on Glenda’s face it seems her cover is still intact, truly she is one of his best agents, he lucked out when summoning her and binding her to his will. She even managed to become one of the Ten Great Saints, an impressive feat. And while even with his binding on her he could not completely trust her, but as his beloved Mariabell said, he could trust her desire to live and her Greed for money.

He looked towards the so-called Merchant of Death, Damrada of Gold. “Sir Damrada, it seems your lies have been discovered, have they not?” According to Glenda’s report, Hinata had discovered that she was used to instigate conflict with Rimuru Tempest.

“Heh heh heh, that is correct, but I don’t see an issue with that, I may have lost Hinata Sakaguchi’s trust but I gained something far more valuable, your trust.”

Shrewd businessman indeed.

He ignored his rambling as he considered how to deal with Hinata, Rimuru Tempest, and this new Demon Lord he hadn’t heard about, Felix White.

Though he had heard of an adventurer with the name of Felix.

“We both agree that Hinata needs to be dealt with correct?”

“Of course. Originally Veldora, The Storm Dragon was the Empire’s greatest impediment in claiming The Jura Forest, it does not matter if he is truly under Rimuru Tempest’s control, after all we now know he can be negotiated with. That can be an opportunity for us.”

Hmm, in that scenario they can both win, The Eastern Empire can get rid of a thorn in the form of The Storm Dragon, while he can get rid of Hinata, she has grown far too powerful far too quickly, she stands above even Yuuki Kagurazaka. Then there is that Rimuru Tempest, he does not know what sort of motivation he has for ruling Falmuth, but he does not want that land under the control of a Demon Lord.

They continued to discuss the finer details of the plan before coming to an agreement, “So you want us to deal with Hinata then Sir Damrada? That should be possible.”

“No need to worry there, Hinata saw Rimuru Tempest’s message, she should be marching to Tempest soon.” said Glenda

“I see, that is good to know.”

“But what if Hinata actually kills Demon Lord Rimuru?”

“That can be useful to us as well, but don’t worry, Rimuru is not like Demon Lords like Clayman, he is dangerous. We will have to take care of him sooner or later, but with Veldora on his side it would be ill advised to do so without a plan.”

“I see, I will leave it in your hands then, but what about the Demon Lord Felix? I’ve heard from a verified source that he and Rimuru Tempest are quite close, if both he and Rimuru face Hinata, even she won’t stand a chance. Won’t that be counterproductive as they are likely to take her in for questioning rather than killing her?”

Hmm, he makes a good point, he looked towards Glenda and smiled. Yes, she will do quite nicely, but she won’t be enough to stall a Demon Lord, let alone possibly maim one. While this Demon Lord Felix White should still be in the process of awakening, he used non-human souls for his ascension after all, he is not to be underestimated. Maybe he can have her take one special member from Blood Shadow, the shadow force of the Rossos.

There are some stronger otherworlders part of it, but the one he had in mind was a cut above the rest, she could have even posed a challenge for his younger self. She could have been the leader of the Blood Shadow rather than Glenda, if only she was more proactive. Her ability to control Dragons should also help in their fight against the Demon Lord. After hearing about the new Daemon Demon Lord he ordered his subordinates to investigate him and was able to learn that Demon Lord Felix White has a Dragon subordinate he cares for, something that can be used against him.

If the two of them kill this Demon Lord great, if not then they should at the very least stall him long enough for this Rimuru Tempest to finish Hinata off.

They should be capable of getting away fairly easily as well, Glenda is quite capable at Spatial Motion after all.

He smiled as he began to explain his plan.

- Glenda Attley -

She grit her teeth as she left to go get ready for her suicide mission.

That damn Granbell, sending her against a Demon Lord?! That’s practically suicide, even with the help of her it would be incredibly difficult.

She could suck up being practically enslaved, after all she got paid well, and got stronger. But this?

She needs to find a way to get out of this mission along with her dear friend, she didn’t deserve this, being summoned to another world and enslaved due to the greed of a few people.

She is one of the last people that can be called a Saint, but at least she had a bottom line.

Once she arrived at her destination she heard someone singing, sigh, this is all she does in her free time. A shame that no one else got to hear her beautiful voice.

“Ah, Glenda-san, is that you?”

“Yes, it’s me, I just got back from meeting the Boss, we have a mission coming up, get ready.”

Hopefully she can get the Demon Lord to spare her friend, she can save herself, but Ingvild is far too innocent for this cruel world, no matter what her race is.

- Felix -

I look towards where I sense Raiden coming from, it seems she brought quite a few Dragons, more than I was expecting at least.

About 50 Medium Dragons, and one Arch Dragon, though not a Dragon Lord, still quite impressive. I didn’t expect her to bring an Arch Dragon.

Once all of them are named they will be quite the formidable force.

Not much has happened since Saeko and I slept together, Saeko didn’t seem to want our relationship to change so she went back to being my Secretary, just with some other benefits. Getting a blowjob from under a desk is great, she needed some practice but she got the hang of it quick enough.

Other than that Carrion sent some troops over, I ended up handing them to Megumin to train up and make sure they are loyal. I’m not sure what methods she is using, but going by the screams of misery I’ve been hearing, I think it’s safe to say that her training is incredibly harsh.

Hopefully they will be ready to go under Kurumi’s command soon. I also ended up naming Suphia, seeing as she will be one of my subordinates I wanted to name her, she got a decent power boost from the naming, she ended up being compatible with one of the Unique Skills I had, Amplifier so she got a copy using Beelzebuth.

Odin decomposed both ‘Amplifier’, and ‘Operator’ as well, she said that they were of no use to me so it would be better to decompose them and absorb the energy. I didn’t really disagree with her so I let her go through with it.

If I needed either of those skills again, I can just recreate them with Odin.

Suphia and Saeko developed a bit of a rivalry, though I’m not sure why, as Saeko could beat her in a fight with her eyes closed.

“Ara, it seems Raiden-san is back, would you like me to receive them Felix-sama?”

I turn towards the speaker, Kurumi hasn’t had all that much to do recently other than training so she has been hanging around me, much to the displeasure of Saeko. “No, it’s fine, I will see them myself, knowing Dragons they are probably going to be a pain to get in line at first, they need a show of strength.”

“I see, I will follow you then.”

“Do as you please.”

It doesn’t take long for Raiden to arrive, I approach their landing spot and am immediately greeted by Raiden who practically teleported in front of me, “Greetings master, I have accomplished the task you have assigned me.”

“Hello Raiden, thanks for that, having a bunch of Dragons to throw at armies will definitely be useful should the worst happen.”

“It was my pleasure master, I am honored to be of use.”

Man this chick is taking the whole maid thing super seriously. I turn towards the Dragons, “I’m assuming they are all willing to serve me?”

“Correct, I had to discipline them a lot at first but after sometime they learned their place.”

Ouch, that does not sound fun. I should probably show them the difference in power between us so none of them get any bright ideas later on.

“I see. Listen to me you lot! If any of you think I am not worthy to serve, come and fight me, if you don’t say anything I’ll assume you are all okay with serving me.”

I noticed the only Arch Dragon in the group approaching me, this one had a human form as opposed to the rest, “I will fight you! I was under the impression that we would be serving Raiden-sama, not someone like you? I will beat you and free Raiden-sama from your clutches!”

Gabiru? Is that you? Have you incarnated into a Dragon? Only you could be such a simp.

I could feel an Aura of anger leaking from Raiden and Kurumi, man this guy is not going to have fun once Raiden had her turn with him. She can be quite vicious. And I might not have known Kurumi for long, but she is incredibly loyal, apparently she used to live in a Monster Kingdom similar to Tempest, her mother was the ruler of it. But the Eastern Empire attacked them due to the rich land they were on, and in the process wiped out all of her people except for her. She was given to Clayman as appeasement since the Eastern Empire slightly invaded his land. Ever since then she was enslaved by Clayman and served as his guard dog.

Boy am I glad I killed the fucker.

“Alright, I won’t move at all, throw your best attack at me.”

I watched as a large amount of magicules began to gather in his mouth, it seems he is a fire dragon, but really, a fire breath?

How original.

I waited for him to fully charge it up, it seems like he is putting his all into this one attack, well I did say to do his best.

Even as his fire breath got closer and closer to me I didn’t move, Raiden and Kurumi didn’t move from behind me either. The attack was quite strong, even Clayman would have to defend if he didn’t want to die, though that only makes sense seeing as this Dragon almost completely drained his magicule capacity.

I watched with a smirk as the Dragon was shocked, after all his fire breath wasn't moving anymore. It was caught in my ‘Infinity’ after all.

Too easy, “Well then, are you willing to serve me? Or do I need to show you the difference between us more.” As I said this I flared my Demon Lord’s Haki, I haven’t had a chance to use it yet, I made sure to not direct it at both Raiden and Kurumi, the other Medium Dragons however were not so lucky. They couldn’t even handle a tenth of my Haki for a moment before going unconscious. The Arch Dragon is faring better, but not by much seeing as he is on the ground, barely remaining conscious.

“Y-yes, I-i’m sorry my l-lord.”

I smile as I withdraw my Haki, “It’s fine, I know you Dragons are a prideful lot, though I don’t know if Raiden will be as forgiving.”

I saw him take a look behind me and pale at the look Raiden was sending him, poor guy.

“Alright, get up now, we need to get you and your kin settled in.” It didn’t take too long for the other Dragon’s to regain consciousness, though they seemed to be afraid of me now.

“Alright Raiden, all of these Dragons will be yours to command, we can call it the Dragon Corps, umu, a good name. Make sure to train them up in your free time.”

I started giving names to the Medium Dragons first seeing as they don’t have much intelligence, it’s best to get that sorted out sooner rather than later. Hopefully like Raiden they can evolve after I name them.

I ended up naming all the Medium Dragons with different variants of the word Draco, one was Dracon, the other Dracond, etc. Took a page from Rimuru’s book on that one.

I turned towards the Arch Dragon, I didn’t want to name him the same as the rest seeing as he would be Raiden’s Lieutenant, “Aha, you will be Porunga.” A good name if you ask me, who wouldn’t want to have the same name as a wish granting Dragon.

I watch as he underwent his evolution in the blink of an eye, “Ah, Porunga. Thank you Felix-sama! I will endeavor to serve both you and Raiden-sama well!”

A Dragon Lord, quite strong. He doesn’t have a Unique Skill but those don’t just grow on trees. He should be capable of beating Carrion up now so he will definitely be useful.

I really need to get Carrion stronger, he is probably my weakest direct subordinate. Hell, some of my subordinates underlings are stronger than him.

All of a sudden there was a loud crash, “Haha! I felt your Haki go off Felix-sama! Is there someone to beat up?! I’ve been itching for a fight!”

Gah, god damn it Megumin, “No, there isn’t anyone to fight, all I did was flare my Aura, but if you want a fight how about you spar with one of Raiden’s new subordinates?”

Her eyes immediately locked onto Porunga, she probably felt his Aura as he can’t get it under control yet. This should be a good learning experience for him, hopefully he can get used to his new level of power quickly.

“Oh? If you are asking then he must be strong, alright let’s go!”

I watched as they flew off into the distance, after which I soon heard the sounds of Nuclear Magic, sigh, I really did name her aptly, she really loves her explosions.

I turned towards Raiden, “Can you get the other Dragons settled in? Some of them evolved so make sure they learn to control their new strength, feel free to beat them up if they get uppity, we don’t want them to be overconfident after all.”

“Yes Felix-sama!”

I turned towards Kurumi, “Alright, let’s get back to what we were doing. There is still some stuff I need to do.”

Ugh, hopefully Arcuied gets back soon, I really don’t like administering a nation, even if it isn’t really difficult for me since I just get Odin to do all the work for me.



I hang out in Crossedge’s Discord server https://discord.gg/RNNZyyert4

Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author’s Note:

Sup guys, Felix finally gets laid this chapter, don’t hold it against me if the smut was bad, it’s my first time writing it and it is far harder than I thought it would be. Hopefully I improve over time as I don’t quite like how the smut turned out. We also get to see some kingdom building as Felix slowly builds up his forces.

I also used this chapter to set up some future events, sorry guys, not all chapters can be action packed.


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