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Story: I’m a Daemon, so what?

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 10: The Walpurgis


- Felix -

“Ara ara, was it really wise to do that right now Master?” I hear Arcueid question

I look at Megumin as she undergoes her evolution, I hadn’t meant to name her then and there, but oh well.

It seems that some of the other Demon Lords don’t approve of what I did, whatever, not like their opinions particularly matter in this case.

“It wasn’t on purpose, oh well, nothing I can do about it now.”

Thankfully ‘Magicule Breeder Reactor’ covers my magicule loss, so in case things get messy here I won’t be at a disadvantage.

Once Megumin finishes her evolution I observe her closely, her magicule capacity is about even with Arcueid, the only thing she is inferior in is her host body. Something I will have to fix at some point.

She became a Daemon Duke, and while she likely can’t rival any of the Demon Lords attending in pure magicule count except the seeds like Carrion, and Frey, she should be able to pose a challenge to some of the others.

Megumin along with Arcueid are definitely the strongest attendants at this meeting, only rivaled by Guy’s own maids.

Megumin kneels as she says, “Thank you for granting me a name my lord, I swear to serve you to the best of my ability.”

“Ah, no problem Megumin, naming you helped me after all, the stronger the subordinates I have are the better. Now rise, the Walpurgis should be starting soon.”

She quickly does so and takes her place beside Arcueid.

I look towards Guy Crimson, now that everyone is here we can finally get started, though he himself is staring at me with a creepy smile on his face.

Once he noticed me staring he gave me a wink and turned to everyone else.

“Thank you for attending everyone, now that everyone is here, it’s time for the introductions then we shall commence the Walpurgis.”

The blue haired Daemon took the lead, I think her name is Rain, she’s most likely the Primordial Bleu. And a Daemon Duke on top of that.

“I will now introduce the participants. Daemon, Lord of Darkness: Guy Crimson-sama.”

Ugh, what a chunni title, look at him, he thinks that’s the coolest shit ever.

He is strong though, he has multiple Ultimate Skills and is capable of rivaling Milim, not someone to underestimate.

“Pixie, The Labyrinth: Ramiris-sama. Dragonoid, The Destroyer: Milim Nava-sama. Giant, The Earthquake: Dagruel-sama. Vampire, The Queen of Nightmares: Luminous Valentine-sama.”

This world just thrives on chunni huh? Maybe I should join in? That could be fun.

Another surprising thing was that even though Luminous is a True Demon Lord, she doesn’t have an Ultimate Skill.

It seems like Ultimate Skills are much harder to get than I thought.

“Fallen, The Sleeping Ruler: Dino-sama.”

So that’s one of the Primordial Angels according to Ramiris. One with an Ultimate Skill as well.

“Harpy, The Sky Queen: Frey-sama. Lycanthrope, The Beast Master: Carrion-sama. Demonoid, The Platinum Saber: Leon Cromwell-sama.”

How odd, according to Ramiris he wasn’t always a  Demon Lord, rather he was a True Hero in the past. He ended up becoming a Demon Lord after he killed Demon Lord Kazarem and took his seat.

He also seems to have an Ultimate Skill, something quite difficult to obtain from what I learned from Luminous not having one.

And she’s the Vampire Progenitor.

He is someone to keep an eye on.

Still, how odd, for a Hero to become a Demon Lord.

“Daemon, Felix-sama.”

I need a cool title.

“Finally Slime, The Leader of the Jura Tempest Federation: Rimuru Tempest-sama.”

Gah, even Rimuru has a title.

Rain bows, “That concludes the introductions.”

Guy stood up, “The reason for this meeting is quite simple, Clayman’s dead, we’re here to discuss who his replacement should be.”

He turned to look at me, “Now how about we start with his death, could you explain why you killed him?”

I didn’t sense any hostility from him, hell it seems like no one really cares that I killed Clayman, he must be a shithead to everyone then.

I looked Guy dead in the eye as I said, “He did something he shouldn’t have, so I killed him for it.”

I thought back to that moment, did I feel any guilt over what I did? All the families that I split up.

No, no I didn’t.

I guess I am a Daemon after all.

Guy looked at me with a grin as he said, “That’s it?”

Well, I did need to become a Demon Lord, but the primary factor was the I wanted Clayman dead for what he did, the Harvest Festival was just a side benefit.

Ah, why do I have a feeling that Guy was happy with my answer?

“Yup, that’s it.”



We stared at each other for a few seconds before Guy cracked.

“Pfft, hahahaha, that’s great! I haven't heard of a reason like that for becoming a Demon Lord in a long long while. I have a feeling that you and I are gonna be good friends.”

I stared at him in surprise.

This dude is insane.

Oh well, it worked to my benefit.

He then looked to the other Demon Lords, “Since Felix is more than strong enough for the position of Demon Lord, I recommend for him to join this council, Milim and Ramiris also recommended him earlier, any issue with Felix becoming a Demon Lord?”

I looked at Milim and Ramiris in surprise, they never told me they recommended me.

“Umu! Felix should become a Demon Lord!” said Milim with Ramiris nodding along.

Ramiris floated up to me as she said, “You know, I wouldn’t mind if you became my underling, how about it?”

I gave her a half lidded stare, “I’m good Ramiris.”

“Hey, he can’t be your minion! He’s my Bestie!”

I tuned out Milim and Ramiris’ argument.

“I have no issue.” said Dagruel

“Sounds fine to me.” said Dino, though I have my doubts if he was even listening, it looks like he’s sleeping. The title Sleeping Ruler fits.

“Hmph. I don’t care who becomes a Demon Lord, do what you want.” said Leon

“Gahaha, I don’t have any issues seeing as this guy beat me.” said Carrion with Frey nodding along

I turned towards the last person, Luminous. “I suppose I can give my agreement.”

Seeing as no one raised a complaint he then looked towards me and said, “So what do you say? Want to become a Demon Lord?”

I felt multiple gazes on me, I ignored them and turned to Guy, “Yup, that’s why I’m here after all.”

“Ghaha, great! Seeing as you killed Clayman, you can officially have his territory, do what you want with it. Hmm, now what title should you have?”

Ugh, I really don’t want him to choose my title, with his naming sense I bet it’ll be something chunni as hell.

Seriously? Naming your subordinate Misery?

“If you don’t have an idea we can always call you ‘The Usurper of Black’? You are afterall the current strongest Daemon of the Black Line of Daemons.” Guy asked with a smirk.

“Yeah, use that one! That Noir has always creeped me out!” Megumin shouts out excitedly. Though the look Arcueid is giving her for breaking decorum for the second time in this Walpurgis would likely kill small children.

Hmm, ‘The Usurper of Black’ huh? Not a bad title. And from what I know of Diablo he honestly seems the type to find my title amusing despite its implication.

“That sounds good to me.”

“Good then, we are back to being the Ten Great Demon Lords then, anyone have anything else to say?”

I saw that Frey was about to say something but was cut off by Rimuru getting up and saying, “Yes, I have declared myself a Demon Lord and want to be officially recognized by this council.”

Guy looked towards Rimuru with interest, “Oh? You do know the requirements, yes?”

“I need to be recommended by at least two other Demon Lords, or fight another Demon Lord for their seat.”

“Correct, so which option will you choose.”

Before I could give my recommendation, Frey spoke up.

“I would like to announce something first, I would like to give up my position as a Demon Lord, I do not think as I currently am I am worthy of that title.”

“Huh! Why Frey?!” I do remember Milim and Frey were quite close.

“Back when I first met Felix he was far more powerful than me, and now, I can’t even fathom how strong he has become. Instead I have decided that I am going to serve Milim.”


Everyone seemed surprised by her declaration, even Dino who I haven’t seen do anything except sleep looked at Frey in confusion.

“I therefore relinquish my status as a Demon Lord.”

“Now this was rather sudden.” said Guy

“Wait Frey, you didn’t tell me about any of this!”

“Yes Milim, that would be because it would be a pain to convince you. As I said before, I have a few reasons, the top reason is that I am too weak to be called a Demon Lord.”

“But Frey, aren’t high-speed aerial battles your specialty? I see no reason to put yourself down like this.” Dagruel seems to be adamant on getting Frey to stay.

“That’s true, in an aerial battle I would have the advantage, but simply having the advantage is not enough.”

She then looked to Milim, “Besides Milim, you can’t keep being irresponsible forever, you need to take care of the people in your domain, and I can help you do that. So, will you accept my proposal Milim?”

“Ugh, it isn’t my style to have people under me, hmm, fine! As long as you treat me the same way you can serve me!”

“Ufufu, I’m glad then Milim.”

“Hold on, I have something to say.” said Carrion

I have a feeling I know where this is going.

“I would also like to give up my position as a Demon Lord, I have fought Felix a few times and have been beaten with ease each and every time. Milim was also simply toying with me when we were fighting, at my current level I’m not strong enough for this position. Since I’ve lost to Felix multiple times I believe I should submit to him completely.”


As I looked at him in shock he walked towards me and kneeled as he said, “As of today, I am your subordinate, I’m counting on you, Boss.”

“Hold on, I never agreed to this!”

Seriously dude, what the fuck.

“Ghahaha, I’ve already given up my position as a Demon Lord, so what do you say?”

Hmm, there are benefits to having Carrion as my subordinate, he has the potential to become a True Demon Lord for one, I’ll also be able to utilize all of his forces if I want to.

“Ugh, fine, do what you want.”

“Hahaha, will do, Boss.”

“Are you sure this is what you two want?” asked Guy

Carrion looked towards Guy and said, “I put a lot of thought into this, I’ll still be the King of the Animal Kingdom, I’ll just take orders from Felix.” He then looked towards me, “So if you ever want the Animal Kingdom to do something, just let me know.”

I gave him a short nod. Having stronger subordinates can only be a good thing, I’ll have to make Carrion stronger of course, as he is now he is my weakest direct subordinate. Something I’ll be sure to tell him, he is the kind of guy who will only get motivated by that after all.

“Sigh, I quite liked you too, you might have even awakened in a few centuries, but very well, I accept both your resignations from the Council. As of this moment, both Frey and Carrion are no longer Demon Lords. The two of you are free to serve whomever you please.”

He then looked towards Rimuru, “Seeing as there has been an opening, you can take one of the seats, so long as you are strong enough that is.”

Hearing that Rimuru released the restraint he had on his ‘Aura’ allowing everyone to feel his power, Carrion, Frey and some of the attendants weren’t even able to stand.

Seeing this he quickly reigned in his ‘Aura’.

Guy looked towards everyone and said, “Well then, does anyone have any issues with Rimuru Tempest becoming a Demon Lord?”

No one had any problems seeing as Rimuru was quite strong, on top of being a True Demon Lord, so that was over fairly quickly.

Rimuru’s title ended up being Rising Star: Rimuru Tempest, quite fitting if you ask me.

As of now the current Demon Lords are Guy, Ramiris, Milim, Dagruel, Luminous, Dino, Leon, Me, and then Rimuru.

A grand total of nine.

Hmm, we can’t be called the Ten Great Demon Lords with only Nine Members.

I decide to bring this up, “Hey, since we only have nine members we can’t be called the Ten Great Demon Lords anymore.”


“How unfortunate. We will have to come up with a new name, it’s a matter of dignity.” Why does Dagruel look constipated?

Luminous decided to chime in, “Fortunately we are still in the middle of a Walpurgis, I’m sure we can come up with something good.”

“Ugh, we had to hold Walpurgis over and over again to come up with that name, what a pain.” Even Dino is taking this seriously.

I guess the Walpurgis really is a glorified tea party if they hold it for mundane matters like that.

Luminous then looked at me with a devious smile, “How about the two new members come up with a name?”

Gah! What the fuck Luminous! I suck at names, I had to use names from fictional works in order to name my subordinates! I will have my revenge!

I look towards Guy, surely he will take my side, he said he wanted to be my friend right?

He smirks at me before he says, “Hmm, that’s a good idea, so how about it Felix, do you have any good names?”

Bastard, why are you targeting me?! Rimuru is also a new Demon Lord!

I look towards Rimuru for help, but the little shit is looking to the side pretending he doesn’t see me.

Aha, I know what to do.

I use Thought Acceleration which has been upgraded to increase my perception by ten million times and ask Odin.

‘Odin, can you come up with a name? Surely with all your processing power you are capable of that right?’

‘Answer. It is indeed possible to come up with a few names to choose from. Multiple names have been generated, The Nine Sovereigns, The Infernal Council of Nine, The Ninefold.’

‘Gah! Why the fuck are they all so chuuni?’

‘It is highly likely that The Lord of Darkness Guy Crimson will only accept such names.’

Of course.

Well, I might as well pick the least chuuni of them all.

I stop using Thought Acceleration as I take a sip of my wine and look towards everyone, “How about ‘The Nine Sovereigns’?”

From the looks on everyone’s faces it seems like everyone likes it.

“I like it! It’s the coming of a new age!” Thanks for the enthusiasm Milim.

“Umu! As expected of Felix.” Gah, I don’t know what to say to that Ramiris, I just asked Odin for help….

“Hm... I suppose it will do.” Why is Luminous acting like a tsundere?

“Oh wow, nice, that was quick.” Dino seems happy, he must have hated coming up with a name the last time this happened huh?

“No complaints from me.” Seems like Leon just doesn’t care.

“Hmm, very well then. As of today, we are ‘The Nine Sovereigns’ Khahaha!”

Seeing as everyone is getting up it seems the meeting is over.

Rain stood out and said, “Then I shall once again introduce ‘The Nine Sovereigns’.”

This meeting went well, I’m glad I didn’t have to do something as bothersome as fighting to prove my power.

“Daemon, The Lord of Darkness: Guy Crimson-sama.” Gah, that title man, I guess I might as well embrace the chuuni.

“Pixie, The Labyrinth: Ramiris-sama. Dragonoid, The Destroyer: Milim Nava-sama. Giant, The Earthquake: Dagruel-sama.” Man, Dagruel looks like he just wants this to be over with, poor guy. He must have to go through these kinds of things often.

“Vampire, The Queen of Nightmare: Luminous Valentine-sama. Fallen, The Sleeping Ruler: Dino-sama. Demonoid, The Platinum Saber: Leon Cromwell-sama. Daemon, The Usurper of Black: Felix-sama. And finally, Slime, Rising Star: Rimuru Tempest-sama. This concludes the introductions.”

And that’s how I became a Demon Lord.

We ended up heading to a casual lounge of sorts that was next to the meeting room.

Guy’s maids prepared an extravagant meal for us, and boy did it look delicious.

It wasn’t mandatory to attend, but most of the present Demon Lords did.

The attendants were also allowed to participate, so Arcueid and Megumin took the seats next to me.

As I wait for the food I ponder on how I can go about bridging the gap between Guy and I.

‘Do you have any ideas Odin?’

‘Answer. The easiest way for the Master to gain strength in a relatively short period of time is through acquiring a second name.’

‘A second name? Like a last name or something like Rimuru and Guy both have?’

‘Correct, due to there not being many beings who can name you without consequence it is recommended that the Master is named by the masses. Through spreading your name, the collective belief of the masses can grant enough energy for the Master to give himself a second name.’

‘Through collective belief? So sort of like a legend?’


I see, now how do I go about that. Maybe I can just have Guy spread my name as the Demon Lord Felix White instead of just the Demon Lord Felix?

That’s the name I plan to use anyway, it would be a hassle to have it spread as Demon Lord Felix, only for it to change to Felix White.

“It seems the meeting went well my lord.”

I turn towards Arcueid, “Yeah, I don’t think it could have gone much better, I’m satisfied with the results.”

“Ghaha! I can’t wait til Noir hears about your title! He’s gonna be annoyed for sure!” I give Megumin a half lidded stare, I have a feeling she’s going to be a bit of a trouble maker.

Guy ended up taking the seat across from me, he sent me a smirk as he said, “Khahaha, you caused quite a lot of change today.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

He licked his lips as he said, “No, that only makes me more interested in you, to think that a Daemon of Noir’s own Lineage would surpass him, truly amusing.”

I gave him a raised eyebrow as I said, “Unfortunately I’m not interested in men, though seeing as you can change genders that likely isn’t an issue.”

“Ha, I knew I would like you, far better than Leon tch, always resisting my advances.” He then turned to look towards Arcueid and Megumin, “So how did you get these two prideful ones to serve you? I remember they, along with Violet, were always at each other's necks.”

“Huh! You wanna fight Rouge? Don’t go talkin bad about me to my master!”

“Ara, I find myself agreeing with her.”

“Hmm? Don’t worry about it, I don’t know about how you guys were back in the Demon Realm, but so far you've been great, and Guy, don’t you have Primordial servants of your own? What’s the big deal?”

“Ghaha, the big deal is that no one else has managed to make a Primordial subservient except me, you, and your pal Rimuru.”

Oh? He knows about Diablo then?

“Hmm, that’s fair, even unnamed you Primordials are fairly strong. I can imagine how difficult it would be for most to be able to even challenge you guys, let alone make you a servant.”

“Hmm, your Ultimate Skill, ‘Ouroboros’, what is it? I know this odd barrier of yours is from it, quite the interesting ability.”

Guh, so he does have some sort of copying ability, or at least a way to analyze my skills since he was able to figure out the name. Though seeing as he doesn’t know what it does he shouldn’t have been able to copy it.

“Hmm? It’s just an Ultimate Skill I awakened.”

“That’s all huh? I see. Why don’t you come visit me on the Ice Continent some time? We can chat a bit more there, I’m sure Velzard will also be quite interested in you, you are quite strong after all. Khaha, that will surely be a lot of fun.”

Oh? An invitation huh? Maybe I can get him to spread my name by agreeing?

“Hmm, I don’t see an issue with that, though I do have one condition, nothing that will cost you anything.”

He raised an eyebrow as he looked at me curiously, “Oh? What condition?”

“When you spread the word about the Two New Demon Lords, I would like you to spread my name as Felix White.”

“Haha, wanting to get named by the masses eh?”

Considering his age it isn’t odd that he knows of such a method, hell, he might have even got named through that method.

“Alright, I agree, I might get an interesting opponent out of you in the end. As long as you visit me I will spread your name as Demon Lord Felix White.”

“I agree, I’m curious about the so-called strongest Demon Lord as well.”

“Ghaha! Good, I’ll have an invitation sent to Jistav then.”

I’m gonna need to change the name of my kingdom huh?

Can’t be the Puppet Nation anymore after all.

Guy didn’t want to pry too hard about my Ultimate Skill, so we just made small talk until the food got here.

The food was soon presented to us and boy did it look good. Seeing no reason not to, I dug in, man this is absolutely delicious, I’m definitely going to need to get the recipes.

‘Report. Component analysis complete. It is now possible to recreate the recipes Black Tiger Stew, Grilled Sage Rooster, Golden Peach Sherbet, and Roast Earthensleep Dragon Steak.’

‘Nice! Thanks Odin!’

Umu, this is the least Guy owes me after making me choose a name, the meat used in these recipes comes from A Rank monsters, I’ll have to send someone to gather some for me then. After that I can just give Raiden the recipes and have her cook it for me, she’s also been experimenting with recipes, coming up with her own dishes that have been quite good. I’m looking forward to what other recipes she can come up with.

Having a Dragon maid is truly great.

Hmm, it would be nice if I could go to a world like Food Wars, or Toriko, she could learn quite a bit from those worlds.

Veldora ended up showing up a little later, apparently he was left on a cliffhanger on one of the manga I gave him, and once he got here he decided to stick around, much to the displeasure of Luminous.

- Luminous Valentine -

As she was leaving she pondered on everything that occurred during this meeting.

Those two, Felix and Rimuru Tempest are quite interesting.

To think there would be two new True Demon Lords born at the same time, truly a once in a lifetime event.

They were both incredibly strong as well, though Felix more than Rimuru, he was far stronger than her, maybe even on the level of those old monsters.

Though that Slime isn’t to be underestimated either.

Felix even managed to name a Primordial without looking worse for it, even she would have to be extremely careful when naming beings of their calibur.

To think beings like those could still be born, truly this meeting turned out to be quite interesting. Though Frey and Carrion’s resignation was a surprise, it made sense, but still surprising.

That blasted Lizard is back as well, though he seems to have calmed down. Not that she will forgive him.

Once she was back at Ruberious she felt something was wrong, she could tell there was a fight around here recently.

Once she arrived at the location she rushed towards Hinata, she was badly injured, though nothing fatal. “My Lady, I’m sorry, we couldn’t defeat him.”

She quickly healed Hinata with her Kiss of Love, then drank the full potion Demon Lord Felix gave her to regenerate her vitality. She needs to be in her peak condition in case the attacker is nearby after all.

She will have to thank him for the potion.

Defeat who? Who would dare attack her?

She looked to the side, Roy was already dead.

She watched as Hinata nearly instantly recovered, “What happened Hinata? Who did this?”

“A clown, I was holding him off, but I was unable to defeat him, but then Roy showed up and joined me. That’s when the clown stopped holding back, he quickly dealt with Roy, but he spared me for some reason before he retreated.”

She will mourn Roy later, “Do you know what he was after?”

“No my lady, but he was heading towards the inner sanctum before I intercepted him.”

So he was after her, thankfully he didn’t succeed.

- Felix -

The feast was finished with some fresh fruit being presented, only eight of us were left, Guy, Milim, Ramiris, Dino, Dagruel, Rimuru, Veldora and I. Leon and Luminous left a little while ago.

Dagruel and Veldora were getting along quite well, apparently they used to fight a lot back in the day.

Carrion and Frey also left a little while ago, with me agreeing to meet Carrion later to finalize his servitude to me. After all, if he is going to serve me then his nation is also technically under my command.

I also overheard Ramiris bugging Rimuru about allowing her to move her labyrinth into Tempest. It seems she was getting bored at her old location. Though Rimuru smartly refused, I wouldn't want to deal with Ramiris all day every day either.

I’ve also put some thought into my territory, I plan to have my direct subordinates as the head of the military over whoever it’s under now, that is if there even is a military. I’m not sure if the army I killed was all that Clayman had, but I imagine he had more.

Along with that last I checked Raiden, Saeko, and Kurumi should be able to quite easily take control over Jistav, seeing as they are far stronger than anyone there.

Last I heard they had just fought an undead of sorts that wanted to worship me as a god? I’m not sure what that was about.

The alcohol is great as well, though I had to lower my Abnormal Condition Nullification, much to the displeasure of Odin.

“Ugh! Cough Cough Cough! That’s got some bite to it.” It seems Dino drank too much.

“Ghaha, that’s all you can handle Dino! Watch this!” Oh man, Veldora is going to regret this later. Wait, can True Dragons even get hangovers? Can I?

Dagruel and Guy seemed to be able to handle alcohol quite well though.

Ramiris is black out drunk, It seems that Treyni and Baretta have their hands full dealing with her.

Rimuru ended up leaving with Veldora, I ended up sticking around for a bit longer before eventually leaving with Milim, Arc, Arcueid, and Megumin.

Overall, I had a good time, the other Demon Lords were pretty easy to get along with. The entire meeting went far differently from what I would have expected. I also got a neat little Demon Lord ring that allows you to communicate with any other Demon Lord, regardless of place.

You can make private calls or group calls, though it was made by the Frost Dragon Velzard, so there is a good chance she can listen in on any conversations.

Not a big deal as I had Odin analyze it, now I am capable of creating my own version of the ring.

Once I got to Tempest I checked in with Raiden and Saeko, it seems everything went well on their end.

I’ll have to check out my new territory tomorrow, for now I’m tired.

- Guy Crimson -

What a truly interesting Walpurgis.

Clayman reached too far and got killed as a result, not particularly surprising.

At least his death did something, it caused the awakening of two True Demon Lords.

Two new True Demon Lords will help in his game against Rudra, especially Felix.

He was a Devil Lord, just like him, to think that there would be a Daemon who would reach the same stage as him, and one not even a Primordial.

He was quite magically powerful as well, more powerful than Milim’s base state, but not quite at his own level. Still someone even he would have to take seriously depending on the skills he has.

Something incredibly impressive seeing as who Milim is the daughter of, to surpass that right after his Harvest Festival is absolutely monstrous.

He may even come to match him in raw power after he acquires his second name.

He did consider the possibility that Felix had an ability similar to his own ‘Lucifer’, that or something that provided a boost to his base capabilities. If Felix possessed the ability to copy skills, it wouldn’t be odd for him to have copied ‘Satanael’ and done something similar to him.

He even had Blanc and Jaune serving him.

And his Ultimate Skill.


A Skill he isn’t capable of copying, just like Rudra’s ‘Michael’, a complete wild card if a fight were to occur between the two of them.

It likely has something to do with space seeing what his barrier seems to do.

The slime, Rimuru Tempest was strong as well, he also had an Ultimate Skill, to think he would learn of two new Ultimate Skill wielders on the same day.

There hasn’t been a True Demon Lord with a new Ultimate Skill in centuries, and now there are two?

The times are truly changing, he has a feeling his game with Rudra will soon come to an end.

Noir is also serving Rimuru, to think one such as him would bend the knee to someone.

He noticed Velzard approaching him, “You seem to be in a good mood, did something interesting happen at the Walpurgis?”

“Ghahaha, yes Velzard, today was a truly entertaining day. I haven’t been so excited in centuries.”

“Oh? I didn’t think mere Demon Lords could catch your interest, what happened?”

He went on to explain everything to a now interested Velzard.

“To think there would be another Skill as strong as your ‘Lucifer’, and Rudra’s ‘Michael’, is he truly that strong?”

“Yes. In a fair fight I don’t know for sure who would win between the two of us.”

“Oh? That is incredibly high praise, to think there would be someone new capable of possibly matching you, and potentially me. When you invite him over, do let me know, I’m interested in meeting this Daemon as well now.”

“Hahaha, I will Velzard, I will.”

Guy grinned as he thought of the interesting times approaching.

Hmm, maybe he will invite Felix over after he has settled into his new territory.

- Yuuki Kagurazaka -

The Walpurgis was over and two new Demon Lords have been declared.

He sent out an emergency report to every nation spreading this information, of the two new Disaster-class threats, Rimuru Tempest and Felix White.

To think his plans would backfire so spectacularly, even he hadn’t seen it coming.

And now a Daemon sits on that throne along with Rimuru.

It seems his fellow countryman has also won over Veldora’s allegiance somehow, adding an extra layer of protection to Tempest.

Two of the Demon Lords stepped down and chose to serve other Demon Lords as well.

He will have to find a way to dispose of Orthrus, they might catch unwanted attention from one of the new Demon Lords, and they have been going in a direction he did not approve of for some time now.

Kagali has also been livid over Clayman’s death, he didn’t think she could hate someone just as much as she hated Leon, but color him surprised, the Daemon managed to do it.

He will have to come up with a plan to deal with the new Demon Lords, ‘The Nine Sovereigns’ if he wants his dream to be a reality.

- Felix -

I gaze down and look at my new territory.

It’s been a few days since the Walpurgis, Saeko, Raiden, and Kurumi were able to easily take control over Jistav, or rather Azeroth, I ended up renaming the kingdom to Azeroth seeing as I was a bit of a Warcraft fan in my first life.

It seems Clayman wasn’t the best ruler as none of the Dark Elves seemed to truly mind the change in leadership.

There were some that didn’t approve but Arcueid quickly took care of them, I don’t really want to know how either.

The territory itself is quite well taken care of.

My new castle is surrounded by a bottomless yet lush wetlands. The wetlands act as an environmental barrier as well as a first line of defense.

The wetlands are inhabited by undead under the command of one of Clayman’s former fingers, Adalman.

Adalman ended up deciding to serve me, apparently he is a former Cardinal of the Holy Church, quite impressive.

He was only a step away from becoming a Saint before he was apparently sabotaged by some higher ups of the church causing his death.

He was apparently resurrected as a Wight King by the former Demon Lord Kazarem, and has been serving as the first line of defense since.

Apparently Raiden ended up using some Holy Magic in their fight, though according to her she wasn’t going all out against him, and she was only able to use a lesser form of Holy Magic. What she didn’t expect was for him to request to meet me.

I didn’t even know Raiden knew Holy Magic, apparently she tried some more advanced spells and was upset that they didn’t work, she thought that maybe her faith was lacking which seemed to unnerve her.

Though I corrected her once Odin told me that wasn’t the case.

I decided to help her since I knew what was wrong thanks to Odin. I also know it is possible for believers to call upon their gods power, basically it allows people to use the ‘name’ of their god as a medium to open a soul based channel between them, this can be used to help cast all kinds of magic, at the cost of Magic Power.

I made a pact with her with me as the ‘God’ in the relationship, and her as the ‘Believer’  which allows her to use more powerful Holy Magic while also allowing me to use Holy Magic to a higher level as well. I’m now capable of some extremely high tier Holy Magic, like ‘Disintegration’, the strongest offensive Holy Magic which causes spiritron decay within the target. Basically whatever is in the area of effect gets erased at the speed of light, this includes people’s souls.

A very scary magic if used properly.

However as more people under me start to use Holy Magic, it will be harder for me to maintain as I can’t assist so many people at once.

So I linked together and borrowed the cumulative calculation power of all the people that believe in me to help share the burden. Due to this the burden placed on the user for Holy Magic is low, the power of the Holy Magic is almost entirely dependent on how much ‘Faith’ the user has in their respective god. The stronger the ‘Faith’ the stronger the connection between ‘God’ and ‘Believer’ increasing the power of the Holy Magic.

I wouldn’t have been able to do something like that without Odin’s help though. I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but man Odin is such a cheat.

While I do not have a lot of believers, my subordinates see me as a sort of ‘God’ even if they do not treat me as such, this belief is enough to power the Holy Magic.

This is most likely the system that Luminous also uses, seeing as she has an absolutely massive amount of believers, there is no way she can power them all at once.

Now Raiden can call upon my name, and borrow a portion of my power.

Back to Adalmen, he ended up deciding to serve me as his god, so I’ve left it to him to continue his former duty while also making a pact with him.

However due to his nature as a being that relies on magicules to survive, his Holy Magic was harming him whenever he tried to use it.

Holy Magic can be divided into two categories, first is directly manipulating the spiritrons all around us. Spiritrons are the building blocks of spiritual matter like Magicules, Holy Power, and Aura. Spiritrons also don't have any sort of elemental affinity. The second way that Holy Magic is used is to directly eliminate magicules which is causing Adalman some trouble seeing as he is a being made up of magicules.

I ended up teaching both Adalman, and Raiden a spell that Odin developed that will help them both get used to manipulating spiritrons, and since the spell uses spiritrons, it allows for them to use the spell without difficulty. The spell involves firing small rotating spiritrons at high speeds capable of easily piercing opponents.

However it was rather difficult to perform as the user needed to have a high amount of ‘faith’ in me.

I did end up naming him, causing him to get a fairly decent power boost.

He has a Demon Lord Seed, but I still decided to name him regardless as I wasn’t totally sure of his loyalty.

When you name someone you form a connection with them, Odin can use this connection to monitor all my subordinates if I wish for her to.

He currently has a bond with every undead in the wetlands allowing him complete control over the legions of undead there.

Only once you get past the wetlands can you gain access to my castle.

I’ve been working on redecorating the castle a bit, Clayman had a bunch of rare artifacts, expensive furniture, and paintings stored in his vault, along with whatever was already on display.

That fucker was rich as hell. He had about 5,000 Stellar Gold Coins, each worth 100 Gold Coins. And he also had about 25,000 Gold Coins. Not to mention all the other valuable items he has. Safe to say I’m rich!

Too bad all his riches went to me.

He has a massive wine cellar that contains wine that is centuries old.

They are all well maintained as well, I can’t wait to give some of them a try.

I’ve even got a bunch of instruments, like a grand piano. Apparently Saeko had played an instrument when she was younger, and she seemed especially fond of the violin we discovered. I’m not sure why such an instrument exists in this world, but I’m not complaining.

With Saeko’s personality I could never imagine her playing an instrument, but I was surprised. With some help from Odin I was able to recreate the music sheets from my past life and had taught Saeko how to read them seeing as I used to play the piano in my first life.

We ended up playing a bunch of songs, even some anime openings, that was a lot of fun.

Along with the instruments I also have so much gold that I don’t think I’ll ever run out if I was the only one using it. Though seeing as I have a country to run the gold probably won't last forever.

Thankfully I already have some plans on how to gain some more revenue, and hopefully attract some more residents to my country, seeing as currently there are only Dark Elves residing here, along with some other weak majin that live in villages,and towns around the country.

The population is quite large, multiple times that of Carrion’s Domain, but there is still a lot of land waiting to be developed, as the citizens of my domain are mostly scattered around everywhere, with only some residing closer to my castle.

Each village/town had to pay a certain amount of tax each year, but other than that they were mostly left alone.

My new office is quite impressive as well, it has a beautiful lavender throne along with an exquisitely crafted desk with gold ornaments, and a crystal ball that allows me to observe basically anywhere in my territory with ease.

I also have a large window with a great view, along with a chandelier that hangs in the center of the room.

My favorite part however are the sealed painting as I’ve learned they are called. Basically they are paintings, though they are more like magic artifacts that were created by an incredibly talented artist named Bismarck.

These visually stunning masterpieces depict mythical beasts with incredible realism, to the point that they look like they are alive, they can even subtly shift their poses.

Thankfully Clayman had a bunch stored in his vault so I can switch them out from time to time.

My favorite ones are The Dragon, the Nine Tailed Fox, The Hydra, and The Basilisk.

I really regret not killing Clayman the first time I came here, I could have gotten all these goodies much sooner, and the events that transpired could have been avoided. But maybe it was for the best that it happened, someone like Clayman would have come along at some point either way, and they might have been more difficult to deal with.

That isn’t all either, underneath the castle there are ruins of the former kingdom that used to be here, Amrita.

The only way to gain access to the ruins is through a special gate located in the castle; the gate itself is locked with magic, though Odin was able to get through that fairly easily.

Once you get through the gate there are a bunch of golems that have Unique Grade weapons along with a magical defense mechanism you have to get through.

I ended up destroying the golems and storing the Unique Grade weapons in my vault after fully analyzing them.

I decided to explore it another time as I had other things that I needed to get done.

My alliance with Tempest is also still going strong, and Arcueid said she would be able to create a formal alliance with Dwargon, and Sarion pretty soon.

Clayman already had a trading relationship with Dwargon so there isn’t all that much that needed to be changed with them, Sarion is a bit different however, as they are a country of elves that split off from the branch that moved to Amrita. The Elves of Amrita turned into Dark Elves.

Hopefully Arcueid doesn’t have any trouble building a relationship with Sarion.

Rimuru has already gotten to work building a path from Tempest to my territory so that traders and travelers can have an easier time moving between our two countries.

Rimuru did say he wanted control over the inns, and the amount of tax that needs to be paid when using the road. I didn’t see an issue with it seeing as he was the one building the road.

I’ve left most of the ruling itself to Arcueid, I’m mostly just a willing figurehead that offers protection, humans generally don’t want to invade a Demon Lord’s territory after all.

Arcueid told me that Clayman has trade relations with almost every country on the continent, something incredibly impressive, even I have to admit.

Clayman used to have all sorts of products he used to trade with other countries, though he heavily relied on slave labor in order to create said products.

I told Arcueid to get rid of that practice and to pay all of our workers from now on. Most of the former slave workers ended up staying as they had nowhere else to go.

Hopefully I can make life a little bit better for them over time.

I do have some things I need to worry about like the fact that I am neighbors with the Eastern Empire.

They are not to be underestimated, they have a reputation for having the most advanced military in the world for a reason after all.

Their military power is greater than that of the West’s combined.

The Council of the West is also likely going to be an issue at some point.

It was originally established to deal with monsters and other similar threats, as in general humans need to band together to survive in this world.

Now however they have grown incredibly influential, they control the guild, have a massive amount of funding and sway with all countries part of the council.

They are considered to be what is keeping the Eastern Empire in check, though if what I have heard of the Eastern Empire is true, then I doubt it.

The headquarters of the council are located in Ingrassia along with the headquarters of the guild itself.

The council itself doesn’t have a military, but as they are what funds the guild they have the power to order the guild to do whatever they want, which can be a force on its own.

The council also acts as a mediator of sorts between nations, often waying each country's interests against the others, and managing them to prevent conflict from erupting between them.

Along with that, certain countries could gain more speaking weight within the council itself through money, the more you paid, the more power you had, and if you decide to stop paying, then you lose all the protection the council grants you, whether that is losing access to the Free Guild, or the protection that being part of the council on its own grants you.

Most nations rely solely on the guild to manage monsters, so a lot of nations had no choice but to support the council.

When it comes to war among the nations of the council, there are a few guidelines, for one, they must follow the strict rules that govern warfare, along with having a formal declaration of war.

If one country does not follow these rules, then all the other countries will rally together against that one nation.

When a nation in the council is at war with one not in the council, the rest of the council generally does not intervene, however if the nation in the council is unnecessarily cruel, then that can harm the nation’s standing in the council.

The council also offers defense whenever a nation part of the council is invaded by an outside force, when this happens a nation can request the assistance of the rest of the council. This reason is why there are many smaller nations part of the council as it provides more security.

It is quite similar to the United Nations from my old world.

When compared to that, my nation is definitely lacking. Maybe not in raw power as any of my direct subordinates alone would be a challenge for the council to take on, the rest of my nation is not the same.

My subordinates and I can’t always be there when needed, in these scenarios having other decently strong subordinates can help.

Unfortunately I ended up killing most of the standing military when I went through my Harvest Festival, there are still around 1,000 majins that are left in the military, but they are incredibly weak, likely why they were left behind by Clayman.

Still, I had Megumin take command of the remaining military, hopefully she can get them into shape so they aren’t total fodder.

I definitely need to increase the amount of soldiers I have in the military, thankfully I do have a few ideas on how to go about that.

I sent Raiden to the Caanat Mountains a few days ago. I'm hoping she can recruit some Dragons to serve my nation. Once named, Dragon’s can be quite the fearsome threat for a normal military.

Raiden should be able to handle all the Dragon’s on the mountain, even the Dragon Kings, she is quite strong now, she’s easily a Disaster-class and is only growing stronger.

Having an overpowered maid is great.

She can make me meals and rub my shoulders one moment, then the next moment she can go wipe out an entire army.

Then I also sent Arcueid to gather some Daemons to work for me, she’s the Primordial of White so she has quite a few underlings.

Daemons are quite strong, and according to Arcueid her Lieutenant is quite powerful, he’s been undefeated for tens of thousands of years, Arcueid said he may very well be the strongest Daemon other than the Primordials and of course, me.

I told her to pick up her other rival as well, having three Primordials as servants will be useful, not only are they strong, they each also have legions of subordinates.

Saeko is acting as my secretary, though I don’t really need a secretary seeing as I don’t really do any work.

Delegating all my work to subordinates is great umu.

I look to the side as I sense two people incoming, one of them is decently powerful too.

Ah, it’s just Carrion, took him long enough, we can finally sort out his servitude to me.

Now that I've thought about it, having him as my subordinate can only be a good thing, sure I’m responsible for his nation to a certain extent, but I’m still gaining a lot more than I’m giving.

Maybe I can include a portion of his military into my nation, at least that will bolster my numbers a little bit. Along with that, Beastman can be quite strong as well.

Maybe I can have Kurumi lead them?

I turn towards Saeko, “Could you go and greet Carrion and his subordinates and bring them to the conference room?”

“Of course Felix-sama!” It seems Saeko is excited at finally having something to do, though she seems a little nervous today for some reason.

How odd.

Well, I’m sure she will come to me if she needs anything.

Sigh, well time to do some work, it’s the least I can do seeing as I don’t do nearly as much work as Arcueid, Megumin, or Raiden.

Hopefully Raiden gets back soon, she makes the best Dragon Steak, kinda weird seeing how she is a Dragon, but if she’s not complaining then it should be fine.


I hang out in Crossedge’s Discord server https://discord.gg/RNNZyyert4

Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author’s Note:

Felix finally becomes a Demon Lord in this chapter, the chuuni was heavy in this chapter, and I struggled to write each word, but I got it done. I didn’t want to go the canon way by naming them after stars so it was a pain to come up with something new.

We also finally get to see some kingdom building, our boy Felix is rich af now.

The chapter speed may slow down starting from here out as I can’t rely on canon as much anymore seeing as everything is different now. People will act differently now that Felix’s existence is widely spread, so please be patient.

Anyways, thanks for reading, hope you guys enjoyed!


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